Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: norawnofun on June 04, 2018, 07:45:29 pm

Title: How to do a parasite cleanse
Post by: norawnofun on June 04, 2018, 07:45:29 pm
What would do you recommend for doing a parasite cleanse? I know that some parasites might be beneficial, however, I think an overload of bad ones is definetely not. I suspect to have a lot, which also seems to be the reason for my low HCI, low energy, brain fog, underweight, leaky gut, food intolerance, sleep disturbance, dry hair and skin and and and... everything under the sun and I see no end in sight, HCI just gets lower and lower so raw foods I had to totally stop since I can´t digest anything hard or cellulose like (unless some cooked veggies or cooked white fish or shellfish). I also have a lot of red vains in my sklera including radials in the iris which seems to be a sign for an overload of parasites as well. Parasites also effect the adrenals including cortisol levels aside of intestines blockages and many other things. So low HCI can be a result which then is a cause for malnutrition which effects everyting.

I just started this regime:

1. Water kefir for probiotics upon awakening
2. teaspoon of raw honey
3. 1 cup of coconut milk with 1 tbl. of coconut oil, whole small papaya and half of the seeds air dried and grounded into it. This tastes disgusting as the coconut milk is overwhelming, so I´ll change to either coconut water or do 20ml of ground papays seeds and honey
4. With meals I have 3 cloves of crushed garlic once a day. I heard that garlic extract is more powerful but they all seem to have additives in it.
5. During day quater of a papaya fruit
6. Gonna introduce a teaspoon of ground cloves
7. In the eve another water kefir plus another quater of papaya fruit with or without honey and later at night a tbl. of coconut oil with 4 drops of pure oregano oil.

I also have pets. I assume that they could have given them to me. As every time I am abroad I feel better, eat much more, have more energy and gain weight. It could be due to the fact that I am moving more, but I am not sure. To my cats I started to mix a bit of papaya into their food once a day in the morning. Anything else I could do?

Anything I am missing or you would recommend? I read that probiotics are important but I can´t digest sauerkraut, i cut out milk kefir and those powdered forms I am unsure. I did a stool test once, turned out negative but I read they aren´t reliable. Apparently you should do one that tests for 3 days. Nobody does it here. I can only go to alternative holistic people which do tests like bioresonance and what not. But I don´t know how reliable they are.
Title: Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
Post by: TylerDurden on June 04, 2018, 07:52:52 pm
Most people simply do not have parasites unless something is obviously wrong, usually when one sees something coming out of the anus which looks like one. In most cases, it is merely a harmful phobia. If you really think there is an issue, go to a doctor, get properly tested, and , if you genuinely have a parasite, as opposed to a Hulda-Clarke-inspired delusion, then the doctor will give you something that will wipe it out within a couple of days.
Title: Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
Post by: TylerDurden on June 04, 2018, 07:53:41 pm
Point being that I tried traditional anti-parasite herbs against a tapeworm-infestation and they never worked.
Title: Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
Post by: norawnofun on June 04, 2018, 08:05:29 pm
What did the doc prescribe you exactly?
Title: Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
Post by: TylerDurden on June 04, 2018, 08:15:03 pm
What did the doc prescribe you exactly?
Praziquantel for tapeworms. You are not supposed to take alchol with it. You get c, 6 pills to use over 2 days. Worked like a dream, the tapeworms left dead and deflated out the other end over those 2 days.By contrast, clove/wormwood tinctures etc. failed miserably. Maybe that had to do with too much processing, though. Still, if modern medicine works(which is rare), I say, use it...
Title: Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
Post by: norawnofun on June 04, 2018, 08:19:15 pm
Ok. Does Praziquantel work for other parasites as well? And what did you do to balance out the negative effecs of the pill? Like probiotics and what not. Or u did nothing?
Title: Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
Post by: TylerDurden on June 04, 2018, 09:19:36 pm
Ok. Does Praziquantel work for other parasites as well? And what did you do to balance out the negative effecs of the pill? Like probiotics and what not. Or u did nothing?
I did nothing. There were no side-effects. Praziquantel, afaik, only works mainly with tapeworms. There are 2 other anti-parasite medications that work for virtually everything else.
Title: Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
Post by: norawnofun on June 04, 2018, 09:43:32 pm
u know the names of these pills?
Title: Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
Post by: TylerDurden on June 04, 2018, 09:59:53 pm
u know the names of these pills?
No idea. I vaguely recall that the actual product had praziquantel labelled all around it, or I would have forgotten the name long ago by now.
Title: Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
Post by: Susadele on June 05, 2018, 11:49:22 pm
I thought parasite infections / overgrowth pass by with the diet we are following here on the forum.
Title: Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
Post by: TylerDurden on June 06, 2018, 12:53:32 am
I thought parasite infections / overgrowth pass by with the diet we are following here on the forum.
Not correct. However, most modern industrial processing prevents c.99.9% of possible parasitic infestations of what we eat. Farmers routinely pour anti-bacterial, anti-parasitical drugs into their animals all over the world other than in a few 3rd-world countries like Vietnam etc.As regards wild game, most sellers of raw wild game routinely remove the guts and other innards which have the most chance of getting parasites prior to sale.1 other factor, favourable to us, is that 99%+ of parasites worldwide are specifically designed for a very few species, so that most parasites incurred by us would swiftly die within weeks of entering our digestive systems.
Title: Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
Post by: Susadele on June 06, 2018, 03:30:28 am
Yes that's true.
And yeah this kind of diet (and I mean following it strictly) might not help with every parasite infection. For me at least I can say it worked (including apple cider vinegar and others of these typical things against fungi / parasites), but it takes a long time.
Title: Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
Post by: norawnofun on June 06, 2018, 06:11:15 am
IMO it all depends if you can digest the raw meat in your stomach. If you have low stomach acid and you eat raw meat or high meat then I think ur much more prone to get the bacteria that you don´t want. As it is now I could assume that I have more of the bad parasites because I consumed high meat quite frequently. And that, in retrospect, I shouldn´t have done on low stomach acid. But since I didn´t know I have low HCI I did it anyway.

And if u have very high HCI then it´s likely that it can kill most of the bad stuff, but leave u with the good. I mean there are always exceptions. Still, people on a RAF diet with high HCI can still get issues even though they did that diet for years. 
Title: Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
Post by: Raulik on June 10, 2018, 10:33:28 am
If raw meat gives you parasites and worms in your intestines isnt it wrong?

And then taking MEDICINE against parasites?

FUCK LOGIC to the max..

If what we doing in terms of diet why we get parasites in the first place?
Title: Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
Post by: goodsamaritan on June 10, 2018, 12:46:27 pm
I do this to my kids and myself every other year

Title: Re: How to do a parasite cleanse
Post by: Raulik on June 10, 2018, 05:08:10 pm
I do this to my kids and myself every other year

I thought nature was perfet in all senses and we do not need to balance its ways.. especially medicine