Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Off Topic => Topic started by: goodsamaritan on January 25, 2015, 12:28:23 am

Title: Pre-Flood Discussions, Theories, Discoveries, Civilizations, Earth Conditions
Post by: goodsamaritan on January 25, 2015, 12:28:23 am
I would like to open up a thread for a depository of knowledge about the Pre-Flood Earth.

Seems from the global flood stories, there really was a global flood.

As paraphrased badly in Genesis Noah's Ark in the Old Testament... to a more detailed Sumerian story as a chapter in the Epic of Gilgamesh... and lots more around the world.

See this short video

Dr Walt Brown 1993 - What Happened to Our Pre Flood Atmosphere (

Hydroplate theory by Dr. Walt Brown in 1993.

Why we raw paleo dieters are having a tough time looking for when paleolithic times were and what conditions did we have during paleolithic times... when human history is incompletely told to us... the oldest civilization with a recorded language is Sumerian... but we know the Big Flood is some 12,000++ (?) or more years ago.

We can see today from many submerged cities, and core samples that show the ocean level is not what it once was.  Earth conditions had changed... very recently.  The food, the air, the landscape, etc....

Search for "pre flood" in and you will be amazed at the number of videos and documentaries showing new research.

Pre flood presentation by Jonathan Gray

Jonathan Gray - The Killing of Paradise Planet - Lost History from the pre-flood world (
Title: Re: Pre-Flood Discussions, Theories, Discoveries, Civilizations, Earth Conditions
Post by: carnut on January 25, 2015, 01:24:30 am
Study of the Bible reveals that the earth has been around for millions of years.  Bad translation begins in the second verse of Genesis 1.  In Hebrew it says, "And the earth BECAME without form and void;"  This obviously means that it was once destroyed a long time before the events commonly called "the creation" recorded later in Genesis.
Title: Re: Pre-Flood Discussions, Theories, Discoveries, Civilizations, Earth Conditions
Post by: nummi on January 25, 2015, 01:27:11 am
Hundreds of cities underwater... globally.
Many around Japan, then India. Hundreds in the Mediterranean sea, which basically used to be a huge valley once, with a big river flowing to the Atlantic from the middle through present-day Gibraltar, basically an extension to present Nile (and probably other rivers). A long and powerful river. So a cataclysmic event, and the Atlantic flowed into the mediterranean valley - a flood.
Then underwater ruins around pacific islands.

And where-ever else.

Rise and fall of continents, polar shifts, polar relocations, cataclysms, etc.

There have been many floods, some worse than others. There will come new floods. Evolution and conditions on this planet are not calm and steady, never have been that naturally nor manipulatively. And from present day back to the "paleolithic"... the changes in between in all aspects... "paleolithic" means nothing to us, it cannot mean anything. Taking paleolithic as an example of something or anything, when the fact is you really cannot know how it actually was back then, and imitating those presumed (believed) qualities out in present day simply because they are presumed (believed) to be correct, is not smart nor healthy.

In regards to diet and health. Not "paleolithic" but "what works best in present world". Saying paleolithic works best is simply wrong. You may eat raw animals and whatever else and however else, but you are not eating a paleolithic diet, because this isn't paleolithic, nor have we access to paleolithic foods in their paleolithic condition.
Title: Re: Pre-Flood Discussions, Theories, Discoveries, Civilizations, Earth Conditions
Post by: JeuneKoq on January 25, 2015, 03:33:57 am
Shouldn't this go in the philosophy/conspiracy/etc... section?

Members of this forum already said they didn't want religious/spiritual-theory stuff like that to be visible to every visitor, as it would understandably scare off the more...pragmatic bunch.
Be it truth or not, of course.
Title: Re: Pre-Flood Discussions, Theories, Discoveries, Civilizations, Earth Conditions
Post by: goodsamaritan on January 25, 2015, 08:06:12 am
Shouldn't this go in the philosophy/conspiracy/etc... section?

Members of this forum already said they didn't want religious/spiritual-theory stuff like that to be visible to every visitor, as it would understandably scare off the more...pragmatic bunch.
Be it truth or not, of course.

Pre flood underwater cities and core samples above are so mainstream in 2015.  This should not be hidden from public view in this forum. Our audience are not just those creationists who believe the earth is 6,000 yrs old.

And one more important thing...

This is NOT religion.
This is NOT spiritualism.
This is NOT conspiracy.

This thread is about HARD CORE archeology... evidence... you can look, touch, feel, taste... SCIENCE... no political correctness... no self censoring...

Any mention about old testament books and other ancient texts is not religion... mention about babylonian text is not religion... mention about greeks and atlantis is not religion... mention about sumerians and their libraries is not religion... mention of sri langkan ancient language texts is also not religion.

My personal disclosure: If I want to be more specific about it I can tell you outright that I am not religious... never was... probably never will be... there is a DEFECT in my sheeple programming "gene"... maybe got wiped out... not even in my memories of 4 years old 5 years old my mom and grandma dragging me to church... did I ever "buy" into religion... it just does not work for me.

Granted that... I am not adverse to reading ancient text that could provide clues to human history. 

But now we have core sampling technology... we have satellites and underwater cities... underwater archeology... all this new 21st century stuff... are NOT about religion.

My Pro-Life attitude about life is precisely because I am not religious... the only immortality I look forward to is genetic immortality...

If you are inferring that this topic is about ALIENS... NO.... That topic about Annunaki being the gods of the old testament is NOT THIS THREAD.  That belongs in the members area for those who do not want ALIENS discussed publicly.  Go there (
Title: Re: Pre-Flood Discussions, Theories, Discoveries, Civilizations, Earth Conditions
Post by: goodsamaritan on January 25, 2015, 11:18:55 am

The sunken Continent of the Tamil (


A Dictionary Project of the Government of Tamil Nadu (the Government of South India) published the following Timeline for the History of the Tamil people:

200 000 to 50 000 BC: Evolution of the Tamil and their Language
50 000 BC: Kumari Kandam Civilization
16 000 BC: Kumari Kandam Submerged
6087 BC: Second Tamil Kingdom established
1780 BC: Third Tamil Kingdom established

Scientists have acknowledged that the language, the people, the culture and the literature are some of the oldest to be found on earth - anywhere.
Title: Re: Pre-Flood Discussions, Theories, Discoveries, Civilizations, Earth Conditions
Post by: goodsamaritan on January 25, 2015, 11:43:38 am
A Gallery of Ancient Underwater Ruins (



Title: Re: Pre-Flood Discussions, Theories, Discoveries, Civilizations, Earth Conditions
Post by: Joy2012 on January 26, 2015, 01:12:37 pm
fantastic underwater pictures.
Title: Re: Pre-Flood Discussions, Theories, Discoveries, Civilizations, Earth Conditions
Post by: goodsamaritan on January 30, 2015, 08:38:12 am
This is what happens when you have ENGINEERS (like me) analyzing ancient structures.


Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt. (

The great Giza Pyramid is theorized to be pre-flood.


Understanding the Giza Free Energy Power System. Reverse Engineering the Pyramid, Just Add Water.

Understanding the Giza Free Energy Power System. Reverse Engineering the Pyramid, Just Add Water. (

Published on Nov 21, 2013 (

The designers of the pyramid used many natural features of the elements to make the pyramid run. I hope you can follow along, I will be glad to answer any questions.

contact at Great Giza Pyramid dot com

657.229.GIZA(4492) voice/sms/text (NO MMS/photos at this time)

Hyperlinks to the images used can be found on the website, or if this is an old video by request.
Title: Re: Pre-Flood Discussions, Theories, Discoveries, Civilizations, Earth Conditions
Post by: goodsamaritan on January 30, 2015, 08:45:35 am
Forbidden Archeology: SUPPRESSED New Evidence of Early Man - HD FEATURE FILM

Forbidden Archeology: SUPPRESSED New Evidence of Early Man - HD FEATURE FILM (

Published on Aug 30, 2012

From the EMMY AWARD WINNING Producers of "The Mystery of the Sphinx" and the Producers of "The Mysterious Origins of Man" comes a new ground breaking film about "New Evidence of Early Man: SUPPRESSED." What happens when scientific evidence conflicts with theory? In the early sixties, discoveries were made in Central Mexico, which were the handiwork of early man. Exquisitely carved animal bones and advanced spear points caused much excitement, including a Life Magazine article, until the dates came in. 5 mutually exclusive geological tests revealed they were over 250,000 years old. In spite of the geochronology, archaeologists insisted the dates were too ridiculously old. This world-class archaeological region became off-limits for official research, a "professional forbidden zone."

This is the story of the shocking events that occurred, told first-hand by many of the actual participants. It reveals how one field of science can conflict with another and how new discoveries must battle evidence vs. belief, exposing what some have called "the dark side of archaeology."

New Evidence of Early Man: SUPPRESSED - Coming to DVD from UFOTV®. For More Information Go to (

    Partner rating
        No mature content
        UFOTV® Presents
    Release date
    Running time
        Science & Tech
        Standard YouTube License


Evidence of humans in the NEW WORLD / AMERICAS 20k - 500k years ago.

Carbon dating not reliable for very old stuff.


The Mysterious Origins of Man

(they go around the world)

The Mysterious Origins of Man (