Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Alive on June 06, 2012, 06:20:31 am

Title: Bugs ?
Post by: Alive on June 06, 2012, 06:20:31 am
Huhu Grubs... break off head first so they don't bite : )


Title: Re: Bugs ?
Post by: Dorothy on June 06, 2012, 07:13:32 am
Brave Man!
Way to go.  O0
Eating lower down on the food chain very smart alternative. Always there will be bugs to eat! Farming bugs is much easier and cheaper than farming large animals. Finding bugs much easier than hunting. I think about how silly it is to grow bugs for my chickens to eat and then wait until they lay eggs rather than just eating the bugs myself.
Too bad I'm still a product of my programming.  -\ One day, one day.
Title: Re: Bugs ?
Post by: raw on June 06, 2012, 12:12:05 pm
How cool! I gave some bugs mashed with some ground beef to my son. Why can't we eat flies? They are every where. I see my backyard chickens were trying to catch them the other day. Again, chickens are smarter than us :D Dorothy,we all enjoy your comment and he is a true brave man indeed!
Title: Re: Bugs ?
Post by: Dorothy on June 06, 2012, 12:19:12 pm
Raw - there are some kinds of flies that are probably not good to eat as they carry some nasty human diseases and some that I imagine would be fine. Chickens are so smart about those kinds of things aren't they? I offered mine some caterpillars and they wouldn't touch them. I realized later that they were eating poisonous leaves. I offered the chickens scorpions however and you should see how fast the one that got it ran with it's treat.

We sure did lose some basic survival programming along the line.

I love it that you boy had bugs. What kind? The mashing of them I couldn't do yet either. Today I was cutting bugs off of greens to save for the chickens and cut one of the bugs instead and this green goop came out and my stomach went queasy. Pure conditioning. You de-conditioning your child at a young age is going to be such a gift for him.
Title: Re: Bugs ?
Post by: Alive on June 07, 2012, 04:49:01 am
A friend tells me his friend breeds bugs to eat - I will investigate  ;D
Title: Re: Bugs ?
Post by: Charlie4444 on June 07, 2012, 07:02:42 am
so does eating bugs and insects make your health feel more vibrant?
Title: Re: Bugs ?
Post by: Alive on June 07, 2012, 02:06:25 pm
My chickens health seems very vibrant and they eat lots of bugs : )
As for me so far have eaten 4 of these huhu grubs this year and that's it.
I think that shrimps, prawns, and krill are very insect like - can they count too?
Snails don't look so appetizing - is this my good natural instinct or a poor upbringing re insect eating?
Title: Re: Bugs ?
Post by: letsdoiteczema on June 07, 2012, 03:02:11 pm

Wow, just woww.....I thought I was very brave to try high meat. You are so so brave! To hell with social conditioning eh? Nice one! This is on a totally new level, one that I don't think I'll be able to reach in the near future.

What does the grub taste like? I heard grubs take on the taste of whatever they've eaten. Did it actually taste good?

I completely agree that shrimps, prawns are just bugs from the ocean. They have squiggly legs, shells etc. Bugs from ocean and bugs from land. Not much difference!

I imagine that raw paleos would save HUGE money if we all learned to go into the woods and gather bugs to eat...instead of buying all the expensive grass-fed meat!
Title: Re: Bugs ?
Post by: Dorothy on June 08, 2012, 03:37:01 am
My chickens health seems very vibrant and they eat lots of bugs : )
As for me so far have eaten 4 of these huhu grubs this year and that's it.
I think that shrimps, prawns, and krill are very insect like - can they count too?
Snails don't look so appetizing - is this my good natural instinct or a poor upbringing re insect eating?

I've been thinking about how healthy and happy my chickens are compared to me. One thing I think of is that they have a very tight controlled social structure where they all have a place. They live with their feet on the ground and they heads to the sky all day every day. They eat their natural diet. They KNOW what that natural diet is! They have total, complete, absolute instincts about what is best to eat and what not good for them to eat. They sure don't need a forum to learn what ihow to eat! They know unequivocally this bug is good, this bug is bad. 
Title: Re: Bugs ?
Post by: letsdoiteczema on June 08, 2012, 05:57:36 pm
I've been thinking about how healthy and happy my chickens are compared to me. One thing I think of is that they have a very tight controlled social structure where they all have a place. They live with their feet on the ground and they heads to the sky all day every day. They eat their natural diet. They KNOW what that natural diet is! They have total, complete, absolute instincts about what is best to eat and what not good for them to eat. They sure don't need a forum to learn what ihow to eat! They know unequivocally this bug is good, this bug is bad. 

Exactly my thoughts... humans always seem to think they're mentally superior to all other living organisms on earth. How is this possible if we don't even know what we're supposed to eat? Even the so-called experts, the smartest of the smart, in Ivy League universities, promote cooked vegan diets. Humans are laughable. We pride ourselves on our science and tech advancements in the last century and look where we are now - condemning raw meats, nature's best food for humans.
Title: Re: Bugs ?
Post by: afroza on June 08, 2012, 06:37:00 pm
Yes!!! Thank you miker for raising the bar! This is to be my new challenge now. I have been thinking of adding bugs to a smoothie with raw eggs, cream and berries, just to have a slow start. I guess earthworms would be safe to start with? Unfortunatelly I donĀ“t live where I can have chickens at the moment, so the question is how to know which bugs are safe to eat.
Bugs are full of omega 3, 6 and other good stuff!
Title: Re: Bugs ?
Post by: goodsamaritan on June 08, 2012, 06:43:29 pm
Huhu Grubs... break off head first so they don't bite : )

What exact species is that?  Do you have a link to a website?
I haven't seen that in my area.
It may be a good idea if you all can post links and pictures which bugs are edible and you actually eat.
Title: Re: Bugs ?
Post by: Alive on June 09, 2012, 04:27:04 am
This insect larvae is very popular with the indigenous Maori people, and it likes living in the rotting wood of the introduced pine trees that are everywhere now, so they are quite common. I have cut down a load of pines to replace them with natives, so I will make a big pile of logs to rot and grow more huhu grubs : )

"The huhu beetle, Prionoplus reticularis is the largest endemic beetle found in New Zealand, a member of the longhorn beetle family (Cerambycidae)."

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