Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Health => Topic started by: rawlion on November 04, 2008, 09:59:15 pm

Title: candida carbs
Post by: rawlion on November 04, 2008, 09:59:15 pm
Hello comrades

Maybe someone could help me and explain the carbs candida problem…

I’d like to know the basic dietary principles which can keep the candida in check. Most claim that sugars (either from vegs or fruits) should be avoided. It is wise to exclude all plants which contain goitrogens and nightshades as well. The question arises what carb sources are safe in such condition? Maybe a limited amount of fruits can be eaten in order to nourish the body while you starve the candida instead of starving both the body and the candida?
Title: Re: candida carbs
Post by: Alomonger Pete on October 10, 2010, 05:00:42 pm
In my experience the following foods do NOT feed candida:
Meat, eggs, fresh coconut meat, coconut oil, organic butter, yams, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, mesquite, maca, raw cacao, medicinal mushrooms such as reishi, berries, all greens (including goitrogens), sweet potatoes, lentils, amaranth, bee pollen, seeds, algaes

And all these do:
All dairy, carrots, beets, all fruit (apart from those listed above), all nuts, all honeys, grains

I could be missing some.  You might also want to take a potent anti fungal the best one I have ever tried is called Syclovir from  Getting on top of my candida issue has really changed my life.
Title: Re: candida carbs
Post by: djr_81 on October 10, 2010, 08:24:42 pm
In my experience the following foods do NOT feed candida:
Meat, eggs, fresh coconut meat, coconut oil, organic butter, yams, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, mesquite, maca, raw cacao, medicinal mushrooms such as reishi, berries, all greens (including goitrogens), sweet potatoes, lentils, amaranth, bee pollen, seeds, algaes

FWIW I've bolded the foods in your list that do exacerbate my Candida. Some only exacerbate when eaten in larger amounts (eggs) and some would take a small bit to exacerbate (berries). There are others in the list that may or may not but my food allergies prevented me from experimenting with them once I'd gotten my Candida under enough control that I could accurately gauge things.

Also of note I have Tinea Versicolor which has exhibited a correlation to my internal battle with Candida. When the Candida gets bad the Tinea flares up and when the Candida is under control the Tinea disappears. When I began eating RZC I transitioned into a 1-2 meal a day plan with plenty of intermittent fasting (at least 16 hours a day). The Tinea slowly but surely receded. The past couple months I'd been eating 3 meals a day, with plenty of protein, and the Tinea has gotten noticeably bad. Ive gone back to how I was eating before and things are progressing in the right direction again. To me this indicates that even meat/protein can feed my fungal issues so I need to eat at points where I will utilize it all and not have left overs to feed fungus.
Title: Re: candida carbs
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 10, 2010, 09:16:01 pm
Hello comrades

Maybe someone could help me and explain the carbs candida problem…

I’d like to know the basic dietary principles which can keep the candida in check. Most claim that sugars (either from vegs or fruits) should be avoided. It is wise to exclude all plants which contain goitrogens and nightshades as well. The question arises what carb sources are safe in such condition? Maybe a limited amount of fruits can be eaten in order to nourish the body while you starve the candida instead of starving both the body and the candida?

I think it is easy to learn the principle of the Virgin Coconut Oil detox at

It is zero carb, zero protein and 100% raw fat and some minerals.

Cures candida super fast.  Helped me, helped my brother, my mother in law, etc.

Title: Re: candida carbs
Post by: ForTheHunt on October 10, 2010, 10:20:18 pm
FWIW I've bolded the foods in your list that do exacerbate my Candida. Some only exacerbate when eaten in larger amounts (eggs) and some would take a small bit to exacerbate (berries). There are others in the list that may or may not but my food allergies prevented me from experimenting with them once I'd gotten my Candida under enough control that I could accurately gauge things.

Also of note I have Tinea Versicolor which has exhibited a correlation to my internal battle with Candida. When the Candida gets bad the Tinea flares up and when the Candida is under control the Tinea disappears. When I began eating RZC I transitioned into a 1-2 meal a day plan with plenty of intermittent fasting (at least 16 hours a day). The Tinea slowly but surely receded. The past couple months I'd been eating 3 meals a day, with plenty of protein, and the Tinea has gotten noticeably bad. Ive gone back to how I was eating before and things are progressing in the right direction again. To me this indicates that even meat/protein can feed my fungal issues so I need to eat at points where I will utilize it all and not have left overs to feed fungus.

I don't think it's the fungus that causes your tinea to flair up. I think it has something to do with fecal matter in the colon.

Take me for example, I have eczema issues and like you I always thought "candida candida candida". If I over eat, and got constipated then things would flare up badly, but if my colon was kept pretty regular I'd be really good. Now I've also done juice fasts where I drank unlimited amount of juice, sugary and pasturized crap.  I also used enemas regularly to make sure my colon was always squeaky clean. But the fruit drinks in theory should make my 'candida' flare up like crazy. But it definitely didn't. My eczema improved drastically and I felt awesome. Now that I'm eating again and I'm slightly constipated my problems resurface big time. So I've come to the conclusion it's more because of old fecal matter not being released when it should, rather than candida.

Perhaps the 'candida' is feasting on stuck fecal matter, but even if so, I still think it's more important to keep your bowel movements regular than avoiding carbs.
Title: Re: candida carbs
Post by: ForTheHunt on October 10, 2010, 10:26:57 pm
I think it is easy to learn the principle of the Virgin Coconut Oil detox at

It is zero carb, zero protein and 100% raw fat and some minerals.

Cures candida super fast.  Helped me, helped my brother, my mother in law, etc.

In thailand I tried something similar. I was not RPD at the time but vegetarian. But what I tried was I ate very small amount of rice (small handfull perhaps) and I ate insane amounts of coconut oil alongside. I was getting plenty of calories and enough fiber from the rice to have regular bowel movements (small ones) and what happened was that my eczema cleaered 100%. Vanished. Also a key factor in this was the fact that I was training muay thai 4 hours a day so my metabolism was like a furnace.

But yeah, my eczema came back in a few weeks but I think I might do this again sometime. It was really effective. But I really wish I knew why the f*** my eczema keeps coming back. It really stomps me.
Title: Re: candida carbs
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 10, 2010, 10:39:52 pm
There's more to eczema than just food.

Shampoo gives my little girl eczema under her ears.

Detergent in dish wash and clothing can also give you eczema.  Other environmental factors.

Stress, emotional trauma are also culprits.

Title: Re: candida carbs
Post by: djr_81 on October 10, 2010, 10:46:52 pm

I don't think it's the fungus that causes your tinea to flair up. I think it has something to do with fecal matter in the colon.

Take me for example, I have eczema issues and like you I always thought "candida candida candida". If I over eat, and got constipated then things would flare up badly, but if my colon was kept pretty regular I'd be really good. Now I've also done juice fasts where I drank unlimited amount of juice, sugary and pasturized crap.  I also used enemas regularly to make sure my colon was always squeaky clean. But the fruit drinks in theory should make my 'candida' flare up like crazy. But it definitely didn't. My eczema improved drastically and I felt awesome. Now that I'm eating again and I'm slightly constipated my problems resurface big time. So I've come to the conclusion it's more because of old fecal matter not being released when it should, rather than candida.

Perhaps the 'candida' is feasting on stuck fecal matter, but even if so, I still think it's more important to keep your bowel movements regular than avoiding carbs.

That's all well and good but when I overeat I go to the bathroom more often than normal. A normal day for me is once a day but when overeating it's at least twice a day.
I eat RZC because my body can't tolerate carbs; the carbs perpetuate a leaky gut in me which has resulted in an extensive list of true food allergies.
Title: Re: candida carbs
Post by: ForTheHunt on October 10, 2010, 11:57:27 pm
That's all well and good but when I overeat I go to the bathroom more often than normal. A normal day for me is once a day but when overeating it's at least twice a day.
I eat RZC because my body can't tolerate carbs; the carbs perpetuate a leaky gut in me which has resulted in an extensive list of true food allergies.

Yeah I guess everyone is different. If I over eat I'll get constipated for days on end
Title: Re: candida carbs
Post by: djr_81 on October 11, 2010, 12:46:10 am
Yeah I guess everyone is different. If I over eat I'll get constipated for days on end
Exactly. That's why this forum is so great; we've all got different bodies, different experiences, and different approaches to our diets. We should all be able to agree there is no "one size fits all" optimum diet for where each of us is but through sharing our findings, be they scientific or anecdotal, we can help each other get healthier. :)
Title: Re: candida carbs
Post by: RawZi on October 11, 2010, 05:05:29 am
Some only exacerbate when eaten in larger amounts (eggs) and some would take a small bit to exacerbate (berries). ... When I began eating RZC I transitioned into a 1-2 meal a day plan with plenty of intermittent fasting (at least 16 hours a day). The Tinea slowly but surely receded. The past couple months I'd been eating 3 meals a day, with plenty of protein, and the Tinea has gotten noticeably bad. .. I will utilize it all and not have left overs to feed fungus.

    I got an itchy rash while I was eating only fruit, and eating it multiple times per day.  The thing was, I got the itchy rash after doing what J Furhman MD just then told me to do.  I had been vegan for 23 years and he knew it and I had no intention of changing, but he told me I needed egg white.  I tried one for him, and the itchy rash is what resulted.  I never should have listened to a word he said.  His advice was bad for me in more than that too.  I was not sure what I should have done, as other alternative health professionals had also told me to eat egg earlier, and I ignored that advice.  I thought maybe I should give their advice a chance to help me.  I also got rashes as a child after eating cooked acid like pasta sauce or drinking concentrated orange juice or ripe strawberries.  Other berries were fine.  I got rashes also from any soap.  These last two, I was eating a somewhat SAD diet (although much less SAD than I read what that is in these forums).

    I was never diagnosed with candida, tinea or eczema, except once (yeast) as a young teen while I was on multiple antibiotics.  As a younger child, my rashes never got seen at by a professional.  I was diagnosed with systemic lupus about ten years ago, but tested negative on the candida.  It was the kind of lupus you don't get from medications, as shown clearly by the patterns in the anti-nuclear antibodies.  I wasn't on medication anyway, except THYROID HORMONE.  Still, many professionals say all those with lupus have candida problems.  

I don't think it's the fungus that causes your tinea to flair up. I think it has something to do with fecal matter in the colon.

Take me for example, I have eczema issues and like you I always thought "candida candida candida". If I over eat, and got constipated then things would flare up badly, but if my colon was kept pretty regular I'd be really good. Now I've also done juice fasts where I drank unlimited amount of juice, sugary and pasturized crap.  I also used enemas regularly to make sure my colon was always squeaky clean.

    After three straight weeks on only plain water and no food, so my colon was fairly empty, as my body 'ate' contents as food, I got my first rash in years that looks to me in relation to food.  I ate very little after that, about one piece of fresh fruit, not much more, each "meal".  I didn't use any enemas, if I remember right.  I did use them about ten or fifteen years earlier.  

I was not RPD at the time but vegetarian. But what I tried was I ate very small amount of rice (small handfull perhaps) and I ate insane amounts of coconut oil alongside. I was getting plenty of calories and enough fiber from the rice to have regular bowel movements (small ones) and what happened was that my eczema cleaered 100%. Vanished. Also a key factor in this was the fact that I was training muay thai 4 hours a day so my metabolism was like a furnace.

    That's good to know.  Was it hard eating the coconut oil?  When I got the itchy rash on 99% fruit, I wasn't doing martial arts.  I barely had strength in my muscles to do anything, but walk or rest.  I could do much more recently before that, when I was eating a much more varied diet.  My metabolism had just changed.  Prior, my thyroid was hypoactive.  On the fruit my thyroid numbers improved.  I wasn't eating any goitrogens (no cabbage, no millet, no peaches, no strawberries, no nightshades).

Shampoo gives my little girl eczema under her ears.

Detergent in dish wash and clothing can also give you eczema.  Other environmental factors.

Stress, emotional trauma are also culprits.

    Soap used to give me itchy rashes.

    When I got an itchy rash from an egg white, the local MD told me it was from my clothes instead.  I don't believe they were correct.

    As fruitarian I got that rash.  I was very sensitive, not irritable emotionally, but weak physically and open to anything that way.  I was then in situations that would be emotionally trying and traumatic for anyone though.

    I hope this helps, even without the actual eczema or candida diagnosis, nor ever loads of starches during rash times.
Title: Re: candida carbs
Post by: ForTheHunt on October 11, 2010, 05:20:10 am
No it was really nice eating the coconut oil with the rice. It was a lot but not a gross amount if you know what I mean.
Title: Re: candida carbs
Post by: Haai on March 04, 2011, 02:19:54 am
I suspect that I have a candida problem. When I cut out sweet fruit and started eating coconut oil and coconut cream my symptoms cleared up a lot. But yesterday I ate a durian and my skin started itching a lot, so this pretty much confirmed to me that carbs are my problem (unfortunately, because I love fruit).

Does anyone know btw if coconut water feeds candida? The coconut water (pure, nothing added) from the local health food shop contains 24g carbs per 500ml. I've been drinking 500ml per day at work to give me a little energy boost, because I eat at 5:30am before work and then eat nothing till about 12 hours later so i feel a little short of energy in between sometimes. But i'm not sure if this is slowing down (or completely preventing) my recovery from candida.
I've also been eating quite a few avocados recently, but I'm considering cutting them out too...
Title: Re: candida carbs
Post by: kurite on March 04, 2011, 02:40:47 am
I suspect that I have a candida problem. When I cut out sweet fruit and started eating coconut oil and coconut cream my symptoms cleared up a lot. But yesterday I ate a durian and my skin started itching a lot, so this pretty much confirmed to me that carbs are my problem (unfortunately, because I love fruit).

Does anyone know btw if coconut water feeds candida? The coconut water (pure, nothing added) from the local health food shop contains 24g carbs per 500ml. I've been drinking 500ml per day at work to give me a little energy boost, because I eat at 5:30am before work and then eat nothing till about 12 hours later so i feel a little short of energy in between sometimes. But i'm not sure if this is slowing down (or completely preventing) my recovery from candida.
I've also been eating quite a few avocados recently, but I'm considering cutting them out too...
Have you tried eating a meal of one type of fruit that is low in sugar? Also why quit avocados? They are mainly fat.
Title: Re: candida carbs
Post by: Haai on March 04, 2011, 02:53:58 am
Have you tried eating a meal of one type of fruit that is low in sugar? Also why quit avocados? They are mainly fat.

Whenever I eat fruit I usually eat only one type at a time.
I know avocados are mainly fat, which is why I eat them regularly, but one avo contains about 17g of carbs according to
Title: Re: candida carbs
Post by: FoxWoman on March 04, 2011, 02:55:18 am
Probably the best way to starve Candida is to combine a low-carb raw diet with a SCD (specific carbohydrate diet) approach. SCD eliminates completely all complex carbs: grains, legumes, starches, sugar and sweet milk / cream, as well as anything containing vinegar (commerical pickles, etc.). Also, don't eat old cheeses and mushrooms. A little honey and fruits are OK, but don't overdo (maybe about 30 gr. of carbs a day). The bulk of the diet should be: meats, eggs, fish and seafood, and butter (if you eat dairy), plus something to re-populate your guts with friendly bacteria (maybe high meat or probiotics with homeostatic soil organisms?).

Title: Re: candida carbs
Post by: goodsamaritan on March 04, 2011, 06:20:45 am
I recently bought a book and made a book review of a yeast / candida cure book recently.
The book is so good my review sounds so scammy.
But that is just how I felt after I read it.


If you don't like the book, ask for a 100% refund.
This is why I know it's not a scam.
Title: Re: candida carbs
Post by: wodgina on March 04, 2011, 07:27:59 am
There's more to eczema than just food.

Shampoo gives my little girl eczema under her ears.

Detergent in dish wash and clothing can also give you eczema.  Other environmental factors.

Stress, emotional trauma are also culprits.

I've taken a whole new tack with this stuff. Fighting things like candida actually makes them worse, eat healthy but give up the fight. Find something else. Candida is a distraction from living.