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Raw Paleo Diet Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: littleElefant on July 14, 2016, 07:50:17 am

Title: parasites in fish roe
Post by: littleElefant on July 14, 2016, 07:50:17 am

I m in Philadelphia now, today I bought a lot of fish roe in a grand market hall here. I ate some raw for lunch with a salad and some ACV. This evening I wanted to eat more of it and when I opened the box I saw something moving . I looked at it, it was a worm perhaps 1 cm long. So I guess the whole fish row was full of them and I ate some for lunch today. Now I feel very sick -v. Don't know what to do right now, because I m not at home I have no essential oils like oregano oil here or parasit cleansers. I could buy them perhaps tomorrow. Is there anything I can do, are this little worms dangerous anyways and are they going to stay alive in my tummy??? -[
Title: Re: parasites in fish roe
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 14, 2016, 09:20:25 am
I imagine the worm is quite harmless. I wouldn't worry about it. Seafoods are extremely unlikely to have parasites that can survive in humans.
Title: Re: parasites in fish roe
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 14, 2016, 10:10:00 am
I always have Barefoot Herbalist's dewormer as stand by. (

Go and take your dewormer.

Get rid of it.
Title: Re: parasites in fish roe
Post by: TylerDurden on July 14, 2016, 01:23:22 pm
Check your stools and if they have any sign of  parasites, it might be best to visit a local pharmacy when you get back home. CK is right, though, most parasites are  specific to certain species and do not survive in other hosts for long.
Title: Re: parasites in fish roe
Post by: ys on July 14, 2016, 10:26:46 pm
I know how you feel.  Few years ago I ate lamb lungs and only then I noticed it had tiny little worms inside.  Most likely these were harmless and simply digested into amino acids inside my stomach.  I never had any adverse side effects or symptoms.  But just the idea of it made me feel uncomfortable.  It is mostly in our heads.
Title: Re: parasites in fish roe
Post by: littleElefant on July 15, 2016, 05:39:29 am
I hope you are right, CK, still feel very squeezy -v. yesterday evening I ate some raw garlic with ginger and horseradish to get rid of the little worms, I had nothing else. Today I bought oil of oregano. Also because I developed a herpes blister on my lip after the long overseas flight and after eating all day in restaurants and on the plane and living in air conditioned hotel rooms . I try to stay in the paleo context while eating out but all this cooked foods don't agree with me. This evening I will arrive in Savannah and I hope things are going to calm down. This whole america experience is very interesting, I should open a new thread about it. I did not know how completely different your country is.
Thanks for the link, GS, I will see if I can order it when I come back.
Honestly, staying healthy while traveling seems more of a chalenge then I thought :P
Title: Re: parasites in fish roe
Post by: littleElefant on July 15, 2016, 05:41:57 am
Tyler, do you mean worms in my stool? How long should it take to see them come out?
Title: Re: parasites in fish roe
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 15, 2016, 01:45:39 pm
Tyler, do you mean worms in my stool? How long should it take to see them come out?

Get a stool sample and bring it to a lab for analysis.  That should be the fastest way.
Title: Re: parasites in fish roe
Post by: TylerDurden on July 15, 2016, 02:37:27 pm
Tyler, do you mean worms in my stool? How long should it take to see them come out?
No need. If there are no symptoms I would assume that the worms are not going to survive.
Title: Re: parasites in fish roe
Post by: eveheart on July 15, 2016, 09:37:44 pm
I wouldn't worry about the worms you ate...

I know there are many types of parasites that can live in the human body, so I hate to generalize, but my understanding is that we would typically get parasites from ingesting the eggs of the organism. Stomach acid digests most adult parasites, but the egg's shell resists stomach acid, so the parasite's eggs pass through the stomach and hatch later on. I don't think a parasitic infestation would make you queasy in a day or two.

That's why I wouldn't worry.
Title: Re: parasites in fish roe
Post by: littleElefant on July 24, 2016, 09:21:10 pm
I m just back from the states now. I lost 2 kg and I m happy to be back. Till now found no worms in my stool. My digestion was very bad the first traveling days but became better when I started taking kombucha and gut shots from the health food shop. To be sure I m going to make a stool test the next days, I intended to do it anyways
Title: Re: parasites in fish roe
Post by: svrn on July 31, 2016, 08:31:30 pm
Parasites are nothing to be worried about. In fact if you get one i would be happy. They are our helpers. Many people have cured their digestive issues by purposeful parasite dosing. A lot of work has been done on this in the university of Iowa. (

You can only get them if something else is wrong in your diet that needs to be corrected. It is mostly a third world problem for people subsisting on grains
Title: Re: parasites in fish roe
Post by: FRANCIS HOWARD BOND on November 13, 2016, 05:49:13 pm
It is possible that you were looking at embryo fish in the roe and these would of course be harmless!