Raw Paleo Diet to Suit You => Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach => Topic started by: DeadRamones on November 09, 2009, 11:23:20 am
Title: poultry is heated
Post by: DeadRamones on November 09, 2009, 11:23:20 am
At least by my area. My nephew works part time at a slaughter house. He dips hacked off poultry in boiling water (150) for 40seconds intervals, twice. First cycle is to clean, the 2nd is to loosen up the feathers. Then they're tossed into some sort of rubber cylinder de-feathering machine.
I attempted to eat raw chicken legs once. I lost my appetite when I open the package. Maybe if it was a fresh kill I could of gone along with it. I don't think I'll attempt again though. Red meat just feels right.
Title: Re: poultry is heated
Post by: yon yonson on November 09, 2009, 11:54:13 am
i've gotten chicken from two sources near me. one is great. definitely not heated. the other one was pretty horrible. you could tell the chicken had been heated beforehand and it tasted awful. the skin had a different texture and color too. the good chicken has nearly white skin that's still very elastic and slimy. i need to ask them how they de-feather. anyways, it's worth it to try and find a good source in my opinion.
Title: Re: poultry is heated
Post by: invisible on November 10, 2009, 07:36:21 pm
i've gotten chicken from two sources near me. one is great. definitely not heated. the other one was pretty horrible. you could tell the chicken had been heated beforehand and it tasted awful. the skin had a different texture and color too. the good chicken has nearly white skin that's still very elastic and slimy. i need to ask them how they de-feather. anyways, it's worth it to try and find a good source in my opinion.
My guess they are both heated. It is standard for poultry is put in boiling water to remove feathers whether organic, free range it does not matter.
Title: Re: poultry is heated
Post by: RawZi on November 10, 2009, 08:23:56 pm
aajonus says not to eat the skin for two reasons. one because it is too tough to digest, and two because skin/fat etc can have toxins. i was eating (raw) free range chicken, and eating the skin anyway. i seemed to digest it fine. i'm glad i'm not eating it anymore. i didn't want to waste things, especially because i need fat in my diet. i throw it in the yard now. it disappears. i'm sure it's not wasted and some animal is eating it.
Title: Re: poultry is heated
Post by: Neone on November 11, 2009, 09:04:09 pm
This last weekend I purchased two chickens from a natural raised farm I buy a lot of my meat from. I just took them out to a lake in the woods and my wife and I just cut off their heads, bled them into a mason jar, then skinned them, gutted and had some of the freshest tastiest liver and heart we have ever eaten (even if it is tiny haha).
I would recomend doing something like this.. I didnt find it half as traumatising as I thought it was going to be, and it might have taken 20mins to do both..
We took the carcass home and just cut the meat off the body as we wanted it (and omg it was the best chicken we ever had, diced up the breast and mixed it in with an egg yolk and a little spice).
When we were done we threw the feet and bones into a broth and made one tasty broth.
Title: Re: poultry is heated
Post by: raw on December 09, 2009, 05:22:50 am
it is very common in my country to buy live chickens and usually two people need to cut their head off (halal way). i see many times my momm just pulls the feathers off the chicken. chicken is never my favorite and i never try to eat them anyway.
Title: Re: poultry is heated
Post by: RawZi on December 09, 2009, 06:53:42 am
dear rawzi/ after slaughter, she plucks the feathers manually.
Do they still dip it in scalding water to loosen the feathers? Or do you not know because you're not that close to the slaughter?
Title: Re: poultry is heated
Post by: William on December 09, 2009, 12:34:05 pm
Recent post from a deerslayer, he and wife completely disassembled and packed a whole deer in less than two hours; no saw or ax, and not a big knife. White tail.
He does not butcher it into steak, roast etc., but removes whole muscles.
Title: Re: poultry is heated
Post by: raw on December 09, 2009, 11:53:42 pm