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Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Health => Topic started by: Dissident on December 07, 2009, 09:50:37 am

Title: RAF and pH levels
Post by: Dissident on December 07, 2009, 09:50:37 am
Since getting into RAF, I've noticed that my urine is very yellow. I've tested my pH and it's always acidic. Do you guys worry at all about the pH levels of your body? Is there anything you do to keep good balance? I've restarted drinking highly alkaline distilled water to be sure that high % meat is not causing too much acidity in my body... it seems the fruits and veggies alone don't help much.
Title: Re: RAF and pH levels
Post by: TylerDurden on December 07, 2009, 06:02:54 pm
We generally don't believe in the acid/alkali base theory. This is becasue raw zero-carbers have mentioned that their bone-health actually improved despite being all-meat-eaters. I also have had no issues re bone-health despite eating mostly raw animal foods - indeed my teeth/bones are stronger than ever.

Whatever the case, it is a known fact that raw meat is much less acidic than cooked meats and even less acidic than that vis-avis cooked processed meats.
Title: Re: RAF and pH levels
Post by: Nicola on December 07, 2009, 08:12:55 pm
I've restarted drinking highly alkaline distilled water

Distilled water is not highly alkaline ???
Title: Re: RAF and pH levels
Post by: Dissident on December 07, 2009, 08:34:55 pm
It is implied that I am adding an alkaline substance to the distilled water.
Title: Re: RAF and pH levels
Post by: MrBBQ on December 07, 2009, 08:58:26 pm
If it's any consolation, I'm currently engaged in the same wonderment...

My urine is often really yellow and meagre (with 300-400g meat+100-200g fat), unless I'm drinking plenty of distilled water-based electrolyte beverages all day. Maybe it's tough on the kidneys to keep the blood balanced, I'm not sure...It currently doesn't seem optimal for me either...

Strangely enough, whenever I've tested the pH of my distilled water with a pH meter that's supposed to be calibrated, whereby the water has been dripped into a container holding quartz crystals, the pH reading is 8-9...Weird...

Don't be adding too many cations (or whatever - hydrogen ions) to your water - it'll be caustic and damage your oesophagus, hehe!

How much meat/fat are you eating? I'm considering halving my intake and gauging the result...Maybe some omnivores lean (pardon the pun) to the vegan side...
Title: Re: RAF and pH levels
Post by: raw on December 10, 2009, 12:17:21 pm
i'm also having the same experience with yellow pees. is this yellow color normal for raw paleo woman? i just drink osmosis water. -[
Title: Re: RAF and pH levels
Post by: PaleoPhil on December 10, 2009, 12:46:35 pm
There are quite a few postings in other threads on RAF and urine pH, water intake and dehydration, kidney stones, etc. in other threads. I don't want to have to rehash it all, sorry.
Title: Re: RAF and pH levels
Post by: Dissident on December 11, 2009, 04:06:49 pm
I did a search and didn't find anything very relevant. If you don't want to rehash - maybe just tell me if I should worry about anything? Is it in fact good to be acidic? So much controversial information we never know.
Title: Re: RAF and pH levels
Post by: wodgina on December 11, 2009, 06:26:59 pm
Don't worry about it, you will live.

Title: Re: RAF and pH levels
Post by: PaleoPhil on December 11, 2009, 08:34:08 pm
I did a search and didn't find anything very relevant. If you don't want to rehash - maybe just tell me if I should worry about anything? Is it in fact good to be acidic? So much controversial information we never know.

Lex Rooker has expounded on it extensively. There's one here and many after it in his journal, and probably some before this:

AFAIK, the only concern with acidic urine pH is uric acid stones. I try to drink lots of fluids.

A RAF diet actually INCREASES bone density, in our experience, rather than decreases it. I recommend reading all of Lex's journal.
Title: Re: RAF and pH levels
Post by: raw on December 12, 2009, 12:11:38 am
Lex Rooker has expounded on it extensively. There's one here and many after it in his journal, and probably some before this:

AFAIK, the only concern with acidic urine pH is uric acid stones. I try to drink lots of fluids.

A RAF diet actually INCREASES bone density, in our experience, rather than decreases it. I recommend reading all of Lex's journal.
to paleophil, like me being busy mom, i really don't have a chance to read lex's journal . it's really helpful that you specified this subject to where to look. thanks paleophil to take your important time to reply this. we all thanks full to you. :D
Title: Re: RAF and pH levels
Post by: PaleoPhil on December 12, 2009, 06:31:57 am
You're welcome, Raw.

My own urine pH ranges from 5.0 to 5.5, like Lex's I think. I posted a source here somewhere that said that 6.0 or 6.2 to 6.5 is optimal, but I don't know how accurate that is and whether it varies for raw carnivores. Raw vegans tend to claim that alkaline urine pH is good, but I was chronically ill when I had an alkaline pH and many of the vegans have the same chronic issues I used to have when I ate more plant foods.

I'm more concerned about overly dense urine, which suggests dehydration and can contribute to kidney stones. The traditional Inuit were not known for kidney stones, so one can be carnivorous without getting them, but the reported water intake of the Inuit I found was enormous--I think it was 5-6 liters per day, IIRC, which seems impossible. Supposedly the Inuit sweated a lot and they feel warm or hot when the outside temp reaches the 40s Farenheit. They also have a different physiology than Europeans, so it's a little hard to know how valid the comparisons are.

As the color in my urine gets more deeply yellow I try to drink more water--mineral water is reportedly the best fluid to drink for avoiding kidney stones.
Title: Re: RAF and pH levels
Post by: cherimoya_kid on December 12, 2009, 06:47:17 am
...the reported water intake of the Inuit I found was enormous--I think it was 5-6 liters per day, IIRC, which seems impossible...

Not at all impossible.  When I lived in Costa Rica most of my calories came from fresh coconut, and I would drink about 7-8 liters daily.  My friend, who ate even more coconut, drank up to 12 liters daily.  For some reason,  coconut makes you really dehydrated and thirsty, if you eat a lot of it.
Title: Re: RAF and pH levels
Post by: William on December 12, 2009, 01:50:55 pm

I'm more concerned about overly dense urine, which suggests dehydration and can contribute to kidney stones. The traditional Inuit were not known for kidney stones, so one can be carnivorous without getting them, but the reported water intake of the Inuit I found was enormous--I think it was 5-6 liters per day, IIRC, which seems impossible. Supposedly the Inuit sweated a lot and they feel warm or hot when the outside temp reaches the 40s Farenheit. They also have a different physiology than Europeans, so it's a little hard to know how valid the comparisons are.

As the color in my urine gets more deeply yellow I try to drink more water--mineral water is reportedly the best fluid to drink for avoiding kidney stones.

When the Inuit acquired pots and fuel and tea, they made tea frequently and ate the leaves after. My guess is this was instinctive nutrition to increase liquid flow/more pissing for an unknown (to me) reason.
I can lighten colour of urine to a very pale yellow with one Americano, which is a single espresso and fill the (8 oz.) cup with hot water, but this is added to the usual 3 or 4 cups of weak coffee/day.

I'd suggest that just drinking more water is not the answer - probably need electrolytes or diuretic or something, otherwise you are just diluting the blood - not a good idea, unless you have reason believe that your blood is too thick.
Title: Re: RAF and pH levels
Post by: PaleoPhil on December 12, 2009, 10:17:40 pm
... I'd suggest that just drinking more water is not the answer - probably need electrolytes ...
Mineral water contains some electrolytes, including the most important one for kidney stones (magnesium).

or diuretic or something, otherwise you are just diluting the blood - not a good idea, unless you have reason believe that your blood is too thick.
My blood tends to run on the thin side. It's the thickness of the urine that's more important for me, given my history of nephrolithiasis.
Title: Re: RAF and pH levels
Post by: Dissident on December 13, 2009, 11:10:48 pm
Good info, thanks folks. My pH is around 6.0 and 6.25 usually. Guess I shouldn't worry too much.