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Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Hot Topics => Topic started by: Hans89 on April 24, 2010, 03:29:09 am

Title: Urine Therapy
Post by: Hans89 on April 24, 2010, 03:29:09 am
I just read in MrBBQ's journal about it... My question is... wouldn't urine, feces, and sweat be major ways of the body to get rid of toxins? So wouldn't it therefore be counterproductive to re-introduce them into the body? Why does the body excrete urine in the first place, if it were better to reabsorb it?
Title: Re: Urine Therapy
Post by: TylerDurden on April 24, 2010, 03:33:03 am
No rawpalaeos practice faeces- or urine-therapy. It's purely something practised by a very few extremists among the Primal Dieters. It's totally unnecessary and very toxic, as, like you said, those are ways for the body tog et rid of toxins.
Title: Re: Urine Therapy
Post by: MrBBQ on April 24, 2010, 04:34:00 am
Other animals do it, although I'm not asserting that as a basis for advocation - we have an expression in English: don't knock it 'til you've tried...

Of course, we know that the kidneys are the pathway for water-soluble toxins, as the liver/intestine is for fat-soluble toxins.

Paradoxically, according to the principles of hormesis and homeopathy, I found urine therapy invaluable during the bulk of my detoxification after withdrawing from a cooked diet. I had multiple instances of herxheimer effect following consumption of 100% urine and multiple dilutions of urine (according to homeopathy dilution practices).

I no longer consume my own urine on RAF, although I would consider it as a means to an end to either invoke or assist during a healing crisis.

Shivambu shastra is an old tradition, possibly mimicked by humans that observed animals (like ingesting these mineral pitches like shilajit/moomiyo).

I won't necessarily talk about components of "plasma ultrafiltrate" like urokinase (a de-fibrinolytic enzyme) that are used as fractions in every day life (surgery, cosmetics).

The information overload continues...
Title: Re: Urine Therapy
Post by: TylerDurden on April 24, 2010, 04:46:41 am
While I find the above all rather dubious, I have to admit that my experiments with homeopathy were surprisingly(if only partially) successful, pre-rawpalaeodiet. That is, they solved several symptoms I had, but only temporarily while I took the pills, but didn't solve the actual health-problems as such.
Title: Re: Urine Therapy
Post by: Hans89 on April 24, 2010, 07:44:23 pm
Other animals do it

I saw my gerbils do it... I read they do it to get vitamin b12 which is produced in the bowels, but too far down to be reabsorbed. Which other animals do it? Which ones drink their urine and how?

Do you have an explanation as for why the reabsorbed toxins wouldn't be a problem?
Title: Re: Urine Therapy
Post by: Neone on April 27, 2010, 11:53:50 pm
I kind of look to children for the answers..

Kind of like 'why do kids eat glue?'  their bodies must know there is gelatin or something from those horse hooves that they make that pasty kids glue out of, they know they must need the nutes from it so they eat it...

in that same vein of thinking, i can not recall ever watching a child collect its body wastes and re-ingest them.... 

but then again i suppose i used to eat my boogers as a kid.... humm.
Title: Re: Urine Therapy
Post by: Hans89 on April 27, 2010, 11:56:52 pm
I kind of look to children for the answers..

Kind of like 'why do kids eat glue?'  their bodies must know there is gelatin or something from those horse hooves that they make that pasty kids glue out of, they know they must need the nutes from it so they eat it...

in that same vein of thinking, i can not recall ever watching a child collect its body wastes and re-ingest them.... 

but then again i suppose i used to eat my boogers as a kid.... humm.

I've seen children run to cars that had just been parked in order to sniff the exhaust fumes. That kind of makes me doubt that children instinctively know what's best for them.
Title: Re: Urine Therapy
Post by: Iguana on July 16, 2010, 02:16:44 pm
I've seen children run to cars that had just been parked in order to sniff the exhaust fumes. That kind of makes me doubt that children instinctively know what's best for them.

New, artificial things that appeared recently in our evolutionary history haven’t been there long enough in the environment for their particularities  (toxicity or absence of it) to be integrated by the genetics of animals and humans. Therefore, instincts are fooled by those recently appeared stuffs.
Title: Re: Urine Therapy
Post by: King Salmon on July 16, 2010, 02:58:26 pm
There's no shortage of therapies in the world.For every person that a says one therapy is good,there's another who says it's bad.
Just like anything else.Ever read car reviews?diet reviews?movie reviews?tennis racquet reviews?It doesn't end.Health oriented people can't even agree on what kind of water to drink. 8)
Title: Re: Urine Therapy
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 16, 2010, 04:18:26 pm
They agree chlorine is bad...
Title: Re: Urine Therapy
Post by: PrimalLadyRosy on July 16, 2010, 05:53:21 pm
For every person that a says one therapy is good,there's another who says it's bad.
Health oriented people can't even agree on what kind of water to drink. 8)
They agree chlorine is bad...

I still hear people saying it's so good to have chlorine keeping the water healthy.  You and I know it's bad, but all the US water is being chlorinated for health purposes.
Title: Re: Urine Therapy
Post by: King Salmon on July 17, 2010, 02:30:52 am
yeah,not to mention the fluoride.. ;)