Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Health => Topic started by: DonJon on May 13, 2015, 04:19:05 am

Title: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: DonJon on May 13, 2015, 04:19:05 am
How do you guys know when your hungry and how many times a day should we really be eating for optimal health? I've heard that your stomach growling is not a sign of hunger, but rather your intestines telling your body they don't want food and want to cleanse, and that a dry taste in your throat is a sign of hunger. Back in the day we didn't drink water so much to quench thirst, we would hydrate through foods.

I've also heard that juicing is not very good for you as the body was not meant to take in an abnormal amount of nutrients at once, and the juicing high you get is your bodies way of handling an overdose of a substance, similar to how we create mucus to protect against toxins from onions or too much sugar. 
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: cherimoya_kid on May 13, 2015, 06:08:20 am
Juicing works better for some people than others. I rarely do it, but I'm not really against it.

As far as amounts of food, I eat twice a day, lunch and supper. I eat mono-style, 2-6 different foods.
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: DonJon on May 14, 2015, 08:11:23 am
What does your diet look like?
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: goodsamaritan on May 14, 2015, 08:23:48 am
Depends how old you are and what kind of activities you are doing daily.
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: cherimoya_kid on May 14, 2015, 11:56:47 am
What does your diet look like?

wild-caught fish, shellfish, and fruit. I also eat some seaweeds, nuts, honey, and a little grassfed meat.
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: Victor29 on May 16, 2015, 04:48:47 pm
Healthy body will tell you how much to eat by being hungry.

People who are hungry all the time or overeat are missing some nutrient or have malabsorption problems.
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: DonJon on June 02, 2015, 02:20:38 pm
What do you guys think about ground beef from grocery store? I've heard it has heavy metal residue from the grinding process, and possible chemicals for storing. Any thoughts on how much better or worse ground meat is than regular cuts? What about meats grounded once versus twice?
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: DonJon on June 02, 2015, 02:22:07 pm
How do you prepare see weed? Raw and soaked?
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: cherimoya_kid on June 03, 2015, 12:28:56 am
What do you guys think about ground beef from grocery store? I've heard it has heavy metal residue from the grinding process, and possible chemicals for storing. Any thoughts on how much better or worse ground meat is than regular cuts? What about meats grounded once versus twice?

Grassfed is by FAR the most important issue. And when I say grass, I mean fresh living grass, not hay.
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: cherimoya_kid on June 03, 2015, 12:29:28 am
How do you prepare see weed? Raw and soaked?

I just eat it straight from the bag, dry, generally with fish.
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: DonJon on June 04, 2015, 09:15:02 am
If it's organic 100% grass fed can they still get away with using hay?
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: DonJon on June 04, 2015, 09:43:33 am
I was wondering if you guys take any magnesium supplements? If so where do you get them from? Many have been recommending I take salt and mg in water.
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: cherimoya_kid on June 04, 2015, 11:26:51 am
If it's organic 100% grass fed can they still get away with using hay?

Yes, definitely. You need to verify.
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: cherimoya_kid on June 04, 2015, 11:28:16 am
I was wondering if you guys take any magnesium supplements? If so where do you get them from? Many have been recommending I take salt and mg in water.

I have in the past. Most grocery stores carry them. Try to get ones without magnesium stearate, if you get any.
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: DonJon on June 05, 2015, 07:57:07 am
How would you compare a meal of cooked meat compared to a meal of fruit and veggies? I go out to eat all the time and it's hard to decide on what to order...I've also heard its good to eat a salad after cooked meat to help move things a long gi tract??
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: cherimoya_kid on June 05, 2015, 08:20:22 am
How would you compare a meal of cooked meat compared to a meal of fruit and veggies? I go out to eat all the time and it's hard to decide on what to order...I've also heard its good to eat a salad after cooked meat to help move things a long gi tract??

It depends on the quality of the meat, and how heavily it's cooked. The quality of the fruits and veggies matters too. 
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: DonJon on June 06, 2015, 10:41:36 am
High quality meat slow cooked low temp or seared (rare) at low or med temp. Organic fruits and veggies from grocery store.
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: DonJon on June 06, 2015, 10:43:16 am
Anyone studied jack kruse? He says that fish is much more important than beef because of dha, even bad quality fish or seafood is more important than high quality grass fed beef. Any opinions on this? His diet is low carb high fat moderate protein.
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: DonJon on June 06, 2015, 10:45:50 am
Can anyone suggest a good diet for me. 19 years old, exercise about an hour daily, 5'10 170. Lately I've been eating lots of beef and butter, I'm not sure if organic pastures is really raw and money is tight so I'm alternating between op butter and organic valley/kerrygold.
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: nummi on June 06, 2015, 02:09:57 pm
For magnesium MgCl2 (magnesium chloride). Very effective and cheap. Is use it.

For a healthy diet... One is following a given plan written down, the other is having the "plan" as an inherent part of yourself so you know yourself what, when, and why. To get it as a part of yourself you need experience and you need to think those experiences through, to understand what and why is occurring.

A diet that works for me, at the moment, is eating twice a day (rarely once, even more rarely thrice).
*In the morning 30-90 minutes after waking I drink a glass of water, then another glass of water with some salt mix solution (which includes MgCl2).
*Then another 30 so minutes and I eat. The morning meal. I begin with about half a glass of lacto-fermented buckwheat mixed with garlic and perhaps some apple vinegar, usually I let it digest a little (this to ensure candida won't have a chance, as I've had issues with it... it's a nasty creature). Some sprouted buckwheat or lacto-fermented buckwheat, sometimes potato starch for gut bacteria, sometimes some greens, sometimes some berries. Then usually fish (200-400g; 0.44-0.88lb), sometimes some liver, or if no fish then beef. Then fat (30-50g; 1.06-1.76oz).
*In between I drink just water. 30-60 minutes before the evening meal I take again some salt mix solution, with water.
*The evening meal. Usually I begin with sprouted or lacto-fermented buckwheat. Again sometimes berries, greens. Then fish or beef (200-400g; 0.44-0.88lb), sometimes liver. Then fat (again 30-50g; 1.06-1.76oz).
*60-120 mintues after the last meal I usually take drink salt solution with extra water.

Sometimes I skip the salt mix. Sometimes I take extra.
I also take dried sea vegetables for iodine. Sometimes ground egg shells.
Fermented and dried cocoa beans are good.
Sometimes some kidney. Sometimes some heart.
Sometimes I skip eating fat, sometimes I skip other things. Sometimes I wait a little, 30-60 minutes, after eating plant matter, before starting with animal, sometimes I don't wait. Sometimes I eat animal first.
Right now there are no vegetables nor fruits, otherwise I'd be eating those too. Right now I eat more greens as stuff's green and grows.
In about 20 days my young chickens will begin laying eggs, so then there'll be eggs.
Also flaxseed oil, olive oil, coconut oil, though now I have hempseed oil (which I can get quite cheap 3€/l).
Grains are also okay to eat, but they have to be lacto-fermented or sprouted.

It takes at least about 2 years to get your diet right. The goal is not having a "written out" plan that you follow religiously, but to have it all come inherently, even "instinctly". It needs to become a part of who you are. Not a closed part, but open and subject to change if necessary.
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: DonJon on June 19, 2015, 11:40:36 am
I heard that oils are oxidized and cause cardiovascular disease?
Title: Re: How much should you really be eating?
Post by: eveheart on June 19, 2015, 12:52:56 pm
I heard that oils are oxidized and cause cardiovascular disease?

I found it helpful to unlearn all the dietary advice because it is so volatile. (Remember when we all switched over to transfats because they were so good for us?) When I eat a variety of seasonal unprocessed foods, it seems that I never have confusion about what to eat.