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Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Hot Topics => Topic started by: Joy2012 on June 20, 2012, 05:39:37 pm

Title: paleo for women article
Post by: Joy2012 on June 20, 2012, 05:39:37 pm (

This article is against VLC for paleo women. What do people here think about this article? Does it make good sense?
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: goodsamaritan on June 20, 2012, 05:55:08 pm
Although I assume these are for cooked paleo readers.

Yes it makes sense. 

But there are such things as follow the seasons thing... I'd pretty much assume eating bananas in winter is odd.
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: Joy2012 on June 20, 2012, 07:08:20 pm
Yes the author is cooked paleo.

Here is the practical part of the article:

"This means that I recommend eating:

Starchy tubers such as sweet potatoes, batata, jerusalem artichoke, cassava, tarot, and bamboo.  Regular potatoes are fine, too, but they contain fewer vitamins than their sweet counterparts.  Of the sweet potatoes, Japanese sweet potatoes are the most delicious, in my opinion, followed by white sweet potatoes and then yams and regular orange sweet potatoes.

For fruits, I recommend berries and cherries, which contain more glucose than fructose, and also bananas, which are pure 100 calorie glucose bombs.

Both white and brown rice are fine, but are fairly nutrient-poor.  Brown rice contains anti-nutrients in it’s shell, so white rice is more innocuous in terms of nutrient absorption.

Vegetables of course are great, but they do not count for carbohydrate consumption.  I know that much of carbohydrate content is indeed processed as glucose, but much of it is also tied up in fiber, which is broken down and turned into short-chain fatty acids by gut bacteria.  For this reason, vegetables alone cannot make up a woman’s carbohydrate consumption.  Instead, starchy tubers and low-fructose fruits work the best."

Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: jessica on June 20, 2012, 08:53:50 pm
i agree fully with paleoforwomen, i love that blog and think it is a powerful alternative voice for healthful women, she also has older blogs at, the subjects under "sexy bodies" are worth a read for those who have dealt with self esteem issues or eating disorders
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: TylerDurden on June 20, 2012, 08:58:44 pm
All cooked-palaeo topics should go into the hot topics forum. Moved there now.
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: Dorothy on June 21, 2012, 02:31:38 am
Whatever you do don't ever eat a white potato raw! The leaves are also poisonous.
Also there is no difference between a yam and a sweet potato. If you want delicious greens for salads the sweet potato grown in a pot even indoors is a fantastic summer green.
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: aLptHW4k4y on June 21, 2012, 04:03:50 am
Aren't potatoes nightshades, thus not so good either (not even cooked)?
Especially if they are somewhat unripe as far as I know.
I eat white rice for carbs, I'm thinking to switch to potatoes to see what kind of difference that makes.
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: Dorothy on June 21, 2012, 07:03:33 am
Sweet potatoes/yams are not. They are from a completely different family that is why you can eat them raw and eat their leaves. White potatoes are most definitely part of the nightshade family.

aLp - is there a reason you wouldn't want to eat fruit for your carbs?
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: Ioanna on June 21, 2012, 10:07:38 am
for people who eat this much carbs, what time of day and in what combination do you eat them?
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: jinna86 on July 05, 2012, 11:23:38 am
This article has been really helpful for me.  I think it explains why I've been having trouble sleeping for the past few nights.

I too am wondering how much carbs others are eating and at what time of day.  For a newbie like me, I feel like there is so much information to absorb, and there's a lot I want to experiment with but it's hard to know where to start.  Reading so many success stories of people who are ZC or VLC inspires me to try it, but maybe it's just not for me.  At this point, I can't even tell if what I'm experiencing is detox, or if I should give in to my cravings for more fruit (it's only been 3 days for me).
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: Dorothy on July 05, 2012, 12:18:51 pm
What were you eating previously Jinna?

How much or how little carbs people eat on this forum is a big range. When people eat carbs also seems to be the whole range from morning til night. These are the kinds of things that have to be discovered individually what is the best for you through experimentation.

Some of how you are best to start will be contingent on what you have come from eating just previously.
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: jinna86 on July 06, 2012, 01:20:26 am
My diet was all over the place before, but I tried to maintain about 80% raw, focusing on nuts, veggies, fruit, eggs, coconut oil and salmon.  I also just recently went to visit my parents (who live in a different city), so for almost the entire time, I had cooked foods.

I notice that I had trouble sleeping when I first embarked on a high fat raw diet (almost vegan, except for eggs, so the basis of my fats were from nuts).  Now it has returned again.  Today, I'm going to have a bit of carbs before bed to see if that helps, and if not, I'll up my intake tomorrow.
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: Dorothy on July 06, 2012, 01:35:15 am
Ok - so it sounds like you've been eating well for a good long while and generally mostly raw then? That would mean to me that you aren't going to fast or having some big major detox reaction.

My suggestion would not be fruit at night as you already tried fruit and it kept you up at night. I would suggest more  fat from animals. I think it has a different effect than fat from nuts and other plant sources and can be deeply nourishing to the nervous system.

Many raw vegans have trouble sleeping it seems from what I've read of their accounts. It's not from a lack of carbs for them like it wasn't from a lack of carbs for you earlier either.

If the fat doesn't work then maybe to experiment with foods more rich in minerals.

In the mean time if you have to get some good sleep for work or whatever you might want to try a couple of plant helpers to relax the nervous system until you figure it out.
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: jessica on July 06, 2012, 06:50:13 am
what helped me to sleep was to have my most carbs heavy meal for dinner.   i added more root veggies, mostly lightly cooked carrots and now am experimenting with sweet potatoes(the white flesh not the orange)

when i was underweight as well as low carb my adrenal glands were on high alert all of the was hard for me to fall asleep and i would always wake up extremely early andWAY TOO ALERT ,like jump up and start running a marathon

for women, most of us have this idea of our ideal body which is literally on the verge of starving, that is why there are so many women who STRUGGLE to lose the last 5-10 lbs. its was keeping them from literally being in starvation mode.  so its best to be kind to your body, rest as much as you need, eat as much as you need and know that being healthy isnt an image or body size, its about having energy and being fertile.

also know its hard for most people to sleep in the summer months, long days of light, warmer temps=less sleep, be mindful and rest your body during the day if needs be
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: Dorothy on July 06, 2012, 07:07:32 am
Jessica, what do you think about Jinna just coming off of a mostly raw vegan diet that included lots of carbs where she couldn't sleep on that either? She hasn't done low carb yet really for any length of time from what she said and is not too thin (needing to lose weight) from what she says. When I eat carbs at night if I'm going to have trouble at all that's when I will have trouble sleeping because of the sugar racing through my veins.

Are you sleeping well now Jessica? What is your last meal at night lately?
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: jessica on July 06, 2012, 09:13:43 am
i sleep really well, i eat carbs and fat for dinner, minimal protein.  if think that if you are coming off a low fat vegan diet its best to include carbs and just bump up fatty meats and egg yolks and organ meats.  the problem was the diet was just lacking something, so if you go from one incomplete diet to another you just exacerbate a problem in another direction.  the best is to find ones individual balance, but i think it would be easier with moderation instead of drastic change.
   i think if i ate a bunch of fruit for dinner i wouldnt be able to sleep, it would give me a sugary high and id probably end up hungry before bed, but things like carrots+egg yolks or fish oil seems to be satisfying.  i still have energy after dinner but
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: Dorothy on July 06, 2012, 09:57:49 am
looks like your message got cut off Jessica.
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: jinna86 on July 07, 2012, 12:23:40 am
Jessica, what do you think about Jinna just coming off of a mostly raw vegan diet that included lots of carbs where she couldn't sleep on that either? She hasn't done low carb yet really for any length of time from what she said and is not too thin (needing to lose weight) from what she says. When I eat carbs at night if I'm going to have trouble at all that's when I will have trouble sleeping because of the sugar racing through my veins.

Oh dear,  I think there was a bit of confusion with what I was saying.  When I had trouble sleeping previously, I was on a high fat raw diet and I limited my fruit intake.  I think my carb intake then was about 120-150g.  I sleep fine when my carbs are in the 200g range.  Now I'm having trouble sleeping again and my carb intake is about 80-100g.  I tried eating some carbs before bed, but it didn't help overly much.  It's hard because my first meal of the day is at 8am so I really had to spread out my meals and I was feeling pretty hungry.  I googled the issue online and some people said that the insomnia would eventually go away.  I'm going to try this for a few more days before I up my carb intake. 
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: Dorothy on July 07, 2012, 01:59:53 am
You're right - I did misunderstand you Jinna. Sorry about that!  -[

What kind of carbs did you eat before and what kind are you eating now and at what time of the day? How many meals do you eat and how long before bed do you eat your last meal?

Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: jinna86 on July 07, 2012, 10:05:07 am
I was eating a lot more fruit before than I am now.  Too much fruit bothers my teeth though.  I was eating a couple of Cavendish bananas a day, but after reading some of goodsamaritan's comments, I cut them out.  I do crave bananas though, but that's because those bananas are a like candy to me.  I don't think I could ever get enough of them.  I also had dates, but only a couple a day.  I'm not a huge fan of dates - I just blend them into my salad dressings for sweetness.

Mostly, I've just been decreasing my carb intake because I want to lose weight, but my ultimate long term goal is good health, so I don't want to strive for something if it becomes detrimental.  Many people mention detox symptoms, but I don't see many people mentioning insomnia as being one of them.  If I knew that it would pass, then I'd be more willing to keep on going with LC.

Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: Dorothy on July 07, 2012, 10:21:52 am
When I think of weight reduction I think of reducing carbs, reducing the amount eaten - but I also think of exercise. I want to lose some weight as this present weight is not as comfortable for me, but I'm not willing to give up any of my food - especially the new fatty foods that have resulted in the weight gain as I'm loving what they are doing for my brain. I'm instead going to try to build muscle which by itself will burn more calories even when I'm sitting around. I posted the routine that HIT IT RAW a very knowledgeable member here put together to teach me. I asked for advice on how to incorporate high intensity training into my life after other members suggested it and I hit the jackpot.

What kind of exercise do you do Jinna? Maybe you might be interested in starting the routine that I'm starting with me? It would be a blast having support from the beginning with another member here. 
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: jinna86 on July 08, 2012, 01:00:12 am
What kind of routine are you starting Dorothy?  Right now I do low to moderate intensity cardio every day (for me, it's more of a mood booster than a workout), and I weight lifts every other day.

I finally managed to get some better quality sleep last night though!  I'm very thrilled about it.  I had most of my carbs in the evening, but also, instead of going to bed early, I forced myself to stay up later so that I wouldn't be tossing and turning.  I didn't increase my carb intake either. 

Do you do any intermittent fasting at all?  It's something I'm interested in starting, but I'm not sure how to schedule my workouts around it (for example, do I exercise after I eat, or before?)  I'm hoping IF will enable me to keep my carb intake lower, because spreading meals out is getting very hard.
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: jessica on July 08, 2012, 01:10:16 am
jinna i suggest you read all of the articles on paleo for women, it talks about why if isnt that great for women., and i would have to agree that in my experience, lowering carbs and IF made me incredibly anxious as well as injured my endocrine system and played a role in my ammenorhea/menopause(im only 29),  i was definitely skinny and looked fit but truth is i needed to eat carbs, not go prolonged periods without food as this would eventually cause severe stress and also to learn to relax and calm my mind in other ways besides exercise...anyway if any of that my or will apply to you just trying to save you some trouble, it seems a consensus with a lot of women that that is what they start to go through...
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: Dorothy on July 08, 2012, 07:40:28 am
Wow Jessica! You sure went through a lot as a result of going low carb.  :(
I tried low carbs just twice and my body SCREAMED at me that it was wrong for me. I'm sure glad now from what you are saying that I didn't push it.
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: jinna86 on July 08, 2012, 09:33:51 am
Jessica, do you think 80-110g of carbs a day is too low or a reasonable amount for a woman?  Also, the version I do of IF is the 8 hour window (which I think is easier than the 4 hour window or one meal a day, or every other day).  Do you think that is too strict?  So basically, my meals would range from maybe 11am to 7pm but I wouldn't eat outside that window, so the fasting period is only 16 hours.  I know there are very many variations of IFing.  I really appreciate hearing anything about other women's experiences, and what works best for the long run.
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: Wolf on July 08, 2012, 10:32:11 am
I've always thought low-carb would be a better diet for me because if I don't eat very much fats then I tend to really crave them like crazy and feel hungry all the time, and then I'm tempted to eat more cooked food as well.. I do like eating a little bit of carbs too, though, but I usually satisfy those craving with raw honey or berries or other fruits.. but I always crave fats and proteins a lot more, and if I eat high carb I just feel like I'm starving. 

but I have terrible terrible acne problems that I have been trying to get rid of my whole life.. I switched to a raw diet about 2 years ago, though I haven't always been 100% all the time, and it greatly helped my acne situation, I still have yet to fully get rid of my acne.  It's still all over my face and a little on my neck, shoulders, back, and chest.  I don't always eat 100% raw but even when I do, I still break out all the time, and I've never known why.  All I want to do is get rid of my acne.

The site you linked talked about acne and other skin problems being caused by hypothyroidism though, and I'm now wondering if that's my problem.  I do still eat carbs everyday, though mostly in the form of honey and honey mixed with bee pollen.. but I'll check out this thyroid thing more, thanks.
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: jessica on July 08, 2012, 09:46:49 pm
jinna i think i do the same kind of 8 hour period just out of habit, although i wish i could figure out how to have a lighter dinner and then some kind of nourishing/sleepy drink later if i was still hungry.  the thing that helped me most was making myself eat breakfast before any intense exercise and as early as i felt hungry, which is usually between 7-8 am(i wake up between 5:30-6 naturally) this has really helped my blood sugar regulate as well as given me more energy and less hunger later.

for healing purposes i think it is best to stay on the high side of the carb spectrum(100g+)  but by no means am i saying high carb, and definitely not low fat! to give the body extra energy to heal and become robust. if you are having trouble with candida/acne etc it might be a good idea to populate the gut with the proper bacteria to be able to eat these things, i think during stress and illness a lot of this bacteria get knocked out so then we get symptoms from foods that are healthy because we no longer have the ability to digest them correctly.   i think consistency of diet and lifestyle really plays a good role in this, and not being to strict either way.  i think too often some tweak in the diet doesnt work immediately or as well as one wishes they they are tempted to go in a different direction, but if there is moderation for months on end the body be allowed to adjust
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: jessica on July 08, 2012, 09:51:49 pm
wolf......kelp! and zinc
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: CitrusHigh on July 08, 2012, 10:21:23 pm
I'm drop dead serious wolf, based on what I know about you, I reallllly think you'd benefit from doing some empathy work and appreciating the suffering of others. At least supplement your regimen with a wee bit of empathy work and meditation, promise it will be for your best benefit.
Title: Re: paleo for women article
Post by: Dorothy on July 09, 2012, 08:39:41 am
Hi Wolf. I had terrible acne until I finally got on a diet that didn't include things that my skin was working on getting out of my body for me. The dermatologist when I was young made it much worse by putting me on a strong broad spectrum antibiotic for years thinking it would help and giving me a mineral oil based moisturizer which I'm highly allergic to. He kept on saying that he thought I'd grow out of it! Ha.  Maybe if he didn't destroy my digestion I would have.

I worked a very long time on re-establishing my gut bacteria and healing my liver to help my body be able to deal with toxins. I can't help but to wonder if you might be still ingesting something that your body is trying to remove through the skin that you are not aware of?

Now in my old age STILL if I eat something too toxic for my liver/kidneys/lungs to handle I will get acne. GREAT! Acne AND wrinkles. Oy.

Now I think of my acne as a blessing. It was the way for my body to help me rid it of things that would have made me even sicker. I wish I understood that early on.