/* * Patch for filter_var() */ if(!function_exists('filter_var')){ define('FILTER_VALIDATE_IP', 'ip'); define('FILTER_FLAG_IPV4', 'ipv4'); define('FILTER_FLAG_IPV6', 'ipv6'); define('FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL', 'email'); define('FILTER_FLAG_EMAIL_UNICODE', 'unicode'); function filter_var($variable, $filter, $option = false){ if($filter == 'ip'){ if($option == 'ipv4'){ if(preg_match("/(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/", $variable, $matches)){ $variable = $matches[1]; return $variable; } } if($option == 'ipv6'){ if(preg_match("/\s*(([:.]{0,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){1,8})\s*/", $variable, $matches)){ $variable = $matches[1]; return $variable; } } } if($filter == 'email'){ if($option == 'unicode' || $option == false){ if(preg_match("/\s*(\S*@\S*\.\S*)\s*/", $variable, $matches)){ $variable = $matches[1]; return $variable; } } } } }
Try using this dieting software.Lol yeah that software helped or it made things more complicated I'm not sure l). Typing into that software what I was planning out eating and how much of it I think I know what I was doing wrong. With my first calculations I did I didn't take into account the fat and water that was in the meat. Apparently 165 grams of protein will make up 30% of my daily required calorie intake. That sounds like a lot more protein than what is recommended for my weight,but I guess that's the correct amount. Also it sounds a little off that I'm now going to be eating 555 grams of meat and only 136 grams of suet but thats what that dieting calculator says. Lol I'm both more confident and not more confident that that's the correct amounts to eat, if that's at all possible. But I believe these measurements are correct but will continue to go over them and hopefully either find that they are correct or look into it further. Feel free to still offer any suggestions to if this looks right or wrong. Thank ya thank ya very much.
I found just eating what i felt like (on a carnivorous diet) was much healthier and easier to do compared to trying to measure out ratios of food. You are not a robot and your body will want different things every day. There is no such thing as doing the diet 'right', where when you hit the magic numbers you will turn into a superman. Get in touch with your intuition and instinct instead of the scales.Yes i agree that I shouldnt get to technical about the whole thing. But I would like to eat a ratio of fat/protein that most people seem to think is the "correct" amount, at least at first. The first time I tried this I was eating way to much fat. So I would like to get a general figure of how much to eat at first and then just basically eyeball it after that. And if I start to feel like my body wants a different ratio then I will be more than happy to accommodate it.