Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Welcoming Committee => Topic started by: Elainie on February 10, 2009, 11:57:45 pm

Title: Hi there.......
Post by: Elainie on February 10, 2009, 11:57:45 pm
New to this forum.........been Primal, raw Paleo, raw vegan, raw vegetarian etc; recovering presently from raw vegan deficiency. I know some others on here so a big hello to all those I don't know!
Title: Re: Hi there.......
Post by: van on February 11, 2009, 01:25:31 am
  Elainie hi.  Glad to be the first to welcome you.  This is a great site.  I'm sure you'll love it.  A lot of inquiring minds here, and experience to drawn on.  Know well you can just jump right in.  And we're, I am, always interested in everyone's past that has brought us here.  Great day!
Title: Re: Hi there.......
Post by: TylerDurden on February 11, 2009, 01:51:25 am
Welcome to the forum!   
Title: Re: Hi there.......
Post by: Raw Kyle on February 11, 2009, 02:07:26 am
Welcome. In what order were you on those diets?
Title: Re: Hi there.......
Post by: Satya on February 11, 2009, 03:12:26 am
Hi Elainie.  What types of deficiencies did you develop?
Title: Re: Hi there.......
Post by: Elainie on February 11, 2009, 04:48:43 am
Okay what order........I grew up high raw vegetarian (my mom is 81 and has been a cross between an NH'er and Gerson diet her entire life- he mom healed herself of cancer through Gerson- that was back in the day when they used liver) went vegan macro at aged 12- explored raw veganism at aged 15 went back to macro until aged 23 when I ventured into eating wild meat (raw and very rare). I then went back to raw veganism- got fat (I blow up on it) tried a WAP diet (got really fat on that) and after the birth of my third child at aged 29 under the suggestion of Pat Connelly (PPNF) I bought a copy of AV's book We Want To Live and went primal. I lost a ton of weight (too much) consulted with AV from time to time- stayed primal for 4 years- I did have some problems with that diet.......I got pregnant again and went raw vegan and then raw paleo. I stayed paleo for a few years then I had a cancer scare  after the birth of my 5th child (breast- DCIS) so I went back to a raw vegan healing diet to which I stayed on for 3 years running out of energy every day until I could no longer function. I also did 80/10/10 which was probably the worst thing I've ever done to myself. I am recovering from that (it's been a bit over a year) and am presently on a raw Budwig plan with raw goat dairy although I crave raw fish. I went through a recent phase of eating raw fish and eggs. I like raw venison, really raw salmon roe (I used to that from an Alaskan fisherman), raw fish and eggs along with small amounts of greens, chives and berries. That would be my optimal diet- I am Scandinavian as well so it seems to suit me well. I have eaten high/fermented raw fish and reindeer meat in Norway and Sweden. I don't do well with sweet fruit at all.

I'm not really sure what I'm doing now because I became scared from my cancer bout. That's about it.

Title: Re: Hi there.......
Post by: Elainie on February 11, 2009, 04:57:59 am
I developed EFA deficiencies, protein, I had chronic fatigue, bruising, splitting peeling nails, memory loss, slurred speech, ear ringing, depression and suicidal thoughts for the first time in my life- I'm sure I left out something but that's all I can remember apart from not being able to digest anything. I do well with fermented/predigested food.Nuts and olive oil is a disaster for me as are fruits other than berries.
Title: Re: Hi there.......
Post by: goodsamaritan on February 11, 2009, 09:30:10 am
Hi Elainie,

Am always happy to see a raw omnivore mother.  I guess primal diet made you really fertile.  Good for you,

About the cancer scare, you might want to look at the non-diet factors:

- Dental Conditions: Amalgams, Root Canals, Cavitations, See a bio-dentist

- Pollutants: isopropyl alcohol, flouride, sls in shampoo and soap, make up, chemicals in your home.  Hulda Clark has a free ebook and her pollution avoidance and awareness teachings are very good

- Parasite cleansing: I know Aajonus is vehemently against parasite cleansing, but my research and experience shows parasites cut both ways.  Parasites in the correct location of our body do help us detoxify, but parasites in the wrong organs of our bodies as what hulda clark teaches when we are polluted, will cause diseases.

I hope you find what you are looking for in this forum.


Title: Re: Hi there.......
Post by: Elainie on February 11, 2009, 10:44:00 am
Hi GS,
Yes, I should have mentioned that I was a big cleanser as well (parasite) and had been doing that for many years. To address my cancer  I did go right to the root cause (mercury toxicity and dental cavitations) as well as any geopathic stress, I used Hamer medicine, many different modalities other than diet/cleansing.

I don't/have not used any toxic cleansers ever for household cleaning (I am 42 years old) except I grew up in a household where they used Ajax etc; wen I was deep into the throes of cleansing (several years ago) I would smell those cleansers I grew up with.

Regarding alcohol- yes, I don't use anything with solvents in it such as alcohol- I know what the risks are etc; I've also used very clean hair/skin products my entire life. My toxic exposure was from mercury. It also led to autoimmune hypothyroid to which I also addressed as that is an underlying pattern in certain cancers.

There are many excellent cancer books- I prefer the ones from Germany- I think the Germans are at the forefront in *alternative* cancer therapies.

My friend (a clinician who worked in German cancer clinic) has been telling me for the past several years to get my body back to where it's running on fats for energy.
Title: Re: Hi there.......
Post by: Raw Kyle on February 11, 2009, 10:49:47 am
You look great for 42! I have some Swedish background as well but haven't experience your health problems. Most raw paleos agree that fats should contribute the majority of energy nutrients. I would suggest a red meat and fat diet with seafood (since you said you like it and are drawn to it) and little in the way of plant foods.
Title: Re: Hi there.......
Post by: Elainie on February 11, 2009, 11:22:25 am
Thanks. I'm drawn to doing moderate protein, higher fat, low carb (berries). Not sure about butter (Primal) as I seem to have reactions to it (I would need to try raw goat butter since my system doesn't agree with cow dairy). I seem to thrive on local raw goat milk kefir I make myself (I bought into a small 5 herd goat share). I am also drawn to fish with AV style coconut cream (that was one of my favorites). Raw paleo is a bit rough for me in some respects.
Title: Re: Hi there.......
Post by: goodsamaritan on February 11, 2009, 11:28:01 am
There are many excellent cancer books- I prefer the ones from Germany- I think the Germans are at the forefront in *alternative* cancer therapies.

Awesome!  Which German cancer books you recommend?

Title: Re: Hi there.......
Post by: goodsamaritan on February 12, 2009, 01:33:51 am
It's 1:30am.
An idea popped in my mind and I just had to type this so I can get back to sleep.
After your fifth child, did you get a ligation / have your tubes tied?
Did you get into any kind of contraception?
Did you get into any maintenance drugs or shots?
Title: Re: Hi there.......
Post by: RawZi on July 21, 2009, 04:15:16 pm
    Hey Elainie :)  How are you doing?  I hope you have a great day!
Title: Re: Hi there.......
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 21, 2009, 10:50:16 pm
I went through a similar experience with the 80/10/10 diet.  It took me a couple of years to get over the panic attacks that that diet brought me, not to mention the tooth sensitivity problems.

Doug Graham belongs in jail.  :)
Title: Re: Hi there.......
Post by: PaleoPhil on July 25, 2009, 05:51:09 am
I developed EFA deficiencies, protein, I had chronic fatigue, bruising, splitting peeling nails, memory loss, slurred speech, ear ringing, depression and suicidal thoughts for the first time in my life- I'm sure I left out something but that's all I can remember apart from not being able to digest anything. I do well with fermented/predigested food.Nuts and olive oil is a disaster for me as are fruits other than berries.
Welcome Elainie, good to see you at this forum. What specific foods were you eating when you developed the above symptoms?