Title: Re: Yippeee!! Mini-Ice Age on the way!!!!
Post by: eveheart on January 19, 2014, 12:36:15 am
Thanks for another thought-provoking article, TD.
I remember reading about the mini-ice age in history books. I think that ice-core samples that geologists drill up show similar wide fluctuations of earthly conditions which occurred during the span of life on earth. On top of that, I remember growing up in the 1950s and 1960s, there was at once point speculation then that another ice age was going to descend on the temperate zones.
We learned then of the Gaia Theory or Hypothesis, in which "proposes that organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a self-regulating, complex system that contributes to maintaining the conditions for life on the planet." (quoted from Wikipedia)
Earth science is based on what they call "deep time." I keep this long perspective in mind when I am tempted to extrapolate a big picture from daily occurrences.
Title: Re: Yippeee!! Mini-Ice Age on the way!!!!
Post by: goodsamaritan on January 19, 2014, 12:59:11 am
Please tell all the other folks to stop the superstitious non-sense Global "warming".
Let's all agree on stopping man made pollution.
The entire human race at this point has no control over SOLAR OUTPUT or where our solar system travels on its merry way in the Galaxy.
Title: Re: Yippeee!! Mini-Ice Age on the way!!!!
Post by: sabertooth on January 19, 2014, 09:23:13 am
The systems are constantly in flux, and there are a number of factors involved in the causation of climatic changes, least of which is human carbon emission.
The solar cycles regularly cause shifts in global temperature, the gulf stream often moves north and works to bring temperatures down.
The carbon cycle which is an integral part of life on this planet , actually works to regulate the earths temperature. During periods of lower solar output, the earth cools, causing mass die offs of vegetation and algae, which release great amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere( epicly greater amounts than the emissions of Man) The higher CO2 levels work to elevate the temperature and bring the earths ecosystems back to balance.
Then when the sun heats up again Plant life explodes, and the great algae growths of the oceans return to draw out the CO2 from the atmosphere, and thus effectively regulates the greenhouse effect(all without the need for Al Gorian intervention.
The earth is a living system in which life works in balance and accord with the solar rhythms.
Title: Re: Yippeee!! Mini-Ice Age on the way!!!!
Post by: RogueFarmer on January 20, 2014, 02:54:33 am
I always seem to be in an absolute minority in the belief that global warming is real, but not caused by pollution but rather agriculture. History seems to show us this fact, that almost all if not all deserts are man made constructs. It's just simple physics that green grass reflects heat waves while dead grass and bare earth absorb it. When you spread this over continents and continents (two thirds of the surface of the earth is near barren dry land and the majority of humid farm land is tilled) not only do you have a physical warming but also a large absence in c02 absorbing plants.
I just don't understand why this goes over everyone's heads and even when I explain it in basic English no one believes me. Not global warming believers or non believers. However this is just plain simple logic for anyone to observe with a scant level of knowledge of natural science and physics.
Title: Re: Yippeee!! Mini-Ice Age on the way!!!!
Post by: nummi on January 20, 2014, 04:41:58 am
I always seem to be in an absolute minority in the belief that global warming is real, but not caused by pollution but rather agriculture. History seems to show us this fact, that almost all if not all deserts are man made constructs. It's just simple physics that green grass reflects heat waves while dead grass and bare earth absorb it. When you spread this over continents and continents (two thirds of the surface of the earth is near barren dry land and the majority of humid farm land is tilled) not only do you have a physical warming but also a large absence in c02 absorbing plants.
I just don't understand why this goes over everyone's heads and even when I explain it in basic English no one believes me. Not global warming believers or non believers. However this is just plain simple logic for anyone to observe with a scant level of knowledge of natural science and physics.
There're the earth's and the sun's and moon's natural cycles, there is pollution and there is agriculture, all in effect at once.
Almost all those biased with modern lies vomited by those so-called experts never will see things clearly, or at least sufficiently. Most problems humanity has and inflicts on our planet, our home, are the direct consequences of monetary system and the corruption it enables (and in turn what is the cause of this?). Wrong diet, and idiotic advice, since birth makes people insensitive and unperceptive, why else are so many sick and notice an issue with health when it's already as good as too late, while we here are far more perceptive and sensitive to changes within ourselves, and around ourselves. As they don't even see themselves, how could they ever see what is around them? They don't, can't, and most all never will, not by their own will.
Climate change is a natural phenomenon nowadays influenced, for the worse, by human activities. To look at matters on our planet and to think our overpopulation is ever rising (they say needs and demands rise with it as well but that's a wrong way to look at it - only the need for reduction of population rises)... world war three pops to mind - a population reduction to try and prevent the worst (it might already be too late for alternatives, as I don't see anything workable reflected in media nor anywhere really, and the time to start making changes truly is right now). It would take at least 2-3, perhaps 4, generations to change the mind of the people enough, assuming necessary means were available to meanwhile force the new rules and ways. Dead end is straight ahead at current course.
I've explained to my own parents, in basic, fundamental logic, the reality about diet. And they adamantly stick to their knowledge from the "experts", no matter how obvious their fault is. It's like they completely lack objective logic and reasoning and overall are incapable of thinking realistically. And if you explained the same to total strangers... who are you to them? They refer immediately to their "experts" knowledge which disallows true independent thought and says in big bold red - INSANE.
The best that can be done, without possessing means to force the right ways, is to try and change people one individual at a time, perhaps a few to several at once depending on own time and effort. But this method might be far too slow, yet the only available one to us.