Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: nicole on November 25, 2009, 07:19:34 am

Title: I need advice-please help
Post by: nicole on November 25, 2009, 07:19:34 am
I really need advice about how I can start living a healthy paleo life. I have tried to before and found it to be successful.  Unfortuneately my parents threatened to have me arrested and thrown in a mental institution and they have said that i would not be able to see my pets again.  Please say a prayer for me to find out a way if you will. I have to find a way to earn enough money to live on my  own and get those vital resources.  I really wish that could I knew how to use my instincts to solve this problem. Thank you for you replies.
Title: Re: I need advice-please help
Post by: PaleoPhil on November 25, 2009, 10:00:13 am
Yes, I think you will have to find a way to get your own place. In the meantime, you could try to eat as close to cooked-Paleo (minimize grains, dairy, legumes, starches, sugars, processed foods, etc.) as they will let you.

[Edit: and if they let you cook your own food, you could sear your meat on the outside so it looks thoroughly cooked, but leave the inside rare. You might have to do this only when they are not watching or paying attention--otherwise they'll notice you didn't cook it long enough. I wouldn't lie about anything, though, because then they won't trust you. If they catch you not cooking well enough I suppose you could say something like "I like the taste of it that way, would it make you feel more comfortable if I cooked this meat more thoroughly?" and just leave out that you also think it's healthier.]
Title: Re: I need advice-please help
Post by: djr_81 on November 25, 2009, 10:29:04 am
I agree with Phil. Cut out the serious offenders of the modern diet, try to eat your fruits and veggies raw, and eat your meat as rare as you are able to without your parents freaking out. Over time gradually increase the raw-ness of your meals. It shouldn't be too hard to avoid conflict. :)
Title: Re: I need advice-please help
Post by: Michael on November 25, 2009, 08:14:33 pm
I'd agree with the good advice so far.

In addition, I think Dr Kurt Harris may be a good source of information for you Nicole.  He's a little less extreme than many here - myself included - and would be a useful way for you to slowly move towards this healthful way of eating whilst you're in the throws of fighting for your independence.

He has some useful information on phasing into a paleolithic diet here: (

Of course, when the time is right, his medical credentials would also bode well for providing explanations to your parents as - understandably - their fear is justifiable and rooted only in ignorance.
Title: Re: I need advice-please help
Post by: nicole on November 26, 2009, 06:03:20 am
Thank you for your replies. I am trying to figure out a good place to live where i can access the resources i need easier. i live in the city right now. i also need access to natural spring water or a large filter of some sort. I have distiller right now, but i don't think thats good for the long run. I live in Washington state. I've just recently told them that i am greatly interested in moving out.  Of course there was a big fight about "how are you going to survive on your own." And then I went into hysterics about the government and freedom. I hope that I can make it happen soon. I just have to keep telling myself that I am right instead of getting brainwashed into believing other people.
Title: Re: I need advice-please help
Post by: DeadRamones on November 26, 2009, 07:21:16 am
Well since you're airing your business. How old are you, if you don't mind? can help with the water issue. I think you should just do what your parents say for now. Until you save enough to be out on your own.