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Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Personals => Topic started by: goodsamaritan on June 26, 2009, 03:15:46 pm
Title: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: goodsamaritan on June 26, 2009, 03:15:46 pm
Sooner or later with our evangelizing efforts, there will be many future raw paleo diet and lifestyle people.
I observe that the common people socialize using - bad food (feasts with different kinds of cooked, processed foods, neolithic foods), - bad drink (sodas, alcohol, new fangled manufactured drinks), - horrible habits (smoking, drugs)
My question is, what would a bunch of health freaks like us do for socializing with fellow paleo people?
Dating a fellow raw paleo. Gangs of raw paleo teenagers hanging around. Business socials, parties, etc.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: wodgina on June 26, 2009, 04:19:13 pm
Good question.
I went around my bro's and he had just bought some oysters and lamb cutlets. I'm so used to eating raw foods by myself after 3 1/2 years it was strange.
I think we would sit in the sun more and talk.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: Cosmo on June 26, 2009, 05:05:39 pm
+!. Lately I enjoy nothing more than sitting in the sun and watching a day go by. If I lived by the sea, then I would go for a swim, walk on the sand barefoot and sunbathe every day. It would be great to win the lottery, stop working and only live for pleasure like Paleo people did. Though their life was full of danger but it was much more intresting than a life of a modern human being.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: Cosmo on June 26, 2009, 05:13:45 pm
Hey, dating a fellow raw meat-eater would be fantastic! It would be amazing just to have a mate who eats only raw food. I can't wait for for the times when raw paleo diet become as popular as Atkins or Zone diet. Sometimes I think that we are very lucky to be pioneers of raw paleo movement and may be because of that we need to spread the word about miraculous health benefits of our diet and convert as many people as possible. Our diet might save/improve lives of 1000s of people...
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: goodsamaritan on June 26, 2009, 05:16:44 pm
The sex should be paleo aka natural. :D
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: Cosmo on June 26, 2009, 05:40:00 pm
:-)))))))))) yes, but you would end up having 12 children or more :-))))))))))) However if are able to suport so many kids, then it might be very rewarding.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: TylerDurden on June 26, 2009, 06:07:44 pm
Well there are always sashimi restaurants and raw oyster bars. I'm sure that if rawpalaeo were more popular then we would have primal potlucks worldwide, making things easier. What we really need now is more rawpalaeo gurus, especially outside the US , so that they can generate interest. It seems that most diets wax and wane in tandem with the number of books published by it - interest wanes in any diet after c.7 years if no decent book is published by a guru on the subject within that period.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: goodsamaritan on June 26, 2009, 06:31:25 pm
:-)))))))))) yes, but you would end up having 12 children or more :-))))))))))) However if are able to suport so many kids, then it might be very rewarding.
I think the paleo way is to not have sex unless the wife is ready and proper spacing for nutrition recharging. 3 years spacing? Having many kids is my dream. Maybe if I raise my kids healthy enough and rich enough they will reward me with lots of grandchildren.
But going back to dating... a great gift to woo a raw paleo girl... me raising my daughter in my country would be a whole frozen wild salmon!
Maybe a gang of raw paleo diet teenagers may find fun in playing sports - they're healthy. And when they eat out they can have a good time in the wet market. Have a seat in the market "we cook your food area" and eat their food raw. Maybe pig out a little -- not necessarily mono meals -- that would be the most abuse they would do. Maybe some natural fermented alcohol the teenagers will try to get away with... in our provinces they have lambanog -- they tap the coconut tree and turn it to an alcoholic drink over time. -- Then we parents will scold them for the personal abuse they do. -- and they reason out: "Would you rather we go out and get a pizza and buy commercial beer?"
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: Cosmo on June 26, 2009, 11:53:46 pm
But going back to dating... a great gift to woo a raw paleo girl... me raising my daughter in my country would be a whole frozen wild salmon!
:D I'd do anything for raw wild salmon, so I'm not surprise that girls fall for such a great gift. I bet the place where you live is a real paradise for raw foodists, hope that you always remind yourself about how lucky you are to be there. By the way, how much for you have to pay for wild salmon? It cost around 20-25 pounds per kg here (24-27 euros) Sometimes it's on special offere (50% less when in season) and then I buy it nearly every day. I can eat it 3 times a day every day and never get bored ...
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: goodsamaritan on June 27, 2009, 06:18:18 am
That's the big deal where we are, in the Philippines, I have so far been unlucky and have not yet found a source for whole wild salmon. All the salmon I see in the markets are farmed salmon. The only wild salmon I tasted ever was in a tiny plastic package in an expensive health food store.
Where do you order your wild salmon? Maybe they deliver to my country.
:D I'd do anything for raw wild salmon, so I'm not surprise that girls fall for such a great gift. I bet the place where you live is a real paradise for raw foodists, hope that you always remind yourself about how lucky you are to be there. By the way, how much for you have to pay for wild salmon? It cost around 20-25 pounds per kg here (24-27 euros) Sometimes it's on special offere (50% less when in season) and then I buy it nearly every day. I can eat it 3 times a day every day and never get bored ...
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: Cosmo on June 27, 2009, 01:47:34 pm
I buy wild salmon in my local supermarket, it's imported all the way from Alaska.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: actionhero on May 06, 2010, 06:11:57 pm
"What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?"
Hunt bison, wild game and raw vegans and then eat freshly killed meat.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: goodsamaritan on May 06, 2010, 06:50:43 pm
Hang out and argue to no end at raw paleo forum.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: Paleo Donk on May 06, 2010, 07:03:45 pm
lol, very good gs.
I think I'm addicted to finding every last detail and I'd be much better off coming here a few times a week. Instead of living my life in the real world I come here to pick apart meaningless details? lol
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: michaelwh on May 06, 2010, 07:39:17 pm
Go hiking or canoeing. Go camping (but skip the campfire).
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: kurite on May 08, 2010, 07:20:49 am
The hunter/gatherer tribes that still remain somewhat intact in Africa spend a great deal of time around a fire telling stories.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: William on May 08, 2010, 09:54:09 pm
The hunter/gatherer tribes that still remain somewhat intact in Africa spend a great deal of time around a fire telling stories.
Right. Been that way for at least 200,000 years.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: klowcarb on May 09, 2010, 09:53:04 am
I'm as raw Zero Carb as it gets, and I would love to date a VLC/ZCer, cooked or raw. And I love birth control and the ability to have unlimited sex without having children. I do not ever want children, so for me BC is the best invention ever. No way in the hell I don't believe it would I give up birth control methods and take a chance on getting pregnant.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: wodgina on May 09, 2010, 11:00:16 am
I'm as raw Zero Carb as it gets, and I would love to date a VLC/ZCer, cooked or raw. And I love birth control and the ability to have unlimited sex without having children. I do not ever want children, so for me BC is the best invention ever. No way in the hell I don't believe it would I give up birth control methods and take a chance on getting pregnant.
Why would being pregnant be a thing you dont want ever?
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: sven on May 09, 2010, 03:12:19 pm
Goodsamartian you blow my mind with your awesome questions.
I find myself the happiest when I join my friends hitting up the swimming holes near the river and creeks, rope swings, camping. Obviously more natural things make me feel better... chilling out and soaking up the sun... without alcohol since most my friends love to indulge. HOWEVER this has changed dramatically since I started eating raw food, When I used to feel like shit eating SAD I would love to go out every weekend and binge drink, those were my happiest moments, had no interest at all in the outdoors, this happened for 2-3 years, since starting the diet I've lost interest in that, and felt happier doing more natural things.
A gang of healthy young teenagers eating nutritious raw steak and eggs would be socially dominant to their peers. Think about it... they would easily be the healthiest, they would be superior in athletics, mental, and other capabilities. They would probably do the same social things we do today, but win all the sports, excel in academics, attract all the girls (as opposed to their fat unhealthy peers who eat cooked crap), life would be good, I can picture them taking an aggressive "seize the day" attitude towards life. Of course this is slightly exaggerated lol but you get the point.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: klowcarb on May 09, 2010, 09:43:32 pm
Because I never want to have children. I have known since I was young that I never want to be a mother. I don't hate children, but they interest me as much as NASCAR, which is to say, not at all. I want the DINK lifestyle. I now have the INK. :D
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: chucky on June 06, 2010, 01:52:20 pm
Because I never want to have children. I have known since I was young that I never want to be a mother. I don't hate children, but they interest me as much as NASCAR, which is to say, not at all. I want the DINK lifestyle. I now have the INK. :D
Because I never want to have children. I have known since I was young that I never want to be a mother. I don't hate children, but they interest me as much as NASCAR, which is to say, not at all. I want the DINK lifestyle. I now have the INK. :D
Your feelings will probably change later on. I know several women who said they'd never have kids.. And when they reached 35-39 and it was their last chance to get kids they all went for it.
I personally want kids, but not until I'm in my late 30's.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: klowcarb on June 07, 2010, 02:16:47 am
FTH, I understand what you mean, but I am very serious. I will not change my mind--I have known this since very young, with the same level of seriousness of someone who knows he is gay and will not change his minds. I tell every man I meet and have the potential for a relationship with that I do not ever plan to have children, so they know whether they can picture us being a couple without children. I am now seeing a wonderful man who I told straight out at the outset that I'm ZC (and never eat off plan) and want a DINK lifestyle, and these won't change, and he likes both of these things about me. :)
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: raw on June 07, 2010, 01:28:24 pm
socilizing doesn't bother me and my toddler at all. we go to Bar-B-Qs and other diner outside, we just dont feel hungry (after eating raw meat at home). we drink water or any kind of fruits with other people. that's fun. :D
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: Alan on September 17, 2010, 02:35:21 pm
GoodSam, wild natural salmon is found at the Rustan's Supermarket of Ayala Mall in Cebu.
KlowCarb, i put my money where my mouth is, and got sterilized. Let's see you do it.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: goodsamaritan on September 17, 2010, 06:03:03 pm
KlowCarb, i put my money where my mouth is, and got sterilized. Let's see you do it.
Healthwise, that's not a good idea. Many women have died, been severely bed ridden getting "fixed." I have a friend who told me her personal story. She was bed ridden for 2 years. Bad roll of the dice? But if you don't do it, the probability goes to zero.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: RawZi on September 17, 2010, 07:34:42 pm
Your feelings will probably change later on. I know several women who said they'd never have kids.. And when they reached 35-39 and it was their last chance to get kids they all went for it.
I personally want kids, but not until I'm in my late 30's.
I've seen stuff like that too, another ten or fifteen years and a woman changes her mind. My Mom did. My cousin did. Different partner needed possibly, if you're with one in the direction of no kids, and you'll need one in the direction of yes kids. Ha, I say partner (singular) or one and then think gs. Could be partners, whatever works.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: klowcarb on September 18, 2010, 07:32:09 am
Best answer I have seen yet. I say this because it applies to me. Ever since I went paleo I have had a strong desire to homestead and raise and kill my own domestic animals or to hunt wild animals. I am going to go look at 40 acres of an old homestead this summer. The land hasn't been worked in over 50 years and used to have an apple orchard on part of it. It should be interesting.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: sabertooth on February 21, 2011, 08:05:17 am
I am still waiting and watching for the perfect homestead myself. There is a neighbor who claims that his friend is sitting on 60 acers and a 4 bedroom house for 250 a month and he is suppose to be moving. All the owner wants is 250 and to not be bothered about fix it issues. There has to be places out there like that all over this country. When I was 21 I rented a cabin on 80 acers for 200 a month. I am just waiting for this current lead to come through, and if it doesn't, I will wait till the next one. I got about a year or two to really make up my mind. I want to move to a place that I can settle on and raise free range animals, berry bushes, small garden and fruit trees.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: magnetic on February 21, 2011, 09:07:35 am
That sounds wonderful. I am fortunate to be in a position to possibly work the land and buy it on land contract, it has been in my S.O.'s family for many generations and was used as a homestead in the past. Unfortunately, all that is left of the old farmhouse is the stone foundation. But the beautiful thing about land is its myriad uses. You can grow crops, harvest wild plants, hunt, raise animals or bees, the possibilities are endless. I have always been a hard worker and all of my employers have been happy to employ my talents, but working land is totally different. It is closer to pure entrepreneurship, where you sink or swim based on your talents and energy. I find that really appealing...
I guess a lot of people overlook wooded land because they want to grow crops or raise farm animals. Wooded land can usually be found pretty cheap and you can still hunt, gather wild plants and mushrooms, etc.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: laterade on February 21, 2011, 12:12:03 pm
ideal activities for Raw Paleo socializing? 1. hunting 2. Raising livestock
Durianrider, facepalm yourself.... Just because a human eats raw meat does not mean that hunting and raising livestock is all that we want to do, or are capable of thinking about.... Although that does sound like a good idea ;D
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: Neone on March 07, 2011, 01:49:23 am
The real reason that Klowcarb doesnt want to get pregnant is that it would ruin her perfectly flat stomach! haha
And while you have done the world a favor by sterilizing yourself Alan, a man getting a vasectomy isnt really comparable to a woman being sterilized (dissected).
What kind of birth control do you take Klowcarb? artificial hormonal stuff? mares piss?!
Oh, and you dont really 'socialize' while you're hunting, because you're hunting.. its not 'shooting the shit' (haha) time, its down to business time.. You would socialize by.. you know.. sitting down and talking about stuff with your tribe friends or whatever.. the same as what regular people do, except you would be eating meat instead of chips and dip while you're chatting. and you would be looking at eachothers faces instead of the television.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: magnetic on March 07, 2011, 02:14:17 am
Durianrider, facepalm yourself.... Just because a human eats raw meat does not mean that hunting and raising livestock is all that we want to do, or are capable of thinking about.... Although that does sound like a good idea ;D
Looking for road kill would also be fun.
Title: Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
Post by: Max on March 12, 2011, 09:27:30 am
Hiking, swimming, canoeing, climbing, and sitting around a fire at night would all be fun activities. I definitely wouldn't cook anything on the fire though :) Doing some sort of outdoor activity then feasting on raw meat would be a great way to spend the day with a fellow paleo person.
Someday, I would like to own land, learn how to hunt, learn how to raise animals, have a garden etc... But for now, I'll just have to stay outdoors as much as possible, get as much sun as possible, and stay as raw as I can.