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Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Off Topic => Topic started by: TylerDurden on April 03, 2015, 05:02:56 pm

Title: Worrying air-pollution article
Post by: TylerDurden on April 03, 2015, 05:02:56 pm (

Not sure how to avoid air-pollution effects when living in an urban area. I hope a raw diet is enough.
Title: Re: Worrying air-pollution article
Post by: Iguana on April 03, 2015, 06:36:48 pm
Enough to avoid air-pollution effects?
Title: Re: Worrying air-pollution article
Post by: TylerDurden on April 03, 2015, 08:30:40 pm
Enough to avoid air-pollution effects?
Title: Re: Worrying air-pollution article
Post by: goodsamaritan on April 03, 2015, 10:16:44 pm
Urban air pollution can be deadly. I know people who got well by leaving the city for pristine living conditions.
Title: Re: Worrying air-pollution article
Post by: JeuneKoq on April 03, 2015, 10:43:14 pm
That's it guys, I think it's time we start a Raw Paleo colony on an island far away from pesticides and car fumes...

Does anyone know if living in the countryside really is healthier than living in town, considering the fact that while city air might be full of bad stuff from car fumes, country air might not be better because of the higher amounts of endocrine-disruptive pesticides?

I'm lucky enough to live in an area that is rather green, but not too far away from the city. It's definitely not countryside though. Not that I mind that much, as I'd rather live here than in the middle of giant monotonous corn fields.
Title: Re: Worrying air-pollution article
Post by: Iguana on April 03, 2015, 11:01:52 pm
Not sure how to avoid air-pollution effects when living in an urban area. I hope a raw diet is enough.

A raw diet may prevent the health hazards due to cooked food, but it doesn’t remove those due to air pollution, of course !

Filling your car’s tank with the proper fuel doesn’t insure that it won’t breakdown because you didn’t change a busted air filter or do not keep the oil level over the minimum level.

Does anyone know if living in the countryside really is healthier than living in town, considering the fact that while city air might be full of bad stuff from car fumes, country air might not be better because of the higher amounts of endocrine-disruptive pesticides?

There are different types of countryside! Where I live now there is very little agriculture and the only one farmer doesn’t use pesticides.
Title: Re: Worrying air-pollution article
Post by: Raw Matt18 on April 03, 2015, 11:59:58 pm
I have a ranch, not mine, but I go and stay there and I feel noticeably better.
Title: Re: Worrying air-pollution article
Post by: TylerDurden on April 04, 2015, 01:43:00 am
A raw diet may prevent the health hazards due to cooked food, but it doesn’t remove those due to air pollution, of course !

Heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons  are not only components of car-exhaust fumes but also toxins created by cooking. So I would imagine that if the body can get rid of such toxins derived from diet, they can also get rid of the same toxins derived from car-exhaust fumes.
Title: Re: Worrying air-pollution article
Post by: cherimoya_kid on April 04, 2015, 01:50:31 am
Heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons  are not only components of car-exhaust fumes but also toxins created by cooking. So I would imagine that if the body can get rid of such toxins derived from diet, they can also get rid of the same toxins derived from car-exhaust fumes.

Yeah, and ultimately, this diet is about survival, not purity and perfection. That's a lesson that most people eventually learn, I think.
Title: Re: Worrying air-pollution article
Post by: Iguana on April 04, 2015, 03:25:37 am
Heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons  are not only components of car-exhaust fumes but also toxins created by cooking. So I would imagine that if the body can get rid of such toxins derived from diet, they can also get rid of the same toxins derived from car-exhaust fumes.
No point in eating raw then, since “the body can get rid of such toxins derived from diet” ! Where does your logic stand?

And by the way, PAHs are only a very slight fraction of engines’ exhaust toxic emissions, the main ones being CO,  HC, NOx and soot particles, which are all quite different of the toxins in food on one hand and on other hand are not ingested but inhaled.   
Title: Re: Worrying air-pollution article
Post by: TylerDurden on April 04, 2015, 03:59:42 am
No point in eating raw then, since “the body can get rid of such toxins derived from diet” ! Where does your logic stand?

I meant that the body has a limited ability to get rid of toxins on a daily basis, whether ingested or absorbed via the air etc. Obviously, when we eat a cooked food diet we overload the body's limited ability to detox. However, my idea was that if we are already eating 100% raw AND yet are subject to air-pollution, then MAYBE we might be able to use the body's ability to detox to get rid of the effects of air-pollution since we are not absorbing any toxins via  our raw food diet. I suppose our ability to detox might be a problem in heavily overpolluted regions such as Beijing or Mexico City, though.
Title: Re: Worrying air-pollution article
Post by: JeuneKoq on April 04, 2015, 04:02:11 am
Tyler is right in the sense that a properly fed body can better deal with all sorts of pollutants, from any sources, since it is relieved of having to deal with the ones coming from food. Less enemies to fight.

Iguana is also right: while we're at it why not get rid of other forms of toxins so our body can function extra-well , and offer us even higher quality of life.

Makes you wonder how Paleo man enjoyed his life with optimal nutrition, pure air, no EMFs, daily exercise etc...
Then again he had to fight his way through other obstacles to experience the Joy of Living.
Title: Re: Worrying air-pollution article
Post by: Iguana on April 04, 2015, 05:53:27 am
I meant that the body has a limited ability to get rid of toxins on a daily basis, whether ingested or absorbed via the air etc. Obviously, when we eat a cooked food diet we overload the body's limited ability to detox. However, my idea was that if we are already eating 100% raw AND yet are subject to air-pollution, then MAYBE we might be able to use the body's ability to detox to get rid of the effects of air-pollution since we are not absorbing any toxins via  our raw food diet. I suppose our ability to detox might be a problem in heavily overpolluted regions such as Beijing or Mexico City, though.


Or maybe we become less tolerant, our immune system reacting more readily to toxins — be they food born or airborne. It is probably advantageous in the long run, but really annoying in the short run. I had to stop my job because I could no longer stand the exhaust gas.