Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Personals => Topic started by: Squall on September 11, 2008, 11:49:21 am
Title: I want to meet a real, live RAF'er!
Post by: Squall on September 11, 2008, 11:49:21 am
I'm thinking that this personals area might be for relationship relationships, but I think I'm gonna just try and meet anyone near me, male, female, androgynous, etc. Plus my girlfriend might not like it I try to pick up paleo chicks online. Then again, she might ...
I live in the Phoenix, AZ area and I really want to meet some veteran RAF'ers. I keep reading about the good skin, clear eyes, stable disposition, lack of BO, etc. Yes, I'll want to smell you if I ever meet you face to face lol ... i think a clean natural smell is better than oils, perfumes, etc. I do like some perfumes, tho, and I'll readily admit that I'm kinda odd, but oh well.
Anyway, if any of you currently live (relatively) near me or will be passing through, I'd like to get together with you. Its hard trying to adopt such a radical lifestyle without a flesh-and-blood support structure. At least for me.
Title: Re: I want to meet a real, live RAF'er!
Post by: Satya on September 11, 2008, 05:47:14 pm
Hi Squall,
I used to live in AZ, but now I am in N TX. Not very close. I am thinking there might be an RAF meet up board or something somewhere. Maybe as we get bigger we could incorporate one here.
Title: Re: I want to meet a real, live RAF'er!
Post by: TylerDurden on September 11, 2008, 06:47:40 pm
There are periodic "primal potlucks" held by primal-dieters around the US every so often. Most involve RAFers turning up to meet Aajonus for a workshop(80 dolars?) and/or a consultation(consultation=300 dollars). Some do not have Aajonus there and are free. To find out where Aajonus holds his meetings look at the primal diet subforum of this board where I post any general e-mails sent out by Aajonus to me, detailing where he's going next. Better still, contact him on optimal@earthlink.net for info on where future Primal gatherings are held, as he may well attend many more smaller gatherings that I don't get e-mailed about. For Primal diet gatherings without Aajonus, your best bet is to find one of the forums on the wewant2live.com official website and ask there, or apply to join the primal diet (closed) yahoo group (you need to e-mail the owner at primal_diet.. - forget it, I'm already a member of the primal diet group and I'll ask there on your behalf. May take a few days for a reply.
Here's the thread on this board where I get regular updates re Aajonus' workshops:- http://www.rawpaleoforum.com/primal-diet/aajonus'-appearances-and-primal-potlucks/
Title: Re: I want to meet a real, live RAF'er!
Post by: TylerDurden on September 14, 2008, 01:55:18 am
I didn't get a satisfactory reply from the primal diet yahoo group. Apparently, the only way to find out about smaller primal diet-meetups is to go to a major meetup such as the ones Aajonus advertises (and which I always post in the above thread), and then you can meet anyone there who might come from Arizona or a nearby State. You should also contact Aajonus at the above e-mail-address to find out from him whether he knows anyone from Arizona or nearby - he should know at least a few(I vaguely remember a newspaper-article, one, from an Arizona newspaper about Primal dieters).
Title: Re: I want to meet a real, live RAF'er!
Post by: Squall on September 14, 2008, 02:36:51 am
Thanks for the effort! ;D
Title: Re: I want to meet a real, live RAF'er!
Post by: CarnĂ¡l on November 25, 2008, 06:41:55 pm
Hello Squall. I sort of wish I joined this forum earlier (as I joined today!). I was in the Phoenix area recently, and I love meeting other Raw'ists, there aren't enough of us yet in this millenium LOL. I was so happy to find raw fresh pollen, raw milk great juice bars, such good quality honey and someone to eat raw liver with so readily available while I was there. On the flight over I was also lucky airport security decided to let me through with enough raw cream and fertile eggs for the week for myself. The eggs cracked, but in my container, so I strained the shell out and they were still goo for the duration of my stay. I'm not planning on returning soon to Arizona, but I am interested in eating with others of our tribe, and of course smelling them, from afar! LOL. Note: I have a good nose. :) I'm not looking for anything either, just buddies to have a bloody meal with. Good luck to you on your endeavor of meeting a real, live RAF'er. I'm not acquainted with as many as I'd like to be either. I prefer to be a little anonymous out in the open for now, I'm more here trying to kick a little cooked food addiction hump (I ate nut based baked snack-crackers yesterday), so I intend to post each day, what I'm eating, in the off topic section. I'm hoping to kick my own butt back into line. So, if you want to know ASL post your email. I don't know how to use the private messaging here (yet).
Title: Re: I want to meet a real, live RAF'er!
Post by: livingthelife on November 25, 2008, 08:38:24 pm
Hello, Carnal! We had similar motives for joining. I hope it helps you; I'm seeing results already. Wonderful support here.
I don't personally know any raw foodists other than my own family. I don't know what a RAFer smells like to other folks, but since going raw I do notice the odors of those who eat cooked food and it's not pleasant. My daughter says her classmates stink like a fryer and she won't stay overnight at their houses because the whole places "smells like poop." (She's 14.)
Good luck, Squall, I hope you find someone raw to hang out with!
Title: Re: I want to meet a real, live RAF'er!
Post by: Squall on November 26, 2008, 03:18:04 am
Thanks for the posts, guys. I'm also glad to get some feedback on body odor from a cooked vs. raw perspective.
So your entire (immediate) family eats raw, livingthelife? That's cool. My only support structure (besides this forum) is my girlfriend. She's okay with me eating "weird" stuff, but sometimes she can't watch, and she's pretty resistant to trying any of it. She likes her pasteurized chocolate milk and breads and what not.
Title: Re: I want to meet a real, live RAF'er!
Post by: livingthelife on November 26, 2008, 03:47:50 am
We do eat a little cooked grains and potatoes; otherwise, all raw. They eat whatever I serve them, bless their hearts. They trust me, and I do tell them why.
It's great your girlfriend supports you, even though she's not into it herself. Kudos to her. This forum is the only place I've found support. Everything's lovey until you venture into raw meat - no one wants to talk about that!
Title: Re: I want to meet a real, live RAF'er!
Post by: laterade on November 16, 2010, 11:21:44 am
I'm thinking that this personals area might be for relationship relationships, but I think I'm gonna just try and meet anyone near me, male, female, androgynous, etc. Plus my girlfriend might not like it I try to pick up paleo chicks online. Then again, she might ...
I live in the Phoenix, AZ area and I really want to meet some veteran RAF'ers. I keep reading about the good skin, clear eyes, stable disposition, lack of BO, etc. Yes, I'll want to smell you if I ever meet you face to face lol ... i think a clean natural smell is better than oils, perfumes, etc. I do like some perfumes, tho, and I'll readily admit that I'm kinda odd, but oh well.
Anyway, if any of you currently live (relatively) near me or will be passing through, I'd like to get together with you. Its hard trying to adopt such a radical lifestyle without a flesh-and-blood support structure. At least for me.
I live in the south east valley Az. I'm an outtie, certainly not a threat to your girl friend. Not a veteran though, only for the past four months, but I love it. By now you are probably deeper than I am, if you are still eating RAF. Send me a message if you want to meet up
Title: Re: I want to meet a real, live RAF'er!
Post by: goodsamaritan on November 16, 2010, 11:34:55 am
Yon Yonson and the others are doing skype lunches or skype dinners with video. That sounds like a fun way to do it.