Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Info / News Items / Announcements => Topic started by: Adora on February 26, 2012, 05:27:52 am

Title: Raw paleo video help
Post by: Adora on February 26, 2012, 05:27:52 am
I would like to make some videos too. I like them so much I want to contribute. I have never made one. Can somebody list some suggestions that help to make the process smother?
Title: Re: Raw paleo video help
Post by: eveheart on February 26, 2012, 07:10:44 am
I use the computer's webcam. My advice is:
- plan your video so you have what you will need all set up...
- don't aim for perfection...
- if you work in an industry where an identity-revealing internet presence is discouraged for "security" reasons, think about this beforehand and don't record your face.
Title: Re: Raw paleo video help
Post by: Adora on February 26, 2012, 09:07:04 am
Thanks for responding. I'm a nurse. I'll probably be stuck nursing forever. What are professions that are into internet security?
Title: Re: Raw paleo video help
Post by: eveheart on February 26, 2012, 09:38:49 am
What are professions that are into internet security?

Oh, any profession where some lunatic or criminal might try to stalk you... including judges, law enforcement, health care providers... you'll probably know if you should be cautious because other people you work with discuss the issue.
Title: Re: Raw paleo video help
Post by: goodsamaritan on February 26, 2012, 10:15:38 am
I think if you are a nurse, it may be a bad idea to post videos of yourself doing medically disapproved actions and spouting medically disapproved paradigms.

I have an aunt in the USA and she knows I cure people of the incurables and she would rather not hear anything I have to say because she is so blindly married to the medical profession.  If that kind of person were to be your superior and saw your video, you may be out of a job.

I'm a website developer and network administrator so I have no ties with the medical industry.  I can freely say whatever I want.
Title: Re: Raw paleo video help
Post by: Adora on February 26, 2012, 12:01:49 pm
GS - I know what you mean. Everybody at work is freaked out about my diet. I know they must talk about me behind my back, but so far it has gone better than I expected. People are very nice to my face. Even supportive. Actually, I like to laugh about it. I had a huge whole beef heart so my husband took a picture of me posing to eat it with this deranged look on my face, it's funny.  I need but also hate my job. There are so many problems with health care that I try to keep my eyes closed to survive. So, I fantasize about leaving in any manner. Maybe that is why I'm not feeling afraid. I was just curious about if Eve meant judgemental employers or something more. I'm also not afraid of my patients. The hospital wants us to see patients as customers. I realized from the get go I could lose my job any day a patient complained enough. I choose not to make work choices out of fear. I did for a month or 2 in the beginning. I would have quit if I'd continued on that way so I accepted the reality of it and I've put in 7 years. -\
    I just keep on smiling with enthusiasm for all that I do for my health, and share it with others who are curious. I'm comfortable being more unusual  all the time.  My husband was mortified at first. He said what will be next???!!! I said, "whatever it takes honey ;D, and I hope for the strength to be able to keep my word. This site helps me and I want to see it grow and develop. I'll take my chances. besides becoming healthier than ever eating stuff that everybody says will kill me has taught me to "grow a pair", in a powerfully feminine way of course. If anybody were to actually try to stalk or threaten me or mine, they'd be sorry. Just considering makes me think of my guns and knives.

I guess I have no ties with the medical industry either, and I too can say whatever I want  ;) I'm more excited than ever to make a youtube video

(     (
Title: Re: Raw paleo video help
Post by: eveheart on February 26, 2012, 01:27:42 pm
I was just curious about if Eve meant judgemental employers or something more. I'm also not afraid of my patients. The hospital wants us to see patients as customers.

No, I meant if you worked with unpredictable people, like in a mental hospital, justice system, or prison.

The people I avoid raw-meat-talk with are usually animal-rights people, vegans, and rude people. Rude people are the kinds that make some fuss over what someone else is doing if it is different from what they do. It could be something completely neutral, too - like eating an apple with the peel, and they'll insist the whole time that they hate apple peel and once it got stuck under their gum and then it got infected and it gives them smelly gas and runny diarrhea, and all the while you're just minding your own business and trying to eat an apple.
Title: Re: Raw paleo video help
Post by: Adora on February 27, 2012, 11:30:39 am
excellent advice, I will avoid rude people. Priceless description ;D.