Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Health => Topic started by: tdister on May 06, 2011, 07:42:58 am
Title: preventative Antibiotics
Post by: tdister on May 06, 2011, 07:42:58 am
I have a root canal that I'm finally getting finished up next week. The dentist asked me to take a run of Penicillin as a preventative to getting an infection when he opens it back up. I told him I'd rather not unless he requires it, he replied, in a nice way, that it was up to me but that he would hate to have to charge me several hundred dollars more to open it back up later if need be.
The tooth/socket doesn't seem to be inflamed at the moment.
I haven't had an antibiotic in a long time and think they likely contributed to my current health issues.
I will probably take them, though it feels ridiculous. This is going to cost a lot of money, I'd hate to screw it up...I'm guessing most here would not take them?
Title: Re: preventative Antibiotics
Post by: Ioanna on May 06, 2011, 07:47:53 am
what has your diet been like recently? and how is your health presently?
Title: Re: preventative Antibiotics
Post by: HIT_it_RAW on May 06, 2011, 02:51:04 pm
If you don't take them I would do a fast at least 24 hrs prior to the surgery to make sure my mouth would be as clean as possible. I'd drink water(with some lemon juice) and eat some vco during the fast. VCO kills a lot of bad bacteria.
Title: Re: preventative Antibiotics
Post by: ys on May 06, 2011, 11:58:40 pm
if you are healthy and your immune system is fine then you should be ok. i had gum graft surgery and was prescribed antibiotics but did not take any. my face got swollen for a few days (exactly by the book), then inflammation went down and it healed ok without any antibiotics. I did not do any fasts or anything else special.
Title: Re: preventative Antibiotics
Post by: sabertooth on May 07, 2011, 05:42:57 am
Root canals are ticking time bombs that could or could not become infected depending on a number of conditions, the one thing to look for is recurring infections over time. Sometimes it takes years for a root canal to go bad but when it does the infection can become systemic and have a negative impact on overall health.
Just look for signs and if infections become an issue then you may consider having it pulled, Its a tough call to make because preventative antibiotics could give you enough time to heal before an infection can set in, but they can also be tough on your system and leave you open to rebound infections. Perhaps if you chose antibiotics you could offset the negative effects by using high meat.
Just a suggestion, does anyone else concur?
Title: Re: preventative Antibiotics
Post by: tdister on May 07, 2011, 01:16:11 pm
Thanks for the replies and info wish I could make it by to reply more frequently
My health is moderate right now. I'm losing weight as I haven't been eating enough. i'm not sickly really but not fit for battle either.
A root infection becoming systemic, eh? Sound like research time.
My diet as of late has been all over the place; raw meat/egg yolks to a little (fairly decent) "fast food", typical easter leftovers...more empty carbs than I care to think about. Had some wine and a couple cigs the other night -\ Over 75% clean calories I would estimate but not likely to help me heal.
Probably going to take them, I'm surprised to say.
Title: Re: preventative Antibiotics
Post by: CitrusHigh on May 07, 2011, 01:21:58 pm
Instead of taking poison (anti-life(biotics)) pills try considering giving your immune system some extra support.
Laugh a whole lot. Visualize yourself happy and healthy a couple days after surgery, with no infections. Eat extra herbs (mint, cilantro, parsley, basil, oregano, dandelion, lamb's quarters, etc) fresh and raw Get tons of sleep. Get out in midday sun, as naked as possible, for at least 20 minutes, but up to 1 hr if your skin is darker. Have some sex, or self lovin'. Avoid all sugars, grains, carbs in general. Eat some organ meats raw, like grassfed liver, kidney, pancreas Eat some suet, marrow, adrenals Eat whatever raw veggies agree most with your system.
That is it, no fasting, no poison, no mean things, all love! Also say thanks for your health. Good luck!
Oh you might try some fresh, raw turmeric root to boost your immune system as well, also some fresh, raw ginger root. Just chew or grind and eat whatever you can handle, the stuff is potent. Don't forget gratitude, there is no such thing as too much of it!
Title: Re: preventative Antibiotics
Post by: Techydude on May 08, 2011, 12:46:20 pm
To prevent infection:
1) Get eating Raw paleo diet 2) Get lots of minerals, and fats, specially marrow. And eat lots of organs. 3) Have a bit of garlic and onion daily(you'll wreak but it's worth it) in this time before it. 4) Have lots of high meat, bacteria work so you don't get an infection.
Title: Re: preventative Antibiotics
Post by: RawZi on May 08, 2011, 11:26:47 pm