Other Raw-Animal-Food Diets (eg:- Primal Diet/Raw Version of Weston-Price Diet etc.) => Primal Diet => Topic started by: Parker Reid on September 16, 2010, 12:08:15 am
Title: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: Parker Reid on September 16, 2010, 12:08:15 am
Wanna here what, how, and where other 100% Primal Dieters are bodybuilding. Survival of the fittest eh.
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: michaelwh on September 16, 2010, 07:37:12 am
Is "PD" supposed to be an acronym for "Paleo Diet"? Your poll is a bit confusing, because "PD" can also be an acronym for "Primal Diet".
I did some bodybuilding in the past on Raw Paleo, and went from a scrawny 120lbs to a much healthier 160lbs. I would like to eventually start bodybuilding again in the future, but I keep putting it off. In the summer, I find it much more fun to do outdoor sports such as bike riding.
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: Parker Reid on September 16, 2010, 11:53:52 am
Yah when I say PD, I mean Primal Diet. Sorry about that. I've been rope climbing and barefoot running recently and wanted to see what others might be doing. I'm not into stationary weight lifting, unless its with the weight of my own body. I'm in school so its hard to find the time and place to skateboard or snowboard, but if I could I would.
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: Ioanna on September 16, 2010, 12:09:48 pm
I'm confused then. Both options in your poll mean the exact same thing?
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: yuli on September 16, 2010, 12:47:52 pm
What is the real difference between paleo diet and primal diet? Is it that primal diet has dairy in it? something else?
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: kurite on September 16, 2010, 01:56:38 pm
What is the real difference between paleo diet and primal diet? Is it that primal diet has dairy in it? something else?
Primal dieters generally consume lots of raw dairy, eggs, green vege juice, lots of raw honey, aged muscle meats and for some reason 1 piece of fruit a day. In raw paleo it is recommended to get lots of fat and organ meats into the diet and as much fresh fruit and veges as you want.
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: yuli on September 16, 2010, 02:24:52 pm
Oh ok...in that case I prefer raw paleo! Some days I don't want any fruit at all...some days I eat lots of it. I have no craving for dairy, drinking milk either raw or not makes me want to gag, but I might eat small amount or aged raw cheese if I can find some. I would love to do some muscle building soon...now I just do biking so the only muscles I have are on my legs -\
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: klowcarb on September 18, 2010, 07:49:42 am
ZC bodybuilding ;D
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: Parker Reid on September 19, 2010, 09:44:38 am
Oh yah I see what you mean. I didn't know what that post-fill-out was wanting so I just put both. My first post...
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: PaleoPhil on September 19, 2010, 10:29:20 am
There's actually a low-carb, high-fat cooked-food version (though you could make a raw version out of it, of course, and just forego the foods that require cooking to be edible, like winter squashes) of the Primal diet that has a much larger following than Aajonus' Natural-Hygiene-inspired version. It was developed by Mark Sisson and suggests dairy only as a lesser-evil option for people who won't eat enough fat otherwise or simply refuse to give up dairy (http://www.marksdailyapple.com/definitive-guide-primal-blueprint/). Sisson calls it the "Primal Blueprint."
Aajonus' fans talk about how incredible Aajonus looks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BzZQfaba10&feature=player_embedded
Well, what about Mark Sisson? I don't follow his diet, but don't you think he looks pretty good too? Imagine how good he'd look if he ate raw. (http://www.alexshalman.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Mark_Sisson.jpg)(http://freetheanimal.com/images/2010/03/Mark-Sisson.jpg)
Another self-described Primal dieter who doesn't eat like Aajonus: (http://theorytopractice.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/twitter-photo-wc.jpg?w=336&h=448)
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: Charlie4444 on May 14, 2012, 10:55:29 am
^ Who is the bottom guy in the post above me? I'd like to know his story
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: PaleoPhil on May 14, 2012, 07:34:02 pm
I don't remember his name, sorry.
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: reyyzl on May 14, 2012, 09:40:14 pm
^ Who is the bottom guy in the post above me? I'd like to know his story
Apparently the photo is from a "twitter"-feed?
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: aLptHW4k4y on May 15, 2012, 02:11:25 am
Looks like it's this guy: http://ancestralmomentum.com/about/keith-norris/ (http://ancestralmomentum.com/about/keith-norris/)
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: PaleoPhil on May 15, 2012, 06:05:48 am
Yes, thanks, it's Keith Norris. A brief bit of his story is at that link. I don't recall any more.
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: Charlie4444 on May 15, 2012, 06:12:10 am
There are body builders who are already big guys/gals, and really all they need to do is to get that cut, muscular look. Then they are underweight people who usually work out tons, and never gain anything, and usually just waste their muscle. The primal diet bodybuilding is about becoming big and powerful, but that's only gonna work if your body is capable of growing. Why are some skinny, and some big? From what I know, eating raw paleo is the best way to grow.
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: HIT_it_RAW on May 15, 2012, 03:12:40 pm
Primal diet. Though i don NOT consider myself to be a bodybuilder. The term bodybuilder is most often used to describe to mindless, drug addicted, genetic freaks that dominate that world nowadays.
I have been doing HIT for several years with rather good results. Since going primal i improved quite a bit. For those who can tollerate dairy without any problems(like me) the primal diet is probably the best for bodybuilding puposes. I'm 1,78mtr and 99Kg at 12%bodyfat. I've been leaner and can be again without much effort but I feel healthier like this. I'm with AV on bodyfat, its necessary in our toxic world.
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: Charlie4444 on May 15, 2012, 10:45:23 pm
Primal diet. Though i don NOT consider myself to be a bodybuilder. The term bodybuilder is most often used to describe to mindless, drug addicted, genetic freaks that dominate that world nowadays.
I have been doing HIT for several years with rather good results. Since going primal i improved quite a bit. For those who can tollerate dairy without any problems(like me) the primal diet is probably the best for bodybuilding puposes. I'm 1,78mtr and 99Kg at 12%bodyfat. I've been leaner and can be again without much effort but I feel healthier like this. I'm with AV on bodyfat, its necessary in our toxic world.
So you eat a lot of raw cow butter?
How do you get yours?
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: HIT_it_RAW on May 15, 2012, 10:52:59 pm
Lots of butter, marrow and some suet. I get my butter at an excellent organic farm. They make it themself in small batches. The cows are 100% pastured.
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: aLptHW4k4y on May 21, 2012, 03:16:13 am
Because of your DNA.. that's what determines how big you'll naturally be. Adding muscle on top of this is hard work for everyone in my opinion, no matter how skinny or big.
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: Charlie4444 on May 21, 2012, 05:36:32 am
Because of your DNA.. that's what determines how big you'll naturally be. Adding muscle on top of this is hard work for everyone in my opinion, no matter how skinny or big.
^I think this is 100% wrong!
I think what and how much you eat, starting from day 1, is more of an influence of how we turn out then DNA! Empirical evidence really makes one believe in this.
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: aLptHW4k4y on May 21, 2012, 03:04:17 pm
Haha really? Maybe you don't believe in science, but you could at least observe your environment a bit.. Please, what's that empirical evidence you're talking about?
With my friends from childhood we grew up eating the same stuff (whatever our moms would cook). Some were muscular with 10% fat, some skinny with some more fat, some pretty fat, consistently until 20 something. Remember, we were all eating the exact same foods. How does that work, huh? I've had friends who would eat a lot of crap (e.g. nutella all day long), yet they were always muscular. According to you a kid whose parents are 1.65m tall can surely grow to 1.9m if it eats the "right" foods and amounts since day 1? It's not going to happen ;)
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: Charlie4444 on May 21, 2012, 11:15:16 pm
A mother is bi polar, the daughter is likely to have it too because of DNA. A kid is fat, is likely to be fat forever because of DNA. We go to DNA because we have no solutions for these problems in the mass media. We know that mental diseases are not hereditary, are not something you must deal with, but actually are directly caused by what you eat. I think SAD sends negatively impacts you one way or another. There are tons of websites out there of awed parents who discovered that following a cooked paleo diet does for their autistic children. Reading those really makes you feel like you've been fucked with by the corporate elite by being brainwashed about what's food, and what's not.
Of course we are like our parents, but the emphasis on DNA is crap. As long as I know it I'm happy, I don't care about helping anyone else, I guess I'm just venting on here.
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: aLptHW4k4y on May 22, 2012, 01:09:30 am
We were talking about bodybuilding, what's up with the mental diseases now?
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: freezerburn on May 23, 2012, 05:16:03 am
Ah, the old, very old nature vs nurture argument. Both always apply. Our absolute natural limits are determined by our DNA, but how do we define these limits? Our DNA acts as a template of potential, the environment is the stimulus to realize this potential. The environment includes everything from food, exercise, sleep, hormonal response and when all of these things take place. These things can also affect when certain genes are turned on. Maybe it will be discovered that pre-puberty exercise stimulus is important for particular types of development or physical endowment. Is hyperplasia possible etc?
It is silly to think that we all have the same potential with regards to strength and size, but it is more silly to think that we can not all be bigger and stronger:)
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: svrn on August 14, 2016, 02:29:24 pm
There's actually a low-carb, high-fat cooked-food version (though you could make a raw version out of it, of course, and just forego the foods that require cooking to be edible, like winter squashes) of the Primal diet that has a much larger following than Aajonus' Natural-Hygiene-inspired version. It was developed by Mark Sisson and suggests dairy only as a lesser-evil option for people who won't eat enough fat otherwise or simply refuse to give up dairy (http://www.marksdailyapple.com/definitive-guide-primal-blueprint/ (http://www.marksdailyapple.com/definitive-guide-primal-blueprint/)). Sisson calls it the "Primal Blueprint."
Aajonus' fans talk about how incredible Aajonus looks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BzZQfaba10&feature=player_embedded (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BzZQfaba10&feature=player_embedded)
Well, what about Mark Sisson? I don't follow his diet, but don't you think he looks pretty good too? Imagine how good he'd look if he ate raw. (http://www.alexshalman.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Mark_Sisson.jpg)(http://freetheanimal.com/images/2010/03/Mark-Sisson.jpg)
Another self-described Primal dieter who doesn't eat like Aajonus: (http://theorytopractice.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/twitter-photo-wc.jpg?w=336&h=448)
Aajonus never worked out.
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: svrn on August 14, 2016, 02:32:31 pm
Because of your DNA.. that's what determines how big you'll naturally be. Adding muscle on top of this is hard work for everyone in my opinion, no matter how skinny or big.
Wrong. I looked like a concentration camp victim before going raw. Still did while raw paleo. After primal diet I gained weight quickly. I never work out, when people ask me if I do and I answer them they think im lying. Im only eating about 1600 calories a day due to monetary issues right now, at my height i should be eating 2500 minimum yet this is the situation. I would be much stronger if I ate how much im supposed to.
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: svrn on August 14, 2016, 02:44:56 pm
These are a few professional primal bodybuilder on primal diet. All suffered extreme health problems andmuscle loss before getting on primal. THey are all totally cured now.
Paul Cohen was the top tennis coach in the country, he coached the number 1 tennis player in the country john mckenroe as well as Venus and Serena Williams, Pete Sampras, Mike Chang, Harold Solomon, Billy Martin, Vitas Gerulaitis, and Stan Smith. Hes about 70 years old in this video, no health problems.
john mckenroe
Many top athletes are on the diet but dont go public. One kid testified at the raw milk trials, he was crippled at the time and testified that raw dairy is one of the only foods he can consume without severe reactions. By the time he reached high school he became the number 2 high school tennis player in the country.
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: dariorpl on August 14, 2016, 07:19:45 pm
I don't think having big muscles and low fat is a sign of health. You can get that pretty easily with steroids and starving yourself, and almost all the bodybuilders in the world do that. Most also say they're natural because they're trying to sell you something, and they can't sell you steroids since it's illegal, so they're trying to convince you that whatever else is what made their muscles huge.
Most bodybuilders die at a younger age than average, even though they're supposedly among the top 1% in terms of healthy lifestyles.
I don't think anyone truly believes that a bodybuilder body is supposed to exemplify ideal health. It's just some sort of mania that everybody's been led to admire based on magazines and movies.
It's not even exemplifying speed, endurance or power, as both runners and competitive weight lifters have wildly different physiques.
Title: Re: 100% Primal Diet Bodybuilding
Post by: svrn on August 14, 2016, 08:48:38 pm
I can almost guarantee results like the guys up top are very easy to get on the primal diet. My diet is 1600 calories a day and I dont work out yet I look like an athlete.
When I get money I am going to do two experiments.
1. I will simply eat a lot of calories and see what my body ends up looking like.
2. I will do body building while eating lots of calories to see what happens.
I am totally uninterested in looking like these guys and am completely satisfied looking and having the strength I do now, this is simply an experiment to document for the public and promote the diet.