Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet to Suit You => Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach => Topic started by: Satya on July 16, 2008, 09:58:44 am

Title: 100% Carnivorous ... really?
Post by: Satya on July 16, 2008, 09:58:44 am
Okay, carnivores.  You have been making me think more about trying this.  But really, how many of you abstain from spices and such?  I am doing the hunter-gatherer thing more correctly by focusing on game, fish, fowl with some side plant goodies.  But to go totally without such foods as condiments even?  Okay, who really is shunning ALL plant foods.  Salt would be okay, but pepper?  Fahgetaboutit!  Real carnivores, stand up please.
Title: Re: 100% Carnivorous ... really?
Post by: xylothrill on July 16, 2008, 11:31:03 am
Spices to transition. I used garlic powder at first and I didn't know it then but it has hydrogenated oils in it! I can't claim absolute 100% carnivorism. I took my mother out for her birthday on the 5th of July and had some steamed broccoli with butter along with seared fish. But this type of thing happens very rarely. Anyway, almost all mammalian carnivores eat some negligible plant matter. Even cats chew on grass and get high on catnip but the calories gotten from this would probably be very low.

Title: Re: 100% Carnivorous ... really?
Post by: Satya on July 16, 2008, 08:06:20 pm
Anyway, almost all mammalian carnivores eat some negligible plant matter. Even cats chew on grass and get high on catnip but the calories gotten from this would probably be very low.

I thought about this.  And it is true, all cats eat grass if they can get out to get some.  Perhaps we should have some plant matter in our diet.  My cat eats grass daily and catches prey regularly as well.

As far as cheats go, they are negligible to consider if they happen once a quarter or something.
Title: Re: 100% Carnivorous ... really?
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 16, 2008, 09:26:44 pm
I eat around 50% fruit and 50% animal foods.

> But really, how many of you abstain from spices and such?

I abstain from all spices and all condiments.
I came from fruitarian and Natural Hygiene teachings so I don't do spices and condiments.
Title: Re: 100% Carnivorous ... really?
Post by: Kristelle on July 16, 2008, 09:31:51 pm
I just stick to fatty meat and fish. No spices, not even salt or pepper. No plant matter, ever.
Title: Re: 100% Carnivorous ... really?
Post by: TruthHunter on August 17, 2008, 09:31:29 am
This was in Wikipedia under Carnivore:
In most cases, some plant material is essential for adequate nutrition, particularly with regard to minerals, vitamins and fiber. Most wild carnivores consume this in the digestive system of their prey.
Many carnivores also eat herbivore dung, presumably to obtain essential nutrients that they could not otherwise obtain, since their dentition and digestive system do not permit efficient processing of vegetable matter.

Now wikipedia is the last word! ::) I think this is essentially correct, though.

So, where do you get your plant material?   I don't here anyone claiming to eat uncleaned intestines and stomachs!  Or, uh, dung!  I've had cheese that smelled like cow dung, don't think that counts.

 Man is certainly not an Obligate Carnivore - one that must eat nearly all meat. Some of  you act as if that were true. 

It seems to me to be a little crazy to eat only meat.  It seems the logic is, "I feel so much better on this less unsuitable diet, so it must be right.  This kind of thinking  gets a lot of Vegans  in trouble. 

100% RAF seems to me to be an act of faith just like 100% Veganism.

Title: Re: 100% Carnivorous ... really?
Post by: wodgina on August 17, 2008, 10:42:36 am

So, where do you get your plant material?   I don't here anyone claiming to eat uncleaned intestines and stomachs!  Or, uh, dung!  I've had cheese that smelled like cow dung, don't think that counts.

 Man is certainly not an Obligate Carnivore - one that must eat nearly all meat. Some of  you act as if that were true. 

It seems to me to be a little crazy to eat only meat.  It seems the logic is, "I feel so much better on this less unsuitable diet, so it must be right.  This kind of thinking  gets a lot of Vegans  in trouble. 

100% RAF seems to me to be an act of faith just like 100% Veganism.


Just because some of us 'act' as if we are obligate carnivores for short periods does not mean we believe we are obligate carnivores, I've got no idea where you got this.

What do you eat exactly and I want percentages! cooked or uncooked?  which way do you swing, carnivore or vegy? or are blindly following 100% omnivore diet?!


Title: Re: 100% Carnivorous ... really?
Post by: stevesurv on August 17, 2008, 01:16:18 pm
I'm not pure carni. I love me home made sauerkraut and fermented cauliflower. I also use a little pepper and olive oil for certain organs like kidney. I'll have some berries every now and then but not much at all. They make me fart. That's about it.
Title: Re: 100% Carnivorous ... really?
Post by: TruthHunter on August 17, 2008, 09:56:37 pm
Just because some of us 'act' as if we are obligate carnivores for short periods does not mean we believe we are obligate carnivores, I've got no idea where you got this.

Some people report eating 100% meat for long periods...and talk as if plant material was harming them.

What do you eat exactly and I want percentages! cooked or uncooked? 

 which way do you swing, carnivore or vegy? or are blindly following 100% omnivore diet?!

I have eaten 90 - 95% raw for the last year. I  tried 100% raw Vegan 35 years ago, for 6 months, and gave it up. You never see cooked food the same after that.
 Other than raw eggs, I haven't eaten animal products. I  have thought about it and am still thinking about it.  When I eat cooked food it is always socially related. There are no cooked foods I crave.  I find I retain up to 4 lbs of water  if I eat a significant amount of cooked food.  Lately, I have been eating 100% and feel better. I have eaten a lot of raw pineapple lately and it has trimmed my weight  some more. I am too light now - down 28 lbs from when I started high raw.  My strength is good so I don't think I've lost as much lean body mass as my scales claim.  I am looking at changes to  build my weight up some.

As for for "blindly following 100% omnivore", if you mean checking Blood Glucose, I haven't done that.  I know that I didn't tolerate low carb well when I tried it.  I am seriously allergic  to  red meats, so I am limited in what I could eat anyway.  I am not completely blind as to how my body responds. I am at this site,  because I am considering RAF. I am well aware of my personal prejudices and where they come from.  So, I don't think I'm blind.

Title: Re: 100% Carnivorous ... really?
Post by: TylerDurden on August 17, 2008, 10:34:00 pm
I'm not pure carni. I love me home made sauerkraut and fermented cauliflower. I also use a little pepper and olive oil for certain organs like kidney. I'll have some berries every now and then but not much at all. They make me fart. That's about it.

I stopped eating sauerkraut when I realised that my stools, after consuming it, were massively larger than during times I didn't eat sauerkraut. I suspect poor absorption, or just too much fibre in the stuff.
Title: Re: 100% Carnivorous ... really?
Post by: TylerDurden on August 17, 2008, 10:42:22 pm
As regards the wikipedia entry, I'm not convinced. I too was once of the impression that wolves ate some plant-food in their prey's stomachs. After a discussion on an online cooked-palaeo forum, it was pointed out that wolves actually leave the stomach-contents alone. Besides, I've recently come across so much bias and deliberate distortions of truth on Wikipedia, that I simply don't trust it as a source, with the sole exception of very rare subjects/topics over which nobody feels remotely passionate about.
Title: Re: 100% Carnivorous ... really?
Post by: stevesurv on August 17, 2008, 11:00:11 pm
I stopped eating sauerkraut when I realised that my stools, after consuming it, were massively larger than during times I didn't eat sauerkraut. I suspect poor absorption, or just too much fibre in the stuff.

I haven't had that problem.
Title: Re: 100% Carnivorous ... really?
Post by: Nicola on February 02, 2010, 09:08:59 pm
People, when will you learn not to go and mention hurtfull things behind peoples backs?

This is absolute childish and it is not constructive - it's just to cause trouble!

Life is connecting - but this is not the way!!!

Finally, I am unwilling to admit that Raw Zero Carb is nonsense and a waste of time, and that “Lex” thinks he’s a nutritional scientist/paleolithic expert, but is nothing more than some dude who’s over-scrutinized and over-analyzed the diet of himself and others. Is he a walnut, or is he a pecan? Whichever nut is the paleolithic one, in his own opinion.

Title: Re: 100% Carnivorous ... really?
Post by: Nicola on February 03, 2010, 04:50:27 pm
Just another troll, i guess. All sorts of paranoia re "plotting" mentions etc.
You mean you didn't write this? Is the internet that full of people that don't have anything better to do in life?

I hope it wasn't you because that was just too much and I thought more of you!

Title: Re: 100% Carnivorous ... really?
Post by: goodsamaritan on February 03, 2010, 05:17:55 pm
You mean you didn't write this? Is the internet that full of people that don't have anything better to do in life?

I hope it wasn't you because that was just too much and I thought more of you!


You should read the rest of what that guy wrote... made fun of you and even masqueraded as me in my own blog!  He wants us to lighten up he says.

Here's more comments on my blog today.

Same email indicated in all 3 comments:

If I search facebook, 19 year old Ian Kalver comes up:


I'm not sure if the commenter also faked his email address.  For all we know, it may not be Ian at all.

At the bottom comment he posts using my username "GoodSamaritan" and posts how he thinks I would comment.  


      1TylerDurden#2 on Feb 2, 2010 at 9:54 am: e

      Nice. I’ll have to take epsom salts off my “raw dairy and other things bashing list”, since epsom salts are just as good if not better than those guns I’m so fond off.

      In addition. I hate dairy. And I hate to admit it, but I’m not an expert. I’m just some dude who plotted against Aajonus and made a reputation and a website out of it. I also still complain about Aajonus recommending raw dairy to me, ev en though in 2005 he change his first book to include TWICE that sometime people cannot handle raw dairy at all, and that lactose intolerance can still exist on raw dairy, even with the enzymes.

      Finally, I am unwilling to admit that Raw Zero Carb is nonsense and a waste of time, and that “Lex” thinks he’s a nutritional scientist/paleolithic expert, but is nothing more than some dude who’s over-scrutinized and over-analyzed the diet of himself and others. Is he a walnut, or is he a pecan? Whichever nut is the paleolithic one, in his own opinion.

      I also recommend boar inside. And I do not believe in Mercury poisoning, especially by vaccines containing thermerisol. That last one is utter nonsense. Do the math! Mercury injections can’t cause mercury poisoning! All you people are crazy to believe that.

      And now I will use my potty mouth. ar*e. b*ll*cks. Such a potty mouth I am! ;)
      2"The Peanut Gallery" on Feb 3, 2010 at 7:04 am: e

      People, when will you learn not to go and mention hurtfull things behind peoples backs?

      This is absolute childish and it is not constructive – it’s just to cause trouble!

      Life is connecting – but this is not the way!!!

      I am so easily offended that I cannot even take knock-knock jokes.


      Was that a creak in the door I heard?

      I find that very offensive!

      Boo-hoo! :*(

      (Preaches presonal philosophy for several minutes.)

      P.S. Not a troll. Just a mockery! Learn to laugh at yourselves and you might just get the joke. ;) Even people who are obsessed “picking apart” diets, etc. need to take a step back, laugh, and just have some fun! Unless I’m asked to stop the paleo-humor or my comments are banned/deleted from the site, I may or may not continue, as some people don’t mind having a little fun!
      3GoodSamaritan on Feb 3, 2010 at 7:10 am: e

      He’s right. As raw paleo people we need to open up and not be so defensive. That way people may open up to our lifestyle. (Shows thousands of pictures of yellow beefy fat and collosal seafood so fresh that it’s still in the ocean swimming)