Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Welcoming Committee => Topic started by: rich07 on June 09, 2010, 10:13:36 pm

Title: Introduction and sabotage
Post by: rich07 on June 09, 2010, 10:13:36 pm

I'd like to introduce myself and ask for a bit of help with some willpower issues I'm having.

I came across this way of eating purely by chance, after eating some undercooked chicken from a Chinese takeaway (how randoms that!)
Last august I spent approximately a month eating mostly raw meat and fat, leafy vegetables, some fruit, pasteurized cheese.  I felt really vibrant and had lots of energy to work out and for life in general. I intuitively know this is the right way to eat (edit: except the pasteurized cheese bit).  Despite this I allowed myself to slip back into the sad diet.
So nearly a yr later I'm at it again, following the same pattern and finding myself slipping back to filling my face with junk.  The reasons for this are my addiction to junk food, and a habit of self sabotage.

I just wondered if anyone else has had similar problems?

Thanks Rich
Title: Re: Introduction and sabotage
Post by: RawZi on June 09, 2010, 10:49:32 pm
    Hi Rich.  Welcome.

    I don't understand.  Why are you eating pasteurized cheese?  That would clog my head.  Plus, they usually pasteurized stuff that was raised un-healthfully (on grains, antibiotics, hormones).  They don't feed brains to cows anymore; because of mad cow, but they feed anything else they can that their antibiotics can kill.  I understand trying things out.  I tried warming up raw cheese.  That's how I found out it's clogging.
Title: Re: Introduction and sabotage
Post by: Paleo Donk on June 09, 2010, 10:50:38 pm
Start a journal and keep it updated. It will help you stay on track.
Title: Re: Introduction and sabotage
Post by: goodsamaritan on June 09, 2010, 11:08:09 pm
Stick with the forum.
Read and socialize.
It helps to feel we belong with each other in our online tribe.
Title: Re: Introduction and sabotage
Post by: rich07 on June 09, 2010, 11:43:14 pm
Cheers for the replies.

I keep a scrappy record of my gym progress which I find useful.  However I will take your advice and upgrade this to an exercise, diet/nutrition, well being journal, as I believe all three are linked.

RawZi I probably should have mentioned that I would prefer to be eating raw unpasteurized cheese but I haven't found a supply yet.

You're correct about the forum GS.  I don't think I would have had the bottle to eat meat raw without it.

Title: Re: Introduction and sabotage
Post by: TylerDurden on June 10, 2010, 02:24:07 am
At the start of this diet I had a mental trick where, whenever I passed a restaurant wafting smells of cooked foods etc., I would simply visualise the stomach-pain I felt after eating any cooked animal foods pre-RPD diets and my desire for cooked foods would disappear.

It also helps if you eat raw animal foods in public(eg:- eating raw oysters at oyster bars, eating raw fish in Japanese Sashimi restaurants, raw steak tartare in restaurants etc.) This makes one adapt to raw foods much quicker on a psychological basis as, if one feels that eating raw animal foods is acceptable in public in some circumstances, then one gets used to raw-eating much quicker.
Title: Re: Introduction and sabotage
Post by: sungazer63 on June 10, 2010, 02:49:30 am

I'd like to introduce myself and ask for a bit of help with some willpower issues I'm having.

I came across this way of eating purely by chance, after eating some undercooked chicken from a Chinese takeaway (how randoms that!)
Last august I spent approximately a month eating mostly raw meat and fat, leafy vegetables, some fruit, pasteurized cheese.  I felt really vibrant and had lots of energy to work out and for life in general. I intuitively know this is the right way to eat (edit: except the pasteurized cheese bit).  Despite this I allowed myself to slip back into the sad diet.
So nearly a yr later I'm at it again, following the same pattern and finding myself slipping back to filling my face with junk.  The reasons for this are my addiction to junk food, and a habit of self sabotage.

I just wondered if anyone else has had similar problems?

Thanks Rich

Hi Rich, this sounds like my life pattern.  Make progress, then back up.  It took me about 8 attempts and several years to quit smoking cigarettes.  I have been a master at self sabotage.  

You might try a technique that I learned from a system called "The Golden Flow".  As we normally go about our day, we tend to suppress our negative emotions that come up.  We try to escape from them by doing something else, changing the subject, and a very common one is EATING very bad things, lol.  Try to always be aware of your thoughts and emotions.  This is called "stalking" by the Toltec shamans.  When a negative emotion comes up , allow it, and be with it.  Hold it in your awareness and listen to what it is trying to tell you.  Feel it in your body. Most of the time it is a part of you who was traumatized in the past, and is still trying to get you to pay attention to it.  Listen to this part of yourself and give it the attention that it didn't get in the past.  Perhaps it is you when you were a small child and he just needs to be heard and comforted.  You may have to do this several times with the same emotion, but sometimes it will "flow" leave you, the first time, never to return.

It is these angry, sad, or wounded parts of us that keep sabotaging all of our efforts to improve our lives.  These parts of us are in pain, and they want to be heard so, they create more and more pain in our lives until we deal with them and give them what they want, which is attention.

Along with this diet, "flowing" has saved my life.  It is something that I was never taught to do, but as most of us, was taught the opposite.
I know that this forum is about the diet and not metaphysics, but I hope that this can be helpful.

Love and Light, Rayne
Title: Re: Introduction and sabotage
Post by: Curator on June 10, 2010, 08:41:31 am
So nearly a yr later I'm at it again, following the same pattern and finding myself slipping back to filling my face with junk.  The reasons for this are my addiction to junk food, and a habit of self sabotage.
I just wondered if anyone else has had similar problems?
Thanks Rich

Actually, one thing to remember, they have found that all processed fats and sugars currently on the market have ADDICTIVE qualities within the human body, some being more addictive than others, but they can cause severe cravings, and even in some cases mild withdrawal symptoms, I made the mistake last week of buying some some ice cream sandwiches, one of my many forms of kryptonite, and Now Ive been craving those unhealthy processed fats and sugars ever since, its even worse with fast food cheeseburgers, be strong, if you can go long enough with NO processed fats and sugars, the cravings will go away, although sometimes its hard not to fall off the band wagon, especially if you have issues with emotional eating... but im sure you can do it! good luck!!!