Print Page - High Meat - Starting Bacteria/Yeast Culture Problem
Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum
Other Raw-Animal-Food Diets (eg:- Primal Diet/Raw Version of Weston-Price Diet etc.) => Primal Diet => Topic started by: Dingeman on December 14, 2019, 08:19:00 pm
Title: High Meat - Starting Bacteria/Yeast Culture Problem
Post by: Dingeman on December 14, 2019, 08:19:00 pm
Hey everyone.
I have been fighting candida for a long time now, slowly getting better but I just need to do a final addition to really get over it in the form of a probiotic.
When I make high meat I notice that some sort of yeast seems to grow on top, when I eat this type of high meat I seem to get very frustrated and angry, and my emotions seem to go away until the next morning. However, I have eaten other high meat that didn't seem to have this yeast, and that high meat made me very happy, as other people described the effect of high meat for them.
Now, I know I get the same reaction from eating yeasty foods, so I know that I am attracting the wrong type of fermentation bacteria. My question is how can I avoid this? I know that freezing kills yeast if it is in a hydrated environment, so I could try freezing fresh meat to render the yeast cells inactive, and then allowing the bacteria to take over before the yeast can colonize the fermenting product. Or I could try using a conventional starter culture for fermentation, however I do risk not getting the natural bacteria needed that produce the good high. Does anyone have any advice?
Title: Re: High Meat - Starting Bacteria/Yeast Culture Problem
Post by: a_real_man on December 24, 2019, 09:16:54 am
Moist environment? Consider sun drying.
Title: Re: High Meat - Starting Bacteria/Yeast Culture Problem
Post by: Dingeman on December 25, 2019, 01:54:27 am
I have been reading more and more about different types of fermentations and I think I got some answers as to why this happens to my ferment all the time. I will do another experiment to see if I can prevent it.
Title: Re: High Meat - Starting Bacteria/Yeast Culture Problem
Post by: dariorpl on December 30, 2019, 10:31:31 am
I'm curious, how long are you fermenting it for? And at what temperature? And are you making sure to keep plenty of airspace and air it to renew the oxygen supply every few days?