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Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Health => Topic started by: Raw Matt18 on April 22, 2015, 01:11:46 am

Title: adrenal problems
Post by: Raw Matt18 on April 22, 2015, 01:11:46 am
I have always grown up with ADHD and anxiety disorders very hyperactive. I think this has been the cause, does anyone know how to calm them? I've tried av nut formula and cooked starch with raw fat and got no results.
Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: raw-al on April 22, 2015, 03:02:52 am
How is the rest of your diet? Are you eating or converting to a raw diet?
Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: TylerDurden on April 22, 2015, 03:44:19 am
Avoid AV-inspired ideas like those 2.

My suggestion, if you have already gotten used to eating raw, fresh meat on a regular basis is to try eating "high-meat" regularly. It really helps boost concentration and alertness and makes one a lot calmer.

You could also try yoga or meditation. That is very calming. Oh yes, also consider using computer subliminals such as the windows software package from the thinkrightnow website. Those have all helped me.

If you are lucky enough to find a source of raw grassfed/wild adrenal gland, then that would be a great idea. Just be very careful to eat only a tiny fraction of such  a gland at any one meal, judging from reports.
Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: Raw Matt18 on April 22, 2015, 03:56:55 am
How is the rest of your diet? Are you eating or converting to a raw diet?

Yes I've been straight raw paleo for 7 months, the only thing that has ever calmed my adrenals is antidepressants.
Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: Raw Matt18 on April 22, 2015, 03:58:10 am
Avoid AV-inspired ideas like those 2.

My suggestion, if you have already gotten used to eating raw, fresh meat on a regular basis is to try eating "high-meat" regularly. It really helps boost concentration and alertness and makes one a lot calmer.

You could also try yoga or meditation. That is very calming. Oh yes, also consider using computer subliminals such as the windows software package from the thinkrightnow website. Those have all helped me.

If you are lucky enough to find a source of raw grassfed/wild adrenal gland, then that would be a great idea. Just be very careful to eat only a tiny fraction of such  a gland at any one meal, judging from reports.

Yes I've been eating about a hand full of high-meat a day it certainly helps, but it doesn't cure tho it does help a little.
Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: TylerDurden on April 22, 2015, 04:03:09 am
I hope you are not taking anti-depressants at the moment?

Hmm, one of my ideas was to try eating high-meat as my main course. So, a plateful of high-meat a day instead of just a handful. I admit that the effect does seem to wear out after some weeks of using it, so that one has to have a break of a few weeks inbetween trying again, but it is at least partially useful.
Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: Raw Matt18 on April 22, 2015, 04:07:05 am
I hope you are not taking anti-depressants at the moment?

Hmm, one of my ideas was to try eating high-meat as my main course. So, a plateful of high-meat a day instead of just a handful. I admit that the effect does seem to wear out after some weeks of using it, so that one has to have a break of a few weeks inbetween trying again, but it is at least partially useful.

No I'm not I had a bad reaction with Zoloft and I've stopped taking them since, when I took celexa it saved my life for 6 months but the greatness from the drug, the emotional well-being was remarkable, I'm trying to reach that peak that I was on but with diet instead of drugs.
Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: jessica on April 22, 2015, 09:40:07 am
you probably need to figure out what in your LIFE is the source of anxiety.  are you at a job or in school for a career that isnt really fulfilling?  are you in a shitty relationship you are hanging onto because of low self esteem? are you not engaging in certain activities because you fear judgement?  are there slight modifications to your daily schedule you can make to free up more time for the things you love?  do you spend to much time on hobbies or habits that you know lead to anxiety or adhd, like video games etcetc where you are in your mind and not paying attention to your bodies needs?  do you over exercise?  do you have a bad sleep schedule? 
Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: Raw Matt18 on April 22, 2015, 10:45:48 am
you probably need to figure out what in your LIFE is the source of anxiety.  are you at a job or in school for a career that isnt really fulfilling?  are you in a shitty relationship you are hanging onto because of low self esteem? are you not engaging in certain activities because you fear judgement?  are there slight modifications to your daily schedule you can make to free up more time for the things you love?  do you spend to much time on hobbies or habits that you know lead to anxiety or adhd, like video games etcetc where you are in your mind and not paying attention to your bodies needs?  do you over exercise?  do you have a bad sleep schedule?

I don't mean to sound rude but anxiety is a health problem, people seem to think there's always some cause behind it when there's not.
Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: jessica on April 22, 2015, 11:37:44 am
lifestyle has an effect on physical issues, thus lifestyle can contribute to HEALTH problems.
Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: Raw Matt18 on April 22, 2015, 12:48:29 pm
Yes lifestyle can, like exercise and sleep and things like that, I'm talking about experiences, a lot of people think experiences cause anxiety disorders and its just not true.
Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: raw-al on April 22, 2015, 01:01:32 pm
Yes lifestyle can, like exercise and sleep and things like that, I'm talking about experiences, a lot of people think experiences cause anxiety disorders and its just not true.
It's kind of like the dog chasing the tail. Anxiety can cause poor lifestyle choices (diet for instance)which can make the anxiety worse, which can make a person make even worse choices. The reverse can also happen, for instance if you do as Tyler suggested the physical component of the anxiety may be relieved which makes you less inclined to make poor lifestyle choices and so on.

There are things from our past that push us to do things on a level that is way below a conscious level. For us guys we are less likely to admit it, and conversely the ladies will sometimes go overboard and put a bit too much weight on it. Of course these statements are a bit broad brush but....

It's a bit hard to explain and  sounds a bit airee fairee but there is truth to it. Took me many years to figure out the extent of the truth of it. (I'm 62)
Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: raw-al on April 23, 2015, 05:05:26 am
Listen to the interview with the producer of the film "Bipolarized".. (

Listen to the interview with Gwen Olsen: (
Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: DarkMonk81 on April 23, 2015, 05:54:37 am
In my opinion I'd say, take tyler's advise on this one, especially where he mentions yoga & meditation. I was diagnosed with all kinds of stuff (including ADHD) and was prescribed anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, uppers, downers and all kinds of crap. (Not to mention all the non-prescription drugs I was using as well). It took me years to get off (and stay off) all that stuff and that was before I started connecting the dots between mental health and diet. (so in some ways you have the edge on me).

For me one of the biggest factors was spirituality (however you get it). Personally yoga & meditation has helped me a ton. It really seems to me that there is a huge connection between mind, body and spirit. If I keep my body and spirit in order my mind seems to work itself out.

Also a big thing that's helped a ton with fixing up my adrenals and getting rid of sugar & caffeine in my diet. (they are both very subtle stimulants that can wreck havoc on your adrenals.)
Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: marcuspaleo on April 24, 2015, 08:51:44 pm
Yes I've been straight raw paleo for 7 months, the only thing that has ever calmed my adrenals is antidepressants.

Can you describe that experience? I  I thought they were terrible but a friends wife has taken them recently and she said they helped her immensely. Im interested to get another perspective other than mine.

Also, why do you think its your adrenals? Have you had your cortisol levels tested? Test your temperature- if its low and fluctuates it could be your adrenals are functioning poorly.

My suggestion:
Take large doses of Vitamin C. Like 5 grams a day.
B vitamins and magnesium/calcium.
An adrenal glandular extract.

There is good information in this article:

Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: raw-al on April 25, 2015, 05:47:35 am
If large doses of Vit C are apropos, an even easier way to do is with liposomal Vit C. It is a lot easier to take and apparently about ten times more effective.

You can make your own (
Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: Raw Matt18 on May 03, 2015, 06:53:35 am
I've been alkalizing and seeing them being cured, I've been drinking water with apple cider vinegar and complete cut fruit from my diet except avocados. They are being cured
Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: jessica on May 03, 2015, 09:23:01 am
take the apple cider vinegar as a shot or with a straw, that shit will eat your teeth.
Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: cherimoya_kid on May 03, 2015, 09:29:55 am
take the apple cider vinegar as a shot or with a straw, that shit will eat your teeth.

Also swish with some bone meal or clay afterwards. Good point, Jessica.
Title: Re: adrenal problems
Post by: Victor29 on May 16, 2015, 05:31:29 pm
Hypoglycemia is the common cause of anxiety and ADHD.

This author has many posts about it _

Inflammatory process in the intestines/bad digestion causes hypoglycemia.

B-complex, omega 3 (salmon oil and cod liver oil), lecithin, magnesium, zinc,...