Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: majormark on April 27, 2010, 01:14:36 am

Title: Anybody up for a no-sleep challenge?
Post by: majormark on April 27, 2010, 01:14:36 am

If you have 2-3 days of leisure or minimal activity, I propose this challenge:

Try to sleep maximum 1-2 hours a day and eat every hour an egg or half a coup of milk or half a coup of meat.

AV says that one time he went on 1.5 hours sleep a day, 10 minutes at a time, for 22 days. During this time he ate every hour an egg or half a coup of milk or half a coup of meat. After that he went on to sleep the normal 5 hours a day and didn't felt tired at all.

You can try it for longer if you have the time, but 2-3 days should be pretty easy to do.

So, who wants to try and see if it's possible to sleep this little and not feel tired at all?
Title: Re: Anybody up for a no-sleep challenge?
Post by: Paleo Donk on April 27, 2010, 04:43:05 am
There are people that actually sleep in cycles somewhat similar to what you proposed without fatigue but I know of no one that has kept it up indefinitely.

Its called polyphasic sleep, where the idea is to get your body accustomed to getting all its deep, restful sleep in the shortest amount of time. This usually consists of 20-30 minute naps every 4-6 hours. Like I said, there are some bloggers out there who do successfully do this for some months or years at a time but from what I've seen they all eventually go back to a more normal sleep.

Now, if you combined raw paleo with polyphasic sleep you might possibly find something special. Heres another site with details

I actually would try this if I was healthier but as it is its low on my list.
Title: Re: Anybody up for a no-sleep challenge?
Post by: RawZi on April 27, 2010, 04:54:21 am
    No problem, except for the milk.  Milk makes me sleepy.  I don't need sleep otherwise.  Eggs energize anyway.  Are you sure he drank milk during this?  Did he drink the milk before the 10 minute?
Title: Re: Anybody up for a no-sleep challenge?
Post by: goodsamaritan on April 27, 2010, 12:03:23 pm
If you have 2-3 days of leisure or minimal activity, I propose this challenge:

Try to sleep maximum 1-2 hours a day and eat every hour an egg or half a coup of milk or half a coup of meat.

AV says that one time he went on 1.5 hours sleep a day, 10 minutes at a time, for 22 days. During this time he ate every hour an egg or half a coup of milk or half a coup of meat. After that he went on to sleep the normal 5 hours a day and didn't felt tired at all.

You can try it for longer if you have the time, but 2-3 days should be pretty easy to do.

So, who wants to try and see if it's possible to sleep this little and not feel tired at all?

I recently did this kind of thing when one of my servers got nuked. No milk.
Was also learning various kinds of virtualization servers from vmware and xen.
It isn't fun.
But as long as I'm on raw paleo diet I can do it.
Last 2 days I'm sleeping long hours.
Probably recovering.
Title: Re: Anybody up for a no-sleep challenge?
Post by: majormark on April 27, 2010, 03:24:13 pm
    No problem, except for the milk.  Milk makes me sleepy.  I don't need sleep otherwise.  Eggs energize anyway.  Are you sure he drank milk during this?  Did he drink the milk before the 10 minute?

Yes, he said milk, but my guess is he drank fermented milk. I get sleepy too if the milk is not fermented into kefir.

The idea is to not eat carbs during this time.

About the 10 minute thing, it's probably possible if you can fall asleep fast. If you can't, maybe a longer period (like 3 half hour sessions) would be best.

Title: Re: Anybody up for a no-sleep challenge?
Post by: Neone on April 27, 2010, 11:22:04 pm
eating a natural diet.... while getting into an unnatural sleep pattern? haha
Title: Re: Anybody up for a no-sleep challenge?
Post by: Paleo Donk on April 28, 2010, 04:29:29 am
I'm not sure we really know what our natural sleep pattern is. Anybody have more info on this?
Title: Re: Anybody up for a no-sleep challenge?
Post by: invisible on April 30, 2010, 08:14:57 pm
I'm not sure we really know what our natural sleep pattern is. Anybody have more info on this?

IMO we probably slept around 10 hours per day and obviously mostly at night, since darkness permits melatonin
Title: Re: Anybody up for a no-sleep challenge?
Post by: William on April 30, 2010, 10:25:35 pm
I'm not sure we really know what our natural sleep pattern is. Anybody have more info on this?

For much of last winter I slept like a baby, meaning any time. Keep in mind that nobody else controls my time - this is unusual.
In order to resume waking most of the day (I like siestas) I had to deliberately control myself so as to sleep at night.