I had a couple of goats in my yard that I was using for milk, and, you know, I was tired of milking them, so I slaughtered them.
That sounded so rough heh
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Dr. D on October 01, 2013, 07:02:44 am
That's really cool man! I like the article. It seems fairly accurate of an overview of raw paleo. The people commenting are batshit crazy but some actually are smart enough to know what's good.
One commenter said it requires more energy to digest raw food than cooked. Where did that nonsense come from? Veggies that are impossible for is to digest in the first place?
Anyways, thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: eveheart on October 01, 2013, 07:35:50 am
Great interview.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: jessica on October 01, 2013, 07:40:33 am
Awesome, what a great article. Vice does a very good job of covering "fringe" topics so I am glad to see there was no bias, just a simple Q and A. I am jealous of your meat dedicated fridge!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 01, 2013, 08:44:40 am
Very good short article. Nice pics. Congratulations!
I made a comment on the article inviting people to our forum.
------- update 01 ------------
the moderators of vice, removed my comment:
Congratulations on a wonderful article Derek Nance. For those interested to know more, there are a whole bunch of us global practitioners of Derek's Raw Paleolithic Diet at http://www.rawpaleodietforum.com/ (http://www.rawpaleodietforum.com/) - There are a lot more people like Derek and we are thriving on this diet.
I'm inviting you guys to make comments supporting derek as well.
-------------- update 02 ---------------
I posted a shorter comment:
For those interested to know more, there are a whole bunch of us global practitioners of Derek's Raw Paleolithic Diet at http://www.rawpaleodietforum.com/ (http://www.rawpaleodietforum.com/) - There are a lot more people like Derek and we are thriving on this diet.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 01, 2013, 09:31:08 am
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2439476/Derek-Nances-raw-meat-diet-bizarre-food-addiction.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2439476/Derek-Nances-raw-meat-diet-bizarre-food-addiction.html) I got onto the tabloid press cite thedailymail too!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on October 01, 2013, 08:41:26 pm
Wonderful read. Of course, the article is trying to portray SB as a dangerous lunatic. It will take some time before they do serious interviews without mocking us in some way.
Some amusing comments such as " your fridge looks like it belongs to Satan".
Anyway, I am glad it got printed in the Daily Mail. The more coverage we get, the better.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Projectile Vomit on October 01, 2013, 09:11:12 pm
I found the article disheartening. Derek was mocked pretty blatantly, and the photographs they printed portrayed him as a fringe goofball. This might appeal to adventurous young men who are still in a developmental stage where they get kicks from grossing others out with their lifestyle choices, but it's hard for me to imagine that it will appeal to anyone else.
Did you get paid to do this interview Derek?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: ys on October 01, 2013, 09:46:03 pm
Nice article. I just wished they used better pictures.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: jessica on October 01, 2013, 10:52:24 pm
Tyler I totally disagree, its printing in the daily mail just makes it lose any credibility. They are likening his meat "addiction" to the same stories they run about women being addicted to eating personal care products like deodorant and "vapor rubs". At least in the vice article they don't use that terminology.
Well, thanks for continually putting yourself out there Derek. I think the pictures are great, maybe its just Derek's hair cut, lol. The photo of you and your girlfriend is ADORABLE! I can tell now why you are dating this "older" woman, her youthful soul definitely shows through.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on October 02, 2013, 05:21:49 am
Jessica, I agree, that's a wonderful picture. Even though they were trying to make him seem crazy, that picture makes him seem the opposite. :)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 02, 2013, 05:32:34 am
Thanks for your support.
It was a real on the fly thing, the reporter was couch surfing across the country looking for stories, and was staying with a friend of my girlfriend, and one day out of the blue they just stopped by. Honestly I had given up on reaching the mainstream....... its funny how things turn out..
I must admittingly agree with Tyler that without the appearance of lunacy this kind of story will not be covered. Tyler and many others have tried doing serious interviews with limited success. I reach people who wouldn't hear of the raw paleo diet any other way, by being who I am... (the milker/ slayer of goats and proud owner of Satan's refrigerator)
Eric, I love you... and no I didn't get paid, I am a cheap slut, engaged in a labor of love, and should not be confused for a media whore. I acknowledge your cynicism. You are right, I can be seen as a fringe goofball, who by some miracle has managed to survive eating a diet that will likely kill me some day, If that's what people want to see that's what they will get. For those who see something more, I welcome you aboard with an open heart(dripping with the lifes blood that nourishes both body and soul.) urging those who hunger for a better life to take a big bite.
The huffing-ton post called today, and I did a 10 minute interview over the phone. It went rawsomely well. Hopefully it will broadcast to hundreds of thousands of people.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 02, 2013, 05:36:29 am
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on October 02, 2013, 06:12:16 am
In future interviews, please make sure they write "raw, palaeolithic diet", not just "palaeolithic diet". Otherwise there is confusion.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 02, 2013, 06:15:15 am
hell yes!!!!!!
Let's keep posting our http://www.rawpaleodietforum.com (http://www.rawpaleodietforum.com) in their comments section to maximize our exposure. The public needs to know there are more of us out there.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Aura on October 02, 2013, 06:36:35 am
For those who see something more, I welcome you aboard with an open heart(dripping with the lifes blood that nourishes both body and soul.) urging those who hunger for a better life to take a big bite.
Mmm, that is so innerly visceral my friend.. :P :-* ;)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: van on October 02, 2013, 06:51:46 am
Derek, I would like to suggest that the next time (and I'm sure there will be, you write so well, and come across in videos as a together guy) you do an interview that you include some little tid bits about why it's working for you, beyond the blood and guts angle. As in, how stable your blood sugar is now and how that has led to your body creating less and less cortisol thus reducing general inflamation and allowing your body to heal.. And any other examples where by someone who is reading or watching can correlate with mainstream current medical advice (less carbs, omega threes, no sugar) They will be quicker to understand if they can relate to what they are already hearing in the news. You might want to think about figuring out how to do more of these ( and I'd agree, a different hair style might help, but then maybe not). I think you have talent and a natural authenticity that could play out well for you long term.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Aura on October 02, 2013, 07:35:19 am
( and I'd agree, a different hair style might help, but then maybe not).
He is beautifully RAW! Please, change your hairstyle ONLY if you feel like it. Do not become "pretty" but fake like those models floating on the sidebar of your interview.
The pics of you I like the most is the first one. Your eyes and smile look so shiny!! ;) Whose pans are those on the background? heh
The video you linked to here does not feature you or any aspect of your story. It's a blonde woman talking for ~2 minutes.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 02, 2013, 08:54:46 am
The next interviews will be more impressive when they show you sick, then your diet, then your work butchering, then your hobby... pole fitness!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Ioanna on October 02, 2013, 09:43:35 am
sorry guys, i've really had my head in the books and swamped with work lately, but i just wanted to check in because a friend of mine wanted to show me this article and i said OMG THATS SABERTOOTH. hahahhaha... well congrats sabertooth! as you get more publicity, hopefully you learn how to better share your story/take more control from the interviewer and the interviewers come to better appreciation and respect who you are and where you've been. and yes, your girlfriend is so darn cute!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: jessica on October 02, 2013, 09:49:22 am
He is beautifully RAW! Please, change your hairstyle ONLY if you feel like it. Do not become "pretty" but fake like those models floating on the sidebar of your interview.
LOL sorry I ever mentioned it. Derek said he was kind of caught off guard, perhaps it was also not his best hair day. He looks the picture of health otherwise, good, tight, blemish free skin, no bags under the eye, healthy weight, kind of weird red tint to the teeth but well ignore that! I am surprised there aren't as many negative comments as I expected.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Dr. D on October 02, 2013, 10:19:44 am
It looked to me like they purposefully took a picture after he ate blood to show him looking crazy. IMO he looks great either way.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: wodgina on October 02, 2013, 11:54:35 am
sorry guys, i've really had my head in the books and swamped with work lately, but i just wanted to check in because a friend of mine wanted to show me this article and i said OMG THATS SABERTOOTH. hahahhaha... well congrats sabertooth! as you get more publicity, hopefully you learn how to better share your story/take more control from the interviewer and the interviewers come to better appreciation and respect who you are and where you've been. and yes, your girlfriend is so darn cute!
I second this you guys look great together, really happy too
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Iguana on October 02, 2013, 04:03:36 pm
Well done Derek, great interview! I thought you also eat some plant foods, don't you?
I rather wise reader's comment:
Kevin Two · Student Desktop Technician at Administrative Computing and Systems Helpdesk Bunch of uneducated ignorant people commenting. If you took a look at our (humans) past, we used to be hunter gathers and ate pretty much nothing but meat, whether cooked or raw. He's eating pretty clean organic meat and even better to eat it raw because for one, most if not all of the nutrients are retained, and second of all the meat will be easier to digest because the protein state is in a easier to digest form compared to cooked meat. I don't see a problem with his diet, in fact, it should be a good example of why modern diet is so bad for humans. We are not meant to be eating so much processed carbohydrates. If we can stick to basic, clean, minimally processed foods, our health as a society will be so much better. Don't listen to the USDA, throw away that incorrect food pyramid where it encourages diabetes and heart disease. Get back to basics and eat as we should have as hunter gatherers. Food in it's natural state, with focus on high fiber, high fat, medium protein, and zero processed carbohydrates.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Alive on October 02, 2013, 05:52:24 pm
Excellent interview, thanks Derek I really enjoyed reading this.
It was great to read to my wife about how cool your vegan girlfriend is about your diet :D
There were many positive comments on the Vice site, but daily mail comments all seemed to be negative - could just be the British are so well programmed ;)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on October 02, 2013, 06:31:58 pm
Well, my comment was allowed on the daily mail. I even managed to post it twice because I had thought that the first one did not go through.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 03, 2013, 12:59:24 am
Karen Pendergrass of paleo diet sent you a message for an interview. Pls check your OTHER mailbox on facebook if she is not yet in your friend list.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Iguana on October 03, 2013, 01:08:18 am
TD, it's fine because you make different points in the second comment.
Sabertooth: I also find that your couple show a nice example of love and tolerance. It really demonstrates that both of you are not at all fanatical about food, one being almost vegetarian and the other one a pure raw carnivore! :)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Cosmo on October 03, 2013, 02:11:33 am
Brilliant article! I enjoyed reading it. I have a question. How old is your vegan girl-friend? I think she is great, very open minded person.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Dr. D on October 03, 2013, 03:18:38 am
The comments in the dailymail article are far more immature than the Vice comments.
He'll be a cannibal next!
He'll eat his girlfriend next!
Get ready for gout!
People are so indoctrinated by the govt./media/social standards/ desire for pleasure in culinary arts/ and other things. Not every argument will will all people over. For me, it was as simple as I've known for a long time raw fruits and veggies were healthier. Then I found out about feeding dogs raw, and how humans are the only ones who cook and the only ones with "incurable" diseases. Too coincidental. Sadly, not everyone thinks the way we do on the forum. We are people who question everything. You have to question things to take a bite of raw/rotten meat with the hopes it won't kill you when you've been told the opposite your whole life.
Either way, the Vice article seems like it's audience was more receptive of the concept of raw. Daily mail seems like the audience is just more immature, based on "recommended articles," the whole right side is dominated by pointless celeb gossip.
Who knows. Maybe we can get a few more people here from it, after they think about it for a while and maybe lurk for info.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Aura on October 03, 2013, 04:13:00 am
He looks the picture of health otherwise, good, tight, blemish free skin, no bags under the eye, healthy weight, kind of weird red tint to the teeth but well ignore that!
… humans are the only ones who cook and the only ones with "incurable" diseases. Too coincidental. Sadly, not everyone thinks the way we do on the forum. We are people who question everything. You have to question things to take a bite of raw/rotten meat with the hopes it won't kill you when you've been told the opposite your whole life.
That’s it !
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on October 03, 2013, 06:53:15 am
Derek certainly is an effective self-publicist. I am still not pleased that the media are referring to his diet as being "palaeolithic" as opposed to "raw, palaeolithic", but I will admit that this may make the diet seem more attractive to people who like the hunter paradigm. At any rate, being on TV is key, I think, to advertising our diet.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 03, 2013, 09:00:26 am
Show Derek Pole Dancing on TV and the chicks will swoon. Once we get more chicks interested on manly raw paleo diet Derek, everything else will follow.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on October 03, 2013, 03:02:59 pm
Show Derek Pole Dancing on TV and the chicks will swoon. Once we get more chicks interested on manly raw paleo diet Derek, everything else will follow.
Well, I suppose we could go the whole hog and have one of our female members parading topless in photos, as a stunning representative of the raw, palaeolithic diet.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: svrn on October 04, 2013, 03:22:25 pm
Very freakshow type stuff.
Its a great sign though. Finally breaking into the mainstream. and everyone wants a piece of the story.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: LePatron7 on October 04, 2013, 03:31:51 pm
Well, I suppose we could go the whole hog and have one of our female members parading topless in photos, as a stunning representative of the raw, palaeolithic diet.
I think it's best to avoid the pole dancing, or having members parading topless (to attract potential RPDers).. lol
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: svrn on October 04, 2013, 03:44:41 pm
just saw the video the tv show did 3 years ago. that must have been so painful and awkward for you. Especially with the therapist and being forced to listen to bullshit.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 04, 2013, 08:27:45 pm
just saw the video the tv show did 3 years ago. that must have been so painful and awkward for you. Especially with the therapist and being forced to listen to bullshit.
The interview I did for the show was butchered to pieces, and striped of all substance. I actually dominated the discussions with the doctor and scientist, with indisputable facts, but all of it was left out.
Anyway, The host of superhuman radio has contacted me and wants to do an interview! This will be my chance to fully express myself uncut.
There is also a morning radio show in Iowa that wants to scheduled bit.
Who knows, the way things are going perhaps Leno, Letterman, and John Stewart will be calling next?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on October 04, 2013, 08:51:11 pm
If you get on national TV, then it will be a good start. However, we'll need more than just you to really make this diet popular.
We would get a lot more trolls and spammers if you get on national TV, though. ROFL
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Dr. D on October 05, 2013, 12:11:09 am
Sadly everyone wants to see outward changes of this diet, and it barely works that way. There are physical health symptoms that appear through poor diet, but most people can't even see those change once the diet is replaced. How can you see a physical representation of a chemical change? Diet changes your body's chemistry. Other things like exercise change another thing. Yes, they will overlap sometimes. However even looking at pictures of me from years ago you could never tell that in all of them I just wanted to sleep. I felt so sick and tired! Weak. Now however, anything comes up in my day and I just think "sure, let's do it!"
I think it would benefit us more to move away from the concept of seeing the changes induced by raw, and rather tout our medical experiences. I have the physical documentation to prove I was on Adderall. DaBoss has medical records for his medication. GS has proof of eczema. The list goes on. Things like that add credibility. Then the only step after that is using that credibility to share the facts on bacteria, enzymes, complete amino profiles, vitamin bioavailability, and all the other benefits of eating raw foods.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 05, 2013, 01:20:08 am
If you get on national TV, then it will be a good start. However, we'll need more than just you to really make this diet popular.
I agree, it will take more than just me to bring raw paleo to the forefront of the health debates of the day, and would gladly pass the torch to anyone who will carry it forward.
My role should be viewed for its catalytic effect... I am the butterfly whose flapping wings triggers the stampede.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 05, 2013, 01:21:42 am
Just got this message today, the way things are going I should get an agent.....
Hi Derek! I hope you don't mind me reaching out. I am a producer working on a well known TV documentary that features people with unique lifestyles and habits. As I was doing a little bit of research on alternative diets, I came across your article via vice.com and video on eating raw/rotten meat. I would love to speak with you and ask you some questions about this "health secret" and about possibly participating in the show. The show seeks to explore this lifestyle and give it more exposure and awareness to the general population. We are not interested in demonizing the lifestyle in any way, just tying to understand it better. If you are interested in sharing your story, or know of anyone that may be interested please feel free to contact me via the number or email address below. Compensation will be provided for those who are chosen to participate on the show. Thanks and I look forward to speaking with you soon! Best.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 05, 2013, 01:39:23 am
So who will join me, I am sharing the offer being presented here, if any other hardcore raw paleo veteran is interested in being apart of this documentary send me a PM and we can begin.
The time has come to assemble the army of the twelve monkeys.
Just imagine if we could get a mainstream cable tv program featuring me and a few others of the Raw paleo persuasion, each with their own stories and points of view. Ministering to the SAD nation, turning on millions to the goodness of Raw Paleo.
Giving the world a taste of primordial manna.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on October 05, 2013, 02:35:54 am
I'm willing.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: ys on October 05, 2013, 02:41:31 am
I should get an agent.....
probably not at this time. just take your time reading small print before you sign contract/agreement. maybe post it here so we can all spot tricks.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: svrn on October 05, 2013, 03:48:48 am
as far as not being able to see how healthy someone is on tv I disagree. In the video from 3 years ago, in every single shot derek is in, he looks like the healthiest person there without fail.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Dr. D on October 05, 2013, 03:57:07 am
Can someone put up the link for the video? I'd really like to see it and don't know what to look for.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Projectile Vomit on October 05, 2013, 04:53:57 am
Just got this message today, the way things are going I should get an agent.....
This message sounds an awful lot like a post I responded to a few years back from The Learning Channel (or some other cable network) who wanted to do a piece on RPD. I entertained the idea, but as I learned more about details (they have full editing rights, etc.) I eventually said I wasn't interested. Sounds like another attempt to sensationalize with little regard to reality or for the featured person's wellbeing and reputation.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on October 05, 2013, 05:19:49 am
There is also a morning radio show in Iowa that wants to scheduled bit.
Who knows, the way things are going perhaps Leno, Letterman, and John Stewart will be calling next?
Well, Letterman once did a number of segments just about this guy called "Dick Assman". Actually, this guy was of Germanic origin, so "Assmann" in German means "Aceman" which sounds rather good in English. Why he just didn`t anglicise his surname in this way, I don`t know. Anyway, what I mean is if Letterman concentrated on such minor fluff, he would not mind doing a humorous sketch on the raw, palaeolithic diet - of course, that would only be done to ridicule us, but still even bad publicity is good publicity in a way.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Dr. D on October 05, 2013, 07:01:44 am
Very true. Ripley's did AV as a freak who was able to eat rotten meat and not die. Though people probably figured they couldn't or didn't have such serious health problems that they needed to eat rotten meat for health. Yuck! Who knows though, maybe a few people looked into AV's stuff more after that show?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 05, 2013, 08:26:12 am
Very true. Ripley's did AV as a freak who was able to eat rotten meat and not die. Though people probably figured they couldn't or didn't have such serious health problems that they needed to eat rotten meat for health. Yuck! Who knows though, maybe a few people looked into AV's stuff more after that show?
I saw right away the significance of AV`s discovery on ripley`s.
Somebody by the name of D'ablo contacted me about doing a show, I just got finished talking with him. He is going to pitch some ideas to his associates and call back in a few days.
I may have to make a deal with the devil...
So far that's two producers who are interested in the possibility of a show.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Aura on October 05, 2013, 09:51:51 am
Well, I suppose we could go the whole hog and have one of our female members parading topless in photos, as a stunning representative of the raw, palaeolithic diet.
I ve posted a naked pic of mine next to a 200 years old tree in this forum already. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 05, 2013, 10:38:06 am
It is just that for me being naked is the most natural (and logical) thing to do...
It looks funny to see people wearing clothes nowaday, even though I grew up like that myself..
A couple of days ago I was at the Ocean and went on a secluded beach. Got naked to sunbathe and Life_gazing. A fisherman passed by and looked at me repetitively. Af first, I could not understand why. I got so absorbed in the beauty of Nature that it was only 30 min after that out of the blue I realized he did so because I was not wearing any clothes.. l) l)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Dr. D on October 05, 2013, 11:15:55 pm
This one actually has the nicest, most logical approach I've read so far.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 06, 2013, 04:31:46 am
So many engagements so little time. ............................. Hi Derek,
I received this email for you. I believe RTL is interested in filming an interview with you. Please contact her directly through the attached email.
Hope you're well. .............................................. Just got this request from the same journalist who did the Vice article.
This is what he forwarded to me
My name is .... with RTL Television, one of Europe's largest private broadcast networks. My colleague Elizabeth Guerrero tried to contact you. I would just like ot make sure the email got to you.
Congratulations one your piece on Derek Nance. This 'diet' is so shocking, that we would also very much like to get in contact with Mr. Nance. Might you be able to share his contact? Or perhaps you could guide me as to how you found him? This would be most appreciated.
Kindest regards,
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on October 06, 2013, 08:19:19 am
RTL? That`s a German-language series of channels that I sometimes watch. Tell me when you are being broadcasted on German or Austrian TV please!
Derek, please make sure in future to include a little bit of scientific data on the harm done by cooking. I know the broadcasters will not like it and would prefer you to just die within seconds of eating a piece of raw meat in front of the cameras for maximum effect, but if you could include some data on what heat-created toxins are caused by cooking that would be great! A classic example would be to cite polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines which are not only harmful toxins created by cooking but also are present as toxins in car-exhaust fumes and cigarette-smoke. That little tidbit should give pause for thought.
If there are any other volunteers out there, I would most appreciate if a whole rawpalaeo-eating family could volunteer to be interviewed. Nothing like a family to ensure that a particular practice is seen as being normal.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 06, 2013, 08:47:19 am
I vote on gaining new strength to do pole dancing. I just think your new incredible strength is showcased this way.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Hanna on October 06, 2013, 04:29:45 pm
RTL produces only sensational trash TV, no serious documentaries. So one thing is for sure: It will be
RTL produces only sensational trash TV, no serious documentaries. So one thing is for sure: It will be
Maybe so. But at the moment all we need to demonstrate is that people are eating this sort of diet and are not dying like flies, thus debunking a major anti-raw meat myth. So even appearing on a dodgy show which mocks you is helpful re that.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on October 06, 2013, 09:30:32 pm
Maybe so. But at the moment all we need to demonstrate is that people are eating this sort of diet and are not dying like flies, thus debunking a major anti-raw meat myth. So even appearing on a dodgy show which mocks you is helpful re that.
Yes. No publicity is bad publicity. One of the reasons I was willing to start eating raw meat was because SOOO many people on the Primal and Paleo diets already were doing it, and had been doing it for many years.
Raw fish was no big deal, they serve it in restaurants all the time. Raw meat was another thing altogether.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: svrn on October 07, 2013, 08:49:25 am
as a way of avoiding censorship I recommend that you have a tshirt on with some sort of information during all media engagements.
This could be something as simple as a rawpaleodietforum.com tshirt to gain traffic here or just some basic information although im not sure how much you canc onvey in that manner to a tv audience.
I think an advertizement for this forum would be the most effective use of the tshirt.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on October 07, 2013, 09:55:49 am
as a way of avoiding censorship I recommend that you have a tshirt on with some sort of information during all media engagements.
This could be something as simple as a rawpaleodietforum.com tshirt to gain traffic here or just some basic information although im not sure how much you canc onvey in that manner to a tv audience.
I think an advertizement for this forum would be the most effective use of the tshirt.
I agree with the t-shirt, or maybe a hat. I don't necessarily know that it should have the web address of the forum, though. I'm not against that, I'm just thinking that maybe having a separate web address that has a really professional-looking, well-written, and engaging landing page might be better. There could be links to this forum from that landing page.
Just some thoughts. :)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Dr. D on October 07, 2013, 12:02:11 pm
I found the rawpaleodiet.com page before I found the forum. I read the testimonials and info then came to the forum. Forums can be overwhelming until you learn to navigate each one, since they all seem to be unique in their layout. Maybe Derek couple write up a testimonial for that page? Googling Derek Nance now brings up a bunch of hits for "weird raw meat addiction /diet " lol. Good job! Maybe adding a page could redirect people to that page and our forum.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on October 07, 2013, 12:32:01 pm
I found the rawpaleodiet.com page before I found the forum. I read the testimonials and info then came to the forum. Forums can be overwhelming until you learn to navigate each one, since they all seem to be unique in their layout. Maybe Derek couple write up a testimonial for that page?
Excellent points, forums CAN be overwhelming and intimidating at first. I agree that Derek should write up a testimonial for that page.
If we can make this happen, we might actually start getting some real numbers, like 250 thousand page views a day, instead of just 25 thousand.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 09, 2013, 07:10:02 am
TLC is going to do a Skype interview tomorrow to vet me for one of their programs.
If all goes well they will send out a film crew and put together an episode.
The real issue is that they are primarily focused on the Primal High meat part of the diet for its sensationalism, and will probably give little credence to the Raw Paleo diet as a legitimate option for anyone.
I could use some advice on how to handle the made for TV drama that they are going to set me up for. Keep in mind I am going to be seen by the Honey Boo-boo audience.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: PaleoPhil on October 09, 2013, 07:29:03 am
OK. First, what are your specific goals from all this publicity? What to do depends on that. IIRC, one of the goals you mentioned in the past was spreading the raw Paleo message, and I think you were hoping to also find a way to make some money from the exposure these shows provide, yes? Did I recall those correctly and/or do you have any other specific goals? How would you rank the goals in terms of importance?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Projectile Vomit on October 09, 2013, 07:35:39 am
TLC is going to do a Skype interview tomorrow to vet me for one of their programs...
Sounds like the same outfit that approached me some years back. Before you agree to anything, ask them for references of others who've appeared on their show and CONTACT THEM! Make sure the people feel like they were portrayed accurately and treated fairly. If you can't ascertain that, turn them down.
My fear here is that they're going to use you as a tool to gain ratings, and you might find your reputation so trashed by the ordeal that you have a hard time finding meaningful employment later on, or a certain ex-spouse might use some aspect of your quest for publicity against you with regard to custody of your kids or your divorce settlement more generally.
The adage that "Any publicity is good publicity" is patently false. Good publicity is good publicity, trashy publicity is trashy publicity.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 09, 2013, 07:45:39 am
I want to let go of goal based thinking. I'm resigned to let the spirit carry me where it will, being more interested in finding adventure during this next leg of the journey, though money would be a big bonus.
Still dreaming about 4000 acres and a mule. With the acquisition of great fortune I would make a a raw paleo sanctuary/ resort. It would be well stocked with ostrich, emu, zebra, bison, sheep, goats,ox, wilder-beast, and a plethora of other exotic creatures to dine on. I would be the host serving up the rawest of rarities to the patrons and volunteers who would support the endeavor.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 09, 2013, 07:47:43 am
Eric does this answer your question? http://www.tlc.com/tv-shows/my-strange-addiction/videos/feeding-off-human-blood.htm (http://www.tlc.com/tv-shows/my-strange-addiction/videos/feeding-off-human-blood.htm)
I like my publicity a little on the trashy side.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: ys on October 09, 2013, 08:52:05 am
Read fine print!!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: PaleoPhil on October 09, 2013, 09:32:32 am
OK, so I won't call them goals, perhaps dreams? You mentioned these, yes?:
> land, livestock and a mule > a great fortune (as a bonus), enabling a raw paleo sanctuary/resort > trashy publicity?
Are you sure you don't mean 40 acres and a mule, BTW?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Dr. D on October 09, 2013, 10:17:44 am
The stupid thing about the "my strange addiction" show and fitting raw foodists into it is you are really stretching the truth. I doubt there is a single person on this forum that gets an orgasmic response the way most of those people do to their addictions. We don't have an addiction not because we are "in denial" but rather because we don't get the same "high" that those people with addictions get, like a person popping a balloon equated it to more exciting than an orgasm. That's addiction. A massive dopamine rush combined with fixation on the ritual regarding your addiction. Most/all of us just eat and go about our lives, possibly from a psychological standpoint far less obsessed and "addicted" to our food than most people on the planet. I know I think about food waaaay less now and feel way more satisfied with my meals and way less hungry in between. Almost like, eating in a wild way has made me able to sort of.... survive the wild? Huh... what an anomaly.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: svrn on October 09, 2013, 04:14:14 pm
cps kidnapping your children over such a diet should always be a concern.
heres a recent story of a kidnapping due to somethign so little as themt aking the child to a different hospital.
Hopefully the raw food community will be able to mobilize quickly if this ever happens to any of us much as in the case of the patriot community helping a man get his child back after getting it taken away due to his membership in oathkeepers.
Hopefully the raw food community will be able to mobilize quickly if this ever happens to any of us much as in the case of the patriot community helping a man get his child back after getting it taken away due to his membership in oathkeepers.
Saber has already been through that once, late last year, I believe. That is a valid point, though.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Projectile Vomit on October 09, 2013, 09:17:36 pm
I can't believe you're so desperate for attention that you're willing to appear on a show titled "My Strange Addiction". You're begging to be mocked. It's almost as if this were some sort of cry for help, or something similar.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Iguana on October 09, 2013, 09:32:49 pm
Yes, I don't think I would do anything of that sort. The vast majority of journalists don't care to remain factual and truthful. Check what happened in France.
I'm afraid you may be running into troubles.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: jessica on October 09, 2013, 10:30:04 pm
Perhaps reach out to some men health/alternative/science/environmental health media outlets? or even some of the more mainstream paleo/primal/WAPF websites and see if they are interested to do some interviews?
I agree acreage and animals is definitely something to strive for, and pulling a "robin hood" to get the means is admirable in my opinion, but you really don't want the wrong people portraying you and the even wronger folks judging you for that...
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on October 09, 2013, 11:00:30 pm
I can't believe you're so desperate for attention that you're willing to appear on a show titled "My Strange Addiction". You're begging to be mocked. If you follow through with this, you'll surely get what you're asking for. It's almost as if this were some sort of cry for help, or something similar.
Narcissism rather, I think. But I think SB may well despite our concerns manage to make our diet more popular. Even my own interview which was twisted vehemently by the journalist attracted some nice comments online, for example. SB, at any rate, has got guts.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Inger on October 10, 2013, 12:01:18 am
SB has guts for sure. I like that about him. But yeah... the wrong attention thing Jessica speaks about... hmm.
It is going to be interesting following where this all will end.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 10, 2013, 03:14:59 am
Narcissism rather, I think. But I think SB may well despite our concerns manage to make our diet more popular. Even my own interview which was twisted vehemently by the journalist attracted some nice comments online, for example. SB, at any rate, has got guts.
Where is the URL of your interview?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 10, 2013, 03:20:35 am
Narcissism rather, I think. But I think SB may well despite our concerns manage to make our diet more popular. Even my own interview which was twisted vehemently by the journalist attracted some nice comments online, for example. SB, at any rate, has got guts.
I have counseled with my Boss, and he too has warned me against becoming narcissistic, and encourages me to be myself. Still... No one has every been able to clearly explain why narcissism has to be a negative thing, or what is so wrong with dawning false personas in order to make it through the media filters.
No guts no glory, and after all what is there to lose. Even if they make me into a fool, so what, disappointment is nothing to fear. I still have so much to be grateful for.. My girlfriend supports me, I have a kick ass job, my kids are doing well, making new friends, learning awesome pole dancing moves. There is a general optimism, a sense that new opportunities are coming my way.
There was a woman on the show who used bee stings to treat arthritis, and even though they did try to portray her as a bit silly, over all it was a positive endorsement for bee sting therapy.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 10, 2013, 03:37:10 am
I don't see you as narcissistic.
And bee sting therapy is normal folk medicine for the Aeta tribes people in our province of Bataan.
I hope they show you pole dancing on TV and on the web.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: jessica on October 10, 2013, 03:55:11 am
I just caution to use discernment and intuition and give yourself to the best sources and outlets possible. dont let the excitement of the ride lead you down the wrong path.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 10, 2013, 04:09:17 am
This just in From an independent documentary maker
My girlfriend and I are working on a documentary health/wellness web series called 'Million Ways to Live', whose premise is that there is no one right way to live, BUT there are 6 healthy lifestyle principles. Each episode we focus on one person who illustrates one of the principles in an awesome way (most episodes will be around the world, only a couple domestic).
I just talked with him and he said he could fly out to interview me and my girlfriend for a segment
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: svrn on October 10, 2013, 04:17:50 am
so cps has tried to kidnap your children already? Id like to hear more about this, such an experience would be very important for us all to hear about in detail if possible.
Lol at GS's obsession with the pole dancing, i enjoy hearing what I believe to be the frank philipino perspective on sex I hear from gs on here. WHile many western males would be afraid to such things as I hope they show you pole dancing out of fear of people thinking they are gay you are so secure that you can ansay these things without hesitation> It is quite refreshing and makes me giggle a bit.
also, although aajonuses piece on ripleys believe it or not was quite sensational and tried be a freakshow as well as his segment on doctors I think those segments did more good than harm. The close minded fools who see those things stay close minded and the ones who can think for themselves are able to evaluate his perspective logically and and perhaps many lives were saved due to him doing those tv appearances.
i think all of your appearences have been quite positive so far and looking forward to more exposure for our community in the future.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on October 10, 2013, 06:05:37 am
also, although aajonuses piece on ripleys believe it or not was quite sensational and tried be a freakshow as well as his segment on doctors I think those segments did more good than harm.
I agree. Saber will need to be on his A game, though, just like Aajonus was during those appearances.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on October 10, 2013, 06:06:09 am
so cps has tried to kidnap your children already? Id like to hear more about this, such an experience would be very important for us all to hear about in detail if possible.
Lol at GS's obsession with the pole dancing, i enjoy hearing what I believe to be the frank philipino perspective on sex I hear from gs on here.
I have lol'd much at GS and his machismo regarding the pole dancing, glad I am not the only one.
I am pretty sure sabertooth has shared plenty about his struggle for his children in the past, I think asking for more information is really prying.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 10, 2013, 07:45:15 am
No, they never tried to kidnap my children, the investigation was carried out under false accusations made by a vegetarian neighbor who thought it was illegal to butcher your own animals. It was a big pain in the ass to explain to the workers that I was well within my rights, but eventually they did close the case because I had done nothing wrong.
Pole dancing is fun for me, its good for recreation and exercise. No matter how difficult of a week I have, taking an hour to play and work on pole tricks , while showing off for the ladies always makes me feel good.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on October 10, 2013, 10:28:46 am
The good thing about living in the rural South, as Saber does, is that CPS is a little slower to take your kids away. They're afraid of getting shot. Also, they aren't usually quite the crazy, ultra-PC types that tend to have CPS jobs in larger cities.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 15, 2013, 09:17:17 am
The documentary maker behind a 'Million Ways to Live' is going to film a segment with me. The plans are being made and if all goes accordingly they are going to come out next month to shoot the piece.
Its an independent documentary, and I totally support the Guy making it. The final film should appeal to many people from all walks of life. The Raw Foods, alternative health, and fitness movement will all be represented by different people who practice the basic principles of healthy living in their own way.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on October 15, 2013, 10:30:35 am
Good. I hope it goes well. He can swing by SW Virginia if he wants another raw meat-eater.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 17, 2013, 12:50:06 am
RTL confirmed for a shoot on the 21st.
I know absolutely nothing about what show it will be for.
It most likely is some tabloid out for sensationalism.
Whatever it is, they are going to pay me 300 for one day of filming. I can buy 3 sheep with the money and begin to build my flock.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on October 17, 2013, 03:41:45 am
Good luck. Hopefully we'll get you on TV and famous.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 24, 2013, 05:25:40 am
This just in
Another prime-time German TV program with 2 million daily viewers across Europe wants to do a program featuring me! ... Here is the E'mail
I hope all is well. I work for ***** Productions. One of our main clients is a German TV show ******. They would like to produce a story about you and your diet. Is there a good time to talk via phone?
We would probably want to film for a day and a half...with a 2 person crew who are extremely nice and respectful. Are you still eating only raw meat? Please let me know what you think about filming. Thanks so much. ******
I spoke with her over the phone and they want to shoot a segment in the next couple of months!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: jessica on October 24, 2013, 07:21:00 am
Karl Pilkington's The Moaning of Life: Episode 2 Preview (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nv5C5Xpmdbo#)
have these guys called you yet??
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 24, 2013, 09:19:26 am
No not yet, but I would be game if they wanted visit.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 24, 2013, 09:19:56 am
This little light of mine Im gonna let it shine.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on October 24, 2013, 04:17:19 pm
Just give us all the details so that I/we can see the tv show when it appears, hopefully in the evenings. I think I have access to most of the German TV channels, barring channels that only appear on satellite television, perhaps.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 26, 2013, 08:09:07 am
Not sure when the RTL piece will air, it should be within the next week.
A million ways to live documentary crew are coming next weekend to film.
This just in
I am booked to shoot another TV show Nov 14th. They will pay 400 dollars, pay for other expenses and purchase a 300 dollar sheep Its for a German program "Galileo", that is suppose to have over two million viewers across Europe.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on October 26, 2013, 04:02:00 pm
Could you at least find out which program it will be shown on on RTL? That way, I can at least find it on the TV program-listings and watch it myself if it appears in the evenings.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: PaleoPhil on October 26, 2013, 06:31:32 pm
ST, I know you talked about a 4000 acre exotic meat ranch. These are some Paleo/primal dieters who developed a successful farm that sells meat from chickens, sheep and other animals: http://paleomovement.com/primal-pastures/ (http://paleomovement.com/primal-pastures/)
Have you checked out this resource? https://kysheepandgoat.org/ (https://kysheepandgoat.org/)
Another possibility is selling sheep cheese and/or wool (although I see there is already an established sheep cheese competitor in your state http://www.goodshepherdcheese.com/ (http://www.goodshepherdcheese.com/)). You also mentioned emu, which as you may know can help protect the sheep from predators, and apparently a small sheep farm only needs one emu for protection.
I would find out what sorts of farm products the local gourmet restaurants and specialty/farmers markets/shops want. The first thing Gordon Ramsay does when making a failing restaurant profitable is to ask local people what they want in a restaurant (granted, it also helps that he has a huge war chest from his TV show to completely renovate the restaurants LOL).
I wish I had a farm selling good raw sheep cheese in my state. There's one so far and the cheese was godawful at first. Now it's merely bad. So I buy Spanish sheep cheese, and sparingly, since it's very expensive. It's the best tasting and easiest-digesting cheese I've yet tried.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 27, 2013, 12:41:30 am
The next tv show wants to go out to the farm with me to pick out a sheep. I entirely support small family farms who raise animals naturally. This will be be a huge part of my message to the world. The family Ive been getting sheep from want to start a home delivery service for their products.
I hope they age to let us film at this farm its Ideal!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: PaleoPhil on October 27, 2013, 01:08:52 am
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on October 27, 2013, 01:52:11 pm
Good luck with the job, Saber.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: jessica on October 27, 2013, 08:50:06 pm
Sounds like an awesome job Saber. Definitely seems a possibility that if they have a demand for animals that they aren't able to fill, you could become the one that raises em! Very good situation indeed!
I just helped process a bunch of chickens and turkeys, they were pretty much fed a mix of local/no spray/no gmo mostly sprouted along with some forage, cooked eggs and this nasty soy/corn "protein" crumble mix which I assume made the chickens SO fatty inside, like handfuls of fat in the cavity. My boss really over feeds them and also relies way too heavily on crumbles/grains, many had very fatty livers and small hearts. They seem happy and beautiful as ever though, I just cant wait for the day I can raise birds and other animals in a proper way...greens and bugs!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Barefoot Instincto on October 30, 2013, 12:41:28 am
Haha its cool that people I talk to in my everyday life now recognize "that guy from the media" when I talk about raw meat eating. I'm like "Oh yeah he goes by sabertooth on the forum".
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Inger on October 30, 2013, 02:46:28 pm
I am following Mr Sabertooth with excitement
I love that you are a man of action :)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 06, 2013, 07:37:15 am
So far nothing to report on the RTL program front, I wonder if the show was halted due to some kind of network censorship. My contacts said it would be aired within a could of weeks, two weeks later and nothing. We will have to wait and see.
Luke and his wife along with a camera man came and spent the weekend with me. He is the one working on the project " A Million ways to live" Everything went fantastic, and Luke tried out a variety of raw meats, he loved everything I fed him. This is something I am truly proud to be a part of and cant wait until it gets finished. The first part of the series wont be released until July.
The show for Galileo is set to shoot this next week! This by far has the most potential to get some mainstream attention, with 2 million viewers. They are setting up everything. They will buy me a lamb to show how I prepare my food. They are going to have a family dinner. They are also setting up a number of lab test with a local doctor, and the results will be gone over in an interview with the doctor.
This is it a chance to prove to the world what omnivorous and carnivorous animals instinctively know; that raw meat is perfectly healthy to consume! 5 years of living on a diet of 90% raw meat, with 60 percent of my total calories coming from fat. If I post numbers within a healthy range, pass my physical exam, and test negative for parasites then this could help rev up the scientific debate, and get Raw paleo some serious attention..
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: PaleoPhil on November 06, 2013, 08:42:11 am
FYI: there is a common and normally totally benign parasite that many raw meat eaters apparently get that they may try to claim is harmful if you have it. I forget what it's called.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 06, 2013, 08:49:35 am
The last time I had a parasite test done, all that came up was Blastocystis, a single celled organism which is very common. The doctor told me that over 80% of the population (of cooked meat eaters) shows antibodies for it.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: PaleoPhil on November 06, 2013, 10:11:42 am
Yeah, that's the one. Doesn't surprise me that it's very common in cooked meat eaters. They'll probably claim it's dangerous and due to raw meats.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 16, 2013, 10:35:22 am
Galileo filming is a rap!
Everything will be edited in the next couple of weeks and they gave me a guarantee that it will be aired sometime in December? Though I will believe it when I see it, having been lied to in the past. At least I got paid 600 dollars plus the purchase of a 150 pound sheep,and 1000 dollars worth of lab work for participating in two days of filming.
All my labs came back within normal range without exception. No sign whatsoever of parasites. As soon as I can get to a scanner I will post the entire report.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on November 16, 2013, 07:02:51 pm
Please tell us when these various interviews get aired! I am still waiting for the RTL one.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 17, 2013, 05:16:31 am
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 17, 2013, 05:22:16 am
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 17, 2013, 05:30:02 am
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: badboy9311 on November 17, 2013, 06:37:56 am
Would you mind letting me know how your testosterone levels are? IF you got it tested Interesting lab work, i'll need to learn to read more of these
Thyroid level seems to be nice too, jealous of you ppl who have access to those organ meat and stuff
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on November 17, 2013, 01:02:55 pm
The labs look good, Saber, except for the cholesterol. Don't feel too bad about that, though. It's not that far out of the ideal range, and I have trouble with mine too.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Dr. D on November 17, 2013, 01:43:59 pm
Your LDL really isnt that bad especially considering your HDL is 43. A ratio of 3:1 or less is preferred and you're spot on.
Don't worry about it, like usual doctors have no clue what they are talking about: http://ketogeniclifestyle.com/blood-lipids-cholesterol-ldl-hdl-etc/ (http://ketogeniclifestyle.com/blood-lipids-cholesterol-ldl-hdl-etc/)
Thanks for sharing man, cool to see a parasite test come back negative with all the parasite fear going around for raw foodists.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: aLptHW4k4y on November 17, 2013, 11:43:27 pm
In Germany the reference limit for total cholesterol is 240, and for LDL is 160.. The lower limit for HDL is 40.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 18, 2013, 02:06:14 am
My LDL was 123.5 and the lab used the old reference range of >100. Which upon review the doctor noted the revised range is >130 in the report.
Another point regarding cholesterol...Cholesterol is an essential building block of all animal life on this planet. The whole cholesterol causation of heart disease theory is a complete farce, and has been debunked for some time. Even the mainstream medical establishments are revising their recommendations, although Statin manufacturers continue to persist with groundless lies, in their misinformation campaign to demonize cholesterol. Higher levels of cholesterol actually can be a sign of good health as long as the triglycerides are low, which in my case they are.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Ioanna on November 18, 2013, 06:16:28 am
thanks for sharing saber, and congrats again!!
i've had my cholesterol results high before, but my hdl was in the upper 50's on one occasion and lower 60's on another that the doctor just looked at the ratio and said not to worry about it at all. from then on, i just switched my fat source to egg yolk and avocado and kept the marrow and meat fat very low about a week before lab tests and my cholesterol would then be quite low. i'd get positive reinforcement for low cholesterol of course but i was really thinking that it was too low!
i started having to get these blood tests done for work, and when my cholesterol was high i would get lectured by some lab tech trained to tell me that cholesterol is bad blah blah. plus it went on a work form as a risk factor. so i just adjusted my diet for these tests so the numbers would be 'right'.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on November 18, 2013, 12:28:21 pm
i started having to get these blood tests done for work, and when my cholesterol was high i would get lectured by some lab tech trained to tell me that cholesterol is bad blah blah. plus it went on a work form as a risk factor. so i just adjusted my diet for these tests so the numbers would be 'right'.
ROFL They'll catch up to our dietary knowledge one day, maybe.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Projectile Vomit on November 18, 2013, 09:58:39 pm
ROFL They'll catch up to our dietary knowledge one day, maybe.
Only if it becomes profitable for them to do so, unfortunately...
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 19, 2013, 11:38:48 am
ROFL They'll catch up to our dietary knowledge one day, maybe.
I am not going to sit back and wait for that day to come, there are too many people suffering that need to be informed of the alternatives NOW. If the establishment continues to ignore and refuses to explore the claims... Then what are those of use in the know going to do about it.
All the eloquently presented solid evidence in support of The Raw Paleo Diet seems to be perennially ignored, so I am now becoming an advocate of guerrilla tactics. Thats why the alternative media is so vital to our cause. Even something as on the fringe as Vice Magazine, which on the surface may seem like a typical tabloid, is generating a lot of serious attention. There were a lot of people who saw my story via vice, and the ripple effect has yet to peak.
My mind is made up about what the mission is, Though I am in still need of advice regarding how to carry out the main objective.
I am considering blitzing out a few proclamational manifestos as soon as the German shows are aired, but what to say and how should the case be made to people who are becoming more aware of the Raw Paleo diet?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 19, 2013, 11:40:18 am
Proclamation draft 1
The time is at hand when people of the paleo persuasion are growing in numbers, yet little is being done by our institutions and establishment backed scientific endeavors to properly explore our claims.
There seems to be a willful ignorance and complete denial by many of our institutions of the possible benefits that the Paleo diet could offer to the multitudes. In my opinion there are great crimes against humanity being committed, right now, on a scale so large that many people fail to grasp. We now live in a world where countless billions of dollars are being spent on the study of dangerous chemotherapy drugs that are killing people, yet little is being done to study the promising advances in nutritional therapy treatments.
After 5 years of living on a raw meat based diet, and having perfectly healthy labs all the doctor had to say is that this is an isolated case. But I am not an isolated case, I am a living human being who has, like countless others , begun to readopt a way of living and eating which is in accordance to our evolutionary nature. The benefits are real and could be duplicated in others.
This kind of information cannot be ignored forever, more people are catching on everyday, there are a growing number of western civilized people that have adopted aspects of an evolutionary lifestyle, and are having beneficial results. The question is .....What can we do to have these beneficial effects verified and validated in a way that would lead to groundbreaking discoveries in health sciences?
Personally I am working very hard to get the attention of large audiences,( The German Show should air in December) with the hope that through enough public exposure on the topic... in conjunction with the rudimentary facts of my story and verified lab results, there will be the chance that interest in this subject will reach a critical mass. Once the critical point of mass awareness is reached then our demands for vindication will no longer be so easily ignored. Then with the support of the multitude working together on the international and local levels we can reach out to potential backers that will fund and promote the studies needed to establish true CREDIBILITY. This is a reasonable goal, and one that can be accomplished with enough people working together to promote our shared Ideals.
I challenge all the establishment to just allow me personally a ten million dollar grant, along with open access to lab tech support . With such a small investment we could begin a proper study on the raw paleo diet and there would be more progress in discovering the cure for a multitude of health conditions with this low budgeted study than the countless billions that are now being spent to on experimental treatments that poison and radiate cancer patients.
Just imagine a long term study with 100 healthy paleo volunteers who would stick to a strict paleo diet under very closely monitored conditions.
Then conduct a side study composed of volunteers who have been diagnosed with the dread diseases of modern civilization such as "incurable" cancer, diabetics, obesity, heart decrease, auto immune issues, and so on.
Within a few short years enough data will have been collected and verified that the stats can speak for themselves, and then the people will have the information at hand needed to make more educated decisions regarding their own personal health choices.
These studies need to be done, I am not saying that I know for sure one way or another if this diet can cure everyone of everything,( nothing known so far will be able to do that) all I ask is that claims regarding the health benefits of the Raw Paleo Diet be given a thorough and unbiased scientific inquiry.
Even if these studies are not done and the current establishment continues to stonewall the progress being made by the pioneers who are being forced out to fringes of nutritional science, those of us who advocate for truth, health freedom and real alternatives will not be stopped. We must continue developing and implementing new methods of breaking through the barricades of ignorance and greed that continue to compromise the integrity of the scientific model and distort the direction of true progress.
Regardless of what may come of one mans call out for a Truthful and Just investigation into a way of life that seems no longer relevant within the civilized world....Its still promising to discover that there are many others working to create underground communities of self liberated people that are capability of giving helpful information and support others who are ready to leave their Reservations for the promise of a better life.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: ys on November 20, 2013, 01:20:25 am
How do you plan to address availability of quality meat products? Especially in urban metropolitan areas it is very difficult to find quality meat. Few can afford Slankers as a staple.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: van on November 20, 2013, 02:48:23 am
availability is supply and demand dictated. The cost of grass fed meat will also come down as grass fed cow ranchers can count on a steady supply of customers and by selling in larger amounts,, say to a whole food chain. Right now many ranches have to scout out restaurants that promote grass fed to stay afloat. And then they really don't have much of a market for the 'lesser' cuts of meat, including organs, bones, etc...
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: ys on November 20, 2013, 03:47:14 am
The situation is exactly the opposite. Due to popularity of grass-fed meat it sells at a premium in urban areas. Grass-fed at Whole Foods is not affordable. Slankers also raised prices significantly and not because of lack of interest. Their cheapest boneless cut now is $7.50 + shipping which would end up at around $9-10/lb. Liver used to be $3/lb now it is 4.50.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: RogueFarmer on November 20, 2013, 04:04:39 am
Regular meat has a gigantic processing and distribution network, plus is heavily but indirectly subsidized. Grass fed meat is way cheaper to produce. However, gourmet grass fed beef I have discovered is less efficient and more costly to produce than traditional grazing routines and run of the mill grass fed beef. I am interested to learn the health benefits of fatty tender meat vs lean tough meat.
Sheep are cheaper to raise than beef but lamb costs more because 1 it's harvested at a younger age so has less time to grow, 2 it's normally raised in inefficient barn feedlots that are very labor or machine intensive and 3 the supply chain is much smaller. It is viewed as a gourmet product. Technically sheep is more labor intensive than beef, however a family could keep themselves in meat year to year on the cheap with a small herd of sheep and a few acres. With cows you would have to buy steers every year.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: van on November 20, 2013, 06:36:09 am
The situation is exactly the opposite. Due to popularity of grass-fed meat it sells at a premium in urban areas. Grass-fed at Whole Foods is not affordable. Slankers also raised prices significantly and not because of lack of interest. Their cheapest boneless cut now is $7.50 + shipping which would end up at around $9-10/lb. Liver used to be $3/lb now it is 4.50.
I agree with what you wrote,, though I should have included a little more thought. Right now there are a few grass fed ranchers, at least in comparison to the numbers of cows that go through feed lots. If that trend reversed itself, or, if consumers opted to choose to eat grass fed on a larger scale, more and more people would get into ranching. And like everything else that would drive the cost of grass fed meat down. There would also be more meat processors that would be more local to the ranchers themselves. Where I live, ranchers have to truck ( high cost ) a long distance... Whole foods can determines what price they sell at because there aren't alternatives for 'health conscious' consumers. The meat industry knows this, and hence effects small rancher's ability to produce and sell by all sorts of means. Again, if the general populous were to choose grass fed, then the meat industry would go to where the money would be. To me, it's all about voting with your dollars, and as the world wakes up to the unhealthy and inhumane ways that cattle are raised, I do believe time will show us a better and cheaper alternative.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 20, 2013, 07:02:27 am
How do you plan to address availability of quality meat products? Especially in urban metropolitan areas it is very difficult to find quality meat. Few can afford Slankers as a staple.
I would say that Few can afford the detrimental health effects caused by eating poor quality meat.
Issues of cost are paramount for those of lower incomes who wish to adopt a paleo diet. It would be completely unaffordable for me to buy meat by the pound in the market. I have to butcher my own in order to maintain my lifestyle.
The Grass-fed store bought meat is highly inflated, and in many cases I believe there is still huge issues with quality control. Much of the grass fed meat I have bought doesn't seem to have a very good taste, and I often have this picture of feed lots where cows are eatting sub quality hay, and drinking sub quality water, as well as receiving chemical wormers and vaccines.
Also I don't see the cost of store bought grass fed going down anytime soon. The whole Organic grassfed markets are inflated beyond the laws of supply and demand. They use labels like grassfed and organic to jack the price up regardless of what it actually cost to produce. This is why I advocate to anyone who is serious about guaranteeing an affordable paleo quality source of meat, to go out and get it directly from the Farm.
With time hopefully more people in populated areas will become educated about the crisis at hand and will learn to form cooperatives with farmers that can provide direct farm to table access. A farmer I have been getting sheep from is willing to deliver whole lambs(alive or butchered) to the city once a month.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 20, 2013, 07:20:38 am
RTL has told me that they are just waiting for the right time to air the show. IDK when
Galileo has told me it should air in December.
Hopefully both shows will be aired and it will set off a media blitz of interest for the Raw Paleo Diet in all of Germania.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 20, 2013, 08:57:22 am
To further the discussion on availability, many new thoughts have come to mind.
The old methods of food production and distribution are extremely non efficient and the consumer has to pay for it. Another huge problem is regarding how impossible it is to maintain the accountability of the producers under the current USDA system. Government regulations and inspections only go so far to insure quality, and corners will always be cut when no one is looking.
The solution to the problems of availability, cost and quality of Meat, as far as I see it is right in front of our faces. Networks like Craigslist, Ride Share, Couchserfing, Air B&B, and countless others are poping up all over the place. They are providing people of modest means access to a variety of goods and services directly that they would not be able to afford otherwise. Used material goods, housing, transportation, and virtually anything people would like {to buy sell ,trade or SHARE}, are now directly available to people at fractions of the cost of Market Price.
So If demand reaches a high enough marker for Direct from the source pasture raised meats {for example} then sites could be set up that would offer paleo quality food through these trading networks. Then people who bought animals direct from a farm could communicate with others and post reviews that could be used to insure quality.
If enough people shift towards this alternative economy then entrepreneurs will take notice and begin to establish more and more online stores {Such as Slankers} all over the place, so that people could order pasture raised meat direct from a local ranch run by a cooperative that would insure High standards of production, as well as affordable pricing.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Hanna on November 20, 2013, 03:49:48 pm
However, gourmet grass fed beef I have discovered is less efficient and more costly to produce than traditional grazing routines and run of the mill grass fed beef. I am interested to learn the health benefits of fatty tender meat vs lean tough meat.
What do you mean by "gourmet grass fed beef"? What is the difference between "traditional grazing routines" / the production of "run of the mill grass fed beef" and the production of gourmet grass fed beef?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: van on November 20, 2013, 11:24:07 pm
I still say, where demand exists, supply will follow. As in, a local grocery store where I live supplies well priced grass fed beef. I believe that trend will grow as more and more people learn about grass fed.. It's not different from grocery stores sourcing fresh salmon or cage free chicken, or butter from NZ.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: RogueFarmer on November 21, 2013, 05:54:29 am
Traditional modern beef is "finished" in that it is fed in a feedlot to marble. This is considered gourmet beef. In order for beef to be tender, it must always be gaining weight it's entire life. In order to have lots of fat on grass it must be "finished" or reach a mature enough age, after making sufficient gains, usually at least 1.8 pounds a day and no less.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 21, 2013, 08:40:53 am
I still say, where demand exists, supply will follow. As in, a local grocery store where I live supplies well priced grass fed beef. I believe that trend will grow as more and more people learn about grass fed.. It's not different from grocery stores sourcing fresh salmon or cage free chicken, or butter from NZ.
I agree that the laws of supply and demand exist. I just think that the old model of doing business is extremely efficient and in many ways corrupt business interest exploit consumers for their own profit. Words like artificial scarcity come to mind
What I am saying is that in the current system of food production the laws of supply and demand are skewed and do not work as well as they could.
The old model was needed because there was once a lack of communication and organization among consumers so they needed the markets to set the prices and provide the media for fair exchange. People where at one time at the mercy of the markets that would set the prices.
In the new economy of Craigslist consumer to producer direct networking, there is a way for the consumer to bend the laws of supply and demand. We are able to regain the right to agree upon our own means of exchange.
The market price for lamb is 180 per pound on hoof, but because I am willing to pick it up from the farm they will sell it for 125. Or in some cases I can trade out a days work for a whole lamb from someone who needs lights in their barn.
For example, I just spoke with a farmer who posted an add selling sheep for 200 a piece, I call and say I buy a lot of sheep, could I get a break, and she knocked the price down to 150. You couldnt get the kind of quality of meat for the price at any market. Pasture raised, without fed, chemical wormers, or other drugs.
If there was more demand for direct from the farmer meat, there are plenty of people sitting on farm land that would be willing to produce all the meat we could possible want, for a fraction of the cost of the market place.
It is just going to take time for more people to see the potential in working toward building this new cooperative economy.
Spread the word and support your local farmers!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: jessica on November 21, 2013, 09:11:27 am
herd shares aren't unheard of in my parts. its the basic community support agriculture model but you grow meats instead. most of the farmers who are successful at this partner with veggie csas/raw dairies/milk herdshares/WAPF chapters/biodynamic groups/local buying groups, etc, most of which can be accessed through the internet. but you have to be connected, you have to hustle, you have to understand social dynamics and how to manage your time and also create a sense of community within your buyer group so that they might be willing to take on some of the responsibilities such as transportation and adversiting
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: RogueFarmer on November 21, 2013, 04:45:53 pm
sabertooth where do you find all these producers of natuRal lamb at such cut rate prices? i have never met any who did not use chemicals and was all grass fed at the same time except for the one i jjust bought out. all the sheep farmers i know charge twice for cuts and half as much moore for ground than i do for whole. plus their grass fed lambs arent loaded down with extra fat like mine are. i guess all that bluegrass in your state, must be a lot of sheep farms
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Inger on November 21, 2013, 06:06:56 pm
Sabertooth I am so proud of you...! We need more of those daring souls that burn to change things for the better. If I can help you in any way with your endeavour please let me know (just money this girl does not have.. -[)
My cholesterol levels look pretty much like yours BTW... just got my labs back - everything normal, only concern of my doctor was the labs below..lol
HDL was 119 mg/dl LDL was 193,3 mg/dl Triglycerides 43,4 mg/dl
But he told me on the phone, he will forgive the high levels because of my excellent HDL, and not push any medication on me ;)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 22, 2013, 08:21:46 am
sabertooth where do you find all these producers of natuRal lamb at such cut rate prices? i have never met any who did not use chemicals and was all grass fed at the same time except for the one i jjust bought out. all the sheep farmers i know charge twice for cuts and half as much moore for ground than i do for whole. plus their grass fed lambs arent loaded down with extra fat like mine are. i guess all that bluegrass in your state, must be a lot of sheep farms
Its a magical land I live in. A far away place, called Kentucky.
Kentucky was once the mutton capital of the world, before refrigerated rail cars ushered in the age of Beef. Though now days the comercial lamb busness is fairly small. The bluegrass area of Kentucky is known for its mineral rich soil. Sheep do very well being pasture raised in these parts.
Lambs in general are lean, because they are immature and still growing, but fully mature sheep have no problem at all fattening up on pasture around here.
I think much of the reason people try and use grain to fatten sheep and use chemical wormers and vaccines, is due to ignorance and greed. Lambs are slaughtered young and fetch a premium at the market, so farmers will use corn to fatten them up quickly to slaughter before they mature. They have to worm them because while keeping them pinned up to feed grain they become more susceptible to parasite overload. Sheep if allowed to grow at their natural rate fatten up just fine on grass, and if people practice good animal husbandry by rotating pastures, and using hardy breeds acclimated to the area then wormers are not necessary.
A warning to everyone, conventional producers almost always worm animals before taking them to a slaughter house. Many of the wormed animals fattened on grain I have seen have cyst on their livers, and taste bad. If you do buy from local producers make sure the animals are grass fed and not treated with chemical wormers. There are herbal wormers and minerals like DE that are just as effective and will not damage the animals organs.
I depend a lot on craigslist and word of mouth to find small scale farms run by people who raise sheep on pasture.
Some people raise wool sheep and because there is no push for them to fatten them up they leave them to pasture, and I can buy up unwanted rams for a bargain.
Many of the people are aware of the problems with modern food production and raise a small flock for their own use, and will sell off a few sheep in order to keep their flock to a manageable size.
Here is an add for example http://lexington.craigslist.org/grd/4133491991.html (http://lexington.craigslist.org/grd/4133491991.html)
Sabertooth I am so proud of you...! We need more of those daring souls that burn to change things for the better. If I can help you in any way with your endeavour please let me know (just money this girl does not have.. -[)
Thank you for the encouraging words, I will keep your offer in mind..... The day may come when I will need your help....
Perhaps if I do get famous in Germany and travel to Europe, I could tour the continent. If so, then some Aid for the Crusade from the Raw Paleo people out there on the other side of the Atlantic, would be greatly welcome.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Ioanna on November 22, 2013, 01:05:19 pm
inger, my doctor was forgiving of my cholesterol for my high hdl too, but my highest was in the 60's… your's is much higher, your fat source must be so wonderful!!!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 02, 2013, 10:03:58 am
Still waiting for the German show to air, but I found this clip while searching around...... They are right, I do like it Raw!
Guy Eats Nothing But Raw Meat For Five Years (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtO3JVMe3Hg#)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 06, 2013, 09:45:34 am
There are stars in my eyes.....
I am meeting with a film maker this weekend, to make a pitch for a movie to a production company. Basically if the company likes the pitch they would provide the funding needed to make an original movie or documentary, or something in between.
We discussed a few Ideas over the phone... there are so many angels to take. I want to do something that would entertain as well as educate. I'm leaning toward doing an adventure series where I could go out to wrangle wildlife similar to the way the late great Steve Irwin had done.
With one big difference after I catch the crock I will eat it. Of course I wouldn't be limited to crocks, I would visit the Mongolian sheep herding women, and then amazon tribes to learn to hunt monkey with blow darts, then go off to spear fish with the sea gypsies. Each episode could showcase a different group of people who are more in touch with there primal way of living.
The film maker is a big fan of Weston Price and he even suggested that it would be great if we could visit the tribes of raw meat eaters and repeat a Raw vision of his own journey.To capture the health and well being of the tribes people and showcase them along side an average joe who is on a trek to rediscover his primal roots would be inspiring.
I would welcome any creative advice from the forum on the subject, remember it's for a movie so anything goes, though I would want whatever the film may be to be true to life and portray the the raw paleo lifestyle in a positive light.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: PaleoPhil on December 06, 2013, 11:34:18 am
Fantastic. Congratulations! And best wishes. The Eskimos with their stinkheads, stink flipper, etc. come to mind, and the Chukchi, with their fermented walrus. The Nenets with their raw frozen reindeer meat. The Scandinavians, with their Surstromming. The Maori with their kapiro. The boxty (bacstaí or arán bocht tí) of the northern Irish. Try the Mongolians' airag and Turkic kumis. Remember to comb your hair. The modern people don't like wild hair, it seems. They have many fears. Fear seems to guide them. If you can, please try to help present these and other traditional peoples in a good, respectful light. The modern world has demonized them as evil savages.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: jessica on December 06, 2013, 10:51:59 pm
Haha Phil! " Remember to comb your hair. The modern people don't like wild hair, it seems"
Sabertooth, seems like a good story would be how you are ostracized by your family/community, even though you are in great health, and that you want to find the origin of your habits, so going to visit the tribes that still hold the wisdom of good diet and relation to food and planet so that you can find you tribe and possibly share it with others these old traditions and knowledge.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: PaleoPhil on December 07, 2013, 01:28:16 am
Actually, boxty is not fully raw and the Irish wouldn't be sufficiently traditional for the show, and airag/kumis is probably usually boiled. I'll try to remember to dig up info on traditional raw foods from my files. Simple raw meat is easy, of course, just eating raw whatever meat they have. I don't think I've seen anyone eat raw monkey on TV before. :) Raw milk/kefir/yogurt would be another, if you're going to try any dairy foods. Are you going to eat any plant foods at all? There are some unusual ones of those too.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Inger on December 07, 2013, 02:38:55 am
I would be very careful to eat raw meat in Africa and other countries far from here with a very different climate. We are not adapted to their parasites. I have a friend working in Liberia's Jungle and he is a carnivore... used to hunt himself and eat raw anything without fear. But he told me he would never do that in Africa. Very dangerous. Also to drink from creeks etc. He got very sick when he did that too.
Countries with a winter like Mongolia should not be an issue. Maybe Amazonas is not either IDK.. I just would check before what the risks are
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Iguana on December 07, 2013, 03:42:17 am
Why would there be any risk in eating meat from wild Africans animals living in an unpolluted environment and having no access to human garbage? I would gladly eat it, as I ate warthog in Sri Lanka and water buffalo in Thailand.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Hanna on December 07, 2013, 07:25:42 pm
The coverage is very friendly towards Derek and towards RAF in general and absolutely fair.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Inger on December 07, 2013, 08:10:52 pm
Francois I do think we probably need some time to adapt to certain parasites and viruses etc. There are rawfooders that died of Malaria because they thought their body could handle it, they were non native to Africa BTW. But sure anyone can take any risks they want, I myself would make informed decisions and be cautious at least in certain countries.
Hanna that was an amazing Video clip! I love the Germans ;D They certainly made it look like this is a great diet! yay!
Sabertooth is our Hero ;D wow the place where he is in the doctors office scantily clad laying on the doctors bed was pretty HOT :-*
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on December 07, 2013, 11:18:16 pm
I wish I could have been warned previously so that I could have seen it on TV on Wednesday.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on December 07, 2013, 11:24:08 pm
I love the comment below "Total insanity or is there some truth to it?". I take it this will be a documentary on how weird americans really are. Well, I'll carry on watching.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: PaleoPhil on December 07, 2013, 11:36:54 pm
Sabertooth is our Hero ;D wow the place where he is in the doctors office scantily clad laying on the doctors bed was pretty HOT :-*
That is a good point. Sabertooth's attractiveness and before-and-after images contrast makes for a better sell than those of us whose after image would not be as great or before image was not as bad. Plus, his butcher and cattle-raising occupations fit the story nicely and the publicity isn't a detriment to his job, apparently, and TV shows fit his desire for fame, so that he is rather uniquely suited for the task. The beard adds an additional appropriate touch to the image. :)
Come to think of it, Inger, your glowing image would also be good for TV, and you also have a good before-and-after contrast, and the contrast of a feminine lady eating raw meat is also interesting. I wouldn't ask anyone to do it, though, because I don't kow what the long-term consequences would be and I wouldn't want to feel responsible if it didn't work out well for the person.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: van on December 08, 2013, 01:31:51 am
I saw a doc. on lions in Africa,, the older ones can often lose their health to an overload of parasites. Whether that applies to us, I don't know. But I too have wondered what I would eat should my business take me to Africa?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Iguana on December 08, 2013, 03:47:19 am
Outstanding video, Sabertooth! Congrats, you act very well. I particularly like when you put the live lamb in your car, it’s funny. The sheep’s head in your fridge is quite unexpected too!
It remains me the story of a Swiss instincto guy who brought a raw pig’s head, kept it under his bed at the dormitory and fed on it at the military service, which is compulsory for every fit man between 20 and 34 in Switzerland (I was lucky, they rejected me because I was unhealthy!). They finally sent him back home and that’s what he wanted. ;D
Don’t you eat any plant foods anymore?
Quote from: Inger
Francois I do think we probably need some time to adapt to certain parasites and viruses etc. There are rawfooders that died of Malaria because they thought their body could handle it, they were non native to Africa BTW.
AFAIK malaria is transmitted by anopheles mosquitoes (and water in which they breed, I think), not by meat. I know that 2 instinctos died of malaria because they didn’t take medicine. In 1987 GCB advised us to immediately take chloroquine if we get malaria. We don’t become resistant to it and chloroquine is suited if we get the vivax form, but falciparum requires stronger drugs. Fortunately I never got it, but I avoided places such as Halmahera or Koh Kut where it is strongly prevalent.
Lion’s dying of parasites, Van? I’m surprised. Perhaps those in contact with environment and preys polluted by humans?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Hanna on December 08, 2013, 07:58:25 am
But don’t you see that your repeated advice not to care about health risks, even concerning AIDS etc., is irresponsible? Is it really adequate to be careful about something only after some instinctos have died from it and gcb has admitted this little „malheur"?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on December 08, 2013, 09:04:35 am
Well, I have seen SB's video interview on prosieben, and want to make a comment:- SB made a fatal error in suggesting indirectly that most would fail on his rawpalaeo diet if they did not eat all parts of every animal. This is pure b~ll, as many people have become healthy as a result of eating rawpalaeo without eating any raw organ-meats at all, and it makes it seem as though no one without SB's access to organic, all-grassfed, farms etc. would be able to get all the necessary nutrients in order to survive. I will give prosieben some credit in that they were willing to discuss AGEs which feature heavily in cooking. Of course, they lied in pretending that lowering cooking-temperatures would remove that problem. What we need is more ideas re encouraging more rawpaleodiet memes. There is the possibility of rawpaleodiet meetups. Some have already done such meetups, but they were usually 1-on-1, only. A rawpaleodiet restaurant would be great! Someone could write up more rawpaleodiet books. And more of us could promote the rawpaleodiet by doing TV interviews etc. SB seems to have done a great job so far. How about a European or Asian interviewee? I'm no good, as my dire lack of charisma would ruin any TV/radio interview, though I did once do a newspaper interview. Perhaps someone could appear on Fox or CNN?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 08, 2013, 09:40:18 am
Thanks to all of you for your continued support ... And also a special thanks to all you skeptics out there for giving me an opportunity to prove you wrong... it is indeed possible for Raw Paleos to get positive media coverage. The tides are shifting and the time has come for us to seek widespread legitimacy for our evolutionary way of life.
The airing of the show has come at a good time, seeing that I am meeting with a filmmaker tomorrow to put together a pitch, perhaps we can include the footage from the show to add some credibility to the proposal we are going to put forth.
This filmmaker isn't the only one interested, there is another guy who is in Italy. He is a paleo dieter, and when he comes back to the states he would like to get with me and discus some projects.
My dream is to go on a pilgrimage in order to rediscover my paleolithic roots which I feel may still be seen within the tribes of wild people who have managed to preserve their primal ways of living in accordance with natures design. This wont be like all the staged reality shows that have come before. I am in Ernest about being disillusioned with much of the modern world and the way of life which has been constructed for us. My choice to seek a life more in tune with our evolutionary nature does make me feel alienated from others within my community.
I want to visit others who are able to share with me a more down to earth wisdom, and through my experience in learning how to do what they do others will begin to make the connection and see that everyone can benefit from rediscovering their Primal Roots.
I will keep this thread open, and post updates from time to time as events unfold....
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 08, 2013, 09:51:16 am
Tyler..... I digress and agree that the comment I made about having to eat the whole animal was a bit overreaching, but you also fail to mention that countless other people have tried and failed on the raw paleo diet, and I do attribute some of the failures in part to people having a limited variety of sub quality foods.
Also my diet is a sub type of the Raw paleo diet and people practicing a different type and eat a wider variety of plant foods may do just fine without eating the whole animal. As for people who take the more carnivorous route I strongly advocate the whole animal diet, Personally I feel my best when I am drinking fresh blood and eating organs along with my staple of lamb fat and muscle meat.
Revisionist editorial
My point was that not everyone who doesn't eat the whole animal will fail, only that some people who only eat lean precut meats, or meats from substandard sources are more likely to fail. I also want to point out to people how important source is, because some viewers are not very well educated and would just start eating store bought meats, and thats what I was attempting to discourage.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on December 08, 2013, 11:57:36 am
In the long run, without some fruits and veggies in the diet, nearly anyone will need to eat organs, especially liver, in order to get all the necessary nutrients, like vitamin A, etc..
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on December 08, 2013, 02:17:55 pm
There are not "countless people" who have failed on the raw, palaeolithic diet! Granted, some people have failed when trying a raw, zero-carb version of the raw, palaeolithic diet but that has usually nothing to do with whether they have eaten all the animal parts or not(judging from many accounts), and these just switched to a raw omnivorous palaeolithic diet afterwards and were fine. I am, of course, referring to those who try and fail on RZC within a short period of a few weeks or months. Those who do RZC more long-term than that probably do indeed need to eat the whole animal, for all I know.
I guess what I am asking is that you mention that other RVAFers do a raw, omnivorous rawpaleodiet as that is way easier for people to get used to. Other than that, thanks for your efforts re the media. The TV segment was way more sympathetic than I expected.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Hanna on December 08, 2013, 04:38:57 pm
Sabertooth planned to travel to Tyler's holiday home in Italy next year and Inger planned this too. Perhaps we (or I) could negotiate with a film team and they could film both of them eating together meat, organs, bone marrow etc.? The film team would, of course, interview them separately too. A raw food dieter from Austria is in contact with a company who sells the device Inger used to measure her "true age" of 5 years. So Inger could then repeat this measurement in front of the camera and others present at the meeting could measure their "true age" too.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Iguana on December 08, 2013, 04:46:54 pm
Quote from: Hanna
But don’t you see that your repeated advice not to care about health risks, even concerning AIDS etc., is irresponsible? Is it really adequate to be careful about something only after some instinctos have died from it and gcb has admitted this little „malheur"?
Hi Hanna, What I see is that you systematically assault me for no valid reason!
What repeated advice do I give? I don’t think that I gave any such advice. I only said that I would gladly eat the raw meat of a wild African animal living in a vast unpolluted wilderness. I leave everyone free to do what they want: they can cook all their food if they think it’s safer. And I never said not to care about malaria : on the contrary, I’ve repeatedly warned about it.
Do you really hold GCB responsible for the death of people who did not follow his advice?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on December 08, 2013, 06:33:28 pm
The quote button does not seem to be working for some time now. I wonder why?
OK, re Hanna's post:- There are a few problems:-
1) The villa I have is time-shared between 2 other related families. What this means is that, next year(2014), I only get June and September in the summer, plus March and December. June is very likely going to be occupied by my half-brother, so no prospect of him sharing - he has a wife who apparently leaves the place in a nightmarish, hellish mess, so is embarassed to have other relatives etc. stay at the same time as him. That leaves September. I cannot be there in Italy due to other commitments next summer.
2) The obtaining of wild food, let alone grassfed meat, is a real problem here in Italy. I do not speak Italian or have a car. If I could drive and speak Italian fluently, I would drive into the hills behind me and just buy a live goat from a farmer and slaughter it, but I don't. My usual solution is to buy cheap raw horsemeat(muscle-meat only) from a local horse-butcher's which tastes great compared to the local grainfed beef, so I am reasonably sure it is mostly grassfed, but have no guarantee. I can also buy some raw wild seafood from the local fish-market but a lot of it is quite expensive. I can get some raw wild limpets, raw wild sea-urchin eggs and raw wild samphire from my own beach, but not in huge quantities at a time.
I will be next in Italy in July 2015. In 2016 my family get both May and August, and will likely choose August.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Projectile Vomit on December 08, 2013, 09:49:16 pm
The quote button does not seem to be working for some time now...
Indeed, the quote button isn't working but one can still use code to create quotes. Just type the word 'quote' surrounded by square brackets ([ and ]), then paste in whatever text you want to quote, then type in /quote, again surrounded by square brackets.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Iguana on December 09, 2013, 12:55:15 am
We could do it at my place, there are 3 bedrooms for 6 people at least, plus hammocks for those wanting to sleep under the stars.
The problem is I don’t know yet how to find suitable meat. I've been told that wild boars wander around at night, including in the mostly dry canal crossing my land, but I don't know any hunter and I don't hunt myself. Someone must come with a bow and arrows! Currently I bring meat and eggs back when I drive to France. Otherwise, there is an amazing choice of local seafood, vegetables, fruits and things like chestnuts and carob. Hanna would be welcome too, on the condition not to assault me, LOL! ;D
Photos I took this afternoon, 10 km away from my house:
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on December 09, 2013, 12:55:35 am
Thanks, I'd forgotten re the quote text.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on December 09, 2013, 01:19:11 am
Really lovely photo, Iguana. Out of curiosity, though, is your other place in France as scenic?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Iguana on December 09, 2013, 01:32:06 am
No, there is a good view around on the forests, vineyards and fields, but it's 140 km away from the Atlantic coast. It's for sale if someone is interested, there is a good house, poultry, orchard, a spring with basin and plenty of wild boar available in winter. Grass fed mutton and beef are also available from paleo farmers friends.
BTW I just added more photos to my above post.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 09, 2013, 04:18:04 am
Hanna is correct, I would be willing to make it out to a raw paleo retreat, if only the right accommodations and the travel funding could be found.
I am working with a film maker to pitch a Idea for a movie and if the production company accepts it then funds would become available for me to travel in order to make a film. I would like it to be a story featuring a man searching for his primal roots, and letting that search take me to wherever it leads. Though I am flexible and will be open to considering whatever offer may come my way.
If that where the case and there would be funding available then we wouldn't be limited to Tyler's time share or Iguanas Place. We could rent out a dude ranch or some other scenic vista. Do they have dude ranches over there anyway?
There is also another film maker who works in Italy, He is paleo and would be willing to work with me on putting a project together, so if any of you want to start making suggestions about possibly getting together and making our own film then let us discuss it here.
As far as getting food, I could lead a foraging party out to the country side in order to find a small pasture raised farm animal, and we could do the slaughtering and butchering ourselves.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: jessica on December 09, 2013, 09:12:02 am
Saber is that the way you always slaughter sheep? Do they calm down when you get them down or do they fight? The only time I have wrestled anything like that was to get goats on their side so we could trim their hooves. It was not easy. Do you hold 'em down while they deathspasm and just hold its neck over the bowl to get blood? That is gnarly...! I am getting a lamb next week.
I LOL'd at your triumphant skipping outside of the Dr.'s office :)!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Hanna on December 10, 2013, 03:05:26 am
Well, Portugal is far away from me... Italy is more in the middle of Europe so would probably be a better meeting point. Moreover, it is touristically very attractive.
Saber, I don't know exactly what a "dude ranch" is.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 10, 2013, 09:44:24 am
That is the way I typically slaughter my animals, some stay calm while others kick and struggle, that's why I get them on the ground and make sure they aren't able to buck up when I am making the cut.
dude ranch definition. A resort patterned after a Western ranch, featuring camping, horseback riding, and other outdoor activities.
Basically, It's a place where city slickers can go to pretend to be cowboys for a weekend. They ride horses all day and at night you can hear them sing "Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam" around the campfire.
There has to be some form of these ranches in Europe that would be suitable to host such an event.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Hanna on December 11, 2013, 03:38:36 am
Yes: In Germany you can go on "Ferien auf dem Bauernhof" (holidays on a farm). In Italy, there is "agriturismo".
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 11, 2013, 04:04:28 am
A quick chat with Luke Sniewski from LEAF Lifestyle about A Million Ways To Live (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBt9gU5sCeo#ws)
The other documentary a million ways to live is being edited now...... though it may not be released until the summer.
Here is a brief summery of what its about. Luke the documentary maker is explaining his project to my martial arts teacher, right after we finished doing a pole fitness class.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: jessica on December 11, 2013, 06:02:01 am
Kentucky Man's Raw Meat Diet Sounds Insane and Dangerous:
When the benefits of a raw diet started being lauded more frequently and becoming just a smidge more mainstream, this is not what anyone had in mind. Derek Nance has been consuming raw meat exclusively for five years, and the kicker is that he told Vice.com he’s never been healthier. We can’t even wrap our heads around this.
Every time we think we’ve seen it all, some stunt like this pops up and we’re educated all over again.
raw meat diet
Apparently he had some health problems and did what a lot of people do – yo-yo diet. While he wasn’t trying to lose weight, that was happening without any control of his own, he was trying to improve his health. He bounced from giving up wheat and dairy, to the Mediterranean diet, and then going, shockingly, to a vegan diet. Like most people who diet hop, he wasn’t finding anything that worked. Then someone suggested a carnivorous take on the ever-popular Paleo diet, and here we are. We’ve got a dude in Kentucky who subsists on raw meat, and even brushes his teeth with animal fat.
“This is really really hard to believe for so many reasons,” said Cheryl Forberg, RD, nutrition expert for The Biggest Loser and author of Flavor First. She claims there is nothing positive that could come from a raw meat diet. And quite pointedly shares the negatives.
Forberg agrees with Nance’s parents, who apparently say the diet is wrong and that he’ll die.
“His father has reason to be fearful of pathogens,” she told us. “Beef alone presents the possibility for E. Coli, listeria, staph, and salmonella.”
He points to the inspiration for the diet as being Weston Price, which was popular in the 1930s and was a way for people to consume more nutrient-dense foods for better health. A dentist, Price found correlations in poor dental health and people’s diets, so he set out on a global trek to examine other primitive societies and their health conditions and teeth. He found that those in other cultures had diets that were at least four times higher in minerals and vitamin C and B complex than the diets of Americans. (No surprise there, and that was in the ’30s!)
Price surmised that: •animal fats don’t cause heart disease, cancer, and obesity but rather can protect against them. •modern soy-based foods contribute to health problems for the thyroid, digestion, and endocrine system. •low-fat diets can promote emotional instability. •vegetarians and vegans don’t live longer nor do the diets protect against disease.
There’s likely a library of modern science and research to debunk most of his findings. While we can’t get on board with his prescription to consume a diet rich in butter, organ meat and raw milk, we can say the dismissal of most if not all processed foods and the inclusion of raw veggies and wild fish should be applauded. But at what risk?
Cutting out trans fat, artificial sweeteners, modern soy, refined grains, and farm/factor-raised fish and meat will do wonders for your health, which is suggested under Weston Price. Exclusively consuming raw animal meat? Well, only time will tell what that will mean for Nance and his health. One guy saying this five-year-long diet has made him the healthiest he’s ever been isn’t enough evidence for us. We hope it won’t be enough for you, either.
Read more at http://www.dietsinreview.com/diet_column/10/kentucky-mans-raw-meat-diet-sounds-insane-and-dangerous/#g4iHUhbTyjjRFl2c.99 (http://www.dietsinreview.com/diet_column/10/kentucky-mans-raw-meat-diet-sounds-insane-and-dangerous/#g4iHUhbTyjjRFl2c.99)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on December 12, 2013, 02:09:08 pm
Good find, Jessica.
My guess is that, pretty much exactly at the time our food is all vat-grown and perfect for our bodies, science will finally openly admit that us raw paleo folk were right all along.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: RogueFarmer on January 15, 2014, 02:09:20 am
If the evil muthfukkas don't have their way with me this spring they you could use my spot.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2439476/Derek-Nances-raw-meat-diet-bizarre-food-addiction.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2439476/Derek-Nances-raw-meat-diet-bizarre-food-addiction.html) I got onto the tabloid press cite thedailymail too!
Seems like you have quite the fan base! I was laughing about those ignorant comments people would leave below the article. Hopefully you won't get tired walking your dog. Classic! LOL
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on March 26, 2014, 06:32:57 am
Million Ways to Live Trailer on Vimeo (http://vimeo.com/88109960)
The other documentary, "Million Ways to Live" is set to be released in June. Hopefully it will generate some positive interest in the raw paleo diet from the alternative health community.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: PaleoPhil on March 26, 2014, 07:30:49 am
Congrats. Glad to see they're showing people eating other foods beyond meat, like young coconut.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on March 26, 2014, 07:52:07 am
The show will focus on basic healthy lifestyle principles, and not dietary dogma. The main focus is on real foods.
There will always be different beliefs among the many different factions within the alternative health community. The show is focused on highlighting 6 basic principles that healthy people from all walks of life can agree upon. Giving responsibility over to the individual in how they chose to live in accordance with their own wants and needs, using those basic guidelines.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on March 26, 2014, 07:53:33 am
The show will focus on basic healthy lifestyle principles, and not dietary dogma. The main focus is on real foods, how one chose to eat and may be a matter of personal choice or physiological differences.
There will always be different beliefs among the many different factions withing the alternative health community. The show is focused on highlighting 6 basic principles that healthy people from all walks of life can agree upon. Giving responsibility over to the individual in how they chose to live in accordance with thier own wants and needs, using those basic guidelines.
That sounds good.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: zbr5 on March 27, 2014, 12:44:59 am
Now you're on the right track! Even in the trailer, you can tell that they're showing the great side of you.
Also, the clip of Good Morning Poland was great. I'd imagine that you will be on US shows like that one day!
Keep up the good work.
Yes, this clip is good, because there is no background commentary of "experts" - just opinion of these two people who enjoy eating raw meat.
But I am sure they complained and ridicouled the diet after the clip finished, live in studio.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: ys on March 27, 2014, 01:02:30 am
A friend from a foreign land just sent me this, though I don't understand what exactly is being said.
Google Translator, Polish detected Title of the video
"Grasshopper tastes a bit like smoked sprats, brain tastes like cream (...), horse meat has a wonderful flavor, it tastes like mayonnaise." Primary Diet, or Paleolithic involves eating raw meat. Is it healthy? Is our digestive system is designed to digest raw meat?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: zbr5 on March 27, 2014, 02:37:10 am
Google Translator, Polish detected Title of the video
"Grasshopper tastes a bit like smoked sprats, brain tastes like cream (...), horse meat has a wonderful flavor, it tastes like mayonnaise." Primary Diet, or Paleolithic involves eating raw meat. Is it healthy? Is our digestive system is designed to digest raw meat?
Yeah, as I said - the clip is pretty positive and non-critical. I am Polish so I understand what they say.
However meanwhile I found second part of this reportage and I was right they ridicouled and criticized the diet in the studio. Mostky because of fear of parasites.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: PaleoPhil on March 27, 2014, 06:13:19 am
"Primary Diet, or Paleolithic involves eating raw meat."
Did they ignore the fruits (like Sabertooth's coconut butter), veg, nuts, seeds, honey, .... in Primal/Paleo, like much sensationalistic media does?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: okrasa on April 06, 2014, 04:00:00 am
No. I don't ignore them but mainly I eat raw whole animals and some botanical fruits. Sometimes eggs. And rarely other stuff like nuts etc..
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on June 09, 2014, 09:27:25 am
Just found an unread message from the producer of the show "The Doctors". This was from back when the vice article came out and I was overrun with so many messages that I must of missed it.
I called him today and he seemed interrested in the prospect of a Raw Paleo guest. I sent him the German video... He said that filming for the next season starts next month and that he would keep in contact with me about a possible appearance.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 02, 2014, 03:18:42 am
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on August 02, 2014, 08:10:46 am
That was really great, Saber.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 02, 2014, 08:32:53 am
Super cool! Will share on Facebook. More people should know!
The Roadkill Cure on Vimeo (http://vimeo.com/83991737)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 02, 2014, 10:01:15 am
Ive got another prospect for a show with the BBC.
This message was just sent to me.
"I hope that this message finds you well.
My name is ****** ******** and I am an Assistant Producer at BBC Television in London, England.
We are producing a documentary for BBC Two about diets which could help people to live longer, healthier lives and I came across your story in some press articles. I'm interested in speaking to you about your experiences with a meat-heavy diet and how it seems to have helped with some health issues you were experiencing.
It would be my pleasure to give you a call or speak over skype at a time of your convenience."
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: jessica on August 02, 2014, 10:41:57 am
Really great interview Derek. Seems like you are more comfortable sharing and presented in a much better light each time. I like how hey highlighted the benefits if raw aged meats. Next episode features you spinning fire, huh? Glad you are putting yourself out there you are a good representative.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on August 02, 2014, 05:30:05 pm
Great stuff, SB! Please try to include mention of AGEs and other heat-created toxins as AGEs in particular are heavily implicated in speeding up the aging process. The more science we show, the less new-age we seem and the more we benefit.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: jessica on August 02, 2014, 10:15:39 pm
It's too bad the link uses sensationalism and calls it the "road kill diet". I don't understand it why they would title it as such when explain how you choose to eat ethically raised animals, not saying wild animals aren't ethical raised by mama nature and hat road kills isnt a legitamant food source, but you get my point.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: eveheart on August 03, 2014, 12:08:00 am
You've hit your stride, Derek. Despite the title of the video (as Jessica pointed out), the show presents you as thoughtful, intelligent, and credible.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Iguana on August 03, 2014, 03:35:24 am
Great video, congrats. I like the way you speak, you appear in a very good health, physically and mentally. :)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: PaleoPhil on August 04, 2014, 07:00:24 am
Congrats Derek, I think that's the best video yet! It looked like the interviewer was much more open-minded and friendly and you got to show off your excellent physical fitness.
It's rare to see men pole-dancing in the media, so maybe that will also generate some good media interest for you.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Inger on August 04, 2014, 11:50:26 pm
Nice :)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 05, 2014, 11:48:34 pm
BBC 2 confirmed to film in early october, will post updates here!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 06, 2014, 12:59:58 am
keep showcasing the pole dancing.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: PaleoPhil on August 06, 2014, 05:38:51 am
Hey Derek, You could shoot for world champion men's pole dancer.
Pole Dancing-Not Just for Women Any More For the first time, the World Pole Dancing championships have allowed men to compete. http://live.wsj.com/video/pole-dancing-not-just-for-women-any-more/7DEF202E-E66F-4F3A-868E-5AD4A6082118.html# (http://live.wsj.com/video/pole-dancing-not-just-for-women-any-more/7DEF202E-E66F-4F3A-868E-5AD4A6082118.html#)!7DEF202E-E66F-4F3A-868E-5AD4A6082118
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on August 06, 2014, 02:33:28 pm
Rather short, but the video was fine.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 08, 2014, 12:08:27 pm
Hey Derek, You could shoot for world champion men's pole dancer. http://live.wsj.com/video/pole-dancing-not-just-for-women-any-more/7DEF202E-E66F-4F3A-868E-5AD4A6082118.html# (http://live.wsj.com/video/pole-dancing-not-just-for-women-any-more/7DEF202E-E66F-4F3A-868E-5AD4A6082118.html#)!7DEF202E-E66F-4F3A-868E-5AD4A6082118
Ive just done a martial arts pole routine that is fully awesome, I will post it when it gets uploaded.
The BBC show is going to happen. The premise is a story about a 40 year old Father of two whose parrents both died young from poor nutrition, and his quest to find a diet and life style which may save him from an early death.
He will be travailing to different locations and try different approaches in order to discover which one works best for him. He will be trying a vegan diet, a calorie restricted diet and a Raw pale diet which will be documented for the show.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 02, 2014, 11:56:03 am
Just finished filming for the BBC....I have spent the last couple of months preparing, while working full time, raising a family, etc and haven't been able to devote much time to anything else...but now that its all over I would like to continue pursuing my studies and sharing some of my experiences.
Everything went very well, and a the show featuring a well known food critics investigation into the paleo diet should air on BBC 2 in the following months.
I'm not sure how big a part I will have because the show also features some cooked paleo and primal dieters, though I am hopeful that I will be allowed to give a fair representation of the Raw Paleo Diet.
Its all up to the editors now, and I will post more updates as I get more information on the progress of the show.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on October 02, 2014, 02:21:14 pm
Thanks, you seem to be just the right person for promoting a RVAF diet. Pity I am no good at interviewing and that I am not in the Uk any more. I am sure they would have liked to have had a few UK-based people interviewed.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: PaleoPhil on November 03, 2014, 08:01:42 am
Derek, Luke Sniewski spoke rather positively about you here:
The 6 Things that Healthy Cultures All Do Guest: Luke Sniewski https://evidencemag.com/million-ways-to-live
The host, Armi, was critical at first, but Luke really turned him around quickly. That was one of the most effective bits of persuasion I've heard on a podcast.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on January 14, 2015, 10:35:51 am
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: goodsamaritan on January 14, 2015, 11:25:56 am
Saw it. Looking good bro. Putting on good weight. What did the german doctor say?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: wodgina on January 14, 2015, 12:06:57 pm
You've got a 1 in thousand smile Derek.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: van on January 15, 2015, 01:52:19 am
too bad she had to spit out what ever that was she was eating at the table. Couldn't she had sampled something earlier to have gotten the courage before sitting down,, and then maybe eaten a simple piece of raw fillet or something benign?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Projectile Vomit on January 15, 2015, 03:49:01 am
Derek, Luke Sniewski spoke rather positively about you here... The host, Armi, was critical at first, but Luke really turned him around quickly. That was one of the most effective bits of persuasion I've heard on a podcast.
I haven't listened yet, but interestingly enough Luke is a graduate of Green Mountain College's Masters in Sustainable Food Systems Program (http://masters.greenmtn.edu/msfs.aspx). I happen to be one of the instructors in that program, and teach an online graduate-level course in Agriculture and Energy (SFS 6030). Small world...
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on January 15, 2015, 05:30:16 am
too bad she had to spit out what ever that was she was eating at the table. Couldn't she had sampled something earlier to have gotten the courage before sitting down,, and then maybe eaten a simple piece of raw fillet or something benign?
I second that. That was appallingly unprofessional to just spit it out like that. I am sure that if she had tried the raw kidney for example that that would have been far more palatable to her. Then again, given her staged behaviour all-round, I suspect that she was told to deliberately spit the raw meat out in order to be "in sync" with modern established so-called "beliefs" about the yuckiness/dangerousness of raw foods.
I saw a recent Daily Mail "experiment" of c. 6 diets, one of which was a raw vegan diet and the miserable old fool claimed to have gotten an infection during the raw vegan experiment so that it turned out to be the worst diet he had ever tried of the 6 . If this congenital retard had bothered to do any research, he could have found out about detoxes and the like.
I am very proud of SB for this. Not many of us would have the balls to do a presentation like this and he came across well in the segment. What we need now, I guess, is some raw segment on CNN, Fox or some godawful show like Oprah.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: eveheart on January 15, 2015, 06:08:08 am
Having that spitter on the show was simply a production decision based on the program's target market. In this case, they were using an attractive girlish female who enhanced her girlishness with juvenile behavior such as making faces about the taste of food.
When Derek's fame skyrockets, he will be able to control the interviewer's tone as part of his contract. Right now, he has to accept the offers he gets.
Great job, Derek.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: PaleoPhil on January 15, 2015, 07:00:36 am
Indeed. She is emblematic of the general woosification of the Western world and Derek stands in brave contrast against that. I like that he didn't show any sign that her behavior bothered him in the slightest and his face remained serene.
It reminds me of when Andrew Zimmern was grousing about stinkheads and a couple of Eskimo elders who were sitting with him just continued to eat the stinkheads with smiles on their faces, with one of them saying something like "yum, yum."
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on January 15, 2015, 08:34:30 am
I'm not too sure what the German doctor said, If someone could translate, it would be appreciated? The doctor from the other show was American. He said that although my labs were perfectly normal, that I was an isolated case and he could not draw any conclusions.
The female journalist, was a tool. She had a very cordial and professional front, but it was very clear to me that it was her mission to act grossed out . She wouldn't even try my lamb which was excellent.... the meat she ate was bought at a " grassfed" butcher shop that had sub quality beef that I don't even care for the taste of very much... but still she was over acting being grossed out.
The camera man was really cool about everything, he told me about traveling across Europe and eating raw meat dishes. He even tried a bite on my lamb(off camera) and said it was good.
Still waiting for the BBC show to come out, and will let everyone know as soon as I hear something.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: van on January 15, 2015, 10:12:02 am
Maybe 'next' time, you can mention and remention foods like steak tartar and other raw meat prepared dishes, and even prepare your meats to look the same. French cuisine is noted for being one of the most evolved and of course included are their raw dishes.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on January 15, 2015, 04:31:11 pm
The German doctor basically warned people not to imitate you. He also said:- " if I nourish myself with just meat, then I have the thought that there are essential parts that are important for our organisms that are absent(in your diet).
Well, I watched the video again, and was truly disgusted as the woman was so clearly trying to disrespect you with pseudo-exaggerated revulsion. She has all the false hauteur and lack of feeling of a prostitute.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Projectile Vomit on January 15, 2015, 09:39:24 pm
I really think that making our own YouTube (or Dailymotion, or Vimeo) videos is the way to go. That way we control how we're portrayed. In a recent online course I taught on Agriculture and Energy, one of the students' assignments involved designing for themselves a diet that they would eat for one day that delivered more edible food energy than it required as fossil fuel energy inputs. I made a YouTube video to explain the assignment (linked below) and noted specifically that eating mostly raw foods would make achieving an 'energy positive' diet easier. In the video I drink a half dozen raw eggs, and talk about other raw foods.
The UK documentary has arrived, my piece is in there around the 38 minuet mark!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: PaleoPhil on March 25, 2015, 09:40:54 am
Congrats. Giles Coren was reasonably open minded and polite, in contrast to some other media people. Interesting to see both him and your father acknowledge your good health.
Good also to see Bernando Lapallo again. He's quite likable and he's looking great at 113. What do you think of his diet and results?
This bit was funny: Giles Coren: "What age does your desire for sex drop?" Bernando Lapallo: "I don't know, I haven't lived that long."
So sad to see Coren falsely claim that Bernando's fruits, veggies and salmon are "not Paleo at all."
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on March 25, 2015, 10:35:19 am
I think Bernando was a practitioner of the paleo diet.... with fruits, vegetables, fish and the occasional lamb being the foundation of his diet, along with some supplemental green drink mixes. His avoidance of grains, refined sugars, artificial fats and the other foods which cause degeneration disorders must have played a role in his longevity as well.
I think its funny that the longevity expert doctor critiqued all the other profiled diets in the piece, but wasn't interviewed regarding my diet.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: JeuneKoq on March 25, 2015, 06:42:40 pm
Even if it has a good scientific background*, the calorie restriction diet looked the worse :P
I mean, they had to wear frickin' weight vest so as not to loose all their bone density, and do food-visualizing meditation to attenuate their crave to just down a bowl of onion-strawberry porridge!
I don't think anybody has to go to such lengths to enjoy the benefits of the CR diet. Respecting satiety and periods of absent appetite should be enough.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: jessica on March 25, 2015, 09:08:34 pm
I didn't watch the whole episode, but I did watch your segment, Derek. You seem to have really become much more comfortable in yourself, your demeanor is very calm and humble and physically you look much healthier, more vibrant, and very strong. I like that the clip was very non sensational and matter of fact and that the gentleman doing the interview seemed respectful. It's funny that your father notes that your health has improved but still cant believe that diet is (mostly) the cause...
I did see a little clip of a guy wearing a "grok" t shirt, i am guessing he was at one of the "primal diet" gatherings? I thought it was silly he was wearing a hat and sunglasses out in the sun............dude......
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: eveheart on March 25, 2015, 11:30:59 pm
I didn't watch the whole episode, but I did watch your segment, Derek. You seem to have really become much more comfortable in yourself, your demeanor is very calm and humble and physically you look much healthier, more vibrant, and very strong. I like that the clip was very non sensational and matter of fact and that the gentleman doing the interview seemed respectful.
Ditto from me! You are so credible - a perfect spokesperson for eating raw.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on March 26, 2015, 12:09:16 pm
I did see a little clip of a guy wearing a "grok" t shirt, i am guessing he was at one of the "primal diet" gatherings? I thought it was silly he was wearing a hat and sunglasses out in the sun............dude......
You should look for the segment with Mark Sesson.... 33 minuets in Giles interviews him while in a hot tub, Mark proclaims his self a fat burning beast and goes on to explain a little about the fat burning metabolism .
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on April 05, 2015, 10:28:22 pm
I didn't watch the whole episode, but I did watch your segment, Derek. You seem to have really become much more comfortable in yourself, your demeanor is very calm and humble and physically you look much healthier, more vibrant, and very strong.
He's always seemed that way to me since the first clip I watched of him with the paleo diet demo that was uploaded in 2012.
Anyway, cliffs about the first part of the show before Derek:
*chubby doctor telling fit guy that he's too fat based on BMI (nothing wrong with her chubbiness, but come on)
*vegan calorie restriction health guru's wife with sunglasses on 24/7, even in her own home
*67 year old vegan calorie restriction health guru looks very sick and weak besides mentally unstable and immature (says he still is a little boy, and kind of acts like one), tells guy that his skin looks better 4 days after trying vegan calorie restriction, when in fact he looks thrashed, and actually looks more like the health guru (sick and weak) than he did before
*Mark Sisson seems to be more into ketosis now than he was in the past from what I remember.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: JeuneKoq on April 24, 2015, 07:06:21 pm
Saber did you know about this?
Your lifestyle is presented in one of Rhett and Link's quite popular "Good Mythical Morning" show:
5 People Who Only Eat 1 Thing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lonw2At2nFE#ws)
(They talk about you starting at 6:25 in the video)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on April 24, 2015, 07:59:39 pm
Well they decided that SB's example was the weirdest, which was absurd. I mean the other examples included people either eating only ramen noodles with chicken sauce, eating only french fries or eating only cheese pizza. And SB is NOT eating "only one food" but all the different raw animal organs as well.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: JeuneKoq on April 24, 2015, 10:59:34 pm
Well they decided that SB's example was the weirdest, which was absurd. I mean the other examples included people either eating only ramen noodles with chicken sauce, eating only french fries or eating only cheese pizza. And SB is NOT eating "only one food" but all the different raw animal organs as well.
It doesn't really matter to the average person. To them "raw meat" is just one type of food, as they rarely get to know the variety inherent to it.
You know how Eskimos have dozens of ways to describe "snow", when the rest of us rarely uses more than one or two words? That's because it is much more a part of their daily life than it is to us, therefore they may better acknowledge the variations of snow that may seem too subtle for us, but more obvious to them.
The average person might find a raw meat diet to be weirder than a fries-only or cheese pizza-only diet because they get to eat the latter from time to time, and never the former. So they can better relate to the "one-cooked-food" people. I mean, how many (non-RPDieters) people do you know eat raw liver or raw sheep meat...
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on April 25, 2015, 02:56:41 am
Actually, more than you might expect. For one thing, raw liver is a traditional Lebanese dish. And, over the years, I have come across several people who mentioned, in passing, that they happened to eat mostly or wholly raw RVAF diets, even if they did not personally view themselves as being rawpalaeodieters or raw animal foodists. Granted, though, most people would view raw meat as being the weirdest. I just meant that, aside from the media-driven needless bacteria/parasite scares, raw meat is way more nutritious than ramen noodles or cheese pizza or french fries, even from the stand-point of a cooked-foodist.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on April 26, 2015, 11:16:55 am
New Vice article is causing some interest, a producer from the Doctors wants to talk to me about a possible appearance on the show.
Here is part of the forwarded email... "Thank you for sharing your email with me. My colleague and I saw your article in Vice about Derek Nance and found it super interesting. We work for The Doctors, a daytime medical talk show, and are interested in possibly doing a segment on him. Could you put me in contact with him?"
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on December 18, 2015, 10:58:55 am
New Vice article is causing some interest, a producer from the Doctors wants to talk to me about a possible appearance on the show.
Here is part of the forwarded email... "Thank you for sharing your email with me. My colleague and I saw your article in Vice about Derek Nance and found it super interesting. We work for The Doctors, a daytime medical talk show, and are interested in possibly doing a segment on him. Could you put me in contact with him?"
I hope it goes well. We'll have to stop acting like jerks around here if you get on that show. LOL
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on December 18, 2015, 11:39:52 am
Wow. Vice is kind of a big deal. Cool.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: RogueFarmer on December 18, 2015, 12:53:20 pm
I had a feeling that a lot of meat in Europe wasn't as good as here, however I have had really good fatty acorn finished ham in Spain that tasted better than salmon and I am sure there are many good places to get good meat there. The ability of parts of the Netherlands and a few other places in Europe to grow cool season grasses (most of the food that grass fed livestock in America eat) far surpasses what is possible in the majority if not entirety of America. The pastures of the Netherlands rank among the best in the world along with New Zealand and parts of Australia. Also I'm not a soils expert but I would entertain the notion that the Appalachian Mountain Range has quality of soil more similar to much of Europe than to the rest of the United States.
You didn't eat any good horse meat in France? They cut off most of the fat here too, it's super hard to find good fat in America.
Lol I just got to the bottom and read you want to go to Australia or NZ haha
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 18, 2015, 11:12:08 pm
Its not fair to generalize entire regions, but generally speaking the quality of meat from the urban shops where I was looking wasn't great. In the Netherlands the grassland looked beautiful and there where tons of tasty looking wool sheep along the train ride, but when you go into the shops all that was available was lamb that was too young and lean for my taste and beef which wasn't to my liking either...so it is my opinion that the average European may not have access to the kind of animal foods which would be Ideal for a raw paleo diet.....Im sure if I had the time and money I could live there just fine buying whole animals from small family farms like I do at home.....though the nanny state laws and regulations seem to make that more difficult over there to do so.
I tried to get horse meat, but the one shop I found that sold it was closed on the days I was in town....A lady in line at one of the butcher shops I went to got very offended when I asked the butcher if they sold horse meat... it seemed that she couldn't believe that people could eat horses....I told her about how I live in a place where all the horse are sent over on slaughter ships to Europe and Asia to be sold, and that I just wanted the opportunity to try some, and from her reaction it seems she thought I was some kind of monster....though she had no qualms about ordering beef from the butcher, horses were somehow sacred.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 19, 2015, 02:33:41 am
They emailed back,
"Thank you so much for emailing me! We are off for two weeks, but will be back January 4th, can I give you a call then? I’d love to learn more about you and your raw diet. We are interested in possibly doing a segment on you, and I’m happy you’re interested in that as well. I look forward to speaking with you!"
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: RogueFarmer on December 19, 2015, 04:23:55 am
I meant to also mention that most of the "improved" varieties of pasture plants commonly utilized in the United States, as well as a great deal of the volunteer grasses that spring up in fields and most of species utilized in lawn landscaping are almost exclusively European Native and their growing season for those cool season grasses is much longer. So theoretically their best meat should have higher concentrations of fat soluble vitamins and omega fatty acids. Under the same management conditions they should be fattier and more tender, at least in Holland.
I heard Normande beef is sold in France by the breed's name and it is almost exclusively a pasture breed and is very highly reputed. No Normande has ever succumb to mad cow disease.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Brad462 on December 20, 2015, 07:48:54 am
Good for you sabertooth...as long as you don't come out with a sextape and turn into Kim Kardashian I will continue to root for you!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on December 20, 2015, 08:21:23 am
Man, if we could get the Kardashians to try raw paleo, this would blow up big time.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on December 20, 2015, 08:30:07 am
Man, if we could get the Kardashians to try raw paleo, this would blow up big time.
Hasn't worked yet, this business of celebrities adopting raw meat diets making us more popular. Some have but the media just portrays the relevant celebrities as being "eccentric" and implies the diets are not for us ordinary mortals.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 20, 2015, 10:25:52 am
This just in....
Hi, Derek. I'm the Deputy Editor at Men's Health magazine, and I'm hoping to interview you for an upcoming issue.
I got to start working on my pecks and abs asap...who knows where this will end up...... when Kim Kardashian sees me in mens health magazine and makes me her personal nutritionist, there is no telling......
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 20, 2015, 10:48:32 am
I meant to also mention that most of the "improved" varieties of pasture plants commonly utilized in the United States, as well as a great deal of the volunteer grasses that spring up in fields and most of species utilized in lawn landscaping are almost exclusively European Native and their growing season for those cool season grasses is much longer. So theoretically their best meat should have higher concentrations of fat soluble vitamins and omega fatty acids. Under the same management conditions they should be fattier and more tender, at least in Holland.
I heard Normande beef is sold in France by the breed's name and it is almost exclusively a pasture breed and is very highly reputed. No Normande has ever succumb to mad cow disease.
This is how it needs to be done https://vimeo.com/80518559
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on December 20, 2015, 11:54:51 am
Hi, Derek. I'm the Deputy Editor at Men's Health magazine, and I'm hoping to interview you for an upcoming issue.
I got to start working on my pecks and abs asap...who knows where this will end up...... when Kim Kardashian sees me in mens health magazine and makes me her personal nutritionist, there is no telling......
Good deal. Do us proud.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on December 20, 2015, 03:04:07 pm
Hi, Derek. I'm the Deputy Editor at Men's Health magazine, and I'm hoping to interview you for an upcoming issue.
Hmm, that is quite a decent publication. Still, I got an interview in the Times newspaper, a mainstream UK newspaper, and I was absolutely ridiculed in the ensuing article.
I got to start working on my pecks and abs asap...who knows where this will end up...... when Kim Kardashian sees me in mens health magazine and makes me her personal nutritionist, there is no telling......
Dear God, if, er "Kaitlyn Jenner" or whatever he/she/it is now called, ever adopts a rawpalaeodiet, I will feel like converting to religion just in order to feel that my soul has been cleansed.....
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: JeuneKoq on December 20, 2015, 06:36:31 pm
Hi, Derek. I'm the Deputy Editor at Men's Health magazine, and I'm hoping to interview you for an upcoming issue.
I got to start working on my pecks and abs asap...who knows where this will end up...... when Kim Kardashian sees me in mens health magazine and makes me her personal nutritionist, there is no telling......
Awesome! Men's Health magazine was sort of my gateway drug to Raw Paleo. Their nutrition section is what inspired me to dig further... They seem to be pretty fond (at least the French version is) of the Paleo lifestyle, such as with Crossfit, MovNat... so there's a chance they might take you seriously.
You definitely need to be at your best for the pic ;), and if they ask you how you look so good just go : *shrugs* "It's the diet, I guess"
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on December 20, 2015, 08:59:46 pm
Awesome! Men's Health magazine was sort of my gateway drug to Raw Paleo. Their nutrition section is what inspired me to dig further... They seem to be pretty fond (at least the French version is) of the Paleo lifestyle, such as with Crossfit, MovNat... so there's a chance they might take you seriously.
You definitely need to be at your best for the pic ;), and if they ask you how you look so good just go : *shrugs* "It's the diet, I guess"
"Maybe he's beautiful...
Maybe it's PALEO!"
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 22, 2015, 07:30:58 am
Finished speaking with the editor from "Mens Health Magazine" It was about an hour long phone interview conversation which went very well and the guy seemed open to Raw Paleo. The article will be written up, and should appear in one of their editions in the next few weeks......
In the mean time I am seriously considering working my Image a little. They will email me back in a couple of weeks and want me to send in some pictures to go with the article....So I need to figure out the best course of action to take? I should go a head and do a little more heavy lifting, a little cardio...perhaps start training MMA with my old coach and to get in peak physical condition. Being fit will be especially important if I get an appearance on "the doctors".
What kind of image would be best for the Raw Paleo Cause?
Should I get a photographer to do a series of glam shots?
Topless with Goat fur paints?
Well kept Heavy Beard with long hair?
Or a Metro look?
Any suggestions or practical advise on how quickly and ethically svelte up or how best to dress for that paleo chic look, would be welcome.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: JeuneKoq on December 22, 2015, 10:13:03 am
Keep us up to date, I'll probably want to order the magazine on their website, or just check the English speaking bookstores if they have it.
Some people like to criticize Crossfit, but I find it to be a good overall fitness and physique boosting method, especially for beginners like me who don't know what kind of program to follow.
As for your image, I'd only advice against weird stuff like goat pants :P and bloody teeth, unless you're going for the humorous self-deprecating act, which could actually work. If you can balance between the jokes (without falling into clownery) and the serious talk, you could pull it off nicely.
Otherwise, and especially if you don't feel up for joking around too much, maybe go for a classic "clean" look. IMO you can keep the beard and long hair if it looks taken care of.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on December 22, 2015, 10:23:00 am
Just be yourself, as far as the look. Authentic is the least work.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Brad462 on December 22, 2015, 10:29:33 am
You seem like a confident guy...are you seriously worried about your looks or are you just joking around? You did pole dance for women after all didn't you stud?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 22, 2015, 11:40:32 am
You seem like a confident guy...are you seriously worried about your looks or are you just joking around? You did pole dance for women after all didn't you stud?
Its in part joking, and part serious curiosity about what image would correspond well with the article....and of course I am not writing the article so am a little unsure about what to send in... there are many ways to be authentic or confident...... I am just thinking inwardly about to go with a more rustic look or possibly classic nature boy or something in between.
There is a photographer that works with the pole studio and does great portraits of all the girls there, so I will most likely speak with him about this....
I will begin going to MMA class with my Old Coach, and after a month or two, I will be in primal condition....
The other questions will regard my conduct, if I were to get onto the doctors? Which subjects to bring to the forefront and which would be better left avoided when speaking with the doctors? Taking into consideration the audience and the network its running on?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: eveheart on December 22, 2015, 12:28:19 pm
I'm not going to give you advice on your image, but I think you're right to think about what will be most effective. After all, 80% of your communication is body language, and appearance is part of that language. You and your girlfriend can probably figure out what's best. You present yourself well, in a way that spells credibility, so you don't have to rely too much on appearance. As a matter of fact, your credibility is so high that you can get away with a few conspicuous distractions like a beard or a plaid flannel shirt. Just avoid things like a green leprechaun suit or aviator goggles.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: goodsamaritan on December 22, 2015, 12:57:39 pm
Professional photography is good. Save money by having a photographer teach you the basics of lighting so you get decent shots yourself.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on December 22, 2015, 04:42:06 pm
Aajonus got onto this "Doctors" program and it did not help any. They were too rigid in their insistence on anti-raw bias or something.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: JeuneKoq on December 22, 2015, 10:00:13 pm
Yeah, no offense, but I also saw Aajonus' appearance on The Doctors, and the whole thing looked like a big joke. Some sort of surfer-boy doctor kept undermining everything he said. And they all made exaggerated disgusted faces when he started eating the raw meat (FFS, aren't they supposed to be "doctors" who have seen much worse in their career?!). The Doctors sounds like the typical show that uses shocking content to attract its crowd (can't really give you a name of a similar type of show, because I don't watch those :P).
Saber, I know you're doing a lot to get the Raw Paleo message out there, but if you don't feel it, please don't do it. It might end up harming the RP movement instead, and yourself, if all they do is mock you, and silence you when you're about to answer their unfounded claim.
However, the fact that they already had a raw meat eater on the show could mean that they're willing to examine this lifestyle more seriously, and actually learn from it this time. I'm doubtful, as I repeat they survive on shocking content and on-show drama.
You have to feel it...
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: JeuneKoq on December 22, 2015, 10:03:54 pm
Aajonus got onto this "Doctors" program and it did not help any. They were too rigid in their insistence on anti-raw bias or something.
I am aware how they are capable of editing out and manipulating large parts of the message, and large portions of the population are and will always be hypnotized lemmings, but a minority of those who understand this will be able to see between the lines...and it is for those people I must speak.
The AV episode was done pre paleo revolution....in the following years paleo has taken off and there are now many more people who would be receptive to the Raw aspect of the diet that wouldn't have been during that time...
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on December 23, 2015, 06:02:56 am
The AV episode was done pre paleo revolution....in the following years paleo has taken off and there are now many more people who would be receptive to the Raw aspect of the diet that wouldn't have been during that time...
Hmm, I get the distinct impression that we get far more followers via the raw vegan/fruitarian route. Still, it's worth trying since you have the guts to carry it out.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on December 23, 2015, 05:53:54 pm
And they all made exaggerated disgusted faces when he started eating the raw meat (FFS, aren't they supposed to be "doctors" who have seen much worse in their career?!).
Those are not exaggerated. My mother is a doctor. I know how doctors think. They think the guy is likely to die from doing that. It's what they're taught and what all the medical books and journals they read tell them.
The whole thing with sushi and how it's ok based on how you prepare the meat isn't even part of their medical science, it's just that they see that millions upon millions of people eat sushi all the time and not die, so they have to admit something isn't quite how they think it is.
Aajonus destroyed them when he asked them what sort of experience they had studying people who eat raw meat, and they had no answer.
Also, for extra fun, look at the very beginning of the segment, when they're talking about extreme detox diets, and one of the doctors says "show me the toxins", and he has an IV drip right behind him. It's like, they're right next to you, you idiot! :)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on December 24, 2015, 12:19:31 am
I have an uncle who is a doctor working for the NHS(ie the UK government). He is incapable of holding a non-mainstream opinion about health. When confronted with solid evidence favouring something alternative like homeopathy or raw diets his brain just shuts down and he avoids the subject like the plague. Unsurprising, as a State doctor would be in serious danger of losing his job in the UK if he expressed non-mainstream views. Private doctors are not so affected and are allowed to develop some creative intelligence. In Austria, it is a bit weird, as, unlike elsewhere, one is only allowed to practise alternative medicine if one is certified as a mainstream doctor first.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on December 24, 2015, 12:38:02 am
Well homeopathy only works insofar as it gets people off drugs that damage their health. Because there's nothing in those pills. Nothing except filler that is. The same filler that is present in pharmaceutical drugs. One problem though, is that even the filler is toxic and damaging to health. And there is no other benefit from homeopathy. So yes, it's a step in the right direction if you're getting someone off drugs and into homeopathy. However, it's not leading them into real truth, just away from the toxic drugs.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Brad462 on December 24, 2015, 02:51:09 am
The doctors segment with AV is what led me to try paleo in the first place. Any publicity is good publicity as the saying goes. Let people judge for themselves
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 24, 2015, 04:35:28 am
Think of facing the doctors as one who would have to answer an invitation to some mythical knights of the round table, or some hostile tribal chieftains hut.
The primary difference is that the knights wear battle gear and the doctors wear smocks.....both groups can be brutal opponents in the court of public opinion and are covered with defensive smugness that cannot be directly called into question.
Diplomacy is an art form and requires some degree of skill and intelligence to be effective. The professors of the Avant-garde cannot just walk into the high and holy ivory towers and call the old guard out for being foolish and try to take the throne. We are facing structural hierarchies that lord over the realm of "human truths" These entities need to be dealt with in a delicate matter. One must present oneself as one who appreciates the "knowledge" of those who hold the "prevailing" view, then present any new information in a way that is positively associated with the old view.
Make the history come alive....ask how if evolution is true then we must of evolved from raw omnivores..... open a dialog of questioning on the level, as someone who would like it explained in detail why did raw foods become so harmful to humans, yet every other animal in the entire animal kingdom lives on raw foods? That should open up many questions which cannot be easily ignored.... Then go on to put forth anecdotal information that could be used by anyone with a brain to rethink the prevailing views.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on December 24, 2015, 06:04:12 am
Well homeopathy only works insofar as it gets people off drugs that damage their health. Because there's nothing in those pills. Nothing except filler that is. The same filler that is present in pharmaceutical drugs. One problem though, is that even the filler is toxic and damaging to health. And there is no other benefit from homeopathy. So yes, it's a step in the right direction if you're getting someone off drugs and into homeopathy. However, it's not leading them into real truth, just away from the toxic drugs.
That notion is just plain wrong. I and many others have experienced many benefits from homeopathy. Admittedly, in my own case, they were temporary, just relieving symptoms for a time, never solving entire health problems, but there was a definite effect, not just placebo.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on December 24, 2015, 08:24:06 am
That notion is just plain wrong. I and many others have experienced many benefits from homeopathy. Admittedly, in my own case, they were temporary, just relieving symptoms for a time, never solving entire health problems, but there was a definite effect, not just placebo.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Brad462 on December 24, 2015, 08:59:29 am
Seriously, what credibility does James Randi have? The guy is a magician... He is the type of harcore close minded skeptic who would bash the paleo diet.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on December 24, 2015, 10:38:29 am
Seriously, what credibility does James Randi have? The guy is a magician... He is the type of harcore close minded skeptic who would bash the paleo diet.
Randi is about as thoughtful and unbiased as Fred Phelps. You are undoubtedly right, he would bash this diet. And promote himself in doing so, no doubt.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on December 24, 2015, 11:21:18 am
Yeah, Randi promotes himself as being supposedly unbiased and incorruptible but has been shown time and again to be throughly biased towards the mainstream notions.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on December 24, 2015, 07:29:17 pm
Who cares. Watch the presentation. Here he explains why homeopathy *must* be a farce, and anyone who believes in it clearly either has no idea what it's really about, or is very bad at math, or is a mystic and believes in it not because of anything scientific, but based on the supernatural. (which can never be proved to be true, by definition)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on December 24, 2015, 08:19:06 pm
Who cares. Watch the presentation. Here he explains why homeopathy *must* be a farce, and anyone who believes in it clearly either has no idea what it's really about, or is very bad at math, or is a mystic and believes in it not because of anything scientific, but based on the supernatural. (which can never be proved to be true, by definition)
I personally do not use homeopathy, but some people swear by it, so I let them. I'm not sure I see how it would work, but it doesn't seem to do a lot of harm, so I don't argue with it.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on December 24, 2015, 09:33:28 pm
Who cares. Watch the presentation. Here he explains why homeopathy *must* be a farce, and anyone who believes in it clearly either has no idea what it's really about, or is very bad at math, or is a mystic and believes in it not because of anything scientific, but based on the supernatural. (which can never be proved to be true, by definition)
*sigh*. I have seen Randi's speeches on youtube, including one on homeopathy. His reasoning does not work as he simply refuses to acknowledge, unlike many scientists, that current science does not hold all the answers. For one thing, a previous scientist suggested one way homeopathy could work is if water had a memory for past substances. Whatever the case, I have had clear-cut evidence that homeopathy works on myself, which was too frequent for the placebo effect to be a factor.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 25, 2015, 12:22:13 am
Perhaps raw paleos benefits are merely placebo....it could be that everything we hold as truth is some form of delusion...the skeptic can deny anything they want for any reason imaginable....while the natural mystic can embrace everything as miraculous, for no reason at all.
I wonder if it would be possible to create raw animal extractions to be used at homeopathic doses...these homeo-paleo-pathic treatments could do wonders for those who may not be ready to go Bloody raw, but are still are receptive to its healing power.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 25, 2015, 12:28:43 am
This just in
"Hello Derek, I saw the VICE article about you and found it so fascinating. I work for LEX18 in Lexington, and would love to do a story with you. Let me know your thoughts please and Merry Christmas."
"Let me talk it over with my boss. I think this is an awesome story, but sometimes people get queasy looking at raw meat. Once he gives me approval, maybe we can shoot for something mid January to February. Take care and have a great holiday."
This is a local news station, I am still not sure that the reporter will get approval, knowing how the TV networks hierarchically hegemonic system is..but if she gets the go ahead I would be up for it.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Inger on December 25, 2015, 02:14:20 am
Cool stuff :) I think Derek looks great...! I was fortunate to meet him in person a while back in Nice..... :) :) and he just oozes peace and kindness and happiness :) :) it was so very nice to spend time with him... and Little Elefant from this forum too.... so sweet :) :) I will never forget those moments.....
Have not had much time to write here as I have been working like crazy but it soon has a break. I would love if you could get in some of the suns power and stuff into the show somehow too..... might be difficult tho? I am starting to write on my book next month which is also a raw paleo book but incorporates the whole spectrum of healing which I think we should not miss..... as food is not the whole story..... It is a love gift for my family..... and friends and people around me
Derek, I wish you wisdom for the show to make the best decisions how to be able to help this world as it is suffering pretty bad!
Much love to you.......... <3 <3 <3
(today... enjoying a silent and peaceful Christmas in front of the fireplace...and starting to heal all the damage from all the late night work and fake lights...lol)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Inger on December 25, 2015, 02:21:53 am
We got awesome food at LittleElefants place-- and the seafood was so fresh and nice........meat and fat was awesome too and I could not get enough from the sun and the beach..... I might have to move to Nice one day ;)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Brad462 on December 25, 2015, 03:13:40 am
I live in Kentucky too sabertooth... What part are you from? What is your social security number?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 26, 2015, 01:02:08 am
I would love if you could get in some of the suns power and stuff into the show somehow too....
Derek, I wish you wisdom for the show to make the best decisions how to be able to help this world as it is suffering pretty bad!
Much love to you.......... <3 <3 <3
Inger, Your words are always encouraging, and I'm happy that we share a full spectrum view of living healthy, which is made up of not only food, but also love, light, spirit and all things good under the sun and of this earth. I will continue to do all I can to be of help with the cause, and when your book is done I will be one of the first to share its message with the growing numbers of people who are becoming open to it.
I live in Kentucky too sabertooth... What part are you from? What is your social security number?
I live near Lexington, If you are up for it I would be willing to host guest sometime in the new year?
My girlfriend and I are professors of the new age of awakening, and are active participants in the new economy. We host people from all over the world thorough Air B&B and the character and caliber of many of the people who have come through have helped to replenish my faith and trust in humanity.
It might have to wait until after all the media storm has settled and I have time to kick back on the homestead, but by this spring I am thinking about sending an open invitation to the Raw Paleos here on this forum to come visit.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on December 26, 2015, 01:47:08 am
I'd like to come see you, Derek, but we've got a toddler and a baby on the way, and I'm about to start a new job. You should come see me instead, I've got some incredible deer fat right now, plus some tobiko roe.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on April 17, 2016, 10:47:28 am
Hey Derek, I'm writing to see if you'd be interested in coming on a podcast that I run called Blue State. We usually talk UK sports, but in the summers we try to interview all sorts of people from the Central KY area. You've gotten a lot of notoriety for your VICE features, so we'd love to have you on to talk more about your diet and day-to-day life in KY. We record on Skype, so there is no travel commitment. Just let me know if you're interested, and thanks for your time!
Its ironic how a day after I make the personal affirmation to take a break from actively seeking "notoriety" I get this message.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on April 17, 2016, 12:59:12 pm
Sounds good. I hope you will rethink. After all, if they are taking the trouble to find you rather than the other way round, that's great.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Projectile Vomit on April 19, 2016, 03:41:46 am
And, for what it's worth, I hope you listen to a few other similar podcasts that these folks produce to make sure they aren't setting you up to be made a fool of on the air. It would really suck if friends/relatives tuned in only to hear a wackjob podcast jockey humiliating you.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on April 19, 2016, 04:06:20 am
As regards promotion of RVAF diets, I would point out a few things:-
1) Any promotion, even ones showing how supposedly weird we are is going to have some effect on the public. Currently, almost all our membership comes from people suffering from some incurable illness etc., and experiencing benefits from a RVAF diet - such people are rarely mainstream types, imo. Aajonus appearing on "The Doctors" is a good example of weirdness succeeding in promotion. Currently, the only mainstreamish individual we have on our side is Dr Mercola.
2) I hate to say this but the RPF forum has been rather low in activity for, er, quite some time. This seems to be inevitable. Most online forums do not even last a year, let alone(amazingly!) this long. Plus, most long-term RVAFers do not want to spend their whole lives discussing diets and want to do other things in their lives, eventually.The few who stay on mostly do so in the expectation that they may sometimes learn something new from someone else or because they had such ill-health that they want to help others avoid similiar mishaps in life. Also, the trouble is that most RVAF diet newbies now find that all they have to do to find out info on RPD diets or anything else is to scroll through the RPF archives until they find everything they need to look for to solve their own problems. Well, that is what I did with the various RVAF diet yahoo groups anyway, way back when. What I am saying is that if anyone wishes to start various offshoots of RPD/RVAF diet online forums/groups elsewhere, it might benefit all of us, in some way. Of course, it would help to have a RPF guru appearing in place of Aajonus, writing a book etc. etc.. Anyone want to volunteer? ;D
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on April 19, 2016, 10:19:44 am
In a way this branching out is already occurring through the social media world, but for me its too demanding of my limited free time to participate and seek out other venues. I have found that as insignificant the activity in this forum may seem....that over the course of the years it has been a quite place of refuge to gather my thoughts and preserve and share some of my unique insights with people who are capable of relating.
The Pod cast is a legitimate show that focuses mainly on sports news, its hardly mainstream or scientific, and it wont have millions of listeners, but it may reach a few people who would otherwise never hear of the Raw Paleo Diet. http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/blue-state-podcast/e/43740556?autoplay=true (http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/blue-state-podcast/e/43740556?autoplay=true)
The interview is set up for later this week, wish me luck.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on April 23, 2016, 07:03:28 am
My first local pod cast.... for what it is I think it was positive.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on June 07, 2016, 10:13:11 pm
The Mens Health Magazine article may be published after all.......
Just got this in the inbox Good afternoon. I am a fact-checker for Men's Health Magazine working on our September Issue in which you are featured in an interview with writer(****)
Would you please look over the following and make sure it is accurate?
Thank you for your time,
****************************************************************************************************** Derek Nance, 33, hasn’t eaten anything but raw meat for close to eight years. Maybe an occasional small salad here or there, but otherwise his meals consist solely of uncooked fat and organs, from animals he personally slaughters.
The electrician from Lexington, Kentucky, suffered for years from digestive issues—“My body doesn’t produce enough enzymes,” he says—and chronic fatigue syndrome. When doctors couldn’t help, he experimented with veganism, vegetarianism, and the Mediterranean diet, but nothing worked.
During the winter of 2008, he read about “Native American tribes that lived off of guts and grease,” he says. In his backyard he had a few goats, which he raised for milk. On a whim, Nance decided to slaughter the goats and eat them both raw. He instantly felt better, he says, and hasn’t consumed any animal product that’s touched a stove since.
We called Nance at his home in Kentucky he shares with his vegetarian girlfriend to talk about guts, brains, blood, and other things that are apparently delicious.
Men’s Health: What animals have you eaten raw? Cows, pigs, horses? Anything and everything?
Derek Nance: I’ve tried it all, but I usually stick to sheep and mutton, primarily because they have a lot of extra belly fat, and I eat a fat-based diet.
MH: What about poultry? Any chicken or turkey?
DN: I’ve eaten raw chicken before, but I don’t care for it.
MH: That freaks us out a little.
DN: [Laughs.] Why?
MH: Even after touching raw chicken, aren’t you supposed to wash your hands like you’ve been handling radiation?
DN: Because of the salmonella?
MH: You don’t worry about salmonella?
DN: I’ve gotten salmonella before. It’s like three days of diarrhea. It’s not a big deal.
MH: There are dangerous things you could get from raw meat. E. coli, worms, hepatitis E. None of that concerns you?
DN: Not really. Our primitive ancestors, even before we learned how to control fire, were basically scavengers. And they had a very powerful immune system that could deal with the parasites and the bacteria. A lot of problems today come from living in too sterile an environment.
MH: Do you think we’ve been spoiled by stoves?
DN: In a way, yeah. When everything is cooked and sterilized, you don’t develop a natural immunity. So if there’s a little bug on a piece of chicken that’s been sitting on the counter for too long, it’ll kill you. You’re weak inside. Your body can no longer deal with simple bacteria.
MH: What about the nutritients in dairy and grains? Like calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and fiber?
DN: I get everything I need from meat because I don’t cook it. When you cook it, you destroy the essential enzymes and vitamins. I eat the entire animal. I eat all the organs, the eyes, the brain, the thyroid, the liver, the lymph nodes. I eat the stuff that gets cut out and thrown into the dog food at the factory.
MH: What’s your least favorite organ?
DN: I’m not particularly fond of kidneys. It has a strong taste of urine. It’s a little pissy. I’ll eat them, but it’s not my number one. Also, the stomach is kind of an acquired taste. It’s a little chewy. You can spend all day chewing on a stomach.
MH: There’s not enough hot sauce in the world to make kidneys seem appetizing to us.
DN: You get used to it. It helps if you throw it into a blender and make a stomach smoothie.
MH: That is literally the most disgusting thing we’ve ever heard.
DN: It’s really good, and it’s probably really nutritious, with the collagen and the probiotics that are in stomachs.
MH: That makes sense in theory. But then you say, “Hey, who wants a stomach smoothie?” And we feel like we’re in a horror movie.
DN: It’s about feeding your body what it needs. What better way to nourish a digestive system than with the digestive system of another animal?
MH: Let’s talk about bowel movements. Do you have them?
DN: I have one every day or every other day.
MH: Are you lying to us?
DN: I don’t have any problems with constipation or loose stools. Everything’s pretty solid and moves out fine.
MH: On an all-raw-meat diet?
DN: The idea that you need fiber to have a bowel movement is a myth. Maybe on a cooked diet, when you’re getting rid of all the enzymes and your body has to produce more stomach acid, that could cause some constipation.
MH: Are we correct in thinking your bathroom smells like the lion cage at a zoo?
DN: Nope. People assume that all the time. I actually don’t even have gas anymore. When I briefly tried eating only vegetables, I had tremendous gas. It was toxic. But with raw meat, I don’t think I’ve had a fart—an actual fart—in almost eight years.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on June 07, 2016, 11:29:03 pm
A media person who actually checks out the facts? :o :o ??? That's like a politician who is willing to undergo a lie-detector test! ;D
I always remember my own pathetic "interview" with the Times newspaper. She pretended to be respectful towards my diet during the phone-interview and then utterly distorted what I had said in the interview. It is a pity that I am not rich as, in the UK, libel-law trials are a great way to earn a lot of cash.
I used to read men's health magazine a lot prior to going rawpalaeo. It seems a good enough publication.Very mass-market. Well done!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on June 08, 2016, 12:22:40 am
Excellent. We will be lauded within 6-8 years.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on June 08, 2016, 12:36:23 am
If you think that mainstream nutritionists, dieticians, doctors and the like will be convinced you are dreaming.And most ordinary people will fail to be convinced of this sort of diet. This diet really only appeals either to eccentrics or those who are desperate and have tried almost everything else and failed. About the only thing that would work a little bit is if some celebrity like Trump or Sanders or Clinton were to adopt this diet.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on June 08, 2016, 04:21:27 am
Don't bet against us. 112 years ago, they said man would never fly. They said physics was finished, nothing new to learn. These things were believed in LIVING MEMORY.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on June 08, 2016, 04:33:38 am
There have also been wildly overoptimistic futuristic predictions:-
Futurology is a pretty bankrupt science anyway. One only has to look at Francis(edit) Fukuyama and his absurd "end of history" claim as one example among a myriad of them.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: PaleoPhil on June 09, 2016, 07:21:07 am
Congrats, Sabertooth. Are you still also eating the occasional Artisana coconut butter or coconut? I never developed a taste for the coconut butter and ended up throwing the remainder out. :(
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: PaleoPhil on June 09, 2016, 07:24:44 am
If you think that mainstream nutritionists, dieticians, doctors and the like will be convinced you are dreaming.And most ordinary people will fail to be convinced of this sort of diet. This diet really only appeals either to eccentrics or those who are desperate and have tried almost everything else and failed. About the only thing that would work a little bit is if some celebrity like Trump or Sanders or Clinton were to adopt this diet.
You're essentially correct, of course.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: cherimoya_kid on June 09, 2016, 08:36:19 am
And where is the assurance that some major, charismatic, influential celebrity WON'T adopt it soon? They're already going cooked paleo in large numbers, and several have gone raw vegan, including Woody Harrelson and Jason Mraz. It is purely a matter of time, hmm? LOL
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on June 09, 2016, 10:41:18 am
If only Ron Paul would convert to a RVAF diet.....
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on June 09, 2016, 12:29:26 pm
The problem is that cooked foods contain opioids that affect the brain. So we are in the same situation as anti-drug campaigners. The chances of us converting multitudes is slim.....
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 15, 2016, 02:29:33 am
Im going to be famous in Russia now
Hi Derek! I'm the Photo Editor of Men's Health magazine Russian edition. In October we are going to publish a translation of your interview to Men's Health USA from their September'16 issue and looking for illustrations. Would you be so kind to provide us with your photos in high resolution? For example, images from the VICE article or similar will meet our needs. Thank you in advance,
Photo Editor Men's Health Russia
Haven't yet been contacted by the American office recently, but they told my my article will be in the September edition. Ive been kinda slacking on my figure since the pole studio closed down, and having gone through some lean times, but Ive just killed a beautiful fat ram and am beginning to gorge again, so if I have a couple of weeks to be able to svelte up a little for the cause.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: svrn on August 15, 2016, 06:12:40 am
lol. Its nice to have to have dreams. Sabertooth is up there as freakshow and thats how 99% of people see him. ITs worth that one percent who will take him seriously though.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 15, 2016, 07:10:52 am
Dude, could you at least try to be a little less rude, take your feud with CK elsewhere, and dont belittle these dreams with your sardonic attitude.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: svrn on August 15, 2016, 08:38:31 am
You are right, although I would have said the same thing to anyone who made that point, im sure it came out ruder due to who was saying it. I feel justified due to how iv been treated but I will watch to not be the one instigating. His attack on have already caused one person to leave the forum and another is considering it, and that makes me mad. But yes, I was wrong to instigate.
Sorry if I sound like im belittling dreams but we need to start being realistic.
Before we start thinking about being lauded for eating raw meat we need to consider how long we will even be ALLOWED to meat. Let alone raw meat which is also under attack. Im not even allowed to buy blood right now and the raw fish laws for japanese restaurants are getting stricter.
The fda has legalized a slew of viral sprays to be sprayed on all raw meats, how long until it is mandatory? How long until they decide that artificial meat grown in vats should be the only option because the cows are farting us into global warming?
The vegan agenda is pushing ahead very strong right now and it is coming from the top. This is happening, society is not shifting to our side.
Once the carbon credits doled out by our friends at al gore's "blood and gore carbon exchange" (they love their comedy)gain full power to "save the earth" how many carbon credits do you think you will have to pay every time your cow farts?
Its gonna be like soylent green, with only the ultra elite allowed to consume meat. The trend of society is going stronger towards veganism every day. Soylent green is our future.
Read agenda 21 document, we are going closer towards that reality every day.
Nothing against your freakshow either, il be joining soon. To help one person heal makes it all worth it.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on August 15, 2016, 10:15:38 am
I agree with svrn. We need to realize what's going on in the world and the type of people who are calling the shots, and what their goals likely are. Nothing wrong with dreaming, but if something's gonna happen, we need to make it happen. sabertooth is doing his part and that's awesome.
Then again, remember AV. When he got too famous, they simply got rid of him and made it look like a freak accident. I care about what happens to the rest of the world, but I'm not gonna sacrifice my own life to improve things, and I don't expect anyone else to. Make no mistake, every single one of us is in their very special list of enemies just for reading this forum.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 15, 2016, 12:29:35 pm
No guts no glory, and you two need to recognize that our world is a plurality, and not a homogeneity.....and nobody has absolute control.
There are people in far away lands who will not kowtow to the agenda 21. Russia is one of those regions where they are massively expanding natural meat production. They are openly resistant to the encroachment of Monsanto, and there is a large local food movement currently underway. There are millions of people who could be potentially open to the message I have to bring, and when the interview goes out in Mens Health Russia there is no telling who it may inspire...perhaps Putin himself will read the article, and set the Russian states science apparatus to work on testing the Validity of my claims.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: ys on August 16, 2016, 11:53:15 pm
Russia is one of those regions where they are massively expanding natural meat production.
There is no evidence of such thing. I spoke with Yuri few days ago, he just visited Moscow. Quality meat was nowhere to be found.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 17, 2016, 05:43:18 am
I regularly go to the local markets in Kentucky and for the most part I can say there is very little which is up to my standards. I also found it difficult to find quality meat in London and many other places in the western nations I have visited. If you look for the negative in a place you are bound to find it.
I agree Russia is not yet the paragon of Paleo quality meat production, but so is much of the modern world in general, and at the very least Russia is standing up against Monsanto, and have recently invested in building up their own beef cattle herds, though it may be a few years until the beef begins to hit the city streets. Regardless of the monolithic degenerate ecology abounding on both sides of the rusty iron curtain, there are delicate threads of interconnectedness , awakening beings who are working their magic in the undergrowth to bring these separate worlds together. These underground movements span across all boundaries and uplift those rare souls with the power to see, and I reach out to My Russian brothers and Sisters with an open heart.
There are worlds within worlds.....Entire nations of people cannot be prejudiced and pigeonholed as being totally negative, this breeds the kind of resentment which caused the iron curtains to divide and segregate the people of the world.
How does Yuri provide for his needs these days in such a wasteland? The very fact that people like Yuri are living in that part of the world, means that there is still hope.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on August 17, 2016, 12:34:18 pm
I hope the rumours about organic foods in Russia are true.
Btw, perhaps this has nothing to do with anything, but I was reading yesterday that Monsanto and Dow were the companies who produced agent orange for the US military to be used in the Vietnam war, the consequences for human life being disastrous, possibly much worse than all the bombs and bullets and napalm, even though agent orange was devised to kill only plants, not people. Interesting thing to think about.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on August 17, 2016, 03:16:08 pm
SB, if you had visited the LFM markets in London , particularly the biggest, most popular ones, you would have found plenty of high-quality raw foods though not all stalls would have decent stuff in such places.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: RogueFarmer on August 18, 2016, 03:09:34 am
I read articles about underground organic farming and farmers markets in russia published in the 80s. When the ussr was collapsing, what kept russia from starving was that 70 percent of the food was produced by the black market.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 18, 2016, 03:55:24 am
SB, if you had visited the LFM markets in London , particularly the biggest, most popular ones, you would have found plenty of high-quality raw foods though not all stalls would have decent stuff in such places.
Perhaps if I had more time and better transport I would have done better at finding a decent food source.......Still I say that even in the capitalist mecca of London there is a great apartheid, between the haves and the have nots..... I doubt that the average working class family could afford the best of the best quality farmers market meat and produce, even if they wanted to. Then you must also consider all the nanny state regulations which prohibit blood and organ meats from being sold for human consumption. If I were to live in the UK I would have to be an outlaw to maintain my way of life.
It seems to me that lack of Money is a much bigger obstacles in obtaining the best quality than is the particular nation in which you belong...of course I will agree that in nations such as Russia there are a large portion of poor people who may find it difficult to afford the quality sources, but that doesn't mean that its impossible, it only means that they have to be more cunning and resourceful than us spoiled Americans.
I read articles about underground organic farming and farmers markets in russia published in the 80s. When the ussr was collapsing, what kept Russia from starving was that 70 percent of the food was produced by the black market.
Hell, I would probably be starving or at least in the poor house if it wasn't for underground farming and the "black sheep" market in America. Every animal I buy is off the books, unregulated, untaxed and directly from the farmer....It would be virtually impossible for me to afford this diet otherwise. I like older animals which if processed legally would have to have the head and spine removed, and all the blood and guts throw away, so there is no other way I could make this diet work other than killing the animals myself.
The undercurrents exist everywhere I have traveled and it seems likely to me that in a nation as vast as Russia if you rove through the countrysides and seek out hidden spaces, you are bound to find people who raise quality animals, and would sell them under the table for a fair price.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on August 18, 2016, 04:29:17 am
..... I doubt that the average working class family could afford the best of the best quality farmers market meat and produce, even if they wanted to. Then you must also consider all the nanny state regulations which prohibit blood and organ meats from being sold for human consumption. If I were to live in the UK I would have to be an outlaw to maintain my way of life.
Incorrect. When i first started going RVAF/rawpalaeo, I was not in a position of being able to work, but welfare was enough to pay for what I wanted. Some (organic/grassfed) organ-meats were easy to get hold of as no one else wanted them and so they were dirt-cheap. Most farmers just throw the organs away because no one wants them. I got blood easily by buying lots of raw wild hare carcasses, all vacuum-packed.
Of course, the easiest solution is to have a decent farm or have a link to a decent farm of some sort.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 18, 2016, 08:28:50 am
These discussions based on generalities will always lead to disagreements, but generally speaking, what I observed in Europe was indicative of a larger trend which is typical in many food deserts across America.
Perhaps a single person on welfare can live like a werewolf in London....but, I was referring to the average working class family not living on government subsidy, and from what I could tell it would be nearly impossible for me to earn a living through honest labor, support my children and afford a market priced Paleo diet in London...... Though I do not doubt the axioms "where there is a will there is a way" and "Life will find a way"...... which brings me a more prescient conclusion, that there simply isn't the collective will in many parts of the world, needed to bring about the kind of change which would allow for the rise of large working class paleo friendly communities in many of the major industrial cities, be it in London or Moscow....
There are sure to be exemptions to this generality..... TD, myself and many others here being examples..... though generally speaking the best this diet has to offer (for people not living in traditional indigenous farming communities) is sustainable only to the upper and middle classes of the west, who can afford to contract their own high quality sources, with the exception of a few occasional poor rouges like us who are tenaciously dedicated to the cause and can scrounge for scraps and find good deals.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: svrn on August 28, 2016, 07:40:55 pm
I hope the rumours about organic foods in Russia are true.
Btw, perhaps this has nothing to do with anything, but I was reading yesterday that Monsanto and Dow were the companies who produced agent orange for the US military to be used in the Vietnam war, the consequences for human life being disastrous, possibly much worse than all the bombs and bullets and napalm, even though agent orange was devised to kill only plants, not people. Interesting thing to think about.
This is very important.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on August 28, 2016, 07:52:37 pm
Could we please get back to the original subject? Cheers.
I will be most interested to read the Men's Health article when it comes out(September 16th?). MH is rather respectable a magazine, I would be surprised if they were too negative.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: svrn on August 29, 2016, 04:32:39 am
Does mr. tooth have a publicist? How did all of this start? Did someone find him through the forum?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 29, 2016, 10:09:18 pm
I have no publicist and am not actively seeking one
There was a casting call made to the forum a few years back, I replied and had a documentary crew fly out to shoot a pilot episode for animal planets most extreme series....of course for socio-political reasons the network elite deep-sixed the project.
The Vice article was entirely random fate, my girlfriends friend hosted through couch surfing and a reporter for the magazine had the brilliant idea of couch surfing across the country looking for stories and when he learned about me he just showed up at my house one night wanting to do an interview. The story went viral through the alternative media and from there many other producers have contacted me....though whenever a mainstream American production has shown interest, TLC, animal planet, discovery, the Doctors, evenb local news reporters, there has always been an abrupt rejection from the top of the pyramid.
The upcoming mens health article will be my first major "mainstream" exposure, and time will only tell what will come of it....if there is a strong enough reaction to the story then perhaps I would look into finding a PR person to help with organizing other gigs...but in the mean time I will try to not get too carried away with wishful thinking just yet.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: svrn on August 30, 2016, 06:49:44 am
Yeah, aajonus only got on doctors and ripleys because his best friend was a big hollywood producer.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 30, 2016, 10:12:53 am
I have no publicist and am not actively seeking one
There was a casting call made to the forum a few years back, I replied and had a documentary crew fly out to shoot a pilot episode for animal planets most extreme series....of course for socio-political reasons the network elite deep-sixed the project.
The Vice article was entirely random fate, my girlfriends friend hosted through couch surfing and a reporter for the magazine had the brilliant idea of couch surfing across the country looking for stories and when he learned about me he just showed up at my house one night wanting to do an interview. The story went viral through the alternative media and from there many other producers have contacted me....though whenever a mainstream American production has shown interest, TLC, animal planet, discovery, the Doctors, evenb local news reporters, there has always been an abrupt rejection from the top of the pyramid.
The upcoming mens health article will be my first major "mainstream" exposure, and time will only tell what will come of it....if there is a strong enough reaction to the story then perhaps I would look into finding a PR person to help with organizing other gigs...but in the mean time I will try to not get too carried away with wishful thinking just yet.
Will the publicity make you earn money or give you new opportunities?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on September 07, 2016, 02:06:33 am
This is an interesting concept, and Ive always wanted to participate in the arts...
Dear Derek-
I hope this finds you well!
I've been in contact with John Doe from Vice and he forwarded your contact information to me. I'd love to speak to you about the opportunity to interview you for Sindroms, a monochrome journal obsessing about colors. Our first (printed) issue will revolve around the color red and your diet would fit perfectly-not only visually but also from a storytelling perspective.
Please let me know if you are interested-we'd be truly honored to interview you.
Thank you,
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on September 07, 2016, 03:45:53 am
I must admit, SB, you've got a lot of guts!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on September 17, 2016, 12:24:19 am
This just in,
" I work at a Japanese TV research company called FORMULATION in Tokyo, Japan. Our company does research and support for the Japanese television industry. Currently we are working with a Japanese TV station on a variety show which introduces several health topics from around the world. We would like to ask if the the footage below is available for licensing:"
They want to use some of my paleo Butchering footage along with my story as part of a show. Though I cannot be sure of the merits of the particular show I went ahead and gave them the green light.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on September 17, 2016, 02:11:57 am
Well, this being an East Asian show, I would assume that they would be more culturally friendly to the notion of eating raw meats etc. I recall an acquaintance of mine who visited China for example. She noted that the street vendors there had the largest variety of different foodstuffs on display that she had ever seen before. Things like roast grasshoppers etc.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on September 17, 2016, 03:29:40 am
Also the mens health article came out in the September edition, but Im not sure how to find it and share it online???
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on September 17, 2016, 04:19:02 am
The text below is claimed to be a slightly-altered version of the Men's Health September 2016 Men's Health article:-
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on October 20, 2016, 04:11:52 pm
Err, sadly, my Russian isn't quite good enough to decipher this, but it seems OK as an article judging from the photos....
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: ys on October 21, 2016, 08:23:50 am
It looks OK. They said it like it is, no more no less.
Only 4 comments so far. One is neutral. The other is asking what's going to happen to you when you are old. 3rd is skeptical about "just 3 days of diarrhea" 4th is supportive but saying this way is not for normal people.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: ys on October 24, 2016, 07:01:49 am
Another comment. What does he think about alcohol?
So typical.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on October 24, 2016, 10:34:26 am
I have to admit my teetotaler stance would probably not go well over there.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: letsdoiteczema on November 01, 2016, 05:01:45 am
Sabertooth, you are my hero! Wow! You are so so so so SOOOOO brave!
I have been so afraid of ridicule and bullying since a young age. I don't think I will EVER have the guts you have. WOW is all I can say! I enjoy reading your interviews so much!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 17, 2016, 06:31:01 am
The Art Magazine wants an email interview, so Ive got to answer a bunch of questions. Im going to start drafting a response and could use some encouraging words and creative advise?
Hi Derek–
Please apologize this very delayed response to your initial email. We are beyond excited to get the chance to interview you for our first printed issue, Red Sindrom.
Below, I added a few questions. Each “main question” has a few sub-questions, to make it easier for you. From experience, I know that email interviews can be quite difficult.
* Would you consider yourself a foodie? How was your relationship towards food before the dietary change?
* You’ve literally taken the raw food trend to the next level—hows it is affected your life, both positively and negatively? Have you ever thought about writing a recipe/lifestyle book or guide for people who have experienced the same health restrictions? What is your favorite recipe? What do you eat in a normal day (breakfast, lunch, dinner + snacks?). What does everyday-food vs. when you want to treat yourself food look like? WHat’s your to-go meal?
* Do you think your diet will ever be trendy?, considering all the different food hypes nowadays/within our generation? Have you inspired people to change their diets to the one you are living by?
* What impact does the color red have in your life? Do you ever think about that consciously? What was your relationship to the color red like before you’ve started your new diet? What does red trigger in you/what does it make you feel like? Does red equal raw meat? What’s your personal stance on red as a color/what do you connect it to?
* With your story being published, what was the reaction from the public, as well as from family and friends? Has life changed after that from you? Have you found people/a community similar to you that you otherwise wouldn’t have been in touch with?
* What is your advice for people who have never tried raw meat (except tartar)? How would you describe the taste of raw meat? What other familiar (for the ordinary public) tastes/flavors would you compare it to? Is it an acquired taste?
* Has your diet changed you as a person? Has it made you a better person? Do you think you’ll ever go back to a conventional diet?
* What’s peoples first reaction when they find out you’re only consuming raw meat? Have you learned a lot about people in that sense? What’s the most frequent asked question? What’s something nobody ever asked you? What do you wish people would talk to you about instead of your diet? Are there any personal anecdotes you feel comfortable sharing?
* What do you wish from the future?
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!
Looking forward to receiving your answers. Thank you again so very much for your time and effort–we highly appreciate it.
Kindest regards,
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on November 17, 2016, 08:58:06 am
Re advice for people eating raw meat for the first time, except steak tartare. The obvious suggestion is for them to try out any raw animal food dishes that are either a part of their national cuisine or that they visit a local restaurant that offers raw animal food dishes in quantity, such as Japanese sashimi restaurants(though sushi places often have one, maybe 2, low-quality sashimi dishes as well).
Re red:- Mention the recent article I cited which suggests that early palaeo humans instinctively sought out the colour red in foods above green, for example.
I think a mass-market e-book written by you might be a good idea. You would not have to do more than 150 short pages, say, with very basic instructions on where to find the right raw foods, plus adding some recipes for the womenfolk etc. etc. Aajonus' book was way too new-agey for most people and we need a proper introductory text or two for RVAF diets.
I have considered doing a more intricately detailed, scientific e-book on raw food diets but it would have to be pretty good and well-researched, and I have been told that expecting more than a few thousand dollars for an amazon e-book, 10000 at the very most, is foolish.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: eveheart on November 17, 2016, 09:11:17 am
The Art Magazine wants an email interview, so Ive got to answer a bunch of questions. Im going to start drafting a response and could use some encouraging words and creative advise?
I would take control of the foodie/trendy angle without debunking it. "Sometimes you latch on to a trend and find that it takes you back to something primal, the antithesis of a trend, back to your core."
Derek, I've read your writing and I've seen your videos. You really shine in print! You pull off original thinking without resorting to bullshit. Answer every question like you are opening doors for seekers of the truth.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 26, 2016, 12:38:53 pm
I finally finished answering the interview questions, I found it somewhat a difficult task to keep motivated on, being preoccupied with many other life events, and a slight case of writers block.
* Would you consider yourself a foodie? How was your relationship towards food before the dietary change?
Currently, I consider myself to be an extreme foodie, whose taste for the best has driven me to seek out the most optimal kind of diets. I wasnt always so dedicated to food, and come from a relatively average family with a typical American Diet. My mother worked at an Italian restaurant and would often bring home good food. She also served good home cooked meals for dinner, but looking back I have to admit that I did eat a lot of junk food. Sugar cereal for breakfast, lots of cheap snack foods, bologna sandwiches, Fast food burgers.
Ive always had an intuitive feel for foods, even as a child I was fairly good at moderating the junk food intake, while making sure to eat at least one healthy meal a day. As a young adult I became more aware of some nutritional based issues which were beginning to effect my health, though financial hardships often made it difficult to provide for the quality of food which was ideal. Eventually after years of experimenting with various diets with limited success, I said inwardly enough is enough, and began seeking out a better way of nourishment, which somehow lead to the daily gorging on large quantities of Raw Red Meat. With the attitude of lifes too short to eat bad food, I began my transition into Raw Paleo and have developed a taste for the finest quality flesh of the land, air and sea.
* You’ve literally taken the raw food trend to the next level—hows it is affected your life, both positively and negatively? Have you ever thought about writing a recipe/lifestyle book or guide for people who have experienced the same health restrictions? What is your favorite recipe? What do you eat in a normal day (breakfast, lunch, dinner + snacks?). What does everyday-food vs. when you want to treat yourself food look like? WHat’s your to-go meal?
Becoming a blood thirsty raw flesh enthusiast has affected my life in many ways. For the most part the experience has been entirely positive and has lead me down a path of discovery which goes far beyond the scope of my original self experimentation in the nutritional sciences. The change made me feel more alive, more vital, it gave purpose and direction to a life which was at a point floundering under the weight of health problems, financial hardship, and a feeling of hopelessness at the possibility of living out a meaningless miserableness.
There has been negative sides to this way of life as well. The inconvenience of being such a strict Raw Foods Purist has made traveling abroad difficult. Finding decent tasting flesh at the average market isn't easy for someone who has developed such impossibly high standards. Like a finicky feline I cant eat something unless suits my taste. Social situations revolving around food are also difficult for me, so this diet has somewhat affected my social life. All and all Ive come to terms with the drawbacks, and generally the positives have outweighed the negatives.
Raw Mutton is typically the mainstay of the diet, harvested myself and its so rich and delicious I have no problem with eating it breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The whole animal is eaten with nothing wasted; the blood, guts, brain, liver, bone marrow, fats, and virtually all the other glands and organs are consumed raw. I will go for other foods like eggs, beef, sushi, and shell fish an occasion; and will also eat a small mixed green and herbal salad once a day. Typically my vegetation intake is minimal, roughly less than 10% of total caloric intake, and often includes coconut, avocado, tomatoes, lemons, and various wild herbs and leafy foliage.
* Do you think your diet will ever be trendy?, considering all the different food hypes nowadays/within our generation? Have you inspired people to change their diets to the one you are living by?
Im not sure if this diet will ever be trendy in a mainstream way, though it has promise of becoming a phenomenon in certain foodie and alternative nutrition circles. People contact me all the time about wanting to try the raw meat based diet, and I do my best to give helpful advise and spread the Raw and word.
* What impact does the color red have in your life? Do you ever think about that consciously? What was your relationship to the color red like before you’ve started your new diet? What does red trigger in you/what does it make you feel like? Does red equal raw meat? What’s your personal stance on red as a color/what do you connect it to?
Having Raw Red Meat as the staple of my instinctively driven paleolithic style diet, has made the color Red of primal importance when determining overall quality of the Flesh I love. I prefer meat that has an entirely Deep Red color, richer and darker than the blood. Young animals with immature flesh tend to be much paler in color, while older animals of good quality tend to ripen with age much in the same way fruit ripens, turning a darker and richer color of Crimson. The sight of fresh blood after slaughter triggers a strong blood thirst, and there is nothing better to replenish the body than drinking fresh blood , while its still warm. When it first flows out of the animal, blood glows with the color of an iridescent rose blooming out of the carnal essence, the sight of which now sends me into an ecstatic joy.
I believed the eyes evolved in our most ancient of ancestors to see red as a way to direct us to optimal sources of food, as well as to enable the identification of certain positive and negative qualities of many aspects of the natural world. Some scientist claim that seeing red helped our missing link ancestors detect ripening of fruits. Red may have also been valuable when reading signals of potential mates through blushing; and was useful to our ancestors for tracking blood trails of wounded animals while on the hunt.
* With your story being published, what was the reaction from the public, as well as from family and friends? Has life changed after that from you? Have you found people/a community similar to you that you otherwise wouldn’t have been in touch with?
Ive experience mixed reactions from others over my dietary anomaly. Im often met with disbelief or skeptics who think its just a mater of time before I drop dead of some Raw Meat Parasite. Some people seem to not be able to comprehend the science and reasoning behind my way of extreme raw living, and its typically rare to make converts. What publicity has done for me is to give a greater sense of direction and purpose, along with the motivation to continue the experiment onward to wherever it may lead. As much as the Magazine articles and television shows has done to tell my story, I still live in relatively obscurity so am able to live and move about in relative anonymity, which allows a fair balance of personal freedom while at the same time a small platform from which to continue to document my personal experiment. Ive made contact with many others who share similar eating habits, and its been helpful to communicate and learn from others who also have found health and healing from Raw Meat. So far haven't found anyone who goes to the extreme of eating two pounds of raw red meat a day while also consuming the blood and all the organs. Of those I have found though we share many similarities and affinities, though it seems like there are many difference between us, of which diet is just one facet; so trying to build up a close community in the modern world based upon a raw meat diet, has as yet to manifest.
* What is your advice for people who have never tried raw meat (except tartar)? How would you describe the taste of raw meat? What other familiar (for the ordinary public) tastes/flavors would you compare it to? Is it an acquired taste?
Foods like Tartar, Ceviche, Sushi , Selfish, raw Eggs would be good starters for those looking to transition toward Raw foods. Cooking is a pervasive and addictive habit, it affects the very way our brain persuasive taste and alters the functioning of instinctive craving. Raw Red meat may be an acquired taste especially for people use to eating heavily seasoned and roasted. Some may at first taste bland and unappealing at first. It took me a couple of weeks, after eliminating all other foods before I began to tune into the actual flavor of the flesh itself. Once the transition took place, a world of difference in my sense of taste and food cravings occurred. I could taste the blood of the animal and extract its flavor from the flesh. Pronounced differences between good and not so good meats began to direct my choices, and soon instinct took over entirely. Now I am willing to search the world over to find the flesh of my dreams.
* Has your diet changed you as a person? Has it made you a better person? Do you think you’ll ever go back to a conventional diet?
Ive grown as a person since the transition, though its hard to tell exactly how much of it is due to diet, or how much is just a normal part of the maturation process. I think in many ways it has reconnected my spirit to the earth and the primal nature of Gaia; overall it has had an enormously positive effect in restoring and rejuvenating my body, mind, and spirit. As of now there are no plans of ever going back to the conventional way of life.
* What’s peoples first reaction when they find out you’re only consuming raw meat? Have you learned a lot about people in that sense? What’s the most frequent asked question? What’s something nobody ever asked you? What do you wish people would talk to you about instead of your diet? Are there any personal anecdotes you feel comfortable sharing?
The first reaction from my friends and family upon learning of my diet was to promptly question my sanity. After a few years of not falling down dead they more or less began to accept that as crazy as it seemed, it was working for me me. I eventually learned how to better discern people who would be open to my diet from people who wont even consider it. People are most interested in knowing if Ive ever gotten a parasite, which as far as I know I haven't got anything yet. People generally dont seem to comprehend the interrelations and connections between diet and life style and how these choices shape the world at large. In many respects I understand that my situation is somewhat unique and there are many experiences and realizations that have come as a result of the transition which are beyond words to describe.
* What do you wish from the future? The future is something I have often dreamt about. It seems so unlimited in its possibilities, though I try not to expect too much from events which may or may not ever happen; Part of the charm of life is not knowing what the future holds, heaven knows 10 years ago I would never in a million years imagined it possible for my life to take the course it has, yet here I am living the impossible dream. Who dares to say what the future holds, its only limits are set by our imagination; it is with this spirit that my own future wishes are made, or more accurately "Future Visions yet to be manifest".
There is this evolving vision which as been slowly revealing itself, of an fully integrated being, capable of unifying the Primal natural side of life, with the futuristic and mechanical entities of which we are becoming. My wish is to be an agent of intermediation between these two worlds; There seems to be such a rush to cut our umbilical connection to the primal past, in this mad dash toward progress; yet I feel that we are not yet mature enough to understand the ramifications of premature abandonment and our total desecration of the natural world. There is a sense that there are indeed ways of living which can reestablish this connection to the earth; by nurturing the body, mind and spirit in accord with the optimization of the genetic structure; the vital essence of human spirit can more fully evolve and mature into beings able to successfully adapt to and even thrive, no matter what the future may be.
Best Wishes Derek
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on April 26, 2018, 11:19:52 am
Dear Derek,
##### here from Newstalk National Radio in Ireland.
We are very keen to speak with you about your raw meat diet.
Would you be available to do a telephone interview please?
Our show, The Moncrieff Show, is one of Ireland's most popular afternoon programmes.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Here is a new interview prospect
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on April 26, 2018, 11:24:57 am
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 21, 2018, 04:53:36 am
Ive just contacted Tristan from the Primal Edge pod cast, and am working out the details of doing an interview...am convinced the time is ripe to bridge the gap between Raw paleo and cooked Keto...... will post the link here whenever it comes out
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: van on August 21, 2018, 05:15:00 am
I watched the latest one you posted with Harry. He definitely has opinions about raw vs. cooked. As in, he LIKES cooked meat, and raw doesn't appeal to him. You might try sharing with him the number of people, including my girl friend, who now doesn't enjoy cooked meat at all, and is becoming a fine judge of great tasting raw meat. Same was true when you give someone full fat milk who has been drinking one percent for years, or vice versa. he won't want to admit he's caught in his own routine,, so you may have to lead him to where he discovers it himself. I used to work in a lab, and if we wanted to work on any particular project, we would say to the director of the lab,,"remember that idea you had to ..." and then he would say, 'right, yeah, why don't you guys give it a try..." I like him and his podcast, but there is a strong flavor of I know it all there. Good luck. One thing many miss: 'we' usually think of raw sugars/carbs fruit and veg. juices as being cleansing. But in truth Raw proteins, and most likely raw fats, are just as much or more cleansing to a body that has filled itself with damaged proteins. THIS may be too much for him to go into, as he indeed continues to fill himself with damaged proteins from heat (dissonance). Although I doubt he cooks him meat past medium. I can't remember exactly how he likes it,, shared that with Harry.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 21, 2018, 06:06:27 am
Im still attempting to format my own ideas in regards on how to best relate the issue of Raw to people who seem to be doing just fine with mixed and cooked. There are a number of different approaches to consider and many nuances to be explored
People who are without any major digestive issue may indeed feel a lot better by switching over to a cooked low carb diet, relative to where they were before. They may have enough of their own inherent digestive strength in order to compensate for the the lack of enzymes and the mitigation of heat generated toxins, of cooked meat. The negatives are not felt strong enough in order to encourage them to try anything different, especially once they have become habitually accutom to the taste of cooked.
People like myself who were already suffering from digestive insufficiency, the negative effect of cooked meats were much more dramatic, and the gentleness of raw so much more soothing. There is also the instinctive developmental aspect of this diet which I believe is distorted from cooking. Cooking makes sick meat taste palatable by destroying the subtle ques that indicate quality , while also destroying the purging bacterial life forms which function to teach you what not to eat. People who unwittingly eat cooked meat that is from sick animals are not as capable of noticing the immediate detrimental effects, and so over time end up assimilating larger portions of ill flesh into their own bodies. This might not be as much of an issue to people who are 100% certain of the quality of their meat, as it is for people who may be consuming whatever they can by from the corner stop and shop.
The one notion I wish to be able to demolish is the idea that somehow cooking makes sick meat safe to eat. It may indeed kill the off the bacteria which cause acute manifestations of food poisoning, but it will not purify the contaminated flesh at the molecular level, and so in a way it prevents the instinctive purging reflex of aberrant foods, which leads to the body becoming inundated with all sorts of negative elements which overtime can negatively effect overall health in a number of insidious ways.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 24, 2018, 09:53:28 am
It looks like the interview might take place sometime on monday, still waiting for exact time confirmation.
I would be open to any other bright ideas regarding what information would best be shared with what seems like a mostly cooked keto host and audience?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Dingeman on August 24, 2018, 07:43:50 pm
It looks like the interview might take place sometime on monday, still waiting for exact time confirmation.
I would be open to any other bright ideas regarding what information would best be shared with what seems like a mostly cooked keto host and audience?
Mention something about raw meat being even more healthy than cooked keto/zero carb. An explanation mentioning that most people transition like this: (vegan) standard diet > ketogenic diet > zero carb diet > raw primal/paleo. The health benefits of raw meat are just even better than cooked meat. I know that will do well with the cooked meat diets.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: van on August 25, 2018, 03:30:35 am
Tyler seems to have the handle on all the heat created toxin studies. Maybe ask him to send you the most succinct to share on pod cast. If so, would be good to have links available for host to post after talk.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 25, 2018, 12:04:40 pm
The topic of heat generated toxins should be fairly easy for most people to comprehend, without having to go into all the scientific names of the various specific carcinogens. I would like to develop vernacular terms to offer up as easy to comprehend explanations for phenomenon such as Advanced glycation end-products, by referring to them as caramelized proteins that gunk up the metabolic works.
The ways in which information is virtually transferred these days through memes and thought bits, it may helpful to to use a number of different approaches as to reach people on many wavelengths. I was thinking about turning the Socratic method to the subject of cooking...by first speaking to the benefits of raw and finish by begging the question "what are the benefits of cooking" then going about debunking all the ad nausea presumptive rhetoric that has been used to justify the addictive and detrimental habit of cooking meat. I think it would play out best to become involved in a dialectic, back and forth with the host. Tristan is smart, but I have noticed some logistic holes regarding his stance on cooking, which could give me good opportunities of making convincing counterpoints for those whose minds are open.
I will try not to make the entire conversation raw centric, in consideration for the host and the primal worlds proclivity for cooked flesh. It would do good to find common ground and relate common experiences, as well as share in practical information which would be of help to both Raw and cooked based communities.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on August 25, 2018, 02:21:13 pm
Well, I don't exactly have a fund of studies, just this sort of thing:- https://www.rawpaleodietforum.com/index.php?topic=501.0 . I am not a scientist so cannot 100% judge whether a study is fully reliable. All I can say is that there are tens of thousands of studies done on advanced glycation end products(AGEs), easily findable on pubmed(look under "dietary-derived advanced glycation end products).Also focus on heterocyclic amines(HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs). The latter two are key components of car-exhaust fumes and cigarette-smoke, and there are also non-food-related studies done on the harm caused by those components as regards smoking - comparing cooked food to smoking and air-pollution is a powerful piece of PR.
There are also acrylamide and nitrosamines(NSAs) but they have much less solid data on their potential harm.
There is also the new-age angle, so focus on the Inuit, among others re raw food diets. As I recall, Armand Tanny got his raw food ideas from studying the Hawaiians/Polynesians.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 28, 2018, 10:44:03 am
The podcast is set for Wednesday 1:30 CST
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: van on August 28, 2018, 02:03:53 pm
you also might slide into a conversation about how our egos want to believe that 'we' have figured out the superior diet. We all have it, completely evident on all forums. Any thing that 'we' invest as much time and energy in, it's natural we want to believe 'we' got it right.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Dingeman on August 29, 2018, 12:36:58 am
As Van said, mention something about this idea that 'modernity' has got everything figured out. People are born with the idea that there is nothing left to explore. That's why so many people mean drugs and other unhealthy stuff when they tell you to 'live a little'.
Modernity made us sick and disconnected from what life really is about. As Weston Price put it: 'Life in all it's fullness is Mother Nature obeyed.'
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: van on August 29, 2018, 02:18:36 am
I was referring more to our individual egos, yours, mine, his, as believing that we all think, at present time, that we have found the ideal diet. That ideal diet is something most of us think that others would benefit from also. Hence, Vegans, paleo folks, raw paleo, carnivores.. I can remember what a jerk I was when I first went raw vegan in the seventies. Must have drove my parents up a wall with my ridiculous claims, and preaching to them to do the same. It's no different here, with all of us giving opinions and advice. Yes, we all have good intentions, but it also comes with a belief system. Just look how many times each of us thinks one way or eating is good, and then six months later, we've adopted another belief. Tristan is no different. He appears to have many of his own.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on August 29, 2018, 02:22:44 am
Hmm, Van has a point. Yet, a lot of RVAFers, after a long time, seem to adopt Instinctoish ideas. Not necessarily the hardline ideas of Guy-Claude-Burger, but the basic themes, where one eats a certain raw food at one point because one instinctively feels it works, while one may have to try another set of foods when one is in another state a month later until one finds another food which works. Same applies even if one is not unhealthy/ill.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 29, 2018, 05:23:33 am
Encouraging others to develop instinctive eating habits is at the core of my basic ideology and is paramount to my own particular eating habits. Encouraging people to take personal responsibility in developing their own diet and with time and experience gain the self knowledge needed to make periodic alterations to the diet in accord with changing internal nutritional needs and external food availability.
There may be no way back to being able to entirely use our senses to find a living in balance within nature's rhythms, but we can study our own reactions to unnatural modes, and seek out ways of living that are more in accord with the necessities of life.
Our senses are extremely powerful tools, only it seems they have been far too long neglected and allowed to go to waste in the modern world. Shopping for food and buying only what is prepackaged, gives little opertunity for the development of instinctive eating, many of the foods are then thoroughly cooked and inundated with seasonings and artificial ingredients.
By stripping the diet down to just a few raw essentials, the senses are set free from the intoxications of desensitising foods, and after a period of realignment it may be possible to begin to use cravings judiciously to integrate other foods outside the scope of Raw Paleo. This is a bit of a gray area because it can be difficult to tell if these cravings are not driven by ulterior motives, such as a deep longing for the opiates of dairy....or else by a social need to do as others do so as to fit into what is normal.
I could probably expand my diet further and experiment much more than I am currently. I have begun to eat dissolved bones that have been cooked with vinegar, which is very effective with eliminating keto cramping without the need for salt or other mineral supplements. When at the sushi bar I will also eat a side salad with some sweet ginger sauce, and a couple of pieces of complementary pineapple. When I eat a lot of fish without enough fat, a little carbs seems to help alleviate the protein overload.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: van on August 29, 2018, 07:51:38 am
good summary. a few more examples, if you will. I practiced instincto for some years. Had yearly coaching on my trips to France years ago for five years in a row. Have to admit I had so many ideas in my head that my intincto qualities were slow to develop. And having said that, I now carry an idea and experience that fruit and or sugar in any form, no matter how good it smells, or makes me salivate ( instinctual clues ) is not good for my body. I'm sure there are those out there that will say I just didn't heal my insulin resistance with correct Instincto practices for long enough,,etc.. but from what I have experienced to date with having spent the last ten years or more in very low carb, I will say that accumulated 'mental' information has rebuilt my health far more than following instincto practices, especially where the first meal of the day starts off with as much fruit as one instinctually desires.. And thus this one example shows where at least I dug in and used the internet to connect with those other 'experts' in the world who had other knowledge about ( in this case ) using fat as fuel as opposed to sugar. It took me five years to finally eat raw meat ( I had no problem with raw fish due to sushi bars in the US ). But I can remember at Montrame Castle Instincto headquarters, watching a woman ( who was there healing herself from cancer ) eat a whole plate of raw beef fat. I can remember how disgusted I felt. Classic example of social conditioning. And ironically now, I consider myself a connesiour of fat of all kinds. And then throw in the current adopted belief borrowed from Ron Rosedale that everyone has diabetes or insulin resistance to some level and that over time depending on the ratio of carbs to fat ingested, that resistance will increase, lessen or stay the same. But do I know that for sure? No. And might I for some reason reverse my thinking, maybe? And it is this example that I offer the notion that our beliefs come with some baggage and often are carefully guarded.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: van on August 29, 2018, 07:55:13 am
I just read where the cramping and racing heart with zero carbers can be from the kidney's excreting salt to such a point that to protect certain systems eventually the body will excrete potassium instead of sodium, and that's where the problem may lie. You might try as I am doing now of not worrying about salt intake and see if then the cramps and your heart beats per minute slow down. New info. for me, so I can offer what I read recently.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 29, 2018, 11:53:49 am
I was always skeptical of the instinctos proclivities for large amounts of fruits. Two bites of pineapple after eating a half a pound of mackerel is about my limit. There is a point when experience must keep instinct in check. I could easily eat a half a pineapple and perhaps crave more, but from my experience the next day after eating more than a miniscule portion of fruit my ability to digest fat gets messed up and I don't feel like eating much of anything until the fruit fully cleared from the gut.
People typically come to these diets already severely addicted to sugar. My first baby foods were apple juice and rice cereal. These early exposures create pavlovian dopamine triggers, which can last a lifetime. The salavory reaction persisting even after years of low carb living. My instinctive aversion to the hangover effect is more of a secondary reaction, based on learned experience regarding the long term effects of various dietary actions. The same aversion applies to the use of Alcohol which I avoid like the plague.
I have a differing view of mineral Balancing.... perhaps I am something of an anomaly for some reason anything more than trace amounts of salt cause a very strong aversion. Even before going paleo I never added salt to my food. Ive tried experimenting with different types and different amounts, but it always seems that consuming supplemental salt causes me to feel bloated, retain water, and even headache. I have always known about being chronically mineral depleted for years before ever going paleo. I had hair analysis readings in which my potassium and magnesium were inverted...potassium being off the chart high and magnesium being low. My selenium, zinc and copper have also always been low, though the last test about 3 years ago was much closer to normal range. I am going to wait till next year and get another Hair analisis to see how much a year of bone eating has changed the profile.
There is a synergy with mineral ratios that varies greatly from one individual to another. I believe that excess salt can cause the body to flush out other minerals from the bones in order to maintain the proper ratios, and over years the reserves can be depleted to the point where the tissues have little reserves to replenish the bloods electrolytes after periods of exertion. Eating the entire bone mineral matrix already predisolved and ready to assimilate will eliminate any cramping in just a couple of hours...Actually I do not get cramps as long as I am eating enough bone, drinking enough blood, and having the occasional seafood. Only after going over three days without these foods do I begin to notice symptoms of electrolyte imbalance. Also my joints feel noticeably stronger, and my overall strength and fitness level is as good as ever.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 30, 2018, 12:23:55 pm
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Projectile Vomit on August 31, 2018, 02:05:55 am
A good interview. I wish he did not interrupt you so often.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on August 31, 2018, 07:40:55 am
This interview is more of an introduction than a final statement. I spoke with him after the interview and we are planning on doing some follow up discussions where I can get into some greater depth on particular topics. Im going to do another butcher video that will detail the entire process from picking up the animal from the farm to harvesting and preserving all the various parts. Then we will skype interview on the podcast with the footage as a backdrop, as he and the audience will ask questions...it should be very educational
I will continue to post any other updates regarding upcoming projects here.
I'm still very much trying to find my voice and am unsure about how to express certain ideas to audiences who may be unfamiliar with the raw unorthodoxy, that goes against what has been preached as dietary dogma for so long, even many in the alternative fields have difficulty in abandoning the old paradigms, taboos, and superstitions. Hopefully I can play some small part by linking into this new trend of low carb carnivore, that seems to be gaining momentum at the moment, and connect with some of the prominent thought leaders in the public arena and offer my first hand experience and insight, that it might help the growing number of newbies out there to better find their own way through the endless morass of conflicting information ....Though this way of living may never reach the attention of the majority, so long as there is a strong , vibrant, and vocal minority of people who are able to enjoy this way of life, then at least those whom wish it, will have the opertunity, freedom , and information necessary to pursue so as well.
As time goes by, more and more evidence will come out, giving validation to the raw cause, and with the latest wave of the new fangled neo-primal pilgrims soon to be coming of age, it wont be long before it will be impossible for the mainstream world to ignore...
"We are Here, We are Here" -Horton hears a Who
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on September 01, 2018, 10:34:26 am
The German documentary group that did a segment on me a few years back is now doing a show with Shaun Baker and his cooked meat diet. The show is popular in Germany and the producer of the show was very open to the health benefits of a meat based diet.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on September 01, 2018, 12:49:21 pm
Minor quibble:- Could you please, in future, place all cooked-food-related topics in the Hot Topics forum?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on September 01, 2018, 10:10:53 pm
I understand your concern, and generally tend to avoid posting about cooked meat, but in this thread these cooked meat celebrities are in a way relevant to some of my own media exposure. The same German documentary that did a raw segment on me is now following Shaun baker, and the same pod cast that interviews many cooked dieters also interviewed me.
I am creating a crossover media, and using the exposure of cooked meat based diet to interject the raw message with effect. When I have time to do so I am spamming some of the comment sections of these cooked keto newbies with the raw message. The wild fire of viral information is spreading the cooked meat message across the web right now, so it is up to us to walk the line and create a counterbalanced narrative in the hopes of using the cooked meat mania hype to draw attention to the raw alternatives.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on September 01, 2018, 10:14:14 pm
OK, maybe I am being a bit nitpicking. Funny, up till now, the main route to RVAFism was through raw vegan/fruitarian/sproutarian diets.
Err, come to think of it, re that German documentary , you complained at the time that the woman openly despised you, as I recall.....
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on September 01, 2018, 10:26:35 pm
The RTL documentary where the woman was over acting was intentionally done in a disingenuous manner. RTL is a mainstream media conglomerate that runs amok over the german and dutch world with corporate propaganda.
Galileo the program now following Shaun Baker, is an independent format whose producer is personally interested in testing the merits of a meat based diet.
https://www.prosieben.de/tv/galileo/videos/2013332-der-nur-fleisch-esser-clip When Shauns episode comes out I will be there to spam post my segment in the comment sections of multiple platforms.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: van on September 02, 2018, 12:32:48 pm
it should be interesting,, that Sean had a calcium scan ( most predictable test for indicating heart disease/attacks. He's holding the results so that the german group can be the first to publish it. They may have paid for the scan, as it was done when they were filming. If it comes back with low ca. that should open up some eyes for those who think that only meat will give you a heart attack. But I suppose they'll just switch their predictions to Cancer instead...
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on September 02, 2018, 01:59:48 pm
Re Vans' past comment re past social conditioning:- One reason why I may have found it easier to get used to raw meat eating when I tried RVAF diets the first time aged c.30, may have been because, when I was c. 4-5 years old, I would steal some of the raw pig's kidneys that my mother left in the kitchen. I also had noticed the lack of water-content present in the cooked livers my my mother made.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 19, 2018, 11:59:13 am
Tristan from the Primal Edge wants to do a follow up pod cast in the near future, and I will post any updates here as soon as we figure out a day and time.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 29, 2018, 10:15:42 am
Primal edge pod cast set for Friday Nov 30 12:00 PM EST
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: van on November 29, 2018, 01:13:49 pm
You probably know.. but Tristin has gone pretty much carnivore and now eats more and more raw. Should be an interesting show.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 01, 2018, 11:18:39 am
The Pod Cast has been moved up to 12:30 est Tues 14-04
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Dingeman on December 03, 2018, 10:04:30 pm
Can you tell Primal Edge Health that you drink blood? He made a remark about drinking blood being ''degeneracy'' on an instagram page of an ex-vegan. It just seems so unlike Tristan from what I've seen from him. Maybe you can open his mind about the subject, after all, he is interested enough in your story to invite you to his podcast.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 04, 2018, 07:37:09 am
I have heard his past diatribes warning against blood drinking, and it seems more of a moral prejudice, than an issue with the health aspects. He believes blood drinking, if encouraged, will eventually lead to the rise of Aztec level human sacrifice cults.
We have debated the subject in length through emails and I believe his overall attitude toward raw meat and blood is growing more positive.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 05, 2018, 12:43:18 am
Postponed again, It will happen, but I will quit trying to post the exact time, and will just link the interview if and when it happens.
The primal edge is into high meat now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7GsYVaR5EM
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 07, 2018, 02:13:12 pm
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeV-lC7-l6U Primal Edge gets into the high meat
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 07, 2018, 02:14:20 pm
New inquiry
I'm an independent producer working on a new project. I travel the country producing videos on real life people that are unique or do extraordinary things such as yourself. I'm fascinated with your story your diet. I've watched a few of your interviews and I'm interested in learning more about your diet and why it works for you. I'd love to feature you in one of my videos coming up.
My Youtube page has reached over 130k subscribers and this might be a good opportunity to collaborate. As you can see each one of my videos is done in a professional manner and I take great pride in my work.
If you'd have a moment to jump on the phone for a quick discussion I'd be happy to talk with you? I look forward talking with you.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: thehadezb on December 13, 2018, 04:40:40 am
Sabertooth please keep doing YouTube videos. You are full of knowledge regarding the ZC of raw paleo. I can see that you are full of knowledge and people who are starting on this path would be enriched by your experience. Keep with the hard work. Glad to learn from you.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Grey-Cup on December 14, 2018, 08:50:16 am
+1 Sabre you would be a youtube celeb, and in time make enough income to rely only on the videos alone!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 14, 2018, 11:48:07 pm
There is a lot to considered when putting oneself out into the public arena, and I had the thought of waiting a few more years to gain more experience and credibility before embarking upon a more expansive crusade. Yet the writing is on the wall and it would seem now is the time to bring the raw and carnal message into the forefront of the health discussion.
It comes down to timing and logistics.... currently I have a couple of large remodel projects, a pond to finish, and am planning on taking a road trip to a sunny beach through the new year holiday.
I am sure there must be a growing audience that would be interested in the type of content I could provide, and I do have an intention, at the very least, to do a new series showing start to finish, the harvesting and storing of a whole animal, along with detailed segments highlighting what to do with the various different parts individually.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Grey-Cup on December 15, 2018, 01:15:05 am
That is great news. You have a lot more credibility and knowledge than the majority of very popular folks messaging around carnivore and raw, etc. You will be a huge hit and educate many.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on December 15, 2018, 10:41:36 am
I shudder at the notion of SB becoming just a youtube celeb. I read a while back about youtube stars carrying out endless fake pranks or really dangerous stunts in a desperate attempt to make enough money to live entirely off youtube profits on a regular basis. The fact is that youtube rakes in most of the profits from ads/product-placements etc. Better for SB to stay grounded in the real world for the most part.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Dingeman on December 16, 2018, 12:17:22 am
I shudder at the notion of SB becoming just a youtube celeb. I read a while back about youtube stars carrying out endless fake pranks or really dangerous stunts in a desperate attempt to make enough money to live entirely off youtube profits on a regular basis. The fact is that youtube rakes in most of the profits from ads/product-placements etc. Better for SB to stay grounded in the real world for the most part.
He can choose not to monetize his channel. This means no advertisements which means no money for youtube (and SB). I say go for it, get with the times (although that is a dubious thing to say considering the nature of this forum).
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on December 16, 2018, 12:43:39 am
I was not suggesting that SB should not make money from youtube. Merely that I hope he has other streams of more reliable income as well. There has been a lot of dodgy scandals concerning desperate people trying to live off youtube alone, and it does not seem to end well, often.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: thehadezb on December 20, 2018, 09:27:47 am
I've seen that you are very pesimistic, TD. Consumers are of all types and likings. Let Saber and the market dictate what it's best. What I can say is that, at this point, Saber is a very influencial figure. I've seen a lot of articles on him translated in various languages. Also, he has brought the zero carb movement to one of the last ends of the spectrum. People interested on this path doesn't even go after eating steaks. Just saying.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on December 20, 2018, 12:19:22 pm
I hope SB succeeds. I just find online social media to be very treacherous, that's all.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on March 02, 2019, 12:57:36 am
https://www.youtube.com/user/barcroftmedia A producer from Barcroft Media(Based in the UK) has contacted me about featuring my story for their online series.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on March 02, 2019, 11:47:55 am
Hi Derek,
I am so happy that you called and it was great talking to you just now! By the way I realised you called into our office so if your phone bill is extortionately high let us know and we may be able to cover the cost of the phone call.
Just to recap what we talked about, the idea would be to film you and your family leading your day-to-day lives, observing you as a normal family. Would be great to understand the difficulties of your contrasting diets and interview your girlfriend about how you converted her from vegetarianism. Let me know if they are all willing to participate in the filming.
After that we would be shooting the whole process of you setting off in your truck from your home, interacting with the farmers and choosing the animal, bringing it home and butchering it. If you could find out for us if the couple running the farm are also willing participating in the documentary that would be amazing!
I will be reporting all this to my colleagues on Tuesday at our weekly editorial conference, so will definitely be in touch after that.
Looking forward to hearing back from you and working together!
Best Wishes,
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on March 21, 2019, 11:06:34 am
The filming of the Barcroft Documentary is being arranged for mid April.
So far we are organizing a visit out to a farm so that they can film me sourcing Animals directly, and butchering them myself(though Im not sure how much will be allowed into the final cut)
They would like to have a scene with me with my girlfreind and the children, perhaps going to a sushi restaurant. I have also suggested that they show me collecting spring water and hiking with my children.
Perhaps even a montage featuring many of the colorful things I do...Like construction work and pole dancing.
Im not exactly sure the depth I will be allowed to fully express myself, regarding all the specific benefits of a raw meat based diet, but the general tone of the other Barcroft documentaries seems overall positive and generally accepting of people who are different from the "norm"
Their Youtube channel has over 6,000,000 subscribers and many of their videos have over half a million views, so any exposure of the raw message to a diverse audience this large would do a lot to get the word out.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on April 21, 2019, 10:30:35 am
Interesting developments regarding the Barcroft Doc....Ive been in negotiation for weeks, attempting to set up a filming that included me going to a farm and sourcing my own Animal foods. The original plan was for a two day shoot which might of allowed me just enough time to properly showcase my way of life. Then I was informed that because of Youtube policy, any content which contains the butchering of animals or the consuming of Blood would be demonetized. So instead I will be doing a one day filming set that will exclude the farm to table aspect of my lifestyle.
Regardless of these limitations I believe the people involved will give me a fair opertunity, and the date has been set for the May the 11th.
From my various E-mail exchanges with my contact person, it seems more clear to me that there is a minority of Neo Intelligentsia rising from within the UK, who do not buy into the Vegetarian propaganda...they are extremely interested in the farm to table sustainable aspect, and generally seem in line with the ecology of sourcing ones own food. There is a sense of general frustration regarding the overlording ivory tower regulation and censorship that has swept over much of Europe. The intentions of many of these people in the UK are good, but they do not have any proactive examples to follow, and the structure of their society makes it very difficult for the agents of change to usurp.
Aside from this BarCroft segment, I am also having a "down low" discussion with someone in the UK about pitching my story to a more mainstream media outlet. The hope is that my down to earth and very moderate way of presenting this "extreme diet" would make a huge impression on large numbers of people, if only it was given a fair chance on the right platform.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Projectile Vomit on April 21, 2019, 06:55:33 pm
I hope this works out as well as you think it will. I am curious why the demonetization issue pushed them away from a 2 day shoot? Plenty of ways to monetize YouTube vids outside of YouTube. They do not pay very well anymore anyway; most of the advertising revenue generated by videos that are monetized goes to YouTube now. Patreon seems to accept content like what you are talking about without complaint. Sv3rige is on Patreon, and while he does not make tons of money he earns a significant amount each month.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on April 21, 2019, 09:31:58 pm
Barcroft operates on a shoestring budget, the cost of two days of filming was an issue from the beginning.... and since the higher ups said no farm scene allowed, they decided to streamline everything to one day.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on April 27, 2019, 03:28:32 am
Just finished speaking with my contact, filming is set for the 11th, and the Cameraman will be contacting me soon to go over the itinerary.
I found out that the same producer who is in contact with me is also looking into doing a Freelee the Banana Girl story....He had no idea of her back story of Riding Durian Roider into the vegan spotlight. The people involved with Barcroft seem for the most part, opposed to the kind of Hate filled extremist content produced by Freelee, so I felt obligated to give them fair warning about the woman.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on April 28, 2019, 05:55:35 am
There is some liberty in the creative process and I would like to hear some feedback on possible headline titles for the Episode. We need something that will catch attention, without risking being censored by the suggested video censorship bots.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: smokeyquartz on May 02, 2019, 09:49:47 am
1. Ancient Healing or Wild Ancient Healing 2. Thriving Sustenance 3. Thriving Wild 4. The Blood of Life
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on May 02, 2019, 11:55:17 am
Err, "The Raw Paleolithic Diet" or:- Man's Natural Diet or:-
The oldest human diet.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: norawnofun on May 04, 2019, 06:22:44 am
something more catchy could be:
- raw paleo diet - cure for all diseases/everything? - raw paleo diet - healing all disease? - raw paleo diet - mankinds original diet - the most effective/healing diet in the world/worldwide - raw paleo diet - how to feel alive again - raw paleo diet - no more meds?
words such as "diet" and "healing/cure" always catch attention.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: smokeyquartz on May 06, 2019, 06:36:24 am
I think the problem with using the word "paleo" in the show title is that people either 1) assume they already know what that is and don't need to watch the show or 2) are put off by the concept of the paleo diet.
Using different terms can give a fresh perspective and push past people's biases.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on June 19, 2019, 11:32:03 am
The Barcroft episode has been unleashed!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on June 19, 2019, 01:23:39 pm
That was a very respectful video, imo, and I am deeply impressed by the producers' integrity. Call me a philistine, but the only thing I would want to change would be your,er, somewhat incompatible, surname. While I regret that there was no scientific data, I know , from my own experience, that that sort of stuff never convinces most people. It really is better to just portray raw-meat-consumption as a perfectly normal type of behaviour within a family-setting, like in the video.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on June 19, 2019, 09:27:55 pm
You've made it! You now have an article on you in the Daily Mail! :-
Most other online newspapers force one to pay to read their articles, so the above article should provide far more of a visible online presence. Plus, like the previous video, the article is very balanced and does not try to bash the diet too much, even allowing some interesting points for DN to get across to the public.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Fat of the land on June 19, 2019, 10:32:41 pm
Thank you for the link Derek, you are a real inspiration to me!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on June 20, 2019, 09:45:04 am
Barcroft must have released the still shots and uncut interviews to the daily mail... This may have been the other deal they were telling me about....
I am filming something else for a new media startup from the Netherlands in July, so will continue to post any updates here..
Also planing on making an other appearance on the primal edge podcast sometime soon.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: TylerDurden on June 20, 2019, 11:47:01 am
Hmm, given that a number of long-term RVAFers have given up going RZC , I would suggest that you point out in future that RLC or RVLC is what most RVAFers do. Come to think of it, I seem to recall that you do actually eat a very small amount of raw plant foods, suich as herbs, but maybe I am wrong?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: a_real_man on June 21, 2019, 02:00:54 am
- What are the benefits of hanging the meat? - Is your refrigerator (where you hang the meat) cooling, or is it simply used as a container? - If it's on, what setting do you set it on? - Does the meat rot or is it dry and stable? If it rots, at what rate (e.g., same rate as out in the open/slower/very slowly)? - Does anyone complain about smells (assuming the meat is rotting)? - Do you have any advice on smart ways to butcher the animals? E.g., how not to lose the blood?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Projectile Vomit on June 21, 2019, 08:23:07 pm
Great video Derek! For folks who are interested, I had Derek on my Healing Culture Podcast a couple years back. You can watch on Youtube here: https://youtu.be/ETThxHqG3BA
You can also listen on my website (in my signature) and on most podcatchers.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on June 28, 2019, 06:32:46 am
- What are the benefits of hanging the meat? - Is your refrigerator (where you hang the meat) cooling, or is it simply used as a container? - If it's on, what setting do you set it on? - Does the meat rot or is it dry and stable? If it rots, at what rate (e.g., same rate as out in the open/slower/very slowly)? - Does anyone complain about smells (assuming the meat is rotting)? - Do you have any advice on smart ways to butcher the animals? E.g., how not to lose the blood?
Hanging the meat allows for maximum aeration I use a stand up freezer unit that is hooked up to a thermostat that I set on just above freezing. If the temperature is cold enough then there is very little rot and everything slowly ages Butchering sheep and goats isnt difficult, I will cut the jugular veins and hold the animal down while I collect the blood in a bowl. Having someone to help hold the animal may be necessary if it is too big and strong to manage alone.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on June 28, 2019, 06:34:53 am
Ive got local news interview coming up
I will be on the Primal Edge on the 2nd and there is a documentary from Amsterdam filming on the 3rd
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: thehadezb on June 29, 2019, 07:22:30 am
Saber, I have one question. Do you eat vegetables? Raw or cooked? Which ones? If so, what is the main reason you eat them?
You are everywhere, man. Keep it up!
I eat some vegetation occasionally, mostly coconut butter, and every now and then I will try small amounts of something randomly, such as some salad greens, burdock root, Brazil nuts...Not sure exactly about reasoning, its mainly out of curiosity and cravings which lead be to sample other foods from time to time.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on July 03, 2019, 08:39:56 am
I eat some vegetation occasionally, mostly coconut butter, and every now and then I will try small amounts of something randomly, such as some salad greens, burdock root, Brazil nuts...Not sure exactly about reasoning, its mainly out of curiosity and cravings which lead be to sample other foods from time to time.
Sabertooth, do you not consume any fruits or honey anymore?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on April 18, 2020, 02:03:38 pm
Speaking with a Russian Food Science TV show producer this next week. I think the show is a very legitimate prospect, and would have a much higher level of scientific integrity than many of the reality drama shows that are always inquiring me. The only drawback would be that its all in Russian.....
Here is a sample https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AN3VfpEhTJk&list=PLSgy-gJ-dkS-shxTHqWHzujWJBQgwqhf1&index=171
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on April 15, 2021, 07:06:18 am
Ive made the news again, but this time it was for my mission work to free humanity from the creeping Tyranny of the Covid 19 Plandemic. In the depths of my throwback soul, I was only doing what I thought was right to warn the people of my community. Those who know me here and know my heart, please pray that justice be done and that I get a fair chance to make my voice heard. We are all being bombarded by an ocean of lies, constantly threatened with both biological and psychological warfare under the false flag of a corona virus. It has driven me to do what I did, and my only regret is getting caught.
Im in for the fight of my life and am reaching out to the community for moral support and sage advice going forward.
Ive made the news again, but this time it was for my mission work to free humanity from the creeping Tyranny of the Covid 19 Plandemic. In the depths of my throwback soul, I was only doing what I thought was right to warn the people of my community. Those who know me here and know my heart, please pray that justice be done and that I get a fair chance to make my voice heard. We are all being bombarded by an ocean of lies, constantly threatened with both biological and psychological warfare under the false flag of a corona virus. It has driven me to do what I did, and my only regret is getting caught.
Im in for the fight of my life and am reaching out to the community for moral support and sage advice going forward.
Just claim "Peaceful Protest" like the ones who got away scott free whilst causing much more serious damage.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Dingeman on April 15, 2021, 03:20:17 pm
Why does it say in the article that you are charged for drug charges? or was that from years ago before you ate raw meat?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Projectile Vomit on April 15, 2021, 09:30:57 pm
Sorry Derek, but you will get no support from me. You are living in a world of fabrications and fantasies, and have convinced yourself it is all real. I hope you snap out of it before you hurt someone. I feel sad for your kids.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on April 15, 2021, 10:20:43 pm
Full confession, I have been growing and peddling pot for years for both medicinal and recreationally uses. I also grew and used Mushrooms therapeutically. There are countless members of my community that have relied upon me to deliver organic quality herbals at an affordable price. These people are all in good standing in my community and its a damn shame that we are treated like second class citizens while the denizens of Pharmacopeia are allowed to lord over us all with impunity.
Eric, I would advise you to wait for the facts of the case to come out before you spew your hatred here. This is my thread and I welcome opposing views but I will not tolerate you shaming me and insinuating I am not a good father, without knowing jack shit about the situation. In fact the detectives that hunted me for the last 8 months had enormous respect for me and the one police officer who drove me to jail told my 15 year old son that "Your father is not a bad person and he was just doing what he thought was right"
These detectives who followed my leads for months, know the corona crisis is total bullshit, and they were not even wearing mask when they invaded my home. They also know I am entirely non violent and have been a good father. The virus is being used to divide and control the population and within all walks of life there are those who believe and those who do not. So please don't come here and try to gaslight me on a subject that is so vast and controversial that there well never be a consensus.
Eric has made it clear time and time again upon these threads, that he does not approve of my worldview or condone my lifestyle. To each his own} Perhaps after all is said and done we can have a full and open debate on these subjects, but now isn't the right time. For the time being I ask others to respect me enough to not mention my children, or insinuate that I am somehow a threat to the safety of others.
I dont have time to fully debate the minute details, but I plan on taking my case to trial if needs be. I am a whistleblower who was only trying to warn the people of what is coming, and now that we are on the cusp of national decriminalization of marijuana, while increasing numbers of people are questioning the entire tyrannical lockdown fever, I can make a run at jury nullification and use my case to be the poster child for a greater freedom movement within the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
I will continue to post updates on my case and am willing to discuss some of the details with those who truly care for my fate. For those who understand me no explanation is needed and for those who dont, no explanation is possible.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Dingeman on April 16, 2021, 12:40:40 am
Weed and mushrooms? Really? They fry your brain.. I live in Amsterdam where it's part and parcel of every adolescent growing up to atleast try weed once. The ones that keep taking it all end up being paranoid and emotionally unavailable.. I really never thought you would be into that Derek.. I am extremely disappointed.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: kelpguy on April 17, 2021, 08:00:04 am
Weed and mushrooms? Really? They fry your brain.. I live in Amsterdam where it's part and parcel of every adolescent growing up to atleast try weed once. The ones that keep taking it all end up being paranoid and emotionally unavailable.. I really never thought you would be into that Derek.. I am extremely disappointed.
Im not interested in Generalized rebukes on the subject of marijuana and hallucinogens'.
I have traveled to Amsterdam, and spent 3 days at an Air B&B called Campsterdam, It was a wonderful experience and I used marijuana with people who came there from all over Europe. Yes there are a lot of burned out souls who have overdone it, but that does not mean it cant be used by responsible and healthy adults safely. In my homeland of Kentucky there is a huge Marijuana culture, and its a communal sacrament that brings together people from all cultures and races.
If you dig back into the threads I have in the past testified to the use of small amounts of marijuana. As for the hallucinogens, I will agree that they are not for everyone, and can be particularly troublesome for people with underdeveloped frontal lobes. To me these substances are a sacrament, and I don't recommend using them to others who are not comfortable with it. If you look into the paleo Pantheon of past Giants whose shoulders we stand upon, there were others who share my sentiments (Aajonus Vonderplanitz and the Bear Owsley for example!!!)
I never claimed to be a saint or with out flaws, to the contrary I know my own shortcoming in far greater detail than anyone.....because many humans are so judgmental and society so hateful, of those who they do not understand and the legal consequences so grave...I have hidden much of my true self....The truth and Bones of my life and real world experiences is far more wild than many of these keyboard warriors could ever imagine.
I don't ask for permission and I wont ask forgiveness, as the legend continues!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: owsleytest on April 17, 2021, 11:57:30 pm
If anyone is under the impression that entheogenic substances "fry your brain" it demonstrates the brainwashing they have experienced by our loving government and media. I have puddled myself more times than I care to recall with many milligrams of lsd and seem to be doing fine. I think those who are doubtful would find it helpful to read up on Owsley Stanely, Ken Kesey and the merry pranksters, the Grateful Dead/Acid Tests and the 1960s culture created by the love and connection these experiences provided.
These experiences can open the door to spiritual growth and allow for a deeper understanding of ones inner soul- resulting in non attachment from the mind and ego which can have a beautiful effect on an individuals perception of the world. It saddens me that people on this forum are so close minded considering the offbeat dietary practices we engage in.
Derek I hope all goes well for you and you have my total support. Sending plenty of peace, love and positive energy.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: norawnofun on April 28, 2021, 03:32:26 am
Hope all works out well for you and that your sentence won´t be too hard. You did a bit of a silly thing and I think your voice would be much more heard if you would pursuit your ideas on social media. I read many of the yt comments that you have on your channel at one point, and people really want you to make more videos and ask for guidance. Not only diet wise but also when it comes to ways of thinking. I think that´s the place where your experience and wisdom would be far more fruitful than tags on a wall somewhere in kentucky. The audience is far bigger and the impact much greater. To me your are one of the most experienced, if not most experienced person on a RPD to date, and I really value your advice in many aspects. Social media today is far more powerful than ever and will continue to be so. I would however not just upload on youtube, as these can be taken down any time, but also publish on other alternative sources like odysee.com, where the wrath of censorship has not reached ridiculous levels as on mainstream media. Just set some rules regarding privacy exposure, not filming kids, girlfriend and so forth. Putting up a patreon or something similar would also get you some income. I would also consider getting some cryptocurrencies as a long term investment, just a bit of money that you don´t care losing might give you enough one day to buy your own land, further away from rules and restrictions whilst being self-control. Look at bitcoin now, from $0.0008 for one to 60k. The cost of a gram of weed would have made you a millionaire today. It´s absolutely ridiculous. I very much regret not having bought some years ago, just for fun. Cryptos seem to be the future if you watch some of the 'conspiracy' movies, why not take that easy opportunity? Don´t get caught being stupid twice..
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on April 28, 2021, 07:43:35 am
Time will till if my actions were outright foolish, or a case of crazy like a fox. There is a methodology to the paranormal psychology. There are over 5000 lawsuits being brought by plaintiffs who are fighting against government overreach, and the courts will not give us a fair hearing. As a defendant I will have the opportunity to redress my grievances directly to a jury of my peers in an all out attempt for jury nullification. Then even if I am convicted by the kangaroo courts, I will release a trove hidden interviews and use the story of my persecution to garner support in the court of public opinion.
In the past I limited my social media exposure, due to a number of complications. Primarily running a underground Marijuana dispensary in a state with backward policies, and a need to lay low for the sake of my children. This Covid Flu d' etat forced me out of my complacency, and I decided to take action, consequences be damned, Justice be done may the heavens fall.
Once the legalities are settled, if I dont die in prison, I vow to be more public and will begin to release videos detailing all I have learned over years of personal experience.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on April 28, 2021, 04:49:05 pm
saber, I would not have chosen your methods, but I think I understand why you chose them. You would've had much bigger reach by simply speaking publicly about this insanity, and they would've had a harder time pinning something on you for it. However, that method would've exposed you instantly, whereas this was more covert. I feel that you got the worst of both worlds, because you likely didn't achieve much notice, at least not yet, but you still ended up exposed, and now they have something they can use against you while keeping up appearances that everything is done by the book.
All of that said, what's done is done, and now your focus should be on what's ahead. With the caveat that much of my experience is coming from a country where legal matters can go very slowly, I think would suggest a strategy of stalling wherever possible, as it could take years before the world wakes up to the biggest hoax in all of history. A jury of your peers may not be ready to listen and understand what's been done to them, and may simply repeat whatever the TV told them has happened over the last 15 months.
It's probably too late to negotiate a plea bargain now that you've confessed. I would however delete the posts here and anywhere else where you've added additional information they may not have, or may not have enough proof of. That just adds more ammunition they can pile up against you. I'm not entirely certain what the charges being brought against you imply, but it seems to me that they may not be so severe if they don't have you for anything else than the graffitis and possesion.
Your legal strategy may very well be your best option, but again I would not want the other side knowing what my strategy is going to be, if this can be avoided. Remember they can more or less choose who sits on that jury of your "peers".
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on April 30, 2021, 12:59:20 am
I was doing a quick search online because I was having doubts about whether evidence that is found in a search that is unrelated to the crime in question, can be admissible in court in order to charge the defendant with another crime that had nothing to do with the crime originally under investigation.
I came up with the following. I'm not sure if this will apply in your state, and in either case you should ask your attourney. But in case it helps:
Irrelevant Evidence is Generally Inadmissible
You and your lawyer might need to demonstrate to the court why a piece of evidence is irrelevant because the prosecution might feel differently about it. In addition to being material and legally obtained, admissible evidence is any evidence that is relevant to the case, meaning that is provides reasonable inferences about the case. When a piece of evidence is deemed to be irrelevant to a case, it may be thrown out.
As far as my intuition helps me to understand this, it means that if a piece of evidence is found during a legal search that is done looking for evidence for one crime, it cannot then be used to charge the defendant with another crime completely unrelated to the first one.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on July 08, 2021, 12:54:25 am
I reached out to Judy from "Nutrition with Judy" and might be able to set up an interview on her pod cast in the near future. She has some interesting guest from time to time, but I have noticed a number of misconceptions promulgated by many of these " Experts" and so I have offered to testify on behalf of the Raw Community!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: smokeyquartz on July 08, 2021, 01:14:09 am
Thanks. Will it also be hosted on any alternative media sites? I find YouTube's mission has become dedicated to censoring anything not mainstream/fully endorsed by Dr Fucci.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: jessica on November 25, 2021, 01:30:28 am
While I agree that marijuana and psilocybin can cause psychological and social issues, most of this is due to misuse including source, type of ingestion (smoking, processing, concentrating vs eating raw, topical vs internal etc), and also mentality around use (frequent, recreationally vs infrequent, respectfully, purposefully). Most of the lknowledge about how to use these plants and fungi for medicine has been forgotten, just as the knowledge about how to properly produce and ingest foods for optimal health. There are still some who have the disipline and intuition to acknowledge proper methods of use. I do believe that current research is also showing the benefits if psilocybin mushrooms however i do not believe their methods are illustrating the powerful potential of healing and enlightenment possible.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on November 25, 2021, 12:29:14 pm
There are still some who have the disipline and intuition to acknowledge proper methods of use. I do believe that current research is also showing the benefits if psilocybin mushrooms however i do not believe their methods are illustrating the powerful potential of healing and enlightenment possible.
Its been a while since Ive revisited this threat, thanks for stopping by to visit, its been a while since we conversed!
Yes indeed, I may be the last of a endangered breed. Key words like discipline and intuition do not translate into the world of authoritarian pharma-narco state. These organic substances are tools that be used for good or for ill....and just as I wouldn't trust certain people to operate heavy machinery or to consume alcohol, there are most certainty people who are not meant to delve into these hidden realms of the mind. With that said I am most concerned with the power of the State to be able to dictate to a population what states of minds are legal?? and what will get you dehumanized and thrown into a cage?
In my mind, the government mandated Drugging of the population through vaccination, while simultaneously denying responsible persons like my self the right to choose what goes into my body; is the absolute pinnacle of hypocrisy, corruption and tyranny. Witnessing first hand the rising Munchhausen by proxy police state...were the government labels everyone as being diseased vermin and then demands total authority over every aspect of our lives...was a little too much for me to passively witness; as I have done with past injustices without taking appropriate action.
Before I went total vigilante mode, I was neck deep in my own personal research using a raw meat based ketogenic diet in combination with micro-dosing. I agree Jessica that there is not likely to be the proper studies in the mainstream, to ever prove many my own theories but I will post my general thoughts hear and perhaps others can carry the douche after Im gone up the river. I am convinced that there is a synergy between the raw animal based keto diet and psychedelic's that is neuro-regenerative. I was attempting in my haphazard way to emulate our primal evolutionary conditions from which our hominid ancestors may have been able to double their brain size over a short evolutionary period using such a combination of high density nutrition and entheogenicly induced epigenesis.
I share a far out theory of many cutting edge researchers that Mushrooms can help the brain rewrite the neuropathways of the mind, allowing the personality and creative intelligence to continue to develop and grow years after mainstream science claims our behaviors become set in their ways. There is now clinical studies and personal accounts of micro dosing being used to get people off of these harmful prescription psychiatric drugs. For sure this form of renegade research would never be accepted within the ivory towers of establishmentarian science; though perhaps someday the right people will inquire more deeply into these matters from the raw keto nuanced perspective that I am proposing.
The nuances are multifaceted; for example; there are many people who are neurologically maladapted in various ways so that using psychedelic's without addressing the underlying imbalance may not be the right approach. People who are already lacking in their ability to replenish their reserves of neurotransmitters because of poor nutrition, or past drug abuse, may not be well enough to use mushrooms to effectively override the past traumatic programing patterns. The hardware and or software of many people just isnt capable of supporting the upload of altered consciousness.
I not one of those naïve fools who think that Mushrooms or Marijuana can magically reverse chronic mental problems in anyone without any risk...but I do contend that they can be used judiciously as part of a wholistic healing practice which incorporates many other modalities of health and healing. I come from a place of terrible suffering and for me personally when I was sick 15 years ago and trying to get well, on the couple occasions I tried mushrooms, it actually made me feel worse. Marijuana also didn't seem to help when I was at my worst. It was as if my body was so depleted and toxic that it couldn't make use of the experience in any constructive way, and so I would never recommend these things as a treatment for anything in and of themselves.
Only after going raw did I choose to revisit these things and to my surprise there was a totally different effect. Because I was in a better place both physically and mentally it seemed I was much better able to benefit from the experience. After which I seemed to be better able to let go and Transend the painful memories of my past trauma, while maintaining a polyanna optimism for the future. Again I have never advocated for willy nilly taking of these substances, and advise those who are hell bent on going down that path to proceed with caution. There must be credence paid to the whole life approach that utilizes the synergy of a raw animal based Keto diet with micro dosing, that also incorporates healthy amounts of meaningful work, family time, fresh air, nude sunbathing, plenty of sex into the mixture. Obviously there are too many variables to conduct a scientific study based upon my own life experiences. Its likely of these hypothesises could never be proven one way or another, given the hopelessly perverse scientific establishment completely is off the reservation, chasing after phantom strains of computer generated RNA demons.
Through the beginning phases of this plandemic I was micro dosing regularly. Taking no more than a gram a day of dried mushroom, and usually taking breaks. Three days on three days off, or else following instinctive stops. During the height of hysteria in early 2020 there was a strong notion, that if we were to be put on long term lockdowns at least I would have a good doomsday berserker stash for emergencies. So having a half pound of quality mushrooms and a sheet of acid seemed like a reasonable plan. Of course one of the effects of these things is that I completely lost fear of material worldly consequences or even death. I may of became a little overwhelmed by a messiah complex and inflated grandiosity which has always been latent with my being; this lead to some midnight creative activism expeditions, leading to the situation I now find myself in.
Wow its been a wild ride, and I have a feeling that the real fun is just beginning. Some of what I say here is in good humor, much of it is truly from the crazy heart, long worn upon the sleeve since landing here so many years ago. I try always to act in good faith and to write in Ernest but often regret not being able to better communicate many of the deeper visions insights and all too human experiences.
Rants over for now, will report back soon with update, anyone still out there feel free to ask questions here or through PM ;)
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 09, 2021, 11:27:07 pm
Finished a zoom interview with the casting director for the reboot of the TV show "My strange addiction"
I have stayed the course through all the turmoil, on my vow to get the word out about the power of raw, even if it is done through the crooked lenses of mainstream corporate media. In the past shows like this would turn me down at the last hour because network censors would realize my message goes against everything their corporate masters stand for.
The assistant assured me that the reboot of this show will be totally different, and they would not be expositive of try to cast what I do in a negative light. They claim to be interested in presenting me as I am....
They did not mention knowing about my current legal war against the covid state. I wont mention it and hope I make it through the process and am able to reach the upper editorial cabal of the TLC network.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on January 21, 2022, 09:53:07 pm
Ive heard nothing from TLC producers since my skype interview, and can only assume they discovered the raw power of my true nature and were frightened away.
Ive been contacted my Weston Rowe, the newly famous raw meat man, and we may be working on an interview in the near future. It may not get millions of views, but if it happens im sure people here may be able to appreciate what we have to say.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on February 18, 2022, 10:18:58 am
After a few delays I believe there will be a live stream on Instagram with Myself and Weston Saturday 12:00 est, let me know if anyone is interested in checking out the chat, and I will try to share the link when I get it.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on February 20, 2022, 01:38:26 pm
After a few delays I believe there will be a live stream on Instagram with Myself and Weston Saturday 12:00 est, let me know if anyone is interested in checking out the chat, and I will try to share the link when I get it.
I watched the interview today. I thought it was a great discussion and watched it all the way through. It may sound cliche, but I think it is especially powerful to have collaborations, even small, where seeking truth is the focus.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: jessica on February 23, 2022, 05:56:03 am
Is there a link to the interview?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on February 23, 2022, 10:11:46 am
Here is The Weston Rowe interview on youtube
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: jessica on March 03, 2022, 12:17:46 am
Thanks for posting the link, twice.. ;). What a great interview! Derek you really have a way with articulating your experience that is very intellectual, thorough and not egotistical. It is awesome to hear! The interviewer asked some decent questions, he is definitely more Californicated with his likes and other dialect which in comparison is humorous. I have only had time to listen to about half of it, looking forward to the rest.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on March 14, 2022, 12:56:10 pm
Wild Times and Stange days have found me....
The My Strange addiction casting call is going forward, and they want to green light the potential "hit piece". It has been approved for filming, lord have mercy. I had originally thought they may have found out about my domestic seditional radicalism escapades, but it looks like they are clueless about my legal predicament...bless their paparazzi hearts.
Im also communicating with Weston about doing a follow up later in the year and am brainstorming on a potential pilgrimage to meet with a videographer to document on video a candid expose on the life and times of "Yours truly' ahead of my Trial . Though in my heart I know I have not harmed anybody, and was only doing what I thought was right to warn the people of my community about what is coming; but due to the mass media induced psychosis of many people in the local jury pool I may lose this fight and will have to spend some time in prison, so I would like to be able to get a raw uncensored message out to the world before being caged and silenced by the state.
Before the Clarion to action drew me out of the safety of the Cave, I intended to lay low and live the obscure working man life until my children were grown, before the war got too bad. The writing is on the wall for those with eyes to see and there were many harbingers who have been warning of what is coming, though I admit from pre 2020, I didn't think it would get to this point of total fuckery until later in the decade (bravo, well done alien overlords) . The blitzkrieg is occurring world wide and what a whirlwind it is reaping. The watershed moment is here; many of our fellow captives are dumbfoundedly reenacting the Ghost Dance of false hope, while the world grows more inhuman and loveless every day.
These coming months may be the last free days I will experience before being taken away to the gulags; as dark as the prospects may seem, Hope springs eternal in the Beast of Man, and in the indominable spirit of the noble savage; its game on now! Are we Mice or are we Cave Men? Time to yell it on the mountain and shout it from the roof tops, stand up and make an uproar! I would rather die like a tiger than Live like a Pussy!
Cathartic hyperbolic rhetoric aside I'm going to continue to work, live and love to the fullest. Its uncanny, this feeling of resolution; an optimism persist even in the depths of chronic foreboding and the melee of daily trifles; the primrose path is being cleared and the stage is being set for something sublimely beautiful and disastrous; win or lose, drawl or fall, life must be lived, and experienced with eyes wide open!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on March 17, 2022, 09:42:25 am
They are going forward with production for TLC, contingent upon my background check. The producer said they were only making sure I wasn’t a violent offender; so still not exactly how it will pan out since bring charged but not yet convicted of non violent offenses (Que sera sera)
((((Hello Derek,
We are happy to be filming your story for our upcoming season of My Strange Addiction. As our Executive Producer Joel mentioned to you over the phone, we are required to do a standard background check before filming with you.
You should have received an email from our background check company, XG Consultants with a link to complete your application. Please be sure to complete the forms as soon as possible so we can clear and schedule you for filming.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you,)))
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on July 05, 2022, 12:25:19 am
Breaking radio silence to bring forth latest updates on the Saga that is my life.
Apparently, the background check must have been flagged for my strange addiction. The producers simply Ghosted me and have not responded in weeks. Such cowardice and lack of human decency is rife within the media cancel culture.
On the Legal front I've managed to retain a pro freedom attorney who is willing to fight by my side as I take my case to trial. He has managed to split my case into two separate trials so that the first trial will only deal with my posting public indictments to the walls of our corrupt establishment, which might possibly happen by November. While the prohibited sacraments will constitute an entirely different trial which can't be scheduled until sometime next year.
Since the first trial only pretrains to minor criminal mischief charges I will have a much better chance to use it as an opportunity to challenge the entire Status Quo regarding the covid Tyranny. I am not ashamed of what I had to do! After months of attempting to reach out to authorities and beg for a proper investigation; enduring criminal abuse and experiencing extreme duress at the hands of the very authorities entrusted with protecting the people; I had no other recourse other than to send out an SOS cry for help.
As a man in a unique position of understanding the insidious nature of the crimes being committed against the people, while also fully aware of the limitations of our outdated and corrupted systems of law and justice to protect the people from the technocratic superstructures which have hijacked our world; I was called to take action in defense of the health and liberty of the people of my community. I am an Honest man in good standing with my community, I have witnesses of good reputation that will testify to the self-evident view that the Covid 19 was an engineered false pretext to deprive the people of their constitutional liberty.
I will state here that I have every intention of winning and will never give up or give in; if something were to ever happen to me, let it be known that I am a man of Peace would never harm myself or others; and let my many years here be a testament to who I am and what I was attempting to accomplish!
On a brighter note I am planning on meeting up in person with Weston, and if all goes well we should have some content of interest that I will post here in the next couple of months.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: tonyvee on July 05, 2022, 01:41:10 am
Good to hear from you man, all the best with the upcoming trials.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on July 20, 2022, 11:51:07 pm
Weston filmed a good portion of his visit to my homestead and will be uploading clips over the following weeks.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: kelpguy on July 25, 2022, 06:59:26 pm
Weston filmed a good portion of his visit to my homestead and will be uploading clips over the following weeks.
hey derek and weston, good video, very informative, i enjoyed the finger licking parts <ha...>
i've been aging jerky sized strips of beef at 42 degrees in the bottom drawer of my refer with no problems. i've had a 3''diameter eye of round in the there for 3 weeks and i just put a small rib roast on the drying rack to test a thicker piece of meat.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on December 11, 2022, 09:37:22 am
Did the first trial start? Best of luck and I hope you can find a way to talk some sense into the NPCs.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 12, 2022, 05:13:38 am
Trial is set for March 20th 2023; our system of law and Justice is incredibly insufficiently funded and trials are still backed up from Covid lockdowns, so I have the luxury of time to prepare my battle strategy. I will continue to post any relevant updates here. As time passes it should become evermore apparent that our accusations of crimes against humanity are valid and these institutions attempting to charge and defame myself are guilty of aiding and abetting actual atrocities.
In other news I am planning another interview with Weston Rowe for December 19th anyone here is welcome to join the live chat and ask questions; I will post the info the day before. The producers of my strange addiction canceled me, but I managed to pass a recommendation for Weston and he will be featured in an episode coming out in January.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on December 13, 2022, 04:50:22 pm
Let me know if there's anything I can do, any evidence you want me to gather and send your way, or if you wanna talk about your legal strategy and get an amateur opinion from someone who doesn't trust the system.
You could also request help and advice from other organizations and individuals involved in similar battles. We could all forward your case to some of them, as well.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on December 14, 2022, 12:11:50 pm
I’m flying a solo mission as of now; I plan to keep under the radar until closer to the trial date. Our local courts are so swamped with cases, and the local authorities are inept and over their head; the prosecutor and district attorneys have no clue what they are up against.
The civil courts have been rigging our civil suits and not allowing for any serious investigation into the cartels running the Covid Operation. Anytime a lawsuit gets a hearing the fixers get sent and the crooked judges throw it out without justification.
As a defendant in criminal court I have the right to testify and will tell the truth about the crimes committed against the people. The duress of months of psychological, biological and economic warfare being waged against the people is justifiable reason for my actions. Just as George Washington was innocent of treason for going to war against the crown, I declare my innocence against the rule of the criminal cartels that have hijacked our republic!
I will begin to call out for public support closer to trial date and will be looking for high profile witnesses to testify; won’t be sure exactly if I will be permitted to present the case as I wish; but I will fight tooth and nail throughout the entire process with or without the court’s permission. I am connected to many awsome people who will be ready to fight by my side when the time comes.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on December 14, 2022, 07:14:31 pm
I am hopeful that everything could go as you plan. I'll try to keep tabs on this so I don't miss your help requests.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on February 25, 2023, 03:42:44 am
Had this talk with Bart a while back, https://youtu.be/fxL10Ubgn7g
Recently spoke with Joey Schwartz and will upload as soon as it’s ready
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: goodsamaritan on February 27, 2023, 05:36:06 pm
Beard suits you!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on February 28, 2023, 11:22:34 pm
Had this talk with Bart a while back, https://youtu.be/fxL10Ubgn7g
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: smokeyquartz on March 02, 2023, 01:40:27 am
Saber, how do you get the mold crust on your aged meat? I tried aging mine in my fridge and it just dried out and tasted like cardboard.
Also, just curious, do you still eat the maggot meat?
Sorry if you already answered in one of your videos.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: Fenrir on March 14, 2023, 12:36:45 am
Good luck to you in your upcoming battles saber, may the universe act in your favor.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on March 20, 2023, 07:52:15 am
Best of luck tomorrow.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on March 26, 2023, 11:06:48 pm
I couldn't find any public records of the trial. Has it started?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on March 27, 2023, 02:11:25 am
The trial has been rescheduled for June 19th; ironically and preeminently Juneteenth is the commemoration of the emancipation of the slaves.
The invisible chains of an insidious technocracy are being used to restrain the once free people of the world; as we are being placed upon a federal reservation; we are being treated like property of the pharmaceutical plantation, and if these presidents are allowed to go unchallenged the death of liberty will follow.
I will be preparing to take the stand and making a stand before the people of my community whose cry’s for just go unheard. Pleading upon my honor that my actions were justified in defense of the life and liberty of All; All the while decrying the criminal abuse being committed by the corporate and government entities engaged in biological, psychological, and economic warfare against humanity itself.
Part of my strategy involves keeping a low enough profile in the pre trial period so as not to draw attention from those engaged in rigging the legal proceedings. Many of the high profile cases fighting the tyranny are going nowhere because of the corruption of our legal system.
Because my case is so seemingly minor and insignificant; in a time where chaos has engulfed the governing zeitgeist; I feel I can take the state by surprise and plead my case directly to the jury, under the radar. The delays have actually helped and now that much of what I was warning the peoples of 3 years ago is being publicly acknowledged, I may have a better chance of being exonerated.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on March 29, 2023, 10:46:28 pm
I would would not go into this by underestimating the DA, he may not be as helpless as you think, and there's a decent likelihood that when this comes to trial, he'll be putting up a fight, and to the extent that he's allowed to by the judge, he'll be showing stuff about your public persona to the jury, including your posts here. And while there's some chance the jury might listen about the bug hoax and pharma takeover, there's almost no chance they'll listen to many of the other intricacies that make you a unique individual, and that, in the eye of the general public, make you at best a nutcase, and at worst someone dangerous. All the DA has to do is show the jury a few of those and their brain will completely shut off to anything you have to say or argue.
My suggestion would be to not open that door for the DA, my understanding is that he may not be allowed to bring in evidence about your personal life until you bring that up first.
Best of luck and I'm here if you wanna discuss anything regarding this.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on May 09, 2023, 08:48:14 am
Got to speak with Alex Jones; he said he will report on my case.
2:06:30 mark https://banned.video/watch?id=645598bc2e5f9c08148ffe31
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on May 16, 2023, 11:55:27 am
Latest talk with Weston https://www.youtube.com/live/rIR7vLWAY80?feature=share
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: kelpguy on May 23, 2023, 06:04:43 pm
thanks guys, nice vid!
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on June 16, 2023, 01:16:52 am
The state ended up dropping all 7 counts of criminal mischief related to my Covid lockdown protest. They didn’t want to risk me actually winning and exposing the crimes of the state in a court of law. We have been held hostage by cowards under the Covid era regime and the people in possession of power are like misled children blindly following orders.
By dropping the mischief charges they are attempting to deny me my day in court and my ability to present evidence of wrongdoing by the state.
The state is continuing with their persecution over the controlled substances seized from my home, and I intend to take this case to trial in November. Marijuana and Psychedelics have been used responsibly by humans since before recorded history, there is even a huge subculture of the primal diet world who still follow the tradition. This isn’t the hill I would choose to die over, but it’s the hill the state wishes to crucify me upon. So as a health freedom advocate I declare the state has no authority to dictate to the people what is or isn’t medicine, nor can the lord over an individual’s personal health choices.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on June 19, 2023, 07:41:26 am
What I'm not getting is, if they dropped the charges for the original reason for the raid, then how can evidence found in said raid be admissible?
I hope everything goes well tomorrow.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on July 07, 2023, 03:37:09 pm
Any news about the trial? I still can't find anything online.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on July 11, 2023, 10:05:59 am
The original charges of criminal mischief have been dismissed. The state is attempting to prevent me from testifying regarding the Covid Fraud. Instead they are attempting to prosecute me over my forbidden medical supply’s that were stolen from my home by armed enforcers of the pharmaceutical cartel.
The second trial date is set for November 27th. There is a total media blackout on my case, the powers that be will do everything to deny me the opportunity to publicly call out the crimes. But if they insist on this charade of a trial I will be ready.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 11, 2023, 07:40:24 pm
I salute your bravery to fight in-person against this genocidal New World Order mafia.
I myself just helped anonymously by helping a group get financed and in touch with a solid law firm that is high up there who can fight at the Supreme Court level.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on July 12, 2023, 10:19:58 pm
I still don't understand how the supplies are admissible. They have nothing to do with the reason they gave to get the judge to sign the search order, do they?
And they're not even charging you for the supposed crime that was the justification they used for the raid. Will your attourney file a motion to dismiss, or whatever the legal name for such proceeding is? And does he have to wait until the date of the trial for this?
I will repeat here what I already told you, nobody is preventing you from speaking out about this, unless and until they put you behind bars. You don't have to make an international case out of this if it's not necessary to get you to walk. That's a very risky move and I would even say it's probably contrary to your goals, if your goal is to shine a light on the bug hoax and not bring down the pharma establishment as a whole..
You seem to be trying to slay two dragons at once, all while fighting for your own safety and survival. I will again suggest you pick your fights wisely, and live to fight another day.
Best of luck either way, and let us know how this proceeds and if you need any help.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on December 27, 2023, 07:15:44 pm
What ever happened in st's trial? Did it continue? Were all charges dismissed?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on January 18, 2024, 07:17:34 am
I’m just playing the long game; living in a kafkaesque absurdity. Trial may happen later this year. Trying to keep a low profile, asi gather my legions and prepare to take the state by surprise.
My latest interview to prove I’m still among the living https://youtu.be/uLMOX6t-H3Y?si=bk2zUMYsdtw5vdKI
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: goodsamaritan on January 21, 2024, 10:32:38 pm
I’m just playing the long game; living in a kafkaesque absurdity. Trial may happen later this year. Trying to keep a low profile, asi gather my legions and prepare to take the state by surprise.
My latest interview to prove I’m still among the living https://youtu.be/uLMOX6t-H3Y?si=bk2zUMYsdtw5vdKI
Truly enjoyed your talk! You rock!
Wisdom nuggets galore. Loved the NWO / WEF awareness... take away people's meat... dumb em down, make em weak.
YouTube censored some parts you said, will look it up in Rumble.
Here is your uncensored interview on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v47dar3-ep-1-derek-nance-tribalism-cancel-culture-meat-censorship-medical-and-scien.html (YT did not like your talk about VACCINES around 32+ minute mark. You talked about the PLANDEMIC of the fake Spanish Flu. I had a great grand mother who told her grand children that they survived the Spanish Flu because they refused the vaccine.)
Interview got cut short because you were going on a DATE! Curious where you are at at male-female relationships philosophy by now?
We are all maturing MEN and fathers at the same time. Have you added kids since your first 4?
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: sabertooth on January 29, 2024, 02:10:26 am
I’m still raising the 4 children that are now teenager, my current war with the state has put on hold any thoughts of expanding the tribe; its still a possibility I may end up in prison depending on how things go; but I’m not going to back down without a fight.
Will be talking with Weston Rowe next week, he and his wife just had their first baby and they are planning on raising him naturally . I’d like our conversation to encourage others who are into this lifestyle to start families of their own.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: MarkR on September 16, 2024, 04:46:02 pm
2 months for our first baby to arrive. Also moved to a beautiful place in the South-Spanish mountains to grow our own food. Planning on making a big as possible family here. I just miss some kindred spirits, but we are looking in the area. It is very difficult, most people fall into the hippy/vega/spiritual/faux-natural category. They are rarely connected to nature, even though they think they are. Finding practical/hard working (when needed)/natural people that want to make big families is very difficult. But it makes sense when you see what kind of world we live in.
I haven't followed your entire fight with the authorities, but don't go to jail for silly authority games. Probably your family needs you present no? Don't play the game i would say, even though they make it very hard to not do it sometimes.
Title: Re: Vice article featuring Me
Post by: dariorpl on September 16, 2024, 05:49:14 pm
How did the saga progress? I hope you're free and well Derek.
Glad to hear that Mark. I'm sure you'll find some decent friends soon.