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Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Health => Topic started by: turkish on February 23, 2011, 02:24:05 am

Title: Help, lost lot of weight - maybe ulcers
Post by: turkish on February 23, 2011, 02:24:05 am
I have plagued by health issues for the last one month. Initially i thought it was gallbladder stones but now its looking to be ulcers in the stomach.
I discuss what may have caused it later, any suggestions to tackle ulcers?
Title: Re: Help, lost lot of weight - maybe ulcers
Post by: CHK91 on February 23, 2011, 02:30:35 am
I have plagued by health issues for the last one month. Initially i thought it was gallbladder stones but now its looking to be ulcers in the stomach.
I discuss what may have caused it later, any suggestions to tackle ulcers?

H. Pylori maybe? If you take HCL, don't take too much.
Title: Re: Help, lost lot of weight - maybe ulcers
Post by: raw-al on February 23, 2011, 08:31:16 am
I have plagued by health issues for the last one month. Initially i thought it was gallbladder stones but now its looking to be ulcers in the stomach.
I discuss what may have caused it later, any suggestions to tackle ulcers?
What do you eat a lot of? Or more accurately did you eat a lot of?

Since you are on this site I am guessing you eat raw. Is that accurate?

Ulcers according to Ayurveda are a simple matter of eating foods that are hot, spicey or foods that produce a lot of heat in digestion. Basically your digestion is too hot and the fire has burned a hole in the gut.

This link is for suggestions that are primarily cooked, but the choices would be good raw also. Follow the centre two columns Pitta - Favour / Avoid

This list I suspect would work well for you and there is a section on meats at the bottom.

Alcohol and fried foods are baaaad news for ulcers. I have no idea of your diet so I am shooting in the dark.

And last but definitely not least are you in an emotional crisis or do you have sleep issues or weird waking hours?

Sleep is the nursemaid of the world.
Title: Re: Help, lost lot of weight - maybe ulcers
Post by: turkish on February 24, 2011, 02:01:55 am
 yes i am in an emotional crisis, i do have weird waking and sleeping hours.

prior to this incident i was doing both cooked & raw, as i had just started on raw animal diet did not get a chance to convert fully to raw.

i went through the list you suggested i saw the bee pollen and royal jelly are to be avoided by pitta, actually just before this incident i had started taking chunky honey from 'honey pacifica' it was fortified by royal jelly and propolis.

Also i was applying sesame oil externally (this too is in the avoid list).

What seems to be helping is cabbage & carrot juice, Slippery elm & glutamine.

i have never felt this awfull ever before - going through hell. THanks for all your help.
Title: Re: Help, lost lot of weight - maybe ulcers
Post by: turkish on February 24, 2011, 02:15:18 am
should i follow the ayurvedi approach Or should i attact the H. Pylori angle?

what do you guys think?

You see i am confused. Ayurveda sez avoid banana - but other folks beleive that banana is good for ulcers.

Also Ayurveda sez avoid honey - but other folks beleive that manuka honey is good for ulcers.

i m confused.
Title: Re: Help, lost lot of weight - maybe ulcers
Post by: raw-al on February 24, 2011, 02:24:27 am
Glad to be of assistance.

I am in a similar situation as I tend towards mouth ulcers and other Pitta aggravations. You will find that your stools will improve when you figure out the dietary issues. They are an excellent method of diagnosis. If they are hard or dark (unless you eat blueberries) then your digestive fire is too hot so do something to cool it. Think of it like the stool is food in a pot. If it's burned, cook at a lower temperature. In other words eat something that slows down or cools digestion

In the Ayurvedic text Caraka Samhita they talk in terms of foods/medicine (same thing) ie meat having the opposite characteristics of the issues you are having. If you are fat then eat meats that are lean like goat. and if you are thin or having a wasting issue then have meat etc from a very large animal.

Even the herbs that are appropriate for illnesses are in the shape of the problem part of the body ie Brahmi leaves look like the brain, pomegranite seeds are the same shape as the blood cells they are good for. (iron)

You posted as I was about to post.

Honey can be modified by eating butter but never similar amounts. Eat twice as much butter at least. Honey also comes in various grades. The early spring honey we get locally is way too hot for my GF or myself but the later stuff is OK.

What I suggest is that you be mindful of the avoid list in Ayurveda and combine it with other systems. No system is perfect combined with the fact that I am not able to actually diagnose as I do not live near you. GoodSamaitan usually has some good advice.
Title: Re: Help, lost lot of weight - maybe ulcers
Post by: Iguana on February 24, 2011, 02:25:51 am
Throw away all beliefs! Eat 100% raw paleo unprocessed and let your nose and mouth find out what you need to heal. A friend of mine had such an ulcer and he found out that good fresh durian helps. I don't know, for you it may be different but you can take the smell of a lot of different stuff.
Title: Re: Help, lost lot of weight - maybe ulcers
Post by: goodsamaritan on February 24, 2011, 06:42:48 am
yes i am in an emotional crisis, i do have weird waking and sleeping hours.

Solve this first.
Adjust your paradigms.
Come to an acceptance and peace.
Fix your sleeping hours.

And just as Iguana said, go 100% raw paleo diet.
Title: Re: Help, lost lot of weight - maybe ulcers
Post by: Ioanna on February 24, 2011, 10:14:07 am
i don't have any experience, but i'd probably keep with your cabbage juice only because i've read a lot about that being very healing for ulcers.  there are herbs also claimed to be helpful. you can find them easily in a google search, but some were licorice, cinnamon, some teas, anything that relaxes you.  do not supplement with hcl!

and i also agree with the others to fix your emotional crisis and sleep habits.  either embrace the situation you have, or make a change that will increase your happiness.
Title: Re: Help, lost lot of weight - maybe ulcers
Post by: FoxWoman on February 24, 2011, 10:26:19 am
I don't know about Ayurveda, but in my traditional culture (my ancestors are from Northern Europe) ulcers are treated with huge amounts of fresh raw cream. Even MDs there (still uncorrupted!) prescribe such treatment, which is usually very successful. In fact, my late grandma was prescribed that treatment for her ulcer during II World War (raw cream and nothing else within a month) and her ulcer was completely healed and never returned.
Title: Re: Help, lost lot of weight - maybe ulcers
Post by: raw-al on February 25, 2011, 12:03:26 am
I have plagued by health issues for the last one month. Initially i thought it was gallbladder stones but now its looking to be ulcers in the stomach.
I discuss what may have caused it later, any suggestions to tackle ulcers?

What are the symptoms?
Title: Re: Help, lost lot of weight - maybe ulcers
Post by: littleElefant on March 03, 2011, 04:02:18 am

I also have stomach issues, but with me it is the opposite, I seem to need a lot of hcl to digest at all. If I dont take Hcl + Lemonjuice and often something fermented my food seems to stay in my stomach and I feel sooo nauesous and I need a long time til I can eat again. I lost some weight because of this digestion thing. I seem to have problems with fat digestion and protein digestion. Carbs dont give me this nauseous feeling but they make me bloated and with some carbs, esp. fruits, my blood sugar goes crazy.
Any Ideas how to improve fat and protein digestion?
Raw-all, would you please tell me witch book is the best and comprehensivest about Ayurveda and Nutrition. I already read a lot about Ayurveda but you seems to know a lot more and I would like to know your resources. Ayurveda realy resonates with me, it makes so mutch sense.
Title: Re: Help, lost lot of weight - maybe ulcers
Post by: turkish on March 05, 2011, 04:17:39 am
my symptoms have been changing, i will probably write a detailed write up as soon as things settle down.

All my tests (blood, stool, ultrasound, H. Pylori) came out normal.

They scheduled me for endoscopy & CT scan.

my current symptoms are extreme hunger (i wake up twice at night to eat) - i am beginning to wonder if i parasite issues that are causing my stomach to produce more acid.

Any ideas or guidance on how to identify or resolve parasite issues.

I used to use humaworm in the past but with hyperacidity/ulcers it may not be a safe option.

How about zappers, i know GS uses one.

Any  ideas?