Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Personals => Topic started by: Iguana on July 30, 2020, 06:17:07 pm
Title: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: Iguana on July 30, 2020, 06:17:07 pm
He's no longer been active on this forum since January 8, 2020!
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: sabertooth on July 31, 2020, 02:53:07 am
Call out the search party to look for proof of life?
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: norawnofun on July 31, 2020, 03:45:55 am
I had thought the same some time ago. Apparently he is the type of person that goes "off the scene" for some time, then comes back. However, half a year without nothing, considering that he was posting daily, seems a bit odd.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: FRANCIS HOWARD BOND on August 14, 2020, 12:31:21 am
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: djr_81 on November 13, 2020, 04:41:39 am
This is kind of disconcerting. It's possible with the state of things as COVID he's holed up somewhere with a ton of food keeping safe.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: dariorpl on March 16, 2021, 12:44:20 am
14 months and still MIA...
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: goodsamaritan on March 23, 2021, 07:59:44 am
Okay guys, send him email, reach out and hope he responds:
From his email it seems his real name is:
Who knows, he may need our help.
He is probably a mentor to many of us.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: Iguana on March 23, 2021, 02:50:12 pm
I did send him an e-mail a month or two ago. No reply.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: Projectile Vomit on March 26, 2021, 10:32:25 pm
I am sure he will be so pleased to see you posting his email address and real name publicly like this.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: Dingeman on March 27, 2021, 09:14:29 pm
Yeah wtf get rid of his personal details. This isn't 2005 anymore!
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: goodsamaritan on March 28, 2021, 06:48:34 pm
Edited my post removing Tyler's name and email. Hope you guys have sent him email by now.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: dariorpl on September 26, 2021, 06:18:11 am
20 months. Still no news. Are there no active members of the forum who had contact with him outisde the forum? Or with someone else who might.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: sabertooth on September 29, 2021, 08:05:17 am
He lived reclusively and always communicated with me through his forum avatar.
Whats his legal name, perhaps we could look for some public records of his last location??
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: FRANCIS HOWARD BOND on September 29, 2021, 09:28:43 pm
Thank you for taking this forward. Understood Geoff. Purcell was a name he used, and he lived in Austria. Any contact since his last entry on 8 January 2020? No personal information on Forum? Very important individual and great loss to the Forum. Know any friends or connections? Please keep trying!
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: smokeyquartz on September 29, 2021, 10:49:47 pm
Can't the forum administrator determine his last location from the IP address?
If Europe is like the US, we can then look up the name of the homeowner at the registered IP address, go from there
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: King Salmon on September 30, 2021, 09:06:53 am
Edwin had posted his name and email address for people to contact him. Then,people complained that this was an invasion of privacy.So Edwin deleted the info.
Now,you guys want to start that again? How about just leave the guy alone? If he wants to contact people,leave it up to him.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: sabertooth on September 30, 2021, 10:02:06 pm
If something happened to him like a car wreck, or some sort of accident which has him incapacitated, then it would be the right thing for us to do to find out and try to support our friend if he is in trouble.
With all that's going on in the world I doubt the dubious powers that be are going to bother doxing such an obscure rogue as our Tyler Durden.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: smokeyquartz on September 30, 2021, 11:01:35 pm
@kingsalmon. There is private messaging on this website. We wouldn't post anything publicly. But your attitude is noted - if you go missing, no one will try to contact you or care about your whereabouts. Some friend.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: King Salmon on October 01, 2021, 02:49:06 am
@kingsalmon. There is private messaging on this website. We wouldn't post anything publicly. But your attitude is noted - if you go missing, no one will try to contact you or care about your whereabouts. Some friend.
I've only been in contact with one member outside of this site,I have his personal email and know the city he lives in.Even with that,I don't consider that we are on a "friend" basis.We just liked to share experiences and information. So,if you were really a friend of Geoff's,you would have,at least,some contact info. My point is that perhaps he doesn't want to be bothered.Ever consider that? I don't mind if you don't look for me if I go missing.Chances are that you wouldn't even notice,as I'm not a big contributor here. :) The diet world has changed quite a bit since this site was more popular years ago.Also,with media platform changes/evolution,a lot of members have just moved on. For example,a lot of meat based dieters are now listening to channels by Shawn Baker,Judy Cho, and Brian Sanders who regularly feature videos,podcasts,interviews...etc Then there are the myriad of Keto/Low Carb channels who weren't at all popular years ago. So,no need to feel so worried if someone doesn't post here anymore. I'm still here occasionally as I appreciate the raw aspect of this forum. Anyway,that's my take.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: FRANCIS HOWARD BOND on October 01, 2021, 03:57:57 am
I believe every contributor is a valued member of the Forum whether we agree with their views or not - they all widen our acceptances and appreciations and give us a different slant on life. Geoff. is special as he gives so much of himself to his correspondence over many years. He has helped so many to achieve so much and overcome uncertainty and fears with their experiments and adventures. True he has taken to task those whose views contradict the harmony of the Forum by insisting they are right, and objecting rudely to others opinions. His frequent Emails offered a framework on which we could hang our ideas and give them an airing, what a valuable contribution?
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: smokeyquartz on October 04, 2021, 11:48:17 pm
@kingsalmon We realize all those things and are still concerned. Tyler posted here very frequently, so for him to suddenly drop off the map is unusual behavior and concerning. Yes, in your case you don't post frequently and don't consider us your friends, so if you left it would not set off alarms or concern here.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: King Salmon on October 05, 2021, 12:03:02 pm
@kingsalmon We realize all those things and are still concerned. Tyler posted here very frequently, so for him to suddenly drop off the map is unusual behavior and concerning. Yes, in your case you don't post frequently and don't consider us your friends, so if you left it would not set off alarms or concern here.
Sounds good.Good luck on your search.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: dariorpl on December 30, 2021, 02:35:42 am
Coming up on two years since he vanished and right before the start of the falsemic.
Meanwhile Austria which I think is where he lived has gone full nazi AFAIK. There is a chance he knew it was coming and went off grid but I doubt it.
Lately there's been a slow and somewhat systematic worldwide purge of troublemakers who deny official facts. There's a chance he was one of the first victims of this round of cleansing.
We know they did the same to AV back in 2012 after he did too much to ridicule the '09 global hoax that was the test drive for this one.
I hope he's ok, wherever he is.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: dariorpl on August 22, 2022, 11:12:02 pm
31 months...
I don't know if any restrictions are left in Austria at this time. I read somewhere that most local restrictions were lifted 5 months ago, but that travel restrictions remained.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: dariorpl on January 01, 2023, 12:14:38 am
Ending another year without a word on what happened to Tyler.
In 8 days it will be 3 years since he disappeared.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: FRANCIS HOWARD BOND on January 02, 2023, 03:38:47 am
A fantastic correspondent with over 16,000 detailed comments, it really bugs me that there is no communication from him! A very private person who would not wish any personal investigation, but after this time, I fear the worst, and feel authorities in Austria are the only source of information, as no-one here has his address or other particulars. A keen skier, does anyone have access to ski groups in Austria? I really admired his intense and dedicated contribution to our columns.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: smokeyquartz on January 05, 2023, 09:24:44 am
I don't think we will ever hear from him again. He's clearly been gone a long time.
Honestly, I don't mean to be negative, but some people don't feel as close to us as we would believe they actually are. Perhaps he did not feel very connected to anyone here and has already figured everything else out for himself, so he felt no reason to stay.
I've become used to this world where people leave without saying goodbye anymore. However, this is something more appropriate for a casual acquaintance....not someone who had a lengthy presence.
I'm glad there are still some people who have been here long-term who still remain and keep it alive. I haven't figured everything out so I'm motivated to stay here and keep searching the boards for information. I wish some of the others would come back and give updates after all these years....what are eating now, what is going on in their life now, etc.
People just leave it seems.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: dariorpl on January 08, 2023, 09:32:28 pm
Today marks the three year anniversary of Tyler's vanishment.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: sabertooth on January 23, 2023, 10:07:19 am
Perhaps we could honor his memory through lambasting humor and whimsical speculation on his current whereabouts and exaggerated exploits.
Was his family into organized crime? He traveled back and forth between family estates in Italy and Austria ?? What’s his true profession?? Did anyone ever truly know who he was? Could he be in a black cite prison for running anti lockdown resistance movements throughout Europe?
His gentle persona may have been just a cover for a real madman; lord knows how Tyler’s influence over the years has radicalized myself and many others to such a degree, the powers that be had to take him out of his command post.
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: FRANCIS HOWARD BOND on January 23, 2023, 11:47:36 pm
I hope he has not just been a Covid victim as he disappeared at the height of this illness throughout Europe?
Title: Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
Post by: goodsamaritan on January 29, 2023, 10:10:55 pm