Title: Re: Bacteria in gut same as in brain....
Post by: sabertooth on November 14, 2018, 12:49:51 pm
The implications are profound.
Its very likely these microbes directly affect the functioning of the brain, and could even alter the behavior of the organism on a wholistic level. This crescendo of complex symbiotic dances, of worlds within worlds, of dynamic creation manifest, is just beginning to be understood.
If gut microbes produce the precursors to neurotransmitters in the gut, excrete mutagenic substances which alter the form and structure of the entire nervous system, and are found to be living in symbiosis within the tissue of the brain, then what role would they play in controlling the mind and behavior of its host organism? (Fascinating)
Could it be that the catabolic symbiotic putrefying gut bacteria consumed by our ancient ancestors had neurogenic properties which directly stimulated the genesis of our extraordinary cerebral systems. Think of high-meat and its euphoric effects...and of the bacterial process which would convert the proteins and fatty acids of prey animals into the most awesome evolutionary feat ever( the doubling in size of the hominid brain) Were these brain bacterial organisms passengers along for the ride or are they the conductors of the crazy train that is the human mind?
Title: Re: Bacteria in gut same as in brain....
Post by: TylerDurden on November 14, 2018, 07:16:50 pm
Hmm, a very interesting theory. Makes me want to eat high meat every single day from now on....
Title: Re: Bacteria in gut same as in brain....
Post by: TylerDurden on November 15, 2018, 09:46:40 pm
Title: Re: Bacteria in gut same as in brain....
Post by: sabertooth on November 16, 2018, 12:11:09 pm
This information is going mainstream, and evidence does indicate that behavior is influenced by bacterial factors. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/can-microbes-control-criminal-behavior-suresh-pillai
There are indications being discovered that some foods promote the growth of positive behavior modifying bacteria. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/07/170728100832.htm
Title: Re: Bacteria in gut same as in brain....
Post by: van on November 16, 2018, 02:08:12 pm
as regards the walnut experiment showing favorable gut microbes,, I don't necessarily doubt it, however, give an average person something healthy to eat, and then ask what didn't they eat when they had walnuts instead?
Title: Re: Bacteria in gut same as in brain....
Post by: sabertooth on November 17, 2018, 02:31:45 am
I agree its a chicken vs egg situation....does exposure to healthy bacteria lead one to seek healthy foods, or does exposure to healthy foods inherently promote the growth of healthy bacteria?
Such questions are at the hearts crux of this long standing conundrum, where rational science is seemingly willfully ignorant of the spiritual and energetic nature of what makes for a healthy balance, within all biological systems. Foods that are pure and unadulterated will feed the growth of life promoting microbes...but even catabolic microbes which dissolve and decay have a necessary place in maintaining the balance. The synergy of the entirety of lifes symbiosis, cannot be parsed into bits of linear data. False dichotomy between good and bad bacteria does not hold up to the newer discoveries which go beyond the limitations of the defunct Germ Theory of disease hypothesis.
The presences of different strains of bacteria that are prebiotically cultivated in the gut are not the cause in and of themselves of the conditions of health or disease...instead they are more like a symptomatic indication of the holistic synergy...The modern day Priest of the white coat clans, are only beginning to uncover the pervasive interrelationships between the almighty microbes and its human subjects. There is still much room for misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the data...this is in part due to a deeply and hopelessly ingrained pathos, that these natural and spiritual elements which promote health and vitality, within living symbiotic systems, can somehow be isolated, extracted, patented and then sold as a cure all to people whose own environments are in want of healthy conditions.
Title: Re: Bacteria in gut same as in brain....
Post by: van on November 17, 2018, 03:24:58 am
specifically I was indicating substituting a sugar for a fat will help the beneficial bacteria in gut. especially the types of sugars/carbs most eat.
Title: Re: Bacteria in gut same as in brain....
Post by: TylerDurden on November 17, 2018, 03:39:55 am
Does not compute.... Why did the average brain-size of HG tribes decrease as well in tandem with those of settled peoples since the Neolithic era, if the good-food-bacteria/theory was correct? One would have expected HGs to be less affected since their diets were better/fattier etc., and less processed/cooked overall. Hmm, the mass dysgenics hypothesis re decrease in average brain-size since the Neolithic era seems also debunked since HG tribes would have been more prone to natural selection that settled counterparts. Then again, Inuit have pretty large skulls(as do Mongolian tribespeople?) etc.? We need more data. Whatever the case, while bacteria have been shown to be very versatile, imo, good food seems to only promote better health, not necessarily enhanced evolution. For example, the meat to brain diet theory re increased brain size seems debunked by the fact that increased hominid brain size occurred before the point where meat-eating increased significantly.
Title: Re: Bacteria in gut same as in brain....
Post by: van on November 17, 2018, 04:48:36 am
I just watched a lecture showing how the much of the hunter gatherer data is based on the Hazda's. The speakers' opinion is that that date is rubbish since it's all based on current hunting practices and not the huge animals ( much larger than current elephants) that they hunted for millions of years. They currently have no elephants, no rhinos, no hippos to hunt. Thus the protein to fat ratio is off, and they are eating more plants to survive than presumably when they had an abundance of large animals to gorge on, including huge brains, back fat, and bone marrow for everyone in the tribe. More and more I see talks that are confirming that the the preferred brain fuel is ketones, and not glucose. Where ketogenic diets are used to heal the parts of the brain in the elderly that can no longer run on glucose. Pet scans showing healing when ketones are used as fuel. My guess, just like myself with access to incredibly good sources of fat, I have little need for non animal foods, nor desire. My ketones average above three milimole
Title: Re: Bacteria in gut same as in brain....
Post by: dariorpl on November 20, 2018, 08:31:41 am
AV had been saying for many years that E.Coli and other bacteria in our intestines feed the brain.
He said high meat helped with that as well.
Some of his most extreme followers have even gotten to the point of occasional coprophagy as a means to acquire vast amounts of these brain feeding bacteria.
Title: Re: Bacteria in gut same as in brain....
Post by: dariorpl on November 21, 2018, 01:28:12 am
In fact AV has said for many years that the whole medical notion that healthy organs and muscle tissue are sterile and devoid of bacteria is mistaken, and that bacteria are crucial for just about every healthy process in our body
Title: Re: Bacteria in gut same as in brain....
Post by: PaganGoy on November 21, 2018, 10:16:08 am
Title: Re: Bacteria in gut same as in brain....
Post by: dariorpl on November 21, 2018, 06:42:50 pm
Great, so all we're gonna get is mocking for someone who was decades ahead of the rest of the scientists of his time, and who was likely murdered for his contributions, but no recognition that he was on to something.
Title: Re: Bacteria in gut same as in brain....
Post by: PaganGoy on November 21, 2018, 10:31:29 pm
Nah im actually joking I just really like the guy, personally I think you have to be full of shit to disagree with over 90% of what he says and thats the truth.