Raw Paleo Diet Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: raw on September 28, 2012, 04:51:02 am
Title: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: raw on September 28, 2012, 04:51:02 am
50+ yrs old woman has a schizophrenic daughter and schizophrenic mom. Below I m putting her case: " I quit sleeping three years ago when dg had bad psychotic break and extremely suicidal for over a year. Then she spent a year in residential, a year in outpatient. Doing well on clozapine now. But me not so well. Forgotten how to sleep. Any advice over the counter doesn't work. Can't take ambien. Lack of sleep makes my depression worse.
My mom and daughter have schizophrenia. Both doing well now. Daughter was extremely suicidal. I started sleeping in floor in her room too scared to leave her alone. I think that's when my body forgot how to sleep. I nap at night"
This woman is looking for her solution of insomnia. Thanks.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: eveheart on September 28, 2012, 06:22:54 am
This woman tells more of the story of her mother and daughter than she tells of herself. I think that is a clue to her solution: start acknowledging and healing her body and her thoughts. If she is napping at night and waking at intervals, perhaps there is too much on her mind. When that happens to me because of things on my mind, I have learned to welcome the waking and use it for a quiet meditation or listening to my thoughts. Another suggestion is to get up and do something like read, sew, other hobby. Worry about waking is counterproductive, and using sleep aids doesn't let the thoughts heal.
Of course the solution will include eating right and getting fresh air and sunshine, maybe talking to a counselor or taking supplements. But most important is that caretakers must learn how to take care of themselves.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: cherimoya_kid on September 28, 2012, 09:41:06 am
I'd say she is, on some level, still afraid that her daughter will commit suicide.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: Inger on September 28, 2012, 01:07:33 pm
I would say; Avoiding fake lights, very strict. Getting as much sun / daylight at the daytime as possible. Eating a diet very heavy in seafood. No coffee. No alcohol, at least not in the evenings. No food 4 hour before going to sleep. Look into the sun / sky every morning for min. 1 minute.
Fake light destroys sleep. To be in front of the TV / computer at night.. very bad idea.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: Polyvore on September 28, 2012, 01:37:51 pm
Good general advice Inger, though this special case raw presented would probably not be cured by that. She has mental problems and thus it is a mental issue. I know a lot of my friends and family who need to take your advice though, Inger!
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: wodgina on September 28, 2012, 06:36:37 pm
Cruel world.
Could find a hobby like gardening.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: raw on September 29, 2012, 09:42:52 am
Thank u all my friends in raw paleo forum. Here, I feel safe, secure and peace of my mind to be around u all.
Recently I m digging some links to meet people/parents who are having a hard time with their love one who has schizophrenia. So I get bunch of facebook's groups and publishing some common sense theories about the care or healthy living of those schizophrenics' families. But doing that I've been highly criticized by them. One of the groups, even kicked me out, cause I was telling them alternative treatmentss... etc. So outside of raw paleo forum, I realized that the environment is pretty dangerous. All these publicities are for to educate people and to grow more awarness about the mental illness and to meet some families that we could get support from each others. But I was totally wrong. Another reason is (which I haven't even told them yet, and probably never even tell them in the future) to get one or two patients from here to India, for a new mental orthomolecular /diet clinic in India. I'm trying to raise some money for that. If I could ever open up a clinic for mental patient, that would be a distinctive place.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: raw on September 29, 2012, 09:58:21 am
I want to talk about vit C therapy and insomnia. My 26 yrs old schizophrenic brother can't have normal sleep for the past 12 yrs. Only when he takes psychiatric drugs, then he feels some type of sleep. On orthomolecular or vitamin therapy, if we give him at night 2000mg niacin, 50mg zinc, 500mg magnesium and 2000mg of vit C, he might sleep. So once we put him on same prescription and added amla berry's fresh juice, he slept very deep for the 1st time in very long time. This way we give him everyday the amla bery's fresh squeeze juice and at night he slept and after that he almost healed.
One small amla berry contains 500mg of vit C. My brother is a junkholic, so he eats junk and this is very significant that he could fall a sleep and even deep sleep.
Please, still share all different ideas of getting rid of insomnia. Thank u.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: cherimoya_kid on September 29, 2012, 10:06:30 am
Fasting can be a very good way to induce sleep.
Also, a low-carb diet, while reducing the amount of sleep, increases the quality of sleep, for most people.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: goodsamaritan on September 29, 2012, 10:57:58 am
Try inclined bed therapy
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: Alive on September 29, 2012, 01:40:51 pm
I find focusing on the feelings from my skin all over my body, by scanning my attention over the surface of my body, is a great way to calm my mind and fall asleep.
Raw paleo and inclined bed are helpful for good sleep, and keeping active during the day.
Sometimes I put lavender sleep balm on my top lip as it is supposed be calming.
Sometimes if I have a bad headache I take paracetamol with codeine before going to bed and that helps to get to sleep.
I have heard that a rocking bed is very good at inducing sleep - I want to hang a double bed from the ceiling in our shed and try this.
Smoking marijuana tends to make people sleepy, though with several potentially negative side effects.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: raw on September 29, 2012, 09:42:34 pm
All of these posts are extremely important and every tips are contributing a better quality of sleep and improving the health in general. Raw paleo diet , increase the sleeping condition 100% , no doubt. But in this case, I put a lady who is from main stream population and she is on facebook where my posts are highly criticized . I still asked her that if she really want a solution for her sleeping condition, then to contact me privately. So far she didn't. If I had known bunch of drugs that good for sleeping, in facebook, then they might listen to me. Anyway one of the persons came out with the idea of sleeping clinic. All of them r voting for that. What is sleeping clinic? The people on traditional diet can improve their sleeping condition on inclined bed therapy? Please, keep putting informations. It is interesting that how is a simple sleeping condition can controll entire body to maintain an optimal health. Thanks
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: goodsamaritan on September 29, 2012, 10:52:37 pm
Sleep clinics, they might be looking at sleep apnea possibilities. Have her see a biological dentist who knows about the sleep apnea connection.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: Alive on September 30, 2012, 02:15:34 am
When I went to a sleep clinic it was just an expensive doctor telling me the standard list of 'good sleep habits' you can find on the internet, and charging heaps for it!
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: raw on September 30, 2012, 06:13:46 am
the person who came out the answer about sleep clinic as below:
"You need to go to a sleep clinic and have your biorhythms reset "
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: svrn on October 15, 2012, 10:34:51 pm
one word solution that works for almost everyone who tries it...cannabis. Unless your afraid of a little smoke, id rather smoke it than eat it cooked though since smoking makes me feel fine but cooked foods make me feel like crap. I wouldn't recommend the cannabis to your schizophrenic insomniac family though since cannabis can exacerbate the symptoms.
i personally dont think smoking organic pot is bad for you but im sure others will disagree. Even with tobacco, i saw on the wai website that the amount of heat generated toxins absorbed through the cigarette smoke is hundreds of times less than that absorbed by the stomach from cooked foods. The problem with smoking things is when its sprayed and mixed with chemicals not from smoking itself from my personal experience.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: svrn on October 15, 2012, 10:36:04 pm
i also believe you are in new york which has very lax pot laws, as a smoker the worst that can happen to you if you dont smoke in public is an 80 dollar ticket, less than a speeding ticket.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: van on October 15, 2012, 11:33:46 pm
fat in general, and one or two egg yolks before retiring. I like them now using GS's method of mixing with lemon or lime juice. Works everytime.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: wodgina on October 16, 2012, 08:18:23 pm
The best cure for insomnia is to reduce your hours of sleep and early wake therapy.
For example cut your hours down to 3.5 to 4 hours a night. Get up at 2am in the morning.
You will find that you will sleep solid for those 4 hours after a while.
Early wake therapy is really good for lots of things including depression and serious procrastination. Get up at 2am and start doing the dishes you will be amazed out what you can get done in those early morning hours.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: wodgina on October 16, 2012, 08:22:01 pm
one word solution that works for almost everyone who tries it...cannabis. Unless your afraid of a little smoke, id rather smoke it than eat it cooked though since smoking makes me feel fine but cooked foods make me feel like crap. I wouldn't recommend the cannabis to your schizophrenic insomniac family though since cannabis can exacerbate the symptoms.
i personally dont think smoking organic pot is bad for you but im sure others will disagree. Even with tobacco, i saw on the wai website that the amount of heat generated toxins absorbed through the cigarette smoke is hundreds of times less than that absorbed by the stomach from cooked foods. The problem with smoking things is when its sprayed and mixed with chemicals not from smoking itself from my personal experience.
Or people who are easily anxious. Pot opened a pandora's box of anxiety attacks for me and changed my life forever. I don't think its worth the risk.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: svrn on October 16, 2012, 10:41:06 pm
as far as anxiety it really depends on the strain. Pot is a very diverse plant and just like a chihuahua is extremely different from a husky, one strain of pot can make you anxious and full of energy while another strain can make you completely relaxed and sleepy.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: Alive on October 17, 2012, 02:44:29 am
I agree with Wodgina - and in addition to anxiety, if you have compulsive eating tenancies the pot smoking can cause you to drop your food quality standards and overeat junk food, setting up a vicious downwards cycle into poor health, and more insomnia, smoking, and munching. Lack of sleep has been scientifically shown to contribute to a desire to smoke pot and overeat.
I think having the best soil / high meat sourced gut bacteria is probably the most important contributor to a good nights sleep.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: Iguana on October 17, 2012, 04:04:43 am
Sorry, I didn't read the whole thread, but with 100% raw paleo nutrition, as practiced in instincto, insomnia is usually almost completely over. And if I still nervous or upset for some reason and exceptionally cannot fall asleep, I get up, suck a few cassia fistula disks and... go back to sleep!
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: svrn on October 17, 2012, 08:04:28 am
I agree with Wodgina - and in addition to anxiety, if you have compulsive eating tenancies the pot smoking can cause you to drop your food quality standards and overeat junk food, setting up a vicious downwards cycle into poor health, and more insomnia, smoking, and munching. Lack of sleep has been scientifically shown to contribute to a desire to smoke pot and overeat.
I think having the best soil / high meat sourced gut bacteria is probably the most important contributor to a good nights sleep.
i smoke all day every day and have none of the problems you describe. I have no desire to overeat raw foods ever no matter how stoned I am, and i never desire any junk food. I havent eaten anything heated in the year since iv started raw.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: Alive on October 17, 2012, 08:54:49 am
@troll - this really highlights how much of a drugs effect is dependant on the subject rather than the drug itself! Also in agreement with you many times smoking herb was an amazing way for me to just doze off and fall asleep. So it could be really useful for some insomniacs, especially if they are not going on RPD, or to use during transition. From my personal experience some of us who do not have your mental constitution would need someone else to control the dose so they didn't just waste their life and money puffing and dreaming up shit! The ideal for sleep would be a puff or two a couple of hours before bedtime. And as you say they would need to experiment with the variety and amount of ageing to find the best option (ageing effects the active ingredients).
I have just eaten 1 month ground ripened high fish, so I'm feeling pretty high myself right now :)
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: Dorothy on October 17, 2012, 10:29:14 am
Perhaps she would benefit from exploring what is known as polyphasic sleep cycles. Sounds like she is most of the way there already.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: svrn on October 17, 2012, 01:23:24 pm
@troll - this really highlights how much of a drugs effect is dependant on the subject rather than the drug itself! Also in agreement with you many times smoking herb was an amazing way for me to just doze off and fall asleep. So it could be really useful for some insomniacs, especially if they are not going on RPD, or to use during transition. From my personal experience some of us who do not have your mental constitution would need someone else to control the dose so they didn't just waste their life and money puffing and dreaming up shit! The ideal for sleep would be a puff or two a couple of hours before bedtime. And as you say they would need to experiment with the variety and amount of ageing to find the best option (ageing effects the active ingredients).
I have just eaten 1 month ground ripened high fish, so I'm feeling pretty high myself right now :)
how did you ground ripen your fish?
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: Alive on October 17, 2012, 02:27:16 pm
@Troll - well that was just fancy talk for burying a fish in the dirt in the vege garden for a month - see the high meat thread for photos.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: majormark on October 17, 2012, 05:47:30 pm
I read that Tim Feriss in his "4 hour body" book mentioned something about falling asleep in just 7 minutes with a device called "nightwave".
There is also a free Android app called NightWave that has the same function. You just match you breathing pattern with the intermittent blue light, that's it.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: Dorothy on October 17, 2012, 08:57:21 pm
Do you know if the pattern is changing or simply a breaths per minute Majormark?
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: intrigued on October 17, 2012, 09:30:11 pm
A quick search for a device gives the following description on amazon -
"...you lie with eyes open and synchronize your breathing with the wave of soft light as its movement becomes slower and slower..."
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: Dorothy on October 17, 2012, 09:54:35 pm
Ah - so you are just slowing down your breathing in increments. You could try to do that without the device. That's how I go to sleep at night and I usually go to sleep very quickly. When I don't fall asleep right away I have noticed that my breathing is quicker. As soon as I slow it down, I'm fast asleep.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: wodgina on October 17, 2012, 09:56:58 pm
I read most people fall asleep withing 10 minutes. I would be less than that.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: Alive on March 21, 2013, 11:34:40 am
I am getting to sleep quickly after listening to the hypnotism MP3 CD that came with Dr Patrick McCarthy's book Relax. He has a slow calm Scottish voice, and on the 1st track 'Relaxation Attack' he begins with a childhood story about using the focus of a magnifying glass to set fire to paper. He then gets you to focus on each part of your body in turn, starting with a foot, and feeling the muscle fibres relax. He relates this to a wax sculpture that starts to melt on the inside as it is heated. This has been great for getting to sleep, better than anything else I have tried :)
"Future books are planned for release in 2013 including how to combat Insomnia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, how to make childbirth more comfortable and how to help treat infertility."
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: svrn on March 21, 2013, 12:14:44 pm
i fall asleep soon as my head hits the pillow. Maybe thats because I smoke herb every night. Dont take that as it making me lazy though because im highly active pretty much every minute of the day, stoned or not. The herb just makes getting to sleep absurdly easy.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: Wai Kai Zen on March 21, 2013, 03:14:42 pm
Try some Epsom Salt, I guarantee u will have very good sleep. :)
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: wodgina on March 21, 2013, 06:29:34 pm
Get a job diging holes, landscaping and you will be too exhausted to care about sleep. Just resting will be enough.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: yeetingt on March 21, 2013, 06:40:43 pm
I don't know with many of you guys but for me whenever I cannot sleep, what I usually do is lie down, take a rosary and pray my 150 rosary. Sometimes, I didn't complete the rosary and the next thing I know I woke up and it's almost morning already.
You may try acupressure, stop drinking coffee, some Qigong breathing, oil pulling and zapping. God bless. Ted
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: Löwenherz on March 21, 2013, 06:47:30 pm
Sleeplessness is part of my life for more than 25 years. I tried everything, without success.
The only thing that works for me in this regard is a raw zero carb meat based diet. This diet lets me sleep like a baby, not always but very often.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: raw on March 22, 2013, 03:58:49 am
People with smoking addiction and if they are even on a slightest dose on psychiatric drug, can they relief from insomnia from raw animals diet? Remember, that mental patient also follows some vitamin therapy. I m curious to know. Thanks.
Title: Re: How to cure insomnia?
Post by: Alive on March 22, 2013, 12:45:28 pm