Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum
Raw Paleo Diet Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: TylerDurden on September 10, 2008, 06:56:48 pm
2-3 years after switching to rawpalaeo, I decided to do various experiments with dodgy foods like raw dairy etc. to test what my reaction was to them, after months/years of being rawpalaeo. When I tried eating any pastry, no matter how "organic" it was etc., I would find that it felt so dry in my throat that I had to usually swallow large gulps of water in order to move it down my gullet, either that or I'd start choking a little, until it finally, after ages, went down the whole way. Has anyone else experienced this? What about any other unusual sensations with various foods, raw or cooked?
I feel like an addict when I start to eat cooked food, like it stimulates me like a drug and I start eating faster. Then I feel drugged afterwards as if with a sedative. Also peanut butter sticks in my throat and makes my chest hurt a little bit, maybe I'm allergic.
about 6 months ago i tried a broth of bones, connective tissues, fat 2-3 times -- i felt ill every time, it kept going worse & worse, 1 night i felt like about to die with unbearable pain & general discomfort
& die i did: died to ingesting cooked stuff (aka "food")
i was raw for 1 year (including raw fish and eggs and bits of dairy)
after adding cooked foods into my diet ( at least 60-80% cooked foods) like beef, fish, greens, i noticed bigger gains in energy and i could function overall better..
this is just me and my experience though
when i try 100% raw i get to many cravings and start to feel dizzy... but this is common theres only a an extremely small percent of people who can remain 100% raw.
i was raw for 1 year (including raw fish and eggs and bits of dairy)
after adding cooked foods into my diet ( at least 60-80% cooked foods) like beef, fish, greens, i noticed bigger gains in energy and i could function overall better..
this is just me and my experience though
when i try 100% raw i get to many cravings and start to feel dizzy... but this is common theres only a an extremely small percent of people who can remain 100% raw.
What I find amusing is that you cite the very raw foods that rawists typically do worse on(ie raw fish/raw eggs and raw dairy), yet you ignore the fact that there are plenty of people doing 99-100% raw , who have no health-problems as they eat mostly raw meats/organ-meats and a little raw plant-foods, and greatly minimise(or delete entirely) the dairy, eggs and fish. Come to think of it, there are even plenty of dairy-drinking Primal-Dieters in California and elsewhere in the States who've been doing 100% raw, without issues, for over a decade now(the Primal Diet is c.20 years old, now).
i was raw for 1 year (including raw fish and eggs and bits of dairy)
after adding cooked foods into my diet ( at least 60-80% cooked foods) like beef, fish, greens, i noticed bigger gains in energy and i could function overall better..
this is just me and my experience though
when i try 100% raw i get to many cravings and start to feel dizzy... but this is common theres only a an extremely small percent of people who can remain 100% raw.
The raw food you mention eating are the very foods that cause the most problems among rawies eg fish, eggs & dairy.
So your experience = everyone's experience...right
My experience is that cooked or not, I don't see a difference although, for awhile there, I thought raw gave me problems which didn't really make sense.
I still believe that raw is best but for purposes of enjoyment and taste, I cook some meats a little on the outside. The creamy bone marrow is delicious raw so are all fish and shellfish AND egg yolk. I prefer liver raw but kidneys, heart and tongue a little cooked.
but i dont think its worth to force yourself to eat raw meat into thinking its going to bring optimal health..
but if you like raw meat, then eat it, i like cooked meat. for me it seems healthier.
i think someone can be equally healthy eating mostly cooked foods ( btw everyone over 100 eats a mostly cooked diet, at least from my research, in fact i read someone who eats a 100% cooked diet)
what it comes down to is what you feel good, a body builder from the 40's recommended raw meats and organ meats, he died at 81, eating healthy doesnt mean a long healthy life too.
i think moderation and a balanced diet is key to health, cooked/raw baby, just like everyone tradition in the world
plus if you remember if it wasnt for the internet we would all be eating cooked foods still just like people have for the last million years lol
these strict raw foods diet wont ever people popular because noone will do it because its not worth it
but i dont think its worth to force yourself to eat raw meat into thinking its going to bring optimal health..
but if you like raw meat, then eat it, i like cooked meat. for me it seems healthier.
i think someone can be equally healthy eating mostly cooked foods ( btw everyone over 100 eats a mostly cooked diet, at least from my research, in fact i read someone who eats a 100% cooked diet)
Well duh, Metallica. Eat however you choose. I happen to eat some cooked foods myself, though I do need raw meat in my diet daily. But that is beside the point. You are a member of a raw paleo diet forum. To ALWAYS antagonize this diet or people on it is indicative of a troll. IOW, if your only objective is to rile the people on this board, please stop. If you are truly interested in trying, or at least accepting the possibility that a mostly RAF or RVAF diet can be healthy, then please, continue in your pursuit.
plus if you remember if it wasnt for the internet we would all be eating cooked foods still just like people have for the last million years lol
these strict raw foods diet wont ever people popular because noone will do it because its not worth it
This is simply untrue. I ate sashimi and tons of salads in CA in the 80s. I have never eaten all cooked foods ever, even before the internet went commercial. To place your personal lifestyle as the lifestyle of everyone is arrogant at the very least, imho.
One of the most unusual things I noticed after going rawpalaeo was that I ceased to dream(at least knowingly). I still am able to daydream, but not dream during sleep - that is, unlike pre-rawpalaeo times, I don't wake up with the faint edges of a dying dream in my mind - I probably still, unknowingly, dream in
very deep sleep.
There's a rationale behind this, apparently:-
I didn't have depression as such, but was under a great deal of stress pre-rawpalaeo due to bad diets, so maybe dreaming is a sign of too much stress?
Wow, I'm glad that hasn't happened to me!
I love dreaming... even "bad" ones. it would suck if I didn't dream anymore!
I can relate, Tyler. Although I do have dreams some nights, they are not big screen events, more of a background occurance now that I am paleo and mostly raw, if that makes sense. Nights I don't dream, or I don't remember dreams anyway, I feel best rested. Yoga philosophy says dreamless sleep is best. It makes sense that the brain needs some time off too. That said, I do enjoy dreams and have had prophetic ones in the past.
For about two days after drinking fresh raw pig blood, my libido was very much pumped. I only took a shot of it but I wonder what is too much when it comes to drinking blood.
About how long after taking the shot did you begin to notice the libido pick up? And of course, where did you get a hold of pig blood?