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Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Off Topic => Topic started by: TylerDurden on March 01, 2010, 11:23:43 pm
Title: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 01, 2010, 11:23:43 pm
I am posting this on behalf of Geoff:
He had a severe skiing-accident and will not be available for several weeks.
We wish him all the best.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: Hannibal on March 01, 2010, 11:36:02 pm
That's really sad to hear. I hope he will recover very soon.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: PaleoPhil on March 01, 2010, 11:45:21 pm
Ooh, so sorry to hear that. Best wishes to Tyler for a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 02, 2010, 12:59:58 am
Well, I am in a provincial town which only has 1 internet access which appears to be dial-up so largely useless. This will be my last post for weeks. Some idiot skied into me on Wednesday , I suspect one of those male helmet-wearing psycho skiing fashonistas we see nowadays on the slopes. I don't have a recollection of the accident due to shock but I've had issues with such before, as helmet_wearers for obvious reasons can't hear or see as well as other skiers and don't generally care as they are protected by the helmet. Other skiers like me aren't which is why I have a little blood in the brain, stitches below my right eye and 1 or 2 minor facial bones broken so that my right jaw feels pain whenver I eat the crappy hospital food. Now all I have to is wait endlessly while the hospital decides to do the necessary operation, and in the meantime, I have to submit to 3 daily drips of RPD-unfriendly antibiotics. What makes it worse is that, apparently, my veins are extremely difficult to use/get access to, so not only do those injections have to be deep and therfore rather painful but the injection site has to be changed frequently as well, I've been injected in 6-10 different sites on each arm by now.
Oh yes, I had a delightful time that wednesday where they stitched me up, awfully painful as the painkillers they gave, if any, didn't work.
Interesting; I seem to see 728 members listed. I'd thought there were only 686 members a few day ago.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: PaleoPhil on March 02, 2010, 01:09:05 am
Heh, heh. If you see this, it's good to see your in your usual grumpy spirits. I think that's a good sign. ;D
I'm a bit under the weather too, apparently due to having experimented with ghee. It tasted good, but I woke up ill in the wee hours of the morning, probably due to a combination of not getting all the milk solids out and slightly overcooking it. I'm improving though and didn't react as badly as I have in the past to certain foods like milk.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: goodsamaritan on March 02, 2010, 01:25:46 am
He had a severe skiing-accident and will not be available for several weeks.
We wish him all the best.
Oh my gosh. How is he? How can we help? Can we send him get well cards or gifts? Where?
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 02, 2010, 01:32:56 am
Don't worry. By the time any messages came I'd have had the operation, I think, and will be off to the UK. I'm just annoyed at being an invalid as I'm an excellent skier and avoid such situations normally with ease. I suspect those helmet_wearing psychos as I've had various mini_incidents before where they hit me with no side-effects.Oh, I forgot to mention re symptoms, and my right eye is completely bloodshot so I'm hoping that will eventually go away; somehow.
OK, absolute last post as the hospital will start suspecting that I'm trying to avoid their antibiotic drips etc.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: Hannibal on March 02, 2010, 01:41:22 am
It's very important to wear the helmet - it's a great protection of the brain. I use it all the time - esp. on the bike, because I ride quite a lot.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: RawZi on March 02, 2010, 04:48:57 am
Get well soon, Tyler! I'm sorry you're not feeling good :(
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: Paleo Donk on March 02, 2010, 05:42:09 am
Really sorry to hear about this :( Maybe you can test those tissue regrowth claims by taking baths in ground beef or whatever it is aajonus does.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: cherimoya_kid on March 02, 2010, 10:05:09 am
Good luck with getting well fast.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: sven on March 02, 2010, 11:12:09 am
LOL@ take a bath in ground beef
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: lex_rooker on March 02, 2010, 12:37:11 pm
I'm with Tyler. I hate helmets and the outfits that accompany them - especially those spandex Spiderman get-ups that the cyclists seem to favor. My generation didn't wear helmets or knee pads, or arm protectors, or any of that other stuff and most of us lived to tell about it. Today we are far more likely to be thrown in jail for not making sure that our kid is wearing a helment on his tricycle than the chances of him getting hurt.
Much of the joy of life is embracing the risks,
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: Ioanna on March 02, 2010, 02:18:05 pm
you're in our thoughts TD
bests to your speedy recovery!!!
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: alphagruis on March 02, 2010, 05:43:26 pm
Absolute protection against risks is impossible anyway. I'm fond of sailing and by far prefer to do it without any protection. IMO best protection is to do ones best to anticipate the various possible consequences of human stupidity.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 02, 2010, 06:55:39 pm
I'm with Tyler. I hate helmets and the outfits that accompany them - especially those spandex Spiderman get-ups that the cyclists seem to favor. My generation didn't wear helmets or knee pads, or arm protectors, or any of that other stuff and most of us lived to tell about it. Today we are far more likely to be thrown in jail for not making sure that our kid is wearing a helment on his tricycle than the chances of him getting hurt.
Much of the joy of life is embracing the risks,
Well, I've managed to sneak out for a 2nd time. As for previous comments, the helmets on skiers are very dangerous as they greatly limit vision to the sides, and make hearing more difficult. It also means that some helmeted character can easily headbutt another skier and just go on regardless. The key with skiing is to be fully aware of your surroundings not just your immediate surroundings but much farther off as well(that's why poor skiiers should really be banned from going on anything but very easy runs as they only focus on their skiis, basically). At any rate, helmets just make things dangerous for everybody else.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: Hannibal on March 02, 2010, 07:40:16 pm
That's not true. I've have used ski helmet and it hasn't limited my vision or my hearing whatsoever.
Well, I know the above comment not be true as a) I was forced to wear ski-helmets before in younger days(where at least people had the sense to make fun of me) and experienced a definite reduction in all-round vision and hearing. Plus, in tis last season I'd already had minor run-ins with helmeted characters, so I know that they are dangerous.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: Hannibal on March 02, 2010, 08:09:27 pm
Plus, in tis last season I'd already had minor run-ins with helmeted characters, so I know that they are dangerous.
Blame those reckless skiers not the helmets.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: Paleo Donk on March 02, 2010, 08:33:45 pm
One thing to consider - hypothetical scenario here- is that if all other people are wearing helmets and that you are the only one without one then, although you will not be able to manuever around as well, it might be a better decision to go ahead and where a helmet as well as the overall advantage is in your favor (well I guess it depends on how much utility you put in fun vs. safety). Motorcyclists put themselves in this kind of situation everyday. If everyone was riding a motorcycle they could very well end up being very safe and choosing to wear a helmet could possibly be a poor decision.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: KD on March 03, 2010, 12:02:10 am
I've personally found that wearing bike helmets make me feel both unsafe and obstruct my vision and sense of whats around me. That said I've cracked my head pretty bad snowboarding before and would probably wear a helmet on slopes myself, as it can be much for of a free for all of factors and people than even a wet rode with heavy traffic.
I've been hospitalized after long periods of raw myself, I know how frustrating it can be to have the knowledge of the side effects to various medical procedures can be, having to eat their junky food etc...and still recognize that allopathic stuff has its place esp in physical emergencies, accepting that alone is hard and admirable. I hope you are able to easily go back to doing what is most healthful for your recovery, and have no doubt that your eye should be one of the first things to be healed completely.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 03, 2010, 12:35:09 am
That's just it, they were simply average skiers whose skill at skiing was greatly reduced by wearing helmets. Without those helmets, certain mini_accidents such as being hit by a helmet in passing couldn't have happened as an unhelmeted skier would have seen me well in advance and swerved away or would only have minorly glanced my skull with his skull or his hat.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: Hannibal on March 03, 2010, 12:40:31 am
I've personally found that wearing bike helmets make me feel both unsafe and obstruct my vision and sense of whats around me. That said I've cracked my head pretty bad snowboarding before and would probably wear a helmet on slopes myself, as it can be much for of a free for all of factors and people than even a wet rode with heavy traffic.
What kind of bike helmet have you got? I rode over 10 thousands km in the last 3 years wearing this helmet - It's so comfortable and definitely do not obstruct my vision and sense of what is around me. I had got one mild accident with a car and the helmet saved my head, especially my head, which is not so strong because I've got cranioplastic implant in my scull (over 4 years ago I was hit by a car, as a pedestrian, and have got acute epidural hematoma and my scull has been trepanned )
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 03, 2010, 12:57:43 am
Re biker helmets(I remember 1 article some time back):-
My current situation is just ghastly. I have an operation on Friday which is fine(the only possible side-effect could be worse vision but they seem remarkably competent) and am waiting for them to get rid of my stitches which should have been done today, IMO. The ghastly bit isn't all that but the fact that the person who does my antibiotic drips has to periodically spend c.20 minutes a day trying to find a deep place in 1 of my arms to shove the syringe in so as to make a constant hole for the drips. This hurts when the blasted thing is pushed in and it also hurts when the (3 times a day)drip starts as the pressure of the liquid is most uncomfortable in the first 10 minutes. Well, I've been told I could leave on Sunday most likely, so the end is in sight.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: djr_81 on March 03, 2010, 03:37:31 am
Re biker helmets(I remember 1 article some time back):-
I don't see how that proves or disproves a helmet being helpful during a bike crash. All that study proves is that already inconsiderate drivers get more so when a biker has a helmet on.
Quote from: Hannibal
What kind of bike helmet have you got? I rode over 10 thousands km in the last 3 years wearing this helmet - It's so comfortable and definitely do not obstruct my vision and sense of what is around me.
I have a similar helmet. At no point has it ever obstructed either my vision or hearing. The only problem I have with it is it makes you sweat more on a hot day. I personally used to think helmets were dumb when I was younger. I've seen too many people messed up when they wipe out though to eschew one when riding a bike. I would feel very differently though if it was a full head/face helmet, like a motorcyclist's, as that would be more detrimental than beneficial.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: Hannibal on March 03, 2010, 04:13:19 am
The only problem I have with it is it makes you sweat more on a hot day.
I haven't got any problems with this. My helmet is ventilated very well.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: Raw Kyle on March 03, 2010, 04:43:02 am
So there's no way to get your own food there? If I was stuck in the hospital I would try and get a friend to bring food, or bribe someone.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: wodgina on March 03, 2010, 06:37:27 am
You could get William to send you some pemmican.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: KD on March 03, 2010, 06:39:13 am
Yeah, I've usually worn a more obstructive and cheaper model I suppose, but I still feel uneasy with them. I would ride alot in NYC and I do believe drivers (if they see you) have some kind of subconscious fear of hitting you more if you don't have a helmet. But I may indeed get a helmet similar to this if I start biking regularly again.
I would think hospitals and airplanes would be the least hospitable places on earth to open raw meat. Perhaps you could hire a private nurse that makes raw egg shakes. I personally would try to get alot of avocado, but not sure if you eat those.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: yon yonson on March 03, 2010, 07:33:47 am
I was just about to post this in 'minor issues' thread, lol!
TD is there anyone who can bring you food?... your body needs the best nutritionally especially right now, no?
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: PaleoPhil on March 03, 2010, 11:58:34 am
Aajonus took raw honey and raw eggs into family and clients in hospitals. You could even have someone bring in egg-honey shakes or egg-fruit smoothies.
What say we spare Tyler the debates about helmets and such until after he's out of the hospital? He could get in trouble for cursing at the computer. ;)
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 03, 2010, 07:12:36 pm
I don't see how that proves or disproves a helmet being helpful during a bike crash. All that study proves is that already inconsiderate drivers get more so when a biker has a helmet on. I have a similar helmet. At no point has it ever obstructed either my vision or hearing.
What the study proves is that in this case the dangers(ie car-drivers) are not prevented by wearing a helmet but indeed helmet-wearing actually encourages the likelihood of accidents. In a similiar fashion, helmet-wearing psycho skiers feel invulnerable but couldn't care less what the negative effects of wearing their helmets have on other more sensible skiers re the accidents the former cause.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 03, 2010, 07:20:23 pm
Considering that pemmican is ghastly heated animal fat, it would be the most harmful thing for me to eat right now(or at any other time). I'll settle for the low-fat stuff like cooked fish etc. Suddenly, crap hospital food sounds almost enticing by comparison.
All in all, things are looking up. Today I had my stitches removed, I'm off the dreadful antibiotic drips until the friday operation so no injections right now(still have to take antibiotic pills) and could leave hospital on Sunday. The only catch is that I now find I have to have 2 or 3 tiny titanium plates inserted inside my face during the operation, which will make me a sort of cyborg I guess.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 03, 2010, 07:28:34 pm
I've been trying to find out about the accident, but the doctor didn't know nor did the ambulance crew who sent me. I suspect a conspiracy as it's impossible for none of them to know, and indeed medical guidelines would at least require detailed knowledge of how someone got injured. They are probably afraid of people launching lawsuits or getting revenge or some such nonsense, so quietly drop all mention of any criminals involved in such accidents. At the very least, I'd like the guy who crashed into me to be banned from skiing for at least a decade, and from the more difficult slopes, for life.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: Nicola on March 03, 2010, 09:00:15 pm
I know how you feel; I had an accident riding (my helm did not help much) and spent more than a month with a lot of pain and doctor's. It was not me that caused the accident and I will be getting money to compensate (I will probably have to watch my knee for the rest of my life).
Many years ago I had a fracture under my eye; I can't remember having to take them out - perhaps they dissolved :o
As you are in Austria - I have a friend for you...
Alle unsere Tiere werden extensiv gehalten, sie leben das ganze Jahr unter freiem Himmel, genießen von Frühling bis Herbst die Weide, und im Winter Heu, Silagen und Stroh. Seit Oktober 2008 bieten wir unseren Mädels und Buben noch einen besonderen Luxus für die kalte Jahreszeit, das „BOA Kuhhotel“ (siehe "Über uns") Somit wird der ohnehin kurze Weinviertler Winter noch gemütlicher!
I can get some good fat in Switzerland too
Look on the bright side! Nicola
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: Ouchburns on March 03, 2010, 10:45:41 pm
I hope you have a speedy and full recovery!
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: William on March 04, 2010, 01:04:00 am
Considering that pemmican is ghastly heated animal fat, it would be the most harmful thing for me to eat right now(or at any other time).
Only Tyler has ever eaten "pemmican" made of ghastly heated animal fat, so if he ever makes any more and offers it to you, don't eat it. His failure proves that he is not a chef de cuisine.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: invisible on March 04, 2010, 02:47:19 pm
damn, get well soon!
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 04, 2010, 07:33:00 pm
Only Tyler has ever eaten "pemmican" made of ghastly heated animal fat, so if he ever makes any more and offers it to you, don't eat it. His failure proves that he is not a chef de cuisine.
Rubbish as usual. I have never claimed to have eaten pemmican at all. I have eaten crappy heated animal fat which is heated much like pemmican(but isn't pemmican), so am understandably rather wary of the inevitable health-problems reported by other RPDers who have indeed eaten the revolting genuine pemmican.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 04, 2010, 07:39:46 pm
I just had an eye-test. I think it was to safeguard the doctor or me, as the only real nasty side-effect that can occur as a result of this operation is worse vision in my right eye. Well, the doctor seemed very competent and the operation seems rather simple.
Anyway, tomorrow is my operation. Not sure if I can use the Internet until Sunday. Depends on circumstances. I have to slip out of hospital in order to access it. And they do these checks every 3 hours on patients' blood pressure etc. which I'm supposed to be present for. My only regret is that I have to once more have that vicious antibiotic needle shoved into my arm, tomorrow. Those needles gave me a very inflamed right elbow for a time.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: William on March 04, 2010, 11:36:38 pm
There is a difference between what makes us sick, and what makes us well - I hope you discover it sometime. Until then, anyone who takes your advice is living dangerously.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 05, 2010, 05:45:00 pm
There is a difference between what makes us sick, and what makes us well - I hope you discover it sometime. Until then, anyone who takes your advice is living dangerously.
Given your trollish advice to eat pemmican and ghee, people are already living dangerously if they follow your "advice". I choose to recommend healthy foods instead.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 05, 2010, 05:45:56 pm
Yes you have eaten crappy heated animal fat. It's called pemmican(oh and ghee).
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: Taste Sense on March 05, 2010, 05:59:40 pm
Hey Tyler how's the hospital food? Can anyone sneak you raw, like in that play "We want to live'. I would assume that going from all raw to all cooked would have some kind of an impact on you.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 07, 2010, 01:01:10 am
Hey Tyler how's the hospital food? Can anyone sneak you raw, like in that play "We want to live'. I would assume that going from all raw to all cooked would have some kind of an impact on you.
It's not so bad. Hospitals don't like offering cooked animal fat so I'm safer than in other non-RPD situations. I'll be out on Monday, it seems, so from then on I'll be eating raw stagmeat etc.
Operation went ahead, I still have a swollen right eye, with it being bloodshot, but I'm told it will pass. In the meantime, it's giving me a dull ache.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: PaleoPhil on March 08, 2010, 01:51:18 am
It's not so bad. Hospitals don't like offering cooked animal fat so I'm safer than in other non-RPD situations. I'll be out on Monday, it seems, so from then on I'll be eating raw stagmeat etc. ...
That's great. Has your tolerance for cooked foods other than cooked animal fats improved? What kind of fats are they using?
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 09, 2010, 01:49:20 am
That's great. Has your tolerance for cooked foods other than cooked animal fats improved? What kind of fats are they using?
Oh, it was just lean cooked meats plus lots of fruit and veg and endless soups with some gunk in them. Those just make me more tired but I would not notice such differences when lying constantly in a hospital bed. It is cooked animal fat which really fouls up my day if I have it. Anyway, I am now recuperating outside hospital so am back to RVAF diet as usual.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: ForTheHunt on March 09, 2010, 03:46:00 am
There is a difference between what makes us sick, and what makes us well - I hope you discover it sometime. Until then, anyone who takes your advice is living dangerously.
I ate a big deal of heated fat the other day and I actually felt rather sick for a few hours afterwards.
So I'm gonna have to take tyler's side on this one.
Anywho tyler, hope you get well. I think you need to be a little more positive, you seem like you have some issues with negativity
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: Nicola on March 09, 2010, 05:13:46 am
Anywho tyler, hope you get well. I think you need to be a little more positive, you seem like you have some issues with negativity
Yes, it's the can look completely different with a positive attitude!
William perhaps you didn't give your body the time it needed with raw meat - dried meat...and then down it with water? What I love about raw meat is that I don't need to add water and I like it cold!
Sorry, for me copying this from "the other forum" - it's not to cause trouble; I like to learn how others function - we all make up our picture but no animal has to go to the trouble...
I ate ground beef raw for years as medicine for heart disease, all from the store at first, then when I heard about grass finished I started doing that, and liked it even less. And the grass finished gave me more toilet time. The only difference I've heard of is from Dr. Harris' PaNu weblog, where he writes that there is an allergen in beef blood, and the grass finished GB I get has lots of blood in, while store meat has little if any.
So I dry almost all of it (soft jerky), sear what I don't dry. No more problems, and it tastes better and makes it possible to add enough tallow and/or ghee to get to the 80% fat.
So the answer to perfect poo (=picture of a healthy body) is dried meat ??? and raw/cooked fat.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 09, 2010, 05:54:42 am
I ate a big deal of heated fat the other day and I actually felt rather sick for a few hours afterwards.
So I'm gonna have to take tyler's side on this one.
Anywho tyler, hope you get well. I think you need to be a little more positive, you seem like you have some issues with negativity
The negativity is understandable. After all, up till now I`ve been immune to accidents while skiing. That feeling of invulnerability was important to me.Plus, lashing out at moronic skiiers who endanger my safety is reasonable and it was positive as it helped me forget the various injuries I`d got)
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: Raw Kyle on March 09, 2010, 05:59:04 am
Sometimes bad things just happen to you. It's not always someone's fault. Everything has risks, even health food.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 09, 2010, 06:02:36 am
Nicola, first of all, DON`T cross-post from other forums in future, under any circumstances, it`s not netiquette. Secondly, I have come across many such silly claims from cooked ZCers in the past and they all turned out to be bogus, once I checked others accounts etc. The only genuine long-term cooked ZCer is The Bear and we RPDers have all read numerous accounts which thoroughly debunk The Bear`s claims re health, re mentions of his heart-disease and throat-cancer etc. etc.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: Nicola on March 09, 2010, 09:37:30 pm
Nicola, first of all, DON`T cross-post from other forums in future, under any circumstances, it`s not netiquette. Secondly, I have come across many such silly claims from cooked ZCers in the past and they all turned out to be bogus, once I checked others accounts etc. The only genuine long-term cooked ZCer is The Bear and we RPDers have all read numerous accounts which thoroughly debunk The Bear`s claims re health, re mentions of his heart-disease and throat-cancer etc. etc.
Look you are sooo negative I feel off to get stuck with this ...again life is all about our attitude!
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: William on March 09, 2010, 11:52:59 pm
So the answer to perfect poo (=picture of a healthy body) is dried meat ??? and raw/cooked fat.
The answer to perfect poo is =>80% raw tallow+~20% dried meat. Of course this depends on the state of one's health, the quality of the ingredients etc.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: invisible on March 10, 2010, 06:50:48 am
at what temperature do you make tallow? Most people make it at temperatures > 100 degrees Celsius. You consider something heated above 100 degrees Celsius raw?
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 10, 2010, 04:13:33 pm
at what temperature do you make tallow? Most people make it at temperatures > 100 degrees Celsius. You consider something heated above 100 degrees Celsius raw?
Yes. William made a recent post claiming moronically that tallow should be considered raw as long as it wasnt heated above 300 degrees fahrenheit.
Title: Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
Post by: TylerDurden on March 10, 2010, 10:37:25 pm
Aaarghh!!! I just had a friend of a friend telling me on the way to the hospital about how I should wear a helmet in future and that helmeted people were always the better skiiers. I felt like throttling him, despite the fact that he was driving me there to have some stitches removed. You see, aside from the fact that wearing a helmet while skiing reduces the ability to hear and see, it also deludes people into thinking they are immune and that they are somehow safer skiiers(never mind the fact that the really expert skiiers such as advanced ski-teachers and mountain-guides are never seen even once wearing helmets around here) . We see this also with car-accidents. In Austria, the driving-licence test is extremely difficult; so much so, that once they pass the test, new drivers are absolutely convinced that they are the best drivers in the known universe and therefore routinely take ridiculous risks, "knowing" that they`ll succeed. As a direct result, Austrians have one of the highest car-accident rates in the developed world.