Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Health => Topic started by: Qondrar_The_Redeemer on April 11, 2019, 09:06:52 am

Title: Underbite and Overbite - Solutions?
Post by: Qondrar_The_Redeemer on April 11, 2019, 09:06:52 am
Was just wondering on everyone's opinion here about underbites and overbites, and potential solutions.
Title: Re: Underbite and Overbite - Solutions?
Post by: norawnofun on April 11, 2019, 03:05:03 pm
I know that chewing can widen the jaw and therefore straighten misaligned teeth. I don´t know if that can also fix over- and underbites, possibly. Ideally you eat foods that have to be chewed long to achieve this. Red meats and organs would be best I think.
Title: Re: Underbite and Overbite - Solutions?
Post by: Qondrar_The_Redeemer on April 13, 2019, 04:43:00 am
I know that chewing can widen the jaw and therefore straighten misaligned teeth. I don´t know if that can also fix over- and underbites, possibly. Ideally you eat foods that have to be chewed long to achieve this. Red meats and organs would be best I think.
I've been thinking... With an improperly developed jaw, I am unsure how chewing would fix it if the person in question is still chewing as he always normally would. So he would need to consciously change his chewing and jaw position habits, so the jaw and teeth could change slowly over time, as they would with braces. Anyone with any thoughts on this theory? Any other ideas?

Oh, and regarding red meat (muscle, organs), raw meat tends to be quite easily swallowed compared to cooked, so the need for excessive chewing is actually reduced. Although I'm unsure if chewing for a longer period of time would make much of a difference without changing the things I mentioned above...