Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Welcoming Committee => Topic started by: reyyzl on November 24, 2008, 02:42:14 pm
Title: Fairly New
Post by: reyyzl on November 24, 2008, 02:42:14 pm
Hi Everyone!
This is my first post here. I was a member of the primal diet ning group. I'm a member of a few other raw online communities. Most of their members seem to be vegan, and that's all they talk about. I don't want it to rub off on me. Been where vegan seemed right for me, been where vegan was wrong to me, done all the vegan stuff, wearing the T-shirt, on to different and better horizons now, I can't digest that foreign stuff anymore.
I started practicing the Primal Diet in 2006. Presently I am an omnivore. Ex: I ate raw chicken for dinner, but who knows what my next meal will be, I eat a wide variety.
I was diagnosed with a bunch of incurable medical conditions between nine and seven years ago. I had experience with raw vegan food, so I went back to that for a while, and continued on how I could. I've learned a bunch on the way, and I like how Raw Animal Foods feel, now that I've discovered them, and I like that I look better too.
I see a few people here I recognize from online. I'll send you private messages so you'll know. I thank you all very much for this forum. I'm so glad someone pointed me to it recently.
That's it for now.
Title: Re: Fairly New
Post by: TylerDurden on November 24, 2008, 08:19:19 pm
Welcome to the forum! By the way, could you provide an address for this Primal Diet "Ning" group. It's always interesting to find other RAF groups around - that way I can post links for such sites on this and other RAF forums.
Title: Re: Fairly New
Post by: livingthelife on November 24, 2008, 08:47:03 pm
Welcome! I'm new here too.
Very sorry to learn of your medical problems. Perhaps this change of diet can help; it seems that many people have had "miraculous cures" when they've gone raw primal. I hope that's the case for you as well.
I became terribly and seriously sick from eating a vegan diet, yet the raw part felt absolutely right for me. I'm glad to have found this forum; I read through it quite a bit when I transitioned to RAF.
See you 'round!
Title: Re: Fairly New
Post by: reyyzl on November 25, 2008, 02:40:17 am
Welcome to the forum! By the way, could you provide an address for this Primal Diet "Ning" group. It's always interesting to find other RAF groups around - that way I can post links for such sites on this and other RAF forums.
Thank you for :) the welcome Tyler and livingthe life!
It was http://www.primaldiet.ning.com . It is inactive right now, due to lack of an available appropriate long term available moderator. It's a private group. Since I'm on Aajonus' email list, he sent me an invitation when the group opened.
Livingthelife, yes, the primal diet help me immensely. I'm off all medications. My body is more flexible. My pain is gone. I feel serene most of the time. I can deal with things better. My anti-bodies have come way down. The diet is really helping a lot.
Title: Re: Fairly New
Post by: reyyzl on June 16, 2009, 06:42:08 am
Hi, Tyler. The site is active again now. Private invitation is required, so if someone read We Want to Live and is practicing Primal Diet, shoot me a line, and I'll invite you.