Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Welcoming Committee => Topic started by: LightzNY on August 28, 2010, 12:04:06 pm

Title: Raw Vegan not practical
Post by: LightzNY on August 28, 2010, 12:04:06 pm
Hello brothers and sisters. In a search for optimal health and longevity I came across the Raw Vegan diet and decided to experiment with it. I started going raw in the middle of May this year. It was an amazing experience but after a few months I felt like I was missing something and I now know that it is MEAT! Just this week I was at Fairway Market in NYC buying my weekly supply of fruits and veggies when I saw sitting there...a rotisserie organic free range chicken. I bought it, took it home and devoured the whole chicken in one sitting. It was as if it was instinct telling me to eat it.

So here I am ready to get into Raw Paleo Diet because I know its right. I have a few questions, I hope you guys can help me out.

1. I would like to buy my meat in bulk for about a months supply. I hear that there are great websites to order from. Which one(s) do you reccommend?

2. What type of animals and cuts should a person new to eating meat ease into? Even when I was on a SAD I didn't eat many steaks.

3. What are your views on using lemon or rinsing the meat before you eat it? Is it necessary?

All help would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Raw Vegan not practical
Post by: sabertooth on August 28, 2010, 04:29:07 pm
I have ordered meat from slankers and It seemed the most reasonable as far as price and taste
Quality is definitely a key issue when talking about eatting raw meat, or anything else

Beef is a good staple, for its easier to get good quality at lower cost than other animals
raw eggs are also good to start on, its good to have some variety, sea food often contains minerals that are deficient in land animals.

I order these 20 pound chuckeye rolls form a restrant, its all pasture raised, very fatty cuts
A lot of grass fed meat is lean so you may have to add a little fat trimmings to you meals, or bone marrow
Many paleos believe that the proper fat ratio required in the optimal diet( there is great benefits to switching from plant carbs to animal fat as the primary fuel source

washing with lemon is not necessary, many paleos believe that surface bacteria on raw meat are harmless and could be beneficial, kinda like a probiotic for meat digestion. Many of us eat aged meat and high meat with positive effects. ( I still drink a little lemon water, but not with meals}
Title: Re: Raw Vegan not practical
Post by: TylerDurden on August 28, 2010, 04:40:27 pm
1)There's Slankers', NorthStar Bison and US Wellness meats, for the US. Those are the biggest raw grassfed meat farms of any note.

2) I go for raw wild game like raw wild hare carcasses or raw wild venison etc. because it's much easier to get it cheap in the UK. The US is more difficult in that regard, though raw wildcaught seafood is still easily available near the coasts.

If grassfed, other options than raw beef  include raw goat, raw lamb/mutton, raw bison etc. I would avoid raw chicken as most chickens, these days, are heavily inbred and fed on 100% grainfed diets(they are actually omnivorous by nature). Cuts of raw meat are irrelevant, IMO. Just do what I do and buy the cheapest ones available(ie raw ground meat(eat as quickly as possible), raw "stewing steak" etc.

3) Most newbies like to go in for adding raw spices or raw lemon-juice(ie making a sort of ceviche in the case of lemon-juice). However, once people get used to and start enjoying the taste of raw meats, they mostly just eat the raw meats plain(it takes usually c.8-12 months to start enjoying the taste of raw meats). Rinsing the raw meat is not necessary and pointless as the whole point of eating raw is to get the bacteria from the raw meats.
Title: Re: Raw Vegan not practical
Post by: miles on August 28, 2010, 08:27:36 pm
Rinsing the raw meat is not necessary and pointless as the whole point of eating raw is to get the bacteria from the raw meats.

The whole point..?


Tyler, how much can you buy your wild game for?
Title: Re: Raw Vegan not practical
Post by: TylerDurden on August 28, 2010, 11:48:48 pm
The whole point..?
  Not exactly difficult to understand. Rinsing the raw meats is only a precaution against bacteria, so, since, RPD diets are in favour of bacteria(if in the right environment), rinsing is a waste of time on an RPD diet.
Tyler, how much can you buy your wild game for?
It all depends on the seller. From some LFM-associated market stalls I can get it for as little as 7 pounds sterling a carcass, from others it's 13.50 pounds sterling per raw wild hare carcass. I'd imagine that butchers who specialise in wild game would charge even more, given my past experiences.

1 raw, whole wild hare carcass lasts from 1-3 days , depending on one's appetite.
Title: Re: Raw Vegan not practical
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 29, 2010, 12:12:11 am
The whole point..?


Tyler, how much can you buy your wild game for?

I never rinse my meats.
Title: Re: Raw Vegan not practical
Post by: LightzNY on August 29, 2010, 12:17:34 am
You guys are very helpful, thanks. I'll be placing my first order with Slankers on Monday.

1 more question -[ Approximately how many lbs of meat is reasonable for a months supply?
Title: Re: Raw Vegan not practical
Post by: TylerDurden on August 29, 2010, 12:32:42 am
You guys are very helpful, thanks. I'll be placing my first order with Slankers on Monday.

1 more question -[ Approximately how many lbs of meat is reasonable for a months supply?
It depends all on you re differing metabolic rates etc or whether you practice Intermittent Fasting. I would suggest a maximum of 2.2 lbs(ie 1 kilo of raw meats) a day, not including raw fruit etc.
Title: Re: Raw Vegan not practical
Post by: miles on August 29, 2010, 04:09:33 am
1 raw, whole wild hare carcass lasts from 1-3 days , depending on one's appetite.

WOW that sounds great!


Um, you said "the whole point of eating raw is to get the bacteria from the raw meats". I was just suggesting that this was not the only reason for eating meat raw... Whether or not that's what you meant, it's what you said, and someone might think you actually meant what you literally said.
Title: Re: Raw Vegan not practical
Post by: LightzNY on August 30, 2010, 11:52:54 am
Guys I just had my first raw steak ever. It was a Beef Chuck Shoulder steak. It took like 2-3mins of staring at it before I had the balls to eat it. But once I took that first bite I realized how easy it is. About 30mins after eating it I got a huge energy rush. I'm still energized right now while I type this. I wonder if its just because I'm proud that I ate the steak or was it really the meat?
Title: Re: Raw Vegan not practical
Post by: Cinna on August 30, 2010, 02:06:16 pm
About 30mins after eating it I got a huge energy rush. I'm still energized right now while I type this. I wonder if its just because I'm proud that I ate the steak or was it really the meat?

I say, both! :)  Maybe a little more the latter, but the former is great/important too.