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Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Info / News Items / Announcements => Topic started by: TylerDurden on October 08, 2010, 03:27:03 am
Title: New notification from Aajonus re rawesome
Post by: TylerDurden on October 08, 2010, 03:27:03 am
Hi, healthy-food lovers, We have in-house problems at this time. We do not like to share our laundry with you but there are details about the quality of our foods that affect all Rawesome-Club-of-Venice-California members. For those of you who are not Rawesome-Venice members please disregard this. Thank you.
Today, we received a report from independent investigators. It saddens us to have to bring this to everyone's attention but it affects our health and well-being. All o f you know that James Stewart runs Rawesome Club of Venice. Because of inconsistency of food quality, we had a firm investigate one of James Stewart's suppliers, Sharon Palmer of Healthy Family Farm. She supplies so called pastured organic non-soy and non-GMO-fed chicken and eggs, and until recently raw goats-milk products and meats. We have signed documented evidence that most of the chickens and eggs she had been selling us for years are bought from standard commercial egg and meat suppliers that were not organic and not soy-free. Also, we have evidence that Palmer does not use organic feed for the few chickens she had raised from as long as 2 years ago up to 2 months ago.
Several of us called the irregularity of her chickens and eggs to James Stewart's attention several times in at least 2 years and requested that he buy chickens from a reliable source but he refused. Since James Stewart claims to get the best foods that he can for Rawesome members, why wouldn't he get them from the responsible and reliable Amish farmers with whom we are already contracted?
The answer to that is even more saddening: Mr. Stewart told another investor of Healthy Family Farm that he, James Stewart invested $700,000 of his own money (made from profits from Rawesome) and he wants the profits of the chicken and egg sales that is $10,000 monthly. It deeply troubles us that Rawesome members have been deceived and usurped by James Stewart and Sharon Palmer. It lacks integrity and care for Rawesome members and their rights to healthy food and honesty about them. It is a crime that we, Rawesome members have been eating non-organic soy-fed chickens and eggs by our standards.
The raw goat's milk and cheeses we got from Rawesome until several months ago were also supposed to have come from organically-fed goats at Healthy Family Farm and Sharon Palmer. The investigative report states that testimony from past employees at Healthy Family Farm, declared that Palmer fed her goats non-organic feed and that Mr. Stewart was told. Mr. Stewart got angry with them and told them they were lying. Why would they lie? They helped raise the money to finance Healthy Family Farm. They raised that money to fund the farm because James Stewart and Sharon Palmer promised to raise the best-quality organically-grown products for Rawesome members. They used cheap feed, bought commercial products, doubled the prices and made bigger profits.
Sharon Palmer faces many problems with government agencies, and she decided to dispose of her goats and only sell chickens and eggs that were not organic. Rawesome now gets members goat's milk from our contracted Amish Farmers. The investigative report states that Palmer was and is a convicted felon of fraud on several counts. At least 2 of the incidents of fraud involved talking out loans on elderly peoples' homes, taking the money and letting the elderly people be evicted for non-payment of loans. She has defrauded Rawesome members with Mr. Stewarts knowledge and complicity.
Those are not the only incidents regarding falsely presenting foods as something they are not. For about 2 years, James Stewart sold pressed oils as raw, pressed under 105 degrees F. When our president questioned him about the temperatures, James Stewart got angry and told everyone that Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz was a jerk and trying to sabotage Rawesome. However, Aajonus simply tries to protect people's rights to healthy food, including his. He tries to make producers prove their claims for their products. James Stewart insisted that he had put a heat-gun on the cold-pressing machine and heat on the oils were all under as low as 80 F. and not above 105 F. Two years later, Aajonus happened to be present when the oils were pressed. Using James Stewarts' heat-gun to test the oil, two of the 3 oils were from 124 - 171 degrees F. Only then did James Stewart change the signs that those oils were not pressed below 105 F.
Now that we have evidence of fraud by James Stewart regarding goat's-milk products, chickens and eggs, all Rawesome members must make him face accountability. We have poisoned ourselves with soy, non-organic and possibly GMO and antibiotic toxicity because James Stewart assured us we were eating "completely organic, non-soy-fed and non-GMO" chickens, eggs and goat's-milk products from Healthy Family Farm/Sharon Palmer. Is it appropriate for us to insist that James Stewart get another source of chickens and eggs, such as from the Amish?
We will make the report available to those who doubt any statements above. We realize that the above is more than you may have wanted to know but it is better that you know the details before collect your eggs and chicken from Rawesome Club Venice . There is more about James Stewart and his attorney that a RTCHF-representative will issue within 12 hours. Like all of the Rawesome members, we are people just trying to be as healthy as we can. Sincerely, Right To Choose Healthy Food Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz, President Jeff Slay, Vice President Louis Cangemi, Secretary
Title: Re: New notification from Aajonus re rawesome
Post by: RawZi on December 07, 2010, 09:19:03 am
... We have poisoned ourselves with soy, non-organic and possibly GMO and antibiotic toxicity because James Stewart assured us we were eating "completely organic, non-soy-fed and non-GMO" chickens, eggs and goat's-milk products from Healthy Family Farm/Sharon Palmer...
Sharon is interviewed here + more recently updated Rawesome raid stuff: (
Title: Re: New notification from Aajonus re rawesome
Post by: laterade on December 07, 2010, 10:22:23 am
They could have added the FDA guy stating "individuals are stupid", from the colbert clip That is by far one of the most infuriating moments of my life, hearing him say that dumb sh*t.
Title: Re: New notification from Aajonus re rawesome
Post by: TylerDurden on December 07, 2010, 02:55:53 pm
So, is there anyone on the inside in California who can confidently state whether AV or Rawesome are correct in their fight with each other?
Title: Re: New notification from Aajonus re rawesome
Post by: RawZi on December 07, 2010, 03:34:47 pm
I think that part of the government wants us to fight with each other and disagree with each other so they can seize more power, with the end result of them having all the power, and the people having none. It seems even "the gurus", anyone eventually will slip with that part of the gov't pushing and waiting and planning endlessly for their ins. Doesn't count for new news though.
Title: Re: New notification from Aajonus re rawesome
Post by: TylerDurden on December 07, 2010, 06:00:58 pm
I am no believer in those kind of conspiracy theories though. I am sure that either AV is right or Rawesome is right.Seems logical to me.
Title: Re: New notification from Aajonus re rawesome
Post by: RawZi on December 07, 2010, 06:52:00 pm
I completely was a non-believer of conspiracy theories when I was younger. I didn't even believe fluoride or vaccines were bad until recently. I knew it might be good to avoid those last two poisons, but I thought maybe they had good points. I needed lots of evidence on all sides before I'd ever come to most conclusions. At this point, I've seen a lot of things that I wish didn't exist. Maybe I'm just around too much negative. I don't want to take it anymore!
Title: Re: New notification from Aajonus re rawesome
Post by: TylerDurden on December 07, 2010, 07:21:01 pm
Well, I've been reading up on that rawesome raid and it seems that FBI agents were involved etc. That business of US government agents stealing peoples' computers and never giving them back(or probably only after years when the computers are too far out of date to be of any use in business!) is just disgraceful. In situations like this, citizens should routinely sue the US government in order to make sure that the cost involved in such immoral transgressions becomes far too prohibitive.
In the UK, the UK government is the opposite, being totally law re raw dairy, without any real laws defining the trade. I have heard that, as a result, much of the raw dairy sold within the UK is actually lightly pasteurised as farmers think they can get away with it, since most consumers of raw milk are not rawists.
Title: Re: New notification from Aajonus re rawesome
Post by: TylerDurden on December 07, 2010, 08:00:44 pm
Well this youtube video below seems to indicate that the US govenment is being funded for these anti-raw campaigns by the various large corporations in charge of supermarkets and the like who want to crush those local coops as they fear their competion. Now, that I can well believe, having experienced vicious campaigns by Tesco among other supermarkets in the UK.
I have said it before but it needs repeating:- " Avoid buying from large companies as much as humanly possible. The larger a company gets the more it becomes interested in quantity instead of quantity, and the less it cares about its customers. They end up focusing on the majority of their customers as opposed to focusing on individual customer's wants and so on.
This applies even to big, so-called "organic" stores like WholeFoods. WholeFoods has been criticised often for overpricing its foods and for making a big play about only buying local foods but actually buying foods from other countries etc. It is no accident that its nickname is "whole-paycheck". On my one and only visit to the 1 UK WholeFoods store, I found no grassfed meat whatsoever, plus most of the fruit was not even organic, and, despite that, prices were astroomical. By contrast, buying direct from farms or farmer's markets means that retail-costs aren't added on to the price of the raw foods, so they are usually cheaper than store-bought foods.
Oh, avoid even big farms are a bad idea to buy from. I wince every time I hear about people buying from some big mega-farm like Slanker's or NorthStar Bison. NorthStar Bison , for example, made it only possible to buy raw thyroids if one had a doctor's prescription. Small farms are far more likely to turn a blind eye if a customer wants something unusual like raw brains or raw adrenals or whatever.
Title: Re: New notification from Aajonus re rawesome
Post by: laterade on December 08, 2010, 04:10:17 pm
I don't believe in conspiracies, they are all doing this out in the open. The problem is that most people are just not paying attention. If any of this was being kept secret we would not know about it.
Michael Taylor is head of the food regulation, he has a BS in Political science and used to work for Monsanto!
There is no conspiracy or theory, "americans" are being bitch slapped of their abilities and don't even realize it. That is the root of the problem.
Title: Re: New notification from Aajonus re rawesome
Post by: RawZi on December 08, 2010, 04:42:18 pm
" Avoid buying from large companies as much as humanly possible. The larger a company gets the more it becomes interested in quantity instead of quantity, and the less it cares about its customers. They end up focusing on the majority of their customers as opposed to focusing on individual customer's wants and so on.
Right. I loved and supported small local businesses, but now I've been moving so much, and it seems all the small businesses were bought up by very large ones. Also I love Amish, but the bigger Amish farmers can tend to sell products that seem pasteurized. Maybe they alter the products to satisfy the majority/nonrawists or something, maybe just to make more money. If possible when buying farmed goods, go with small farmers. In my experience, this insures better quality.
... WholeFoods has been criticised often for overpricing its foods and for making a big play about only buying local foods but actually buying foods from other countries etc. It is no accident that its nickname is "whole-paycheck". ... By contrast, buying direct from farms or farmer's markets means that retail-costs aren't added on to the price of the raw foods, so they are usually cheaper than store-bought foods.
WFs are everywhere. Most of their meat is not truly free range and very little of their fruit is organic. By cantrast, I went to a rip-off of WF the other day, and none of their meat or fruit was organic. It was pretty though and had nice music. There are farmer's markets, but they're further away, and some of them are not truly farmers' markets, and some try not to let born Americans in. Shopping can be a little discouraging when you eat unusual food.
Oh, avd even big farms are a bad idea to buy from. I wince every time I hear about people buying from some big mega-farm like Slanker's or NorthStar Bison. NorthStar Bison , for example, made it only possible to buy raw thyroids if one had a doctor's prescription.
Those don't sell bison brain, nor cheek meat, even though no bison has ever had mad-cow and no thyroid without rx; because it's like a deal with the devil. They go overboard to please all government authorities, so that they can be the monopolizing billionaires.
No matter how much out in the open any of this is, I guess each of us just have to keep putting repeated energy into what we want, in every way we can. If we don't, only the oppositional type of cooked people will.
Title: Re: New notification from Aajonus re rawesome
Post by: laterade on December 09, 2010, 11:46:22 am
Whole foods is a ruse, probably owned by kroger or the like. "Organic" is also questionable. That is just the skeptic in me. I buy "organic" because it makes me feel that I am putting forth the effort. I don't like going there anyway, the veggie heads always make depressing faces at me when I am buying flesh.