Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum
Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Hot Topics => Topic started by: formerfruitarian on January 10, 2011, 01:09:27 pm
Hey so as I said in an earlier post I want to eat a diet mostly composed of fruit and then maybe 10% of my diet from meat and organs. Anyway, Im wondering how many of you were former fruitarians and what you would eat on a daily basis? Also for the meat and organs I will be eating, do you think it should have most calories come from muscle meats, organs or fat. All I have access to at the moment is beef liver, heart, marrow, muscle meat, suet and chicken heart, liver, muscle meats and gizzard which Im not even sure is edible raw.
Hey so as I said in an earlier post I want to eat a diet mostly composed of fruit and then maybe 10% of my diet from meat and organs. Anyway, Im wondering how many of you were former fruitarians and what you would eat on a daily basis? Also for the meat and organs I will be eating, do you think it should have most calories come from muscle meats, organs or fat. All I have access to at the moment is beef liver, heart, marrow, muscle meat, suet and chicken heart, liver, muscle meats and gizzard which Im not even sure is edible raw.
I was a former fruitarian for merely 2 months.
Never got the hang of it.
If you want an example of frutarians who say got it, go to 30 bananas a day.
See if you can eat 35 lbs of fruit a day.
See if you can eat 2 whole pineapples for lunch.
Meat > fat > organs. But, I would make sure I was eating organs, even though I put meat as better.
I would also consider raising that animal product percentage to at least 20%. (Disregard if it's not relevant)
I've never been fully frutarian but I did eat most of my calories from fruit with vegetables and juices for a few months...although for some of those few months I was eating occasionally a can of fish and occasionally some raw eggs.
And I wouldn't eat any of those chicken organs or chicken meats raw because once I ate all the organs that came with a whole organic chicken from Coleman and some of the meat and the next day got food poisoning for a couple days.
I ate only fruit for about a month, made me sick. Intense detox.
Then I tried it again in the later segment of my vegan experience, found it very lacking and never satiating past the first day.
In my opinion, I would forget the percentages and eat some fatty raw beef, for dinner alone with very minimal sauce(none preferably), four nights a week and see how you feel. Try different cuts, coincidentally the cheaper cuts taste better raw. :)
Heart, chuck, and rump roast are my favorites.
And I wouldn't eat any of those chicken organs or chicken meats raw because once I ate all the organs that came with a whole organic chicken from Coleman and some of the meat and the next day got food poisoning for a couple days.
Definitely put a hold on the bird meat for a while, in the beginning I ate chicken and it made me sick for a night.
However, a few weeks ago started craving bird and ate four chicken legs. Delicious and nutritious
Certainly not required AFAIK, I could live on beef, but that chicken hit the spot SO well.
You need to talk to SkinnyDevil. That guy seems to be doing fine on a diet of mostly raw vegan/fruitarian, with a meat-day(I think) every 3-4 days.
My own experience with 100 percent fruitarian was a disaster. I quickly ended up with vast hunger-pangs and would eat several kilos of organic oranges every day and still feel hungry afterwards. I eventually realised that the never-sated hunger-pangs were actually for meats, so switched to raw meats since cooked animal foods hurt my health.
Oh, re meats:- Bharminder has a point. "Organic" doesn't mean much if grainfed like organic chicken nearly always is. Far, far more important is whether the meat is 100 percent grassfed or comes from wild animals. As for organs, eat a variety of them at least once or twice a week, but it's not necessary to eat them all the time.
If I were in your position, I would have (fatty) muscle-meats such as raw grassfed mutton as a staple while also focusing on lots of raw grassfed marrow as my source of fat, and have raw grassfed liver and heart 1 day of the week. Suet I would have only occasionally, and chicken I would avoid like the plague, given that even organic/free-range chickens are more intensively-farmed than most people realise.
with fruitarian, i ended with weightloss, fragile bones.