Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Welcoming Committee => Topic started by: DoktehrPooh on April 26, 2016, 12:07:14 am
Title: Heya!
Post by: DoktehrPooh on April 26, 2016, 12:07:14 am
Been creepily lurking for a couple weeks and finally decided to join in on the fun! 8)
A little about me: located in BC, Canada. Healing from long standing deficiency (vegetarian, vegan, raw vegan past) and chronic fatigue. Studying holistic nutrition and herbalism--which is quite interesting, but at times difficult because people generally think I'm a loony for eating raw animal bits, haha. The herbalism aspect is fascinating though.
Pleasure to meet y'all!
Title: Re: Heya!
Post by: TylerDurden on April 26, 2016, 01:35:07 am
Welcome to the forum! Just a caveat! Please, unlike me, have the courage to try some raw, aged meats(ie raw high-meats) soonest to try to improve your situation. Brainwave-entrainment, via Neuroprogrammer 3, is also a healthy option.....
Title: Re: Heya!
Post by: goodsamaritan on April 26, 2016, 06:33:36 am
Hello. Do share some herbalism knowledge here.
Share some raw vegan wisdom here too.
Most of us are omnivores and will at times have no meat days or fasting days.
Title: Re: Heya!
Post by: dariorpl on April 26, 2016, 07:14:57 am
Most of us are omnivores and will at times have no meat days or fasting days.
I try to have meat at least twice a day, or once a day at the very least. If I go two or three days without meat I start to feel partially famished, as if I'm lacking nutrients, and no amount of other foods will help bring me back to optimal condition. Also, if I have only fruits for a couple of days I often get nausea and even vomit, even if it's a small amount of fruits.
Title: Re: Heya!
Post by: goodsamaritan on April 26, 2016, 08:02:45 am
Probably the stage you are in.
Intermittent fasting is not uncommon here.
Title: Re: Heya!
Post by: dariorpl on April 26, 2016, 04:03:21 pm
I don't know. AV said the same thing happened to him when not eating meat for a few days, even after 40 years on 95 to 100% raw. He also discouraged fasting, and having experimented extensively with it himself.
Title: Re: Heya!
Post by: DoktehrPooh on April 26, 2016, 09:44:22 pm
Thanks for the warm welcome guys!
@Tyler - As I live on the west coast (by water), I get a lot of seafood for fairly cheap. I've been experimenting with fermenting salmon in sauerkraut juice. So far it has turned quite slimy (and tasted like cheese), which as far as I've been reading is quite similar to the high meat flavour? I will look into this brainwave program, sounds intriguing.
@goodsamaritan - Will do! I am omnivorous myself with fasting days. In terms of raw vegan recipes, mostly I use them (and especially green veg) when I help people transition from SAD to RPD or when someone has an advanced illness and needs quick reversal/an excuse to chill out and not do much (not much energy given from "green" fasting).
Herbs are very individual-specific. They can be used in acute conditions (pain relief, new infection), chronic (inflammation), or as gateways to emotional dimensions of held trauma. Trauma is a complex thing, and more and more I see that many diseases have an emotional aspect that has not been dealt with. Again this is specific to the individual and their needs.
I also believe that humans evolved with different plants according to where they are from, so would do better using those plants.
@dariorpl - It is all very individualistic. We must do what makes us feel good. :)
Title: Re: Heya!
Post by: dariorpl on April 27, 2016, 12:26:40 am
@dariorpl - It is all very individualistic. We must do what makes us feel good. :)
The problem is that what makes you feel good in the short term may not be what is ideal in the long term. In paleo times people would rely on ancestral knowledge which now has been lost.
Title: Re: Heya!
Post by: DoktehrPooh on April 27, 2016, 09:56:16 pm
I don't see how your statements contradict what I've said. I agree that what may feel good now may not later, and the opposite is true too.
But, as we are two separate individuals with our own unique identifying DNA and microbiome, different foods/eating styles will work for us.
I guess what I meant by "eating to feel good" is that, once we become in tune with our deepest instincts, we should be able to discern which patterns and foods are most beneficial and which are not. Again, this is different for everyone--there is not one "way" that is correct. Obviously it would have helped to have knowledge passed down, but I don't think it is all gone like you say.
Title: Re: Heya!
Post by: fanbrits on June 17, 2016, 08:10:04 pm