Raw Paleo Diet Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kristelle on June 06, 2008, 12:08:10 pm
Title: Vitamin D supplementation?
Post by: Kristelle on June 06, 2008, 12:08:10 pm
I was wondering...
I'm on a very low-carb diet consisting mostly of raw fatty muscle meat (usually beef, ribs and chuck) and butter. Liver, once weekly. Very occasionally, seafood, eggs and organ meats. I don't eat pork or lard. I don't like bone marrow. And for now, I make myself a little salad every day, consisting of green pepper, olive oil, lemon juice and a bit of iodized sea salt.
My meat and butter come mostly from grain-fed animals. I live in Canada.
I suspect my D levels are probably nowhere near ideal, given my diet and where I live. Of course, in summer, the situation probably improves substantially.
I am currently supplementing with 2,000IU Vitamin D and was planning to take such a dose daily year-round.
If I stick with the above diet, is extra D necessary?
Title: Re: Vitamin D supplementation?
Post by: wodgina on June 06, 2008, 03:00:19 pm
From the looks of your diet I would say supplementing with vitamin is not needed, especially with your summer coming up there's no need at all. The main improvement I can see would be to do whatever you can to get hold of some grassfed meat and fat!
Get out in the sun, don't cover up, just wear your bathers outside and also don't have a shower after you've been sun bathing I don't. Barry Groves was saying that vitiman D is produced on the surface on your skin.
Title: Re: Vitamin D supplementation?
Post by: wodgina on June 06, 2008, 03:25:35 pm
Also if your interested, getting skin cancer from sun exposure is essentially a myth. Check out Barry Grove's site if you haven't already, some excellent articles.
Title: Re: Vitamin D supplementation?
Post by: mors01 on June 07, 2008, 10:12:58 am
Keep in mind that an excess of Vitamin D can be toxic.
IMO, it's better to take CLO than a vit. D supplement.
Title: Re: Vitamin D supplementation?
Post by: raw-al on August 15, 2011, 05:03:40 am
Title: Re: Vitamin D supplementation?
Post by: Ioanna on August 15, 2011, 06:44:57 am
my vitamin D was super low at the end of winter. i haven't changed anything except sun exposure, so i am really looking forward to checking again soon! if it's low again, i will consider supplementing. hopefully it's much higher though.
Title: Re: Vitamin D supplementation?
Post by: raw-al on August 15, 2011, 07:49:47 am
Wodgina, What's this about not washing after sunbathing? Are you saying that the washing removes vit. D ?
Interesting because my meditation teacher MMY says that you should not wash for a minimum of 1/2 hour after meditation as there is a substance (Ojas) that is produced on the skin and is there for about 1/2 hour before it is absorbed.
I remember another thread where people mentioned taking large amounts of vit D. Maybe I'l get it checked.