Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet to Suit You => Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach => Topic started by: PaleoPhil on November 11, 2012, 06:04:39 am

Title: PETA fanatics trying to terrorize students of small Vermont college
Post by: PaleoPhil on November 11, 2012, 06:04:39 am
Students of Green Mountain College in Vermont voted to eat the meat of oxen that can no longer work at the school's farm as part of the sustainable farming that the school is dedicated to, and in so doing they sparked the attention and ire of PETA fanatics. As a result, vegetarians from around the globe have been criticizing the students and school, with some even terrorizing the school with death threats. Please speak out against vegetarian critics and terrorists and defend the students and your right to eat meat.

One of Green Mountain College's students has asked for help in defending sustainable agriculture involving cattle: (

Please retweet her tweets and spread the word.

Here's another student's plea on Tumbler:
Our school is about 30% vegan/vegetarian and most meat eating students only eat meat that meets a certain criteria (local, humane, etc.). There was an overwhelming consensus to slaughter them. However, the animal sanctuary that offered to take them didn’t like our decision. They created petitions, use every news outlets, and reached out to many organizations (PETA, ALF, etc.). They have harassed our school for a couple months with protests and bombarding our schools Facebook page. They have threaten teachers, students, faculty, slaughterhouses, business that support/supported GMC, and so on. People have received death threats, legal action (suing the school/community), harassment, and other ridiculous actions. They are slandering the school with false accusations and trying to create a PR nightmare. However we still stand by our position and do so with polite responses.

Sorry for making you read all of that, but we need your help. We’re trying to outreach to the public to show them what our school is actually about along with releasing the truth behind these slanderous organizations. I just want to spread this issue and have it acknowledged. Our schools response to this issue can be found at ( and there is a YouTube video explaining it (That the oppoisition is trying to dislike to destroy its credibility) ( If you all can just spread the word my school and I would greatly appreciate it. monkeymcnamara, (
Here are some sites where you can counter the vegetarians with comments or thumbs-up: ( (

Some emails threatened to shut the college down and hurt donations, the school said; the head of the farm and food project said he has gotten death threats and someone urinated on his car (
Title: Re: PETA fanatics trying to terrorize students of small Vermont college
Post by: svrn on February 24, 2013, 07:39:38 am
Prepare to see a lot more stories like this as meat is phased in our move towards a new world order.
Title: Re: PETA fanatics trying to terrorize students of small Vermont college
Post by: RogueFarmer on February 24, 2013, 10:08:04 am
sickening. Animal rights... How about an animals, intrinsic, natural right to be a prey species.
Title: Re: PETA fanatics trying to terrorize students of small Vermont college
Post by: wodgina on February 24, 2013, 08:50:41 pm
Kind of reminds me of Feminists claiming equal rights for females but not for unborn humans. Cray as...z

They call it pro life or something.

addendum...Whoops I meant pro-choice LOL what load of rubbish. Pro death.