Do you know if (non organic) lamb from UK is grassfed or grainfed ?
There are some lamb from UK in the shops in France, and I wonder if I can try some.
I thought you'd already asked this question before. Ah well, maybe it was someone else. Basically, you don't need to worry re lamb unless you're in the US as the US is the only country which has a grainfeeding industry for lamb. At the very worst, you might find some UK lamb being fed a few grain concentrates along with all the grass, but the vast majority are, according to reports, 100% grassfed(UK beef , on the other hand, is almost always partially(not wholly) grainfed unless the farm'sbrochure specifically states that it's 100% grassfed.
Title: Re: Is UK's lamb grassfed ?
Post by: carnivore on September 14, 2009, 08:55:04 pm
I thought you'd already asked this question before. Ah well, maybe it was someone else. Basically, you don't need to worry re lamb unless you're in the US as the US is the only country which has a grainfeeding industry for lamb. At the very worst, you might find some UK lmab beinf fed a few grain concentrates along with all the grass, but the vast majority are, according to reports, 100% grassfed(UK beef , on the other hand, is almost always partially(not wholly) grainfed unless the farm'sbrochure specifically states that it's 100% grassfed.
I already asked a question regarding organic beef. In France, lamb generally eat grass and grain, it's why I am surprised. Maybe grass grows better in UK! Thank's for the answer Tyler.
Title: Re: Is UK's lamb grassfed ?
Post by: TylerDurden on September 14, 2009, 09:07:41 pm
I already asked a question regarding organic beef. In France, lamb generally eat grass and grain, it's why I am surprised. Maybe grass grows better in UK! Thank's for the answer Tyler.
Just make sure the lamb is organic.
Title: Re: Is UK's lamb grassfed ?
Post by: carnivore on September 14, 2009, 11:13:55 pm
My question was for non organic lamb. So non organic lamb is grainfed ?
Title: Re: Is UK's lamb grassfed ?
Post by: Michael on September 15, 2009, 12:35:47 am
Hi carnivore,
If it's any help, I would NOT eat it myself unless I had no access to anything better.
My experience has shown that both organic and non-organic lamb in the UK is fed grain - although they do eat grass extensively and sometimes exclusively. I found 100% grass-fed organic lamb here in the UK about a year ago and have been eating it weekly ever since. It is far superior to any other lamb I have eaten here and, IMO, alone indicative that the other stuff has been fed a diet less than perfect!
Title: Re: Is UK's lamb grassfed ?
Post by: TylerDurden on September 15, 2009, 04:43:59 pm
If it's any help, I would NOT eat it myself unless I had no access to anything better.
My experience has shown that both organic and non-organic lamb in the UK is fed grain - although they do eat grass extensively and sometimes exclusively. I found 100% grass-fed organic lamb here in the UK about a year ago and have been eating it weekly ever since. It is far superior to any other lamb I have eaten here and, IMO, alone indicative that the other stuff has been fed a diet less than perfect!
Well, that may be. But I've sometimes come across (nonorganic)lamb which was definitely high quality and 100% grassfed even if they didn't openly advertise it(and it was cheaper than "official" organic/100% grassfed lamb).
Title: Re: Is UK's lamb grassfed ?
Post by: Michael on September 15, 2009, 05:44:53 pm
I certainly don't dispute that such lamb is available in the UK Tyler. My point to carnivore, really, was that he shouldn't rely on the lamb he has available as being purely grass-fed just because it's from the uk. There's a very good chance that it was fed grain IMO so, unless he can clarify to the contrary, it is best avoided.
The wonderful fatty cuts of organic, 100% grass-fed lamb that I buy is also very reasonable at £7.29 per kg.
Title: Re: Is UK's lamb grassfed ?
Post by: razmatazz on September 15, 2009, 08:38:19 pm
whhy not find out which farm the lamb is from, then call/email them to find out for sure?
Title: Re: Is UK's lamb grassfed ?
Post by: TylerDurden on September 16, 2009, 04:18:08 pm
whhy not find out which farm the lamb is from, then call/email them to find out for sure?
Not always a guarantee. The trouble is that many farmers lie. Sometimes I've tricked them by asking them what they feed their animals on(rather than asking if they're grassfed) and they then foolishly go on about the joy of feeding their animals(eg:- pigs) on grains.