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Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum
Raw Paleo Diet Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: goliath on January 20, 2011, 07:18:08 pm
Title: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: goliath on January 20, 2011, 07:18:08 pm
I'm very convinced by the idea to go barefoot or with minimalist shoes. Accordingly I recently purchased both Fiverfingers and Evo shoes. I was quite surprised to see that these shoes- which I thought were marketed more to back to nature people- are treated in a way to prevent bad smell. The technology is called Agion and is based on silver. Now on their website they write that it is all natural and safe. Still I'm not so sure if I read something like this: "Fighting microbes in three ways Silver ions attack multiple targets in the microbe to prevent it from growing to a destructive population. This tri-modal action fights cell growth in three ways:
1. Prevents respiration by inhibiting transport functions in the cell wall 2. Inhibits cell division (reproduction) 3. Disrupts cell metabolism" This is of course aimed at the microbes. But how do I know that this stuff won't mess with my cells?
I'm quite disappointed to find that the marketers have added high tech stuff to something that is supposed to be back to nature. But I'm absolutely uneducated on this kind of bio-chemical stuff. So it would be great to hear if someone is knowledgeable about it. Other people must have wondered about this too. It actually reminds me of Teflon coating in frying pans.
Title: Re: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: kurite on January 21, 2011, 05:13:04 am
I know five fingers is praised in the barefoot world but in all reality you don't need them. I run barefoot and actually visited barefoot kenbob to make sure I was doing it right. He talked about five fingers and said if you are a begginer, then you DO NOT want to use five fingers. The reason your foot is so sensitive is because it tells you when you are running incorrectly. When you have five fingers on it basically numbs those nerves so you may think your doing it right when your not.
Title: Re: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: turkish on January 21, 2011, 05:30:57 am
i would stay away from these pricey gimmicks.
i also agree with kurite.
Also anything that kills bacteria can be harmfull to humans (think antibiotics etc).
Title: Re: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: laterade on January 21, 2011, 06:52:32 am
Hiking/ walking barefoot has been one of the most beneficial additions to my lifestyle, Why waste 100 dollars? ;) I have hit some pretty tough hikes barefoot, only a few blisters which vibrams would have not prevented.
Title: Re: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: goliath on January 21, 2011, 06:52:12 pm
Thanks for the replies. I'd love to be able to walk and run barefoot all the time. However, living in the city there is dog shit and glass lying around. Also right now it's freezing. Not to mention the social dimension. So, at this point, I still need some shoes. That's why I was initially very happy to find these. Especially the Evo ones (Terraplana). Disappointed when I saw the antimicrobial adding, though. But since it's based on silver, it might be ok. I mean, there are people who drink colloidal silver and swear it's healthy.
Title: Re: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: turkish on January 22, 2011, 12:19:44 am
i understand the social thing, thats why i bought the adidas kanadia trail running shoes.
Pretty close to bare foot (at $40).
If you like connecting to earth why not try some qigong.
Title: Re: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: laterade on January 22, 2011, 08:37:27 am
Yea the social aspect is annoying but not nearly as obstructive as eating raw flesh everyday ;)
Although I was surprised when I hit the first populated mountain barefoot, almost everyone made a comment or looked in astonishment. Like what I am doing is unnatural LOL There are rocks everywhere and it takes getting used to but totally worth it once you get comfortable.
Title: Re: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: goliath on January 24, 2011, 06:42:29 pm
Does anyone have information on the silver technology and can give an estimation of its potential harmfulness?
Title: Re: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: MaximilianKohler on February 08, 2011, 02:00:24 pm
I know five fingers is praised in the barefoot world but in all reality you don't need them. I run barefoot and actually visited barefoot kenbob to make sure I was doing it right. He talked about five fingers and said if you are a begginer, then you DO NOT want to use five fingers. The reason your foot is so sensitive is because it tells you when you are running incorrectly. When you have five fingers on it basically numbs those nerves so you may think your doing it right when your not.
What do you wear when you're not able to go barefoot?
Also, even if I did go barefoot almost everywhere except for work and places that require you to wear shoes it would be a nuisance to have to wash my feet every time I got home. I'd rather find something as close to barefoot as possible for the majority of the time.
Title: Re: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: Sitting Coyote on February 18, 2011, 09:23:06 am
As for walking/running in the cold, our feet can adapt to this over time. I just ran a mile completely barefoot over ice, slush and snow earlier today. You just have to go a little at a time, pushing your edges each time. My only regret is that I didn't start this earlier, although we have a solid month of winter left so I should be up to a couple miles in sub-freezing temps before the weather stays above freezing during the day. Just make sure you don't run on surfaces that have been salted, as salt tears the shit out of your feet and makes the skin on your soles wear off very fast, leaving your feet raw after even a very short run.
As far as minimalist shoes, my favorite is the SoftStar RunAmok. It looks like a moccasin, has a Vibram sole and passes both as a minimalist running shoe as well as a dress shoe if you keep it clean. I presented some of my consulting work to clients a few days back wearing the same pair of shoes I run in, and no one even noticed the difference. They're a great all-purpose minimalist shoe.
As for the biochemistry of silver, I can't speak to that. The idea of wearing minimalist shoes that require some sort of chemical treatment to keep microbes in check doesn't appeal to me in the least.
Title: Re: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: Techydude on February 19, 2011, 12:15:38 am
I like the softstar runamok moccassin idea, i've heard of moccasins as a great shoe to wear :). Anyone know any other good barefoot shoes without the whole antimicrobial thing? I have some terra plana barefoots but they too are antimicrobial :(
Title: Re: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: MaximilianKohler on February 20, 2011, 09:27:19 am
I like the softstar runamok moccassin idea, i've heard of moccasins as a great shoe to wear :). Anyone know any other good barefoot shoes without the whole antimicrobial thing? I have some terra plana barefoots but they too are antimicrobial :(
Use the search, there are a lot of threads already about shoes.
Title: Re: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: Techydude on February 28, 2011, 03:44:10 pm
Anyone know any other barefoot non anti-microbial just regular old shoes for social occasions besides the Run Amok moccasins?
Title: Re: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: MaximilianKohler on March 02, 2011, 11:31:54 am
u lazy fucker
Vibram Five Finger shoes, vivo barefoot
Title: Re: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: laterade on March 02, 2011, 11:42:29 am
Since you put the link in, I am assuming you have ordered from here? Have you tried the Stem footwear? I cannot find information on the differences between Primal/Survival/Natural Origins. Does anyone know? It appears to just be the color, but who knows...
Never mind, they are all out of shoes until Fall of 2011!
Title: Re: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: laterade on March 07, 2011, 01:13:57 pm
As far as minimalist shoes, my favorite is the SoftStar RunAmok. It looks like a moccasin, has a Vibram sole and passes both as a minimalist running shoe as well as a dress shoe if you keep it clean. I presented some of my consulting work to clients a few days back wearing the same pair of shoes I run in, and no one even noticed the difference. They're a great all-purpose minimalist shoe.
I bought a pair recently and love them as well. Just a better all-purpose shoe for my needs than any others I can find on the market. Much more breathable too than the five-fingers which is nice on a longer day. :)
Title: Re: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: laterade on March 08, 2011, 07:55:21 am
Do you wear socks with them? I'm guessing no, but it would be possible unlike vibrams
Title: Re: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: djr_81 on March 09, 2011, 02:35:19 am
No, you can not. :P Of course you could put socks over your vibrams, but that would just be silly.
ADDITION The idea of toe socks slipped my mind. hahaha! Still, vibrams are supposed to be skin tight. You would have to buy a size up
Title: Re: Barefoot Shoes and Agion Antimicrobial
Post by: MaximilianKohler on January 20, 2013, 10:36:32 pm
There's some information in this thread regarding silver used for antimicrobial purposes: (