Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet to Suit You => Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach => Topic started by: Techydude on February 03, 2011, 06:36:42 pm

Title: Non seafood Iodine and Manganese?
Post by: Techydude on February 03, 2011, 06:36:42 pm
Specific sources anyone? Like if I wanted iodine without eating fish or seaweed and manganese without veg.
Title: Re: Non seafood Iodine and Manganese?
Post by: cliff on February 03, 2011, 10:28:16 pm
Dairy products and Eggs are a pretty good source
Title: Re: Non seafood Iodine and Manganese?
Post by: CHK91 on February 03, 2011, 11:48:29 pm
Why do you not want to eat seaweed? ???
Title: Re: Non seafood Iodine and Manganese?
Post by: Techydude on February 04, 2011, 12:19:52 am
On the carnivorous diet aren't we supposed to forgo veg and only eat animals? Since seaweed technically is a vegetable I thought the debate was out on I forgo it.
Title: Re: Non seafood Iodine and Manganese?
Post by: CHK91 on February 04, 2011, 12:21:39 am
On the carnivorous diet aren't we supposed to forgo veg and only eat animals? Since seaweed technically is a vegetable I thought the debate was out on I forgo it.

Why do you want to go on a completely carnivorous diet? It is not good to be completely dogmatic about dietary choices if it does no harm. I fell into that trap of dietary dogmatism once and I'm leery of falling for it again. If you become too concerned about rules you may be reluctant to change your habits when it is not working for you. Do what makes you feel best. Don't follow ideologies.
Title: Re: Non seafood Iodine and Manganese?
Post by: Wolf on March 14, 2011, 08:31:36 pm
CHK91 has good advice, but I also think it's good to try out the different extremes too, just to see how they affect you.  If it doesn't feel right for you though, you shouldn't continue with it.  Plant foods aren't completely bad, though I prefer fruits over vegetables, since fruits are specifically created by the plant for the sole reason to be eaten.. while most vegetables are harder to digest and contain anti-nutrients.  But if they do good for you, then you should eat them.

as far as sources of iodine, I would suggest egg yolks.  In my opinion, egg whites are useless and unneeded, and I hate the texture of them anyways unless cooked.. so I don't usually eat egg whites.  But if the texture is fine for you, you can eat them, just most of the nutrients are in the yolk.  I'm not sure about manganese, but you could always go to and look up any specific nutrient, then sort by meats/dairy and such to filter out all the plant foods.

but why don't you want to include fish meats?  sushi is good, I recently tried some sashimi(which is just pure raw fish meat, no rice or seaweed or anything added) and it was quite tasty.. I like yellowfin tuna the best I think, since it's nearly the same texture as raw beef.. while the albacore(sp?) that I tried had the texture and taste of chicken!  I don't like that taste or texture of any crustaceans though, such as shrimp, crab, or lobster.
Title: Re: Non seafood Iodine and Manganese?
Post by: klowcarb on March 19, 2011, 04:21:00 am
I use Maine Coast's Sea Salt with Sea Veggies. So good!
Title: Re: Non seafood Iodine and Manganese?
Post by: Techydude on March 19, 2011, 12:33:15 pm
I use Maine Coast's Sea Salt with Sea Veggies. So good!

Have you ever eaten whole sea veggies and has the sea veggie salt and/or sea veggies whole and dehydrated like the ones organic at whole foods ever hurt, harm, or mess you up physically or mentally or upset you or your stomach. I dont know about the safety status of algae/sea veggies but they have so much iodine I dunno what to do.

@Wolf how many eggs do you eat a day? They have about 25 mcg iodine and you need 150 mcg daily so if I had to eat like 6 egg yolks everyday i'd go crazy :(
Title: Re: Non seafood Iodine and Manganese?
Post by: klowcarb on March 19, 2011, 08:43:38 pm
I find seaweed to be fine on a ZC WOE. Seaweed are protocists, not vegetables, and a great source of iodine and potassium. I have not eaten the dehydrated seaweed but would not hesitate to do so if I needed the minerals in them, and would still find them ZC.

Eggs can be a good source of iodine. I looooooooove eggs!
Title: Re: Non seafood Iodine and Manganese?
Post by: Techydude on March 19, 2011, 08:53:25 pm
I find seaweed to be fine on a ZC WOE. Seaweed are protocists, not vegetables, and a great source of iodine and potassium. I have not eaten the dehydrated seaweed but would not hesitate to do so if I needed the minerals in them, and would still find them ZC.

Eggs can be a good source of iodine. I looooooooove eggs!

omg you get fresh Seaweed? where? :D
Title: Re: Non seafood Iodine and Manganese?
Post by: klowcarb on March 20, 2011, 12:51:42 am
I didn't say that! Read again, my friend  ;D
Title: Re: Non seafood Iodine and Manganese?
Post by: Techydude on March 20, 2011, 11:31:51 am
I didn't say that! Read again, my friend  ;D

damn, im just going to have to go to beach then and go kelp hunting lol
Title: Re: Non seafood Iodine and Manganese?
Post by: Wolf on July 27, 2011, 10:42:30 pm
Have you ever eaten whole sea veggies and has the sea veggie salt and/or sea veggies whole and dehydrated like the ones organic at whole foods ever hurt, harm, or mess you up physically or mentally or upset you or your stomach. I dont know about the safety status of algae/sea veggies but they have so much iodine I dunno what to do.

@Wolf how many eggs do you eat a day? They have about 25 mcg iodine and you need 150 mcg daily so if I had to eat like 6 egg yolks everyday i'd go crazy :(

I haven't been eating much eggs lately actually.  I would love to eat 6 eggs a day though, but that would get pretty expensive for me, I would think.. 3 1/2 dozen eggs each week, of the organic free range cage-free eggs?  which aren't even as healthy seeing how all the yolks are always still yellowish rather than the bright orange they're supposed to be.  I only just started eating eggs again yesterday, I drank 2 egg yolks, though I had warmed them to probably about 110 degrees F to make them easier for me to eat.. since for some reason lately I haven't been wanting to eat any eggs.  Well, not any raw eggs, at least.
I wish I could raise my own chickens, though.
Title: Re: Non seafood Iodine and Manganese?
Post by: Techydude on July 27, 2011, 11:13:05 pm
Eggs don't have much.

App there's iodine in like meats and plants that had a source of nourished soil(i'd imagine it'd be better in wild plants/animals/seafood)

For the main iodine now i'd say Seafood, Sea Veg, and Blood. Manganese mmm i'd say other foods and meats still iffy.