Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Welcoming Committee => Topic started by: Chronic on June 12, 2013, 12:36:28 am

Title: Newbie to Raw meat...
Post by: Chronic on June 12, 2013, 12:36:28 am
Hello there, i'm a male from England and new to eating raw meat, I've never even tried sushi before but had my first raw steak (rib-eye) yesterday, within minutes I noticed how good it was for me, wont go into too much information unless asked, lets just say it must work well with my hormones like testosterone!

I'm generally low carb, apart from some sweet potatoes & some chocolate on the weekends, I also don't eat many vegetables due to digestion issues with insoluble fibre.
I basically eat meat/fish/fowl/eggs/cheese/broth.

When it comes to raw i have a few raw eggs daily, only eat raw cheese, and now beef... I enjoyed raw veggies but the carbs & fibre effect me negatively.

I'll be around here for tips on widening my raw horizons, my plan is to eat raw grassfed steak at least 3 times a week (could get expensive?) and will also order some sashimi grade fish to eat 3+ times a week very soon, who knows I may give up cooked meat altogether, but for now I still love my roast rack of lamb & roasted veggies once a week, which brings me to my first question, is raw lamb as safe as raw beef to consume?


Title: Re: Newbie to Raw meat...
Post by: LePatron7 on June 12, 2013, 01:10:47 am
is raw lamb as safe as raw beef to consume?

So long as it's grass fed it should be fine. (
Title: Re: Newbie to Raw meat...
Post by: Dr. D on June 12, 2013, 02:04:18 am
Don't forget to have at some fat. And by some I mean, a plateful. ;D
Title: Re: Newbie to Raw meat...
Post by: Chronic on June 12, 2013, 02:23:37 am
Thanks for the replies

I'll always eat grassfed when eating raw & generally stick to it even for cooked meat apart from when dining out

When you say a plateful of fat what do you mean? how do you eat your fat? i

I always have some tallow/lard on hand but i usually use that for cooking or to add into warm broth, i do eat lots of raw (unpastuerized) butter (about half a stick per day) but im used to having butter with cooked meat, it could go very nicely with raw meat though

Tallow/lard is rendered so its not raw, so do you just eat some suet with your raw meat?

Thanks  :)
Title: Re: Newbie to Raw meat...
Post by: eveheart on June 12, 2013, 02:56:53 am
I get a lot of my fat from back fat from beef. Grassfed beef fat is absolutely delicious. I eat chunks of it to get enough fat.

Suet is specifically the inner kidney fat that is usually rendered for tallow. I dislike it so much that I think that the reason it gets rendered is because it is so foul to eat raw.

Raw natural-forage lamb is fine, too.

Make inquiries about sashimi grade fish, some of it is farmed and fed corn. Smaller fish are nice raw, too, and they are very cheap.
Title: Re: Newbie to Raw meat...
Post by: Haai on June 12, 2013, 03:30:48 am
But just so you and any other newbies know, Chronic, there are also people out there that like suet, such as myself.
Title: Re: Newbie to Raw meat...
Post by: Dr. D on June 12, 2013, 03:44:54 am
Yes, for breakfast today I ate my first bit of lamb liver and pork back fat. I'm not big on pork but its all that my supplier had. To add flavor, I put some salt and dipped it in a little hot sauce I made: raw ACV, peppers, tomato , onion, and garlic. It's helping me get used to the flavor.

Personally, I can tell the difference between cooked fat and raw fat. Cooked far wears me out and is hard to digest, raw is energizing and satisfying in my stomach without making me heavy. I usually skip lunch now or eat just a bit of fruit.
Title: Re: Newbie to Raw meat...
Post by: Chronic on June 14, 2013, 12:27:14 am
Cheers guys ill try & get some beef back fat as a few people have said they prefer it to suet, until then raw butter on raw steak :)

Raw lamb liver tastes strong in my experience, but same strength as cooked really, I had some raw chicken liver last night which made me gag, i'm sticking to pate for now, but cooking the liver rare at least

I should be having some raw heart this weekend which will be interesting, its delicious cooked
Title: Re: Newbie to Raw meat...
Post by: Dr. D on June 14, 2013, 02:22:07 am
Yes the lamb liver is very strong. Almost bitter. Today being day 3 on it however, I'm already growing to like it. I'll rotate to something else for another few days, too much of one thing really ruins it.

I started on my suet also, it is very dry. Imagine eating jerky made purely from fat. I am working on a good source of muscle meat and have been mixing it in with my other stuff and it actually works well for me.

Back fat tends to be more oily when you chew it, all the fat kinda pours out into your mouth. Its quite rich.
Title: Re: Newbie to Raw meat...
Post by: LifeIsExperience on June 15, 2013, 03:13:31 am
So long as it's grass fed it should be fine. (

Yeah, make sure that it is high quality. Otherwise you will get horrible consequences. I experienced headaches, tiredness and even sore muscles / muscle hardenings.