Print Page - There is no excess of sea food but ONLY grass feed beef raised on GMO grass?
Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum
Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Info / News Items / Announcements => Topic started by: raw on December 29, 2014, 01:35:24 pm
Title: There is no excess of sea food but ONLY grass feed beef raised on GMO grass?
Post by: raw on December 29, 2014, 01:35:24 pm
What to do now to maintain Raw paleo diet? (
Title: Re: There is no excess of sea food but ONLY grass feed beef raised on GMO grass?
Post by: sabertooth on December 30, 2014, 08:06:06 am
This kind of news fills me with a rage that just makes me want to hijack a roundup truck and hose down Monsanto headquarters with the toxic poison.
On the heels of new studies that have conclusively proven the dangers of roundup, there continues this push to spray it on everything, and bio engineering grass and spraying it with roundup that will be eaten by cattle is INSANE!
Being a Kentucky native and blessed with some of the best grazing lands on earth, I am witness to a number of practices that are unilaterally undermining the quality of our local pastured animals. Some of the major grass fed operations I have seen are producing bad quality animals. Many keep cost down by feeding low quality hay. Grasses like fescue naturally contain a poisonous mold which is made worse if it is rolled into bails and allowed to get wet. Over cutting of fields lead to animals being fed nutrient poor hay.
The farm where I have been getting sheep carefully source their supplemental hay, and even go so far as to order alfalfa from Canada, because GMO alfalfa has contaminated much of the US supply.
Title: Re: There is no excess of sea food but ONLY grass feed beef raised on GMO grass?
Post by: Raw Matt18 on February 05, 2015, 11:00:51 am
I heard the gmo grass and the roundup can be used in the organic beef because its not regulated or something, does anyone know anything about this?