Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Off Topic => Topic started by: actionhero on June 25, 2010, 03:51:06 am
Title: Life before death
Post by: actionhero on June 25, 2010, 03:51:06 am
This a a series of photos of people with a terminal condition months before death and just after death.
A woman says "It’s absurd really. It’s only now that I have cancer that, for the first time ever, I really want to live".
Powerful stuff. Message is clear here, don't wait with living life until it's too late. Enjoy every day and express gratitude that you are alive and share this experience with those around you. Make every day at least one person smile and feel good about themselves. You've got the best diet in the world, so use it to live your life to the fullest and enjoy every damn moment of it.