Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Welcoming Committee => Topic started by: Löwenherz on February 01, 2011, 01:23:22 am
Title: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: Löwenherz on February 01, 2011, 01:23:22 am
Dear Raw-Paleo-Friends,
I'm happy to be a new member of this forum. It's surely the best place for modern hunter gatherers in cyberspace! ;-) I'm 38 years old, male, living in Germany, my favourite food is fatty wild boar from the black forrest. This is my 12th year of raw living. My journey into raw food began in September 1999, inspired by Arnold Ehret and Norman Walker. It was a raw vegan diet and WOW, what an exciting change in my life. All my numerous ailments disappeared quickly. Of course, the raw vegan era didn't last long for me, as most of you can comprehend.
Here are some stages of my raw journey:
- high fat raw vegan - low fat raw vegan - fruitarianism - instincto - raw version of "natural eating" (Geoff Bond) - primal diet (Aajonus) - cooked Atkins and cooked zero carb (a short excursion back into the cooked food world) - RAW ZERO CARB
Some years ago I had really great email-conversations with TylerDurden. Thank you very much, Geoff!! That was before I followed an raw zero carb beef diet like an idiot in 2007. I got ill like never before, I was near death with heart disease, extremely inflamed gi tract, mental illness etc. I will report about this disaster later. I needed THREE years to recover and still can't believe it myself.
I needed much longer than Tyler to realize that RAW PALEO LOW CARB is the way to go for me. I discarded all my sweet fruity tropical illusionary ideas and projects after they all miserably ended in physical and mental exhaustion in south and south east asia.
Most important for me is to avoid every gram of grain fed meat like the plaque! I have not eaten grains since 1998. My body is now extremely intolerant to any gram of grain and any raw vegan diet is definetely better for me than eating grain fed or grain finished meat.
Some things I have learned in the last years of my raw life:
1. Cooking is indeed bad for my body, even if nearly 7,000,000,000 other people are cooking.
2. Grains and dairy in any form (raw and cooked) are the two major health threats for my body.
3. Plant fats can't substitute animal fats.
4. High fruits consumption is disastrous in the long run. Unfortunately I needed many years to realize this as i was addicted to sweet colorful tropical fruits.
5. Wild animal food is superior.
6. We are all brainwashed regarding health. Bananas, olive oil, whole grains, soy etc. are NOT healthy foods for human beings.
7. The fate of the animals we eat is our own fate.
I still don't know if it is OK in the long-run to eat meat from grass fed domesticated animals or if it is obligatory for perfect health to rely solely on meat from truely wild animals. I'm looking forward to discuss this topic with you.
I am going to organize a RAW PALEO PARTY in southern europe as soon as possible and I hope to see you soon!
Best wishes
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: goodsamaritan on February 01, 2011, 01:41:26 am
wow, welcome!
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: Haai on February 01, 2011, 02:06:54 am
Where in southern europe you thinking?
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: Löwenherz on February 01, 2011, 02:32:01 am
It should be a nice place in natural sourroundings that is easily accessible. I have found a wonderful place in Portugal, some kilometres north of Faro Airport in the hills. We have fantastic seafood there and very low prices for food and accommodations. Unfortunately 100% grass fed meat is hardly available and wild meat is scarce.
So, my idea now is to find a better place in southern france, department Aude or Pyrenees Orientales. Next week I will be in Perpignan and hope that some forum members here from France can help me finding good suppliers of high quality animal food... With many airports the region is easily accessible (airport Perpignan, Carcassonne, Beziers and Montpellier...)
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: Iguana on February 01, 2011, 03:05:25 am
I’m in Hautes Pyrenees between Toulouse and Biarritz (300 km from Narbonne) so I’m not really able to help you, unless you come to see me. I have a source of game meat, but there’s not enough for several people. However GCB (http://www.rawpaleoforum.com/?action=profile;u=1077) is currently in Perpignan, so you may meet him there if you send him a PM.
Welcome to this forum anyway!
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: achillezzz on February 01, 2011, 03:22:33 am
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: Löwenherz on February 01, 2011, 04:11:14 am
I’m in Hautes Pyrenees between Toulouse and Biarritz (300 km from Narbonne) so I’m not really able to help you, unless you come to see me. I have a source of game meat, but there’s not enough for several people. However GCB (http://www.rawpaleoforum.com/?action=profile;u=1077) is currently in Perpignan, so you may meet him there if you send him a PM. Welcome to this forum anyway! François
Thank you, Francois! I would really be happy to meet GCB. His book is a great piece of work, it helped me to overcome the raw vegan dogma (circa 2001/2002). I have nice memories of my stays at Montramé. It's a really inspiring place. The whole chateau smelled like durian. hehe. It would be interesting to know what GCB thinks today about eating regularly meat from grass fed domesticated animals ...
In Germany are online directories available with hunters who want to sell game meat. Wild meat in total abundance everywhere (but mostly extremely lean). Are there comparable directories available in France?
How would you translate "100% grass fed + 100% grass finished"? "Engraissement au patûrage" is not precise enough, I think. This doesn't mean grass finished in France, right? Ohh, I'm not good at French yet... Sorry. Most farmers I contacted told me that their beef (Salers etc.) are finished on grains.
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: Nation on February 01, 2011, 06:34:24 am
Can you elaborate on your disastrous 'raw zero carb beef' phase? Did you get ill because the beef was grain-fed or because you were not eating any carb?
How is your diet today different than it was during that phase, i mean what do you think is the one change in your diet that made the most difference?
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: King Salmon on February 01, 2011, 06:54:43 am
So what carbs are you eating?
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: Bronwen on February 01, 2011, 07:29:53 pm
Welcome! Interesting post youve of your history - very similar to mine, and I think probably similar to a lot of folk who have finally found their way to raw paleo in its varying degrees. I still eat a sort of mid-way carb rawpaleo: fruit meal mornings, animal as second meal. But huge doubts plaguing me about how good so muc h fruit is ....or not....as I seem to be hearing from a lot of people's experiences. I don't seem to be having any problems from it....but then most of the problems seem to be something that can also develop long term.
What sort of problems did you develop from a high tropical fruit diet? Maybe there are signs I should be aware of, that I may be experiencing and don't realise they are warning signs. The only warning sign at the moment is something more subliminal saying 'maybe all the bananas aren't that good after all'!!
I am in South AFrica....probably wouldn't be able to join a raw paleo party in Europe....but maybe one day we could organise a raw paleo safari in South Africa and you could all try out some of the wild game here!
Title: Re: My raw zero carb disaster
Post by: Löwenherz on February 02, 2011, 01:54:17 am
Can you elaborate on your disastrous 'raw zero carb beef' phase? Did you get ill because the beef was grain-fed or because you were not eating any carb?
How is your diet today different than it was during that phase, i mean what do you think is the one change in your diet that made the most difference?
Some of the problems during my zero carb beef diet: Extreme digestive problems, inflammation, frequent diarrhoea, liquid stools, red slime, constipation, cramps, sharp pain, extreme dehydration, extreme thirst, heart problems, palpitations, pain in my chest, was getting worse every month not better, high blood pressure, anxiety, aggressions, vertigo, unable to work, insomnia, paranoid ideas, difficulties concentrating, new cavities, tapeworms, paleness, unable to do any sport, etc.
So called "adaption" never set in. After this period I was a wreck. It was the worst and most stupid experiment I have ever done. I couldn't eat anything anymore. That was 2007. A year I will never forget.
Today I know that most of the problems have been caused by GRAINFED meat. Apparently I had eaten some very nasty bacterias and other bad things from diseased animals.
Some of the problems have been caused by zero carb, for example dehydration and sleeplessness.
The very hard white solid lamb fat I have eaten clogged my whole system, even my ears. I never had vertigo before (caused by clogged ears I have read). Today I would never ever touch such hard and toxic animal fats again.
On some days the protein ratio could have been way too high on other days the fat.
Today I eat eclusively truely wild game meat or 100% grass fed meat beside small amounts of fruits and salads (leafy greens). Very seldom I eat some vegetables like carrots. For me it's better to fast than to eat meat from diseased animals. All grainfed animals are diseased. This year I will start my own farming and hunting. I don't want to buy food from anyone anymore in the future.
Title: Re: My raw zero carb disaster
Post by: miles on February 02, 2011, 02:00:50 am
Some of the problems during my zero carb beef diet: Extreme digestive problems, inflammation, frequent diarrhoea, liquid stools, red slime, constipation, cramps, sharp pain, extreme dehydration, extreme thirst, heart problems, palpitations, pain in my chest, was getting worse every month not better, high blood pressure, anxiety, aggressions, vertigo, unable to work, insomnia, paranoid ideas, difficulties concentrating, new cavities, tapeworms, paleness, unable to do any sport, etc.
So called "adaption" never set in. After this period I was a wreck. It was the worst and most stupid experiment I have ever done. I couldn't eat anything anymore. That was 2007. A year I will never forget.
Today I know that most of the problems have been caused by GRAINFED meat. Apparently I had eaten some very nasty bacterias and other bad things from diseased animals.
Some of the problems have been caused by zero carb, for example dehydration and sleeplessness.
The very hard white solid lamb fat I have eaten clogged my whole system, even my ears. I never had vertigo before (caused by clogged ears I have read). Today I would never ever touch such hard and toxic animal fats again.
On some days the protein ratio could have been way too high on other days the fat.
Today I eat eclusively truely wild game meat or 100% grass fed meat beside small amounts of fruits and salads (leafy greens). Very seldom I eat some vegetables like carrots. For me it's better to fast than to eat meat from diseased animals. All grainfed animals are diseased. This year I will start my own farming and hunting. I don't want to buy food from anyone anymore in the future.
Sounds TO ME(mufukers)like your problem was eating too much fat, especially without chewing it thoroughly to get the saliva mixed in(which makes it taste better too).
Title: Re: My raw zero carb disaster
Post by: Löwenherz on February 02, 2011, 02:25:04 am
Sounds TO ME(mufukers)like your problem was eating too much fat, especially without chewing it thoroughly to get the saliva mixed in(which makes it taste better too).
Yes, I think you are right, on some days the fat ratio was really too high.
But THIS crappy fat I have eaten was completely undigestible. Even after hours of chewing and salivating...
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: Löwenherz on February 02, 2011, 02:42:06 am
Thank you, Francois! I would really be happy to meet GCB. His book is a great piece of work, it helped me to overcome the raw vegan dogma (circa 2001/2002). I have nice memories of my stays at Montramé. It's a really inspiring place. The whole chateau smelled like durian. hehe. It would be interesting to know what GCB thinks today about eating regularly meat from grass fed domesticated animals ...
He thinks it’s ok, but we must be sure not only that it’s really 100% grass fed, but also that the animals did not received antibiotics nor medicine. Wild game meat is preferable and I think we can eat as much as we want of it, as often as we want. But eating regularly (every day or almost) meat from domesticated animals, even 100% grass fed, could be dangerous in the long run and he thinks that’s the reason of Nicole’s cancer.
Having on the table everyday (or almost everyday) some animal food is highly recommended. I have seen him eating every evening some animal food. But it’s varied, not everyday the same, so one day it can be wild boar, the next day eggs, next day scallops, next day mackerel, for example. He eats organs as well.
In Germany are online directories available with hunters who want to sell game meat. Wild meat in total abundance everywhere (but mostly extremely lean). Are there comparable directories available in France?
No, I don’t think there’s anything like that, but I’m in France since 2 and half years only. I lived in Lausanne before.
How would you translate "100% grass fed + 100% grass finished"? "Engraissement au patûrage" is not precise enough, I think. This doesn't mean grass finished in France, right? Ohh, I'm not good at French yet... Sorry. Most farmers I contacted told me that their beef (Salers etc.) are finished on grains.
I think not only finished on grain, but also fed hot dried stuff (wheat or else) or even cooked leftovers and also given vaccinations and medicine. I don’t know any farmer producing suitable quality meat, except a friend who just started last year and apparently another sheep stockbreeder near Nice. The address of the latter is on Paleocru, but the forum is down at the moment following a server crash. 100 % grass fed would translate into something like “nourri exclusivement à l’herbe”, but it’s not much used since it barely exists in France!
Hope you can contact and meet GCB. Phone me when you are in Perpignan!
Title: Re: Is fruit a sweet killer?
Post by: Löwenherz on February 02, 2011, 02:57:16 am
Welcome! Interesting post youve of your history - very similar to mine, and I think probably similar to a lot of folk who have finally found their way to raw paleo in its varying degrees. I still eat a sort of mid-way carb rawpaleo: fruit meal mornings, animal as second meal. But huge doubts plaguing me about how good so muc h fruit is ....or not....as I seem to be hearing from a lot of people's experiences. I don't seem to be having any problems from it....but then most of the problems seem to be something that can also develop long term.
What sort of problems did you develop from a high tropical fruit diet? Maybe there are signs I should be aware of, that I may be experiencing and don't realise they are warning signs. The only warning sign at the moment is something more subliminal saying 'maybe all the bananas aren't that good after all'!!
I am in South AFrica....probably wouldn't be able to join a raw paleo party in Europe....but maybe one day we could organise a raw paleo safari in South Africa and you could all try out some of the wild game here!
Hi Bronwen,
I have eaten a lot of fruit for many years without big problems. I think the damaging effects need some years to become visible.
My problems if I eat too much fruit in the long-run: Thinning hair, receding gums, yellow teeth, weak teeth, enamel loss, feeling very cold (in winter), need of much more sleep, bad sleep, no sex drive, joint problems, emaciation (if only fruit), bady body composition, probably hormonal imbalance, dry skin, accelerated aging (!), fat maldigestion, gas, bloating, unnaturally high longing for sunshine
Too much fruit in the long-run seems to age or destroy my skin!
I have seen these problems in many long-term fruitarians.
Title: Re: Is fruit a sweet killer?
Post by: Bronwen on February 02, 2011, 03:28:18 am
My problems if I eat too much fruit in the long-run: Thinning hair, receding gums, yellow teeth, weak teeth, enamel loss, feeling very cold (in winter), need of much more sleep, bad sleep, no sex drive, joint problems, emaciation (if only fruit), bady body composition, probably hormonal imbalance, dry skin, accelerated aging (!), fat maldigestion, gas, bloating, unnaturally high longing for sunshine
Thanks - very interesting. Over my 7 years of being predominantly raw vegan I went from high fat raw to low fat raw, as you did, gradually increasing fruit. But could never maintain it without 'lapsing' back to increased raw fat/veg or even cooked at times. So probably haven't had extended continuous periods on high fruit. But can certainly identify with many of those things you mentioned to a greater or lesser degree, though i realise now that in the past I just accepted these as part of my body-typing and assuming I was in pretty good health. Also convincing myself thatsome of the symptoms (eg. teeth) were because I couldn't maintain LFRV/high fruit, and it was the constant switching that was causing them.
But since including meat once a day, and limiting fruit to once a day, I have started feeling much stronger, more energised, sleeping less and more deeply, teeth less sensitive. And suddenly this is raising huge questions for me.....if this change is making me feel like this in just one month, would a greater change make even more of a difference? Could I feel even 'healthier' than I assumed I was in the past? That would be fab! This will be the year of finding out!
Title: Re: Is fruit a sweet killer?
Post by: Löwenherz on February 02, 2011, 03:39:36 am
... But since including meat once a day, and limiting fruit to once a day, I have started feeling much stronger, more energised, sleeping less and more deeply, teeth less sensitive. And suddenly this is raising huge questions for me.....if this change is making me feel like this in just one month, would a greater change make even more of a difference? Could I feel even 'healthier' than I assumed I was in the past? That would be fab! This will be the year of finding out!
YES, you will feel much healthier, much stronger and happier!
Raw paleo is really a great invention, isn't it!? :D
Southern Africa is still my dream. It's wonderful! One time I would like to visit you. My last stay in that region was in Windhoek. Crazy party people there and the best steaks ever! hehe
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: miles on February 02, 2011, 04:07:42 am
I have eaten a lot of fruit for many years without big problems. I think the damaging effects need some years to become visible.
My problems if I eat too much fruit in the long-run: Thinning hair, receding gums, yellow teeth, weak teeth, enamel loss, feeling very cold (in winter), need of much more sleep, bad sleep, no sex drive, joint problems, emaciation (if only fruit), bady body composition, probably hormonal imbalance, dry skin, accelerated aging (!), fat maldigestion, gas, bloating, unnaturally high longing for sunshine
Too much fruit in the long-run seems to age or destroy my skin!
Yes, these don't sound like big problems at all... l)
And by the way how do you know you had tapeworms on ZC?
Title: Re: Tropical fruits bad for us? Meat from domestic animals detrimental?
Post by: Löwenherz on February 02, 2011, 04:47:03 am
He thinks it’s ok, but we must be sure not only that it’s really 100% grass fed, but also that the animals did not received antibiotics nor medicine. Wild game meat is preferable and I think we can eat as much as we want of it, as often as we want. But eating regularly (every day or almost) meat from domesticated animals, even 100% grass fed, could be dangerous in the long run and he thinks that’s the reason of Nicole’s cancer.
Hmmm, very interesting! There has been a lot of discussion about Nicole's cancer in german raw food circles. Most of them having vegan backgrounds still think that meat is devil. However people like Wolfgang Lutz and many others believe that there is a link between high sugar consumption (especially fructose) and cancer. I never understood why many instinctos don't question the high consumption of tropcial fruits, especially when living in cold climates. During winter time in France I had always the feeling that tropical fruits mess up my metabolism. While staying in Sri Lanka and Singapore I didn't feel such imbalances. But also in the tropics ulcers and cancer and not uncommon amongst fruitarians. That made me more skeptical. I think that high animal fat PLUS high tropical fruit can be a recipe for big problems in the long run. Who knows... I wholeheartedly agree that WILD foods are always the best option.
Having on the table everyday (or almost everyday) some animal food is highly recommended. I have seen him eating every evening some animal food. But it’s varied, not everyday the same, so one day it can be wild boar, the next day eggs, next day scallops, next day mackerel, for example. He eats organs as well.
Ah, very interesting. I guess he is eating also fruits from Orkos, right?
I think not only finished on grain, but also fed hot dried stuff (wheat or else) or even cooked leftovers and also given vaccinations and medicine. I don’t know any farmer producing suitable quality meat, except a friend who just started last year and apparently another sheep stockbreeder near Nice. The address of the latter is on Paleocru, but the forum is down at the moment following a server crash. 100 % grass fed would translate into something like “nourri exclusivement à l’herbe”, but it’s not much used since it barely exists in France!
Merci beaucoup!
I remember there is a big Hereford beef farm somewhere near Bordeaux, should be one of the few 100% grass feeding operations... You will get my "search results" in a few weeks. ;-)
I will visit Paleocru as soon as possible and would be happy to talk to you in France!
Title: Re: Tropical fruits bad for us? Meat from domestic animals detrimental?
Post by: Iguana on February 02, 2011, 05:41:28 am
Hmmm, very interesting! There has been a lot of discussion about Nicole's cancer in german raw food circles. Most of them having vegan backgrounds still think that meat is devil. However people like Wolfgang Lutz and many others believe that there is a link between high sugar consumption (especially fructose) and cancer.
According to GCB, Nicole had been eating a lot of beef everyday for about 8 years. Other people told me that she ended by eating only beef and lettuce. I saw a photo of her eating pie…
I never understood why many instinctos don't question the high consumption of tropcial fruits, especially when living in cold climates. During winter time in France I had always the feeling that tropical fruits mess up my metabolism.
I never had problems with tropical fruits, either in Sri Lanka (I lived there a few years), other tropical countries or Switzerland were I had a constant and abundant supply of very cheap organic unsold or overripe papayas, small bananas, plantains, mangoes, pineapples, avocados, passion fruits from Cameroon. But I always ate animal foods almost everyday (except a few months feeding mostly on durians in Thailand). In the tropics it was fish, sometimes eggs, seldom meat. The problem in the tropics is to find suitable meat often enough rather than too much fruits, I think. So, raw dieters in the tropics generally tend to miss enough animal food, it seems.
While staying in Sri Lanka and Singapore I didn't feel such imbalances. But also in the tropics ulcers and cancer and not uncommon amongst fruitarians. That made me more skeptical. I think that high animal fat PLUS high tropical fruit can be a recipe for big problems in the long run. Who knows... I wholeheartedly agree that WILD foods are always the best option.
Yes, and tropical fruits are generally more wild than cultivated fruits from temperate areas. As you mention somewhere else, meat from wild animal is usually very lean.
Ah, very interesting. I guess he is eating also fruits from Orkos, right?
Yes he does.
I remember there is a big Hereford beef farm somewhere near Bordeaux, should be one of the few 100% grass feeding operations... You will get my "search results" in a few weeks. ;-)
Didn’t know that. Should be very interesting. Cheers François
Title: Re: Tropical fruits bad for us? Meat from domestic animals detrimental?
Post by: kurite on February 02, 2011, 01:47:57 pm
According to GCB, Nicole had been eating a lot of beef everyday for about 8 years. Other people told me that she ended by eating only beef and lettuce. I saw a photo of her eating pie…
Who is Nicole? Is she a raw paleo?
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: Susan on February 02, 2011, 02:24:43 pm
Nicole was the wife of GCB and she died of cancer despite instinctive raw eating.
Her death caused a lot of trouble in the raw world.
There could be several reasons for her death, for me one of the them is that tooth-fillings troubled her immune-system. Burger never mentioned this problem and till now most of his followers don't do it or deny it. Last year I contacted Burger writing him a PM about this problem but he never answered. :(
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: kurite on February 02, 2011, 02:44:43 pm
So she ate raw beef? What was her diet like?
Title: Re: Is fruit a sweet killer?
Post by: Bronwen on February 02, 2011, 05:23:52 pm
My problems if I eat too much fruit in the long-run: Thinning hair, receding gums, yellow teeth, weak teeth, enamel loss, feeling very cold (in winter), need of much more sleep, bad sleep, no sex drive, joint problems, emaciation (if only fruit), bady body composition, probably hormonal imbalance, dry skin, accelerated aging (!), fat maldigestion, gas, bloating, unnaturally high longing for sunshine
Did you find most of these symptoms disappeared on a lower fruit diet....esp teeth. My gums are slightly receding, have slight enamel loss on some back molars, making them a bit sensitive if I overeat acid fruit which I tend to limit anyway.? Did your teeth actually improve? Bronwen
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: Josh on February 03, 2011, 01:14:15 am
There could be several reasons for her death, for me one of the them is that tooth-fillings troubled her immune-system. Burger never mentioned this problem and till now most of his followers don't do it or deny it.
What about 'Raw diets aren't guaranteed to cure or prevent cancer' ?
About fruits I eat alot of em with alot of cold water right with them Its just something I cant live without I like mango with tons of cold waterr or watermelon or berries or apples or bananas or orange juice with cold water.
Never had a problem.
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: Iguana on February 03, 2011, 02:58:08 am
What about 'Raw diets aren't guaranteed to cure or prevent cancer' ?
Sure. I never thought instinctive raw paleo nutrition would make me bulletproof against cancer! We all have eaten cooked junk for years and perhaps (just like asbestos) it can cause a cancer decades latter. Also we can't totally avoid ingesting some carcinogen that are present everywhere in our environment - air, water and food. Nicole ate cooked food, dairy and wheat till she was about 25. Lately she was in disagreement with her husband about certain points; finally she ate beef, and beef, almost exclusively beef everyday for several years and in the end (when she new having cysts) she took supplements based on milk - I also strongly suspect she ended by eating junk (photo eating pie)...
Under raw paleo instinctive nutrition, several people had their cancer self-healed, but the reverse thing can also happen sometimes - especially in cases of cooked exceptions or/and unbalanced nutrition due to psychological problems /failed love relationships.
From your link:
The study suggests links between wildlife cancers and human pollutants, as well. For example, beluga whales in the St. Lawrence River system have an extraordinarily high rate of intestinal cancer — it is their second leading cause of death. One kind of pollutant in the waters, called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, is known to cause cancer in humans. The compounds are suspected carcinogens for beluga whales as well. Fish in other polluted waterways, including brown bullhead catfish and English sole, also exhibit high levels of cancer.
Also, about cancer cases in wild animals, we should not forget that the human observer is not conscious of disturbing the observed animals, especially by leaving cooked leftovers and junkfood that the animals may feed on. Plus, these animals may have seen their environment degraded, confined or have been displaced by human presence around them.
Title: Re: Tropical fruits bad for us? Meat from domestic animals detrimental?
Post by: Löwenherz on February 03, 2011, 04:29:29 am
According to GCB, Nicole had been eating a lot of beef everyday for about 8 years. Other people told me that she ended by eating only beef and lettuce. I saw a photo of her eating pie…
I didn't know that she was eating so much beef. It reminds me of Lex_Rookers diet. By the way: Many zero carbers have been inspired by "the bear", a man living in Australia, eating only beef for several decades. It didn't protect him against cancer and heart disease. Therefore I never understood why he had so many followers on his dietary regime...
I never had problems with tropical fruits, either in Sri Lanka (I lived there a few years), ...
Wow! Where have you been living in Sri Lanka? I prefer the hills west of Kandy... I love this tropical country. Unfortunately, eating meat there is really a problem. Don't like fish every day...
Cheers, Löwenherz
Title: Re: Is fruit a sweet killer?
Post by: Löwenherz on February 03, 2011, 04:34:42 am
Did you find most of these symptoms disappeared on a lower fruit diet....esp teeth. My gums are slightly receding, have slight enamel loss on some back molars, making them a bit sensitive if I overeat acid fruit which I tend to limit anyway.? Did your teeth actually improve? Bronwen
Yes, a diet high in saturated animal fats shows strong healing effects on teeth, enamel, gums, hair, skin and joints in my body AS LONG AS my fruit intake remains very low.
Higher fruit intake inhibits healing processes and high fruit intake causes continuation of decay.
Plant fats seem to be completely useless regarding these issues.
Best wishes, Löwenherz
Title: Re: Are sheep really cancer-resistant?
Post by: Löwenherz on February 03, 2011, 04:37:26 am
Wow! Where have you been living in Sri Lanka? I prefer the hills west of Kandy... I love this tropical country. Unfortunately, eating meat there is really a problem. Don't like fish every day...
Bentota (SW coast) 1979 -1982. In Kandy the second time in 1988, already instincto. Yes, meat is a problem there but once they found a wild boar leg for me and otherwise I ate raw fish every day when we returned to Bentota for holidays latter. The fish is excellent there. I also ate a lot of delicious eggs from a wild animal sometimes... The jackfruits are abundant and almost free, the durians are nearly wild and very different from each other.
My ex-wife is Sri Lankan.
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: kurite on February 03, 2011, 10:31:31 am
Did "the bear" just eat cooked beef all the time? I would get sick of it.
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: kurite on February 03, 2011, 10:39:04 am
Also re the wild animal cancer. The devils only got cancer because of a virus which caused the cancer. Without the virus they wouldn't develope it. And the whales could have gotten cancer from human pollutants. I don't disagree that wild animal cancer is real but the article makes it seem a lot worse then I believe it is.
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: Iguana on February 03, 2011, 02:43:54 pm
That's what those scientists inferred from the current theoretical model... which is very probably wrong.
So do you think the tasmanian devil cancer is actually because of some sort of pollution? Also that pie picture of Nicole, was that during when she was eating instincto or when she already knew she had cancer?
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: Iguana on February 03, 2011, 05:07:13 pm
Yes, it could well be, or due to cutback on there habitat as well as drastic reduction of their population. It is quite possible that this virus would be harmless or even beneficial like most viruses in normal conditions.
According to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tasmanian_Devil#Devil_facial_tumour_disease):
the tasmanian devil hunts prey and scavenges carrion as well as eating household products if humans are living nearby.
they are known to eat the bodies of murder victims or people who have committed suicide
Recent research from the University of Sydney has shown that the infectious facial cancer may be able to spread because of vanishingly low genetic diversity in devil immune genes (MHC class I and II)—raising questions about how well small, and potentially inbred, populations of animals are able to survive.
I don’t know when this photo of Nicole eating pie was taken.
Title: Re: Tropical fruits bad for us? Meat from domestic animals detrimental?
Post by: Löwenherz on February 04, 2011, 03:07:27 am
Bentota (SW coast) 1979 -1982. In Kandy the second time in 1988, already instincto. Yes, meat is a problem there but once they found a wild boar leg for me and otherwise I ate raw fish every day when we returned to Bentota for holidays latter. The fish is excellent there. I also ate a lot of delicious eggs from a wild animal sometimes... The jackfruits are abundant and almost free, the durians are nearly wild and very different from each other.
My ex-wife is Sri Lankan.
WOW! Sri Lanka in the seventies. I guess travelling through tropical countries was much more adventurous at that time. No internet, no mobile phones... Have you been in Hikkaduwa also? (not far away from Bentota) I have heard that Hikka was a real hippie paradise. hehe. My I ask you how old you are now? Last year I was hiking in the spectacular mountains near Ella and found hundreds of jakfruit trees with HUGE fruits. Even on the markets they sell only unripe Jakfruit und give the ripe ones in any amount to anybody for free. So far I never got any wild meat from land mammals, but the seafood is indeed excellent.
Today things are changing. Traffic jams near Kandy everyday, dole bananas on the markets and in some places extreme air pollution, highways are in construction. But paradise is still easy to find... I expect that the east coast will boom in the next years.
Cheers, Löwenherz
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: Löwenherz on February 04, 2011, 03:36:19 am
WOW! Sri Lanka in the seventies. I guess travelling through tropical countries was much more adventurous at that time. No internet, no mobile phones... Have you been in Hikkaduwa also? (not far away from Bentota) I have heard that Hikka was a real hippie paradise. hehe. My I ask you how old you are now? Last year I was hiking in the spectacular mountains near Ella and found hundreds of jakfruit trees with HUGE fruits. Even on the markets they sell only unripe Jakfruit und give the ripe ones in any amount to anybody for free. So far I never got any wild meat from land mammals, but the seafood is indeed excellent.
Today things are changing. Traffic jams near Kandy everyday, dole bananas on the markets and in some places extreme air pollution, highways are in construction. But paradise is still easy to find... I expect that the east coast will boom in the next years.
Sure, I went several times for schnorkeling to Hikkaduwa with friends who came to see us for holidays. But the coral isn't as nice as other places such as Bunaken island near Manado (North Sulawesi), Banda islands or Kandavu (Fiji). We also drove by Ella several times, slept in Ella resthouse near a waterfall. Hmm... memories ! l)
Yes, I used to eat a half jackfruit everyday for my lunch. Colombo is awfully polluted from black exhaust smoke of diesel engines. Kandy must be as polluted now, I guess. The last time I went there was in 2003, a year before the tsunami.
I'll be 65 in July.
Cheers François
Title: Re: My raw zero carb disaster
Post by: Hanna on February 04, 2011, 03:44:37 pm
Some of the problems during my zero carb beef diet: Extreme digestive problems, inflammation, frequent diarrhoea, liquid stools, red slime, constipation, cramps, sharp pain, extreme dehydration, extreme thirst, heart problems, palpitations, pain in my chest, was getting worse every month not better, high blood pressure, anxiety, aggressions, vertigo, unable to work, insomnia, paranoid ideas, difficulties concentrating, new cavities,
Cavities while eating zero carb? Interesting. How many cavities did you get? Did you eat any starch/sugar as "exception" or the like? Did you have many cavities before? Did you get any cavities since you eat low carb? Did you eat any greens or vegetables when you ate zero carb?
Why don´t you eat tropical fruit?
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: Inger on February 04, 2011, 05:49:42 pm
If I remember correctly he ate most of the beef raw but also mentioned several times that he rendered suet...
The Bear was/is(?) eating mostly lightly seared meat, raw inside. He was not a rawfooder by any means as he also eat baked chicken and other recipes. He just found out that to get all vitamins out from meat you should eat it partly raw, or at least introduce some raw meat in your diet. He was eating cream and cheese also a lot. He makes "ZC-ice cream" with artifical sweetener and whipped cream. Artifical sweeteners are connected with increased cancer-risk etc. I think he´s dairy consumption and the use of sweetener was not doing him any good. My opinion though.
Title: Re: Tropical fruits bad for us?
Post by: Löwenherz on February 05, 2011, 02:15:24 am
Yes, I used to eat a half jackfruit everyday for my lunch. Colombo is awfully polluted from black exhaust smoke of diesel engines. Kandy must be as polluted now, I guess. The last time I went there was in 2003, a year before the tsunami.
I'll be 65 in July.
Sounds like you are living your dreams. That's great!
I guess you feel healthy at age 65 on your raw paleo diet, right?
Title: Re: My raw zero carb disaster - tooth decay and toxic beef
Post by: Löwenherz on February 05, 2011, 02:31:04 am
Cavities while eating zero carb? Interesting. How many cavities did you get? Did you eat any starch/sugar as "exception" or the like? Did you have many cavities before? Did you get any cavities since you eat low carb? Did you eat any greens or vegetables when you ate zero carb?
Why don´t you eat tropical fruit?
Hallo Hanna,
yes, cavitis while on zero carb. I always thought that this is completely impossible due to the absence of sugars. But there are more factors involved. I didn't eat any plant food, no honey and no other sugary food at all. The reason for tooth decay was that my mouth was extremely dry, salivation was strongly impaired. I know from hospitals that people without proper salivation (due to chemotherapy for example) can loose their formerly perfect teeth completely within a few weeks. Strong saliva is very important for healthy teeth.
I had some cavities before my zero carb diet, since age 16 or 18 or so. I don't get any cavities on raw paleo low carb.
The meat that I had eaten was extremely toxic. There is no other explanation for most of the symptoms I got. Later I found out that one of my so called grass fed beef supplier buys tons of pellets made of waste from sugar production plants every month to speed up his beef production processes. As already mentionend I'm very careful today. I never ever touch any raw meat from supermarkets or butcher shops anymore...
Viele Grüße
Title: Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
Post by: Löwenherz on February 05, 2011, 02:34:24 am
Sounds like you are living your dreams. That's great!
I guess you feel healthy at age 65 on your raw paleo diet, right?
Well your an instincto, right iguana? But that basically means your are raw paleo? Besides following your instincts on what to eat what is the real difference? All the same foods are included and discluded as far as I have read.
Title: Re: My raw zero carb disaster - tooth decay and toxic beef
Post by: King Salmon on February 05, 2011, 10:06:51 am
yes, cavitis while on zero carb. I always thought that this is completely impossible due to the absence of sugars. But there are more factors involved. I didn't eat any plant food, no honey and no other sugary food at all. The reason for tooth decay was that my mouth was extremely dry, salivation was strongly impaired. I know from hospitals that people without proper salivation (due to chemotherapy for example) can loose their formerly perfect teeth completely within a few weeks. Strong saliva is very important for healthy teeth.
I had some cavities before my zero carb diet, since age 16 or 18 or so. I don't get any cavities on raw paleo low carb.
The meat that I had eaten was extremely toxic. There is no other explanation for most of the symptoms I got. Later I found out that one of my so called grass fed beef supplier buys tons of pellets made of waste from sugar production plants every month to speed up his beef production processes. As already mentionend I'm very careful today. I never ever touch any raw meat from supermarkets or butcher shops anymore...
Viele Grüße
So,I guess it's fair to say that your failed ZC experiment was due mostly to poor quality meats as opposed to ZC in of itself? Maybe if you tried ZC again with good quality meats,you might have a better result?Anyway, no reason to blame ZC as a bad diet if you were eating poor quality food.
Title: Re: Tropical fruits bad for us?
Post by: Iguana on February 05, 2011, 02:45:09 pm
Well your an instincto, right iguana? But that basically means your are raw paleo? Besides following your instincts on what to eat what is the real difference? All the same foods are included and discluded as far as I have read.
Yes, I've practiced instinctive nutrition, which is raw paleo, since January 1987.
Title: Re: My raw zero carb disaster - tooth decay and toxic beef
Post by: Löwenherz on February 05, 2011, 11:57:38 pm