Raw Paleo Diet Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: raw-al on April 13, 2011, 07:47:46 am
Title: Fingernails
Post by: raw-al on April 13, 2011, 07:47:46 am
I play fingerstyle guitar and I do not do well with picks of any kind.
When I was a cooked vege consumer, I tried growing my fingernails so I could pick with them. My thumb was great but my other fingers were too wimpy and would constantly break.
I even tried having replacement ones glued on which worked, but in order to have ones that lasted and did not fall off, one girl I got to put them on just about removed the whole GD original fingernail. That hurt big time and eventually I gave up on that. It worked amazingly well but it was a pain to have it done. Not to mention the looks from patrons when sitting in line to "git me nails done". ;D LOL
Don'y laugh lots of big time musicians get their "nails done".
Anyways I started playing a lot again lately and tried growing my nails. They are tough as..... (are you ready) nails.. now. They are very strong and I end up having to file them down as they don't break or crack.
One small step for my index, middle and ring finger, one large step for musiciankind thanks to my raw diet.
Title: Re: Fingernails
Post by: magnetic on April 13, 2011, 08:06:55 am
Very cool, I have an acoustic but don't know how to play. :(
Title: Re: Fingernails
Post by: HIT_it_RAW on April 13, 2011, 04:00:28 pm
couldn't imagine breaking my fingernails on guitarstrings. Mine are pretty much indestructible, always have been even on sad. Use them very heavy for all kind of things like tightening screws. I've been a heavy dairy concuumer all my life so that might help, also the dutch tap water has a lot of calcium in it. I drink tap water freely because in my country they don't put chlorine or anything else in the water.
Title: Re: Fingernails
Post by: RawZi on April 13, 2011, 06:59:30 pm
I wish they would keep their stinking chlorine to themselves and stop using it on our tap water. My nails do break when the weather's cold if I break my diet. Fake nails can be pretty, and pretty unhealthy too for you. Congrats Al on growing your own healthier nails!
... my fingernails .... Mine are pretty much indestructible, always have been even on sad. Use them very heavy for all kind of things like tightening screws. ... the dutch tap water has a lot of calcium in it. I drink tap water freely because in my country they don't put chlorine ... in the water.
Title: Re: Fingernails
Post by: raw-al on April 13, 2011, 07:40:13 pm
couldn't imagine breaking my fingernails on guitarstrings. Mine are pretty much indestructible, always have been even on sad. Use them very heavy for all kind of things like tightening screws. I've been a heavy dairy concuumer all my life so that might help, also the dutch tap water has a lot of calcium in it. I drink tap water freely because in my country they don't put chlorine or anything else in the water.
You're lucky they don't use chlorine.
Years ago I lived in Newfoundland, (Canada) I remember the Chief Health Officer (not sure her name or title) went on a campaign to have water supplies changed to artesian wells. This water is safer and healthier than the bog (her words) water, which is basically surface water such as lakes. The problem with surface water is that in certain seasons when the water is low it tends to be poor quality and if some idiot decides to run their motorboat in it, the effluent affects the water quality.
Unfortunately surface water requires chlorine which she claims was instrumental in the rise of bowel cancers etc after it's introduction.
Where I live now I don't touch the city water. It tastes like .... . I drink Perrier occasionally.
BTW I have been a heavy dairy drinker all my life although it was pasteurized initially till I noticed problems.
Title: Re: Fingernails
Post by: HIT_it_RAW on April 13, 2011, 08:55:07 pm
Our tapwater is groundwater which is pumped through the coastal sand-dunes to filter. Afterwards there is some additional filtering but not much.
My dairy was pasteurized too until recently when I went raw and discovered the amazing benefits of raw milk. Too bad all other types of raw dairy are illegal in the Netherlands. Made some yoghurt and butter myself but its so time consuming!
Title: Re: Fingernails
Post by: raw-al on April 13, 2011, 09:23:12 pm
Our tapwater is groundwater which is pumped through the coastal sand-dunes to filter. Afterwards there is some additional filtering but not much.
My dairy was pasteurized too until recently when I went raw and discovered the amazing benefits of raw milk. Too bad all other types of raw dairy are illegal in the Netherlands. Made some yoghurt and butter myself but its so time consuming!
We/me plan to do the sand filter thing also when we build our strawbale house.
We put our milk in a jar with honey as AV suggests then put it above the fridge where the heat from the condensor coils keeps it the right temp to make kefir. It was a lot more work when she made yogurt as she had to heat it to boiling then wait till it cooled to 46 C then add the old yogurt then wrap it in a towel. ;D We/she makes the butter in a Cuisinart prep 9 food processor (http://www.cuisinart.com/products/food_processors/dlc-2009chb.html) takes 7 minutes.
Title: Re: Fingernails
Post by: HIT_it_RAW on April 13, 2011, 09:29:24 pm
Will try the milk honey thing. why boil the milk when making yoghurt? sure isnt raw anymore. I like my butter shaken in a jar so that takes somewhat longer.
Title: Re: Fingernails
Post by: raw-al on April 13, 2011, 09:47:15 pm
Will try the milk honey thing. why boil the milk when making yoghurt? sure isnt raw anymore. I like my butter shaken in a jar so that takes somewhat longer.
The boiling was in the recipe, and you are right, that was before we went raw.
How long does it take shaking in a jar?
Title: Re: Fingernails
Post by: HIT_it_RAW on April 14, 2011, 01:11:35 am