Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Other Raw-Animal-Food Diets (eg:- Primal Diet/Raw Version of Weston-Price Diet etc.) => Primal Diet => Topic started by: moringa82 on June 22, 2014, 03:45:38 am

Title: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: moringa82 on June 22, 2014, 03:45:38 am

what was AVs thought on how to cleanse the gunk, hardened fecal matter and other garbage from the entire small and large intestines?

also what is his recipe to heal dark-sunken circles under/around the eyes?

Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: van on June 22, 2014, 11:22:04 am
People promote this theory that the colon wall has hardened stuff, like a sewer pipe.  I propose that one goe on line and looks at videos of colon surgeries  and see what stuff you see attached to the wall of the color.    That's not to say there isn't stuff that will come out when cleansing, but more likely it's collected debris that comes from the lymph dumping and from inside the tissues of the colon itself.   
    From that perspective, I believe if one eats raw, and includes foods to promote healthy bacterial colonies, that the combination will  aide the body in what it will do naturally.    But then again, it's hard for the mind to not want to get in there and tinker away...
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: moringa82 on June 22, 2014, 03:53:23 pm
People promote this theory that the colon wall has hardened stuff, like a sewer pipe.  I propose that one goe on line and looks at videos of colon surgeries  and see what stuff you see attached to the wall of the color.    That's not to say there isn't stuff that will come out when cleansing, but more likely it's collected debris that comes from the lymph dumping and from inside the tissues of the colon itself.   
    From that perspective, I believe if one eats raw, and includes foods to promote healthy bacterial colonies, that the combination will  aide the body in what it will do naturally.    But then again, it's hard for the mind to not want to get in there and tinker away...

check out this: Dr Hiromi Shinya --Colon Cleanse Using Kangen Water (

and this: (http://and this: [url=][/url]
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: van on June 22, 2014, 11:45:22 pm
Thanks for posting this, for it shows exactly what I mean.  Yes, there can be stool retention, and associated muscos accumulation  with faulty diets, but there wasn't any hard caked on thick material shown that I saw.   All of the mentioned patients with any sort of accumulations had standard horrible diets, and would be expected to show something. 
    Kangen water is something you might want to explore.  I bought into that scram also.   Many professionals have exposed that product as even detrimental.   A clean diet as depicted by the video cleaned up all shown colons in the video.   If our colons were completely covered in hardened plaque, we'd die, for waste couldn't pass through the membranes.  But as mentioned before, it's the tissues of the colon that get clogged.   Look at an old persons nose who has a horrible diet.  It becomes swollen and inflamed.   The debris is in the tissues of the nose itself, and really not on the surface.  Debris has collected within the tissue structure.  All the face washing in the world won't clean out that debris. 
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: eveheart on June 23, 2014, 12:07:08 am
In WWTL, AV says that dark circles under the eyes is an indication of vitamin deficiencies. His recommended remedy is to eat unripe fruits, vegetable juices, nut formula, etc. He does use the word gradually when describing the vitamin-replenishing process.

Sinus congestion might also be a cause of dark circles under the eyes.

One of the beauties of eating RPD is that most effects of SAD are gradually repaired. After some time, nourishing, cleansing, and toxin reduction can correct much that is wrong. At that point, if there are still symptoms, they can be addressed.

P.S. I come from the colon-cleansing generation. We thrilled ourselves with photos of ropy poop and wiggling worms. We dosed ourselves with juices, insoluble fiber, and enzymes. In retrospect, the bulk of the ropy poop was the fiber. One can cleanse without all the bulk, in which case, one will not see a great volume of detritus (with or without worms).
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: goodsamaritan on June 23, 2014, 12:36:51 am
The very sick patients I helped with the use of castor oil and dr tam's miracle tea report foul black poop.  Did not hear a description of ropes.  There is no fiber in the 2 methods I suggest.

My driver on his 4th and 5th take of a colon cleanser says he expelled round black balls that stinked really bad.
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: raw-al on June 23, 2014, 12:42:53 am
Ayurveda suggests doing Pancha Karma at the end of the seasons to prevent accumulation of detritus in not just the G I Tract but also the entire body.

In PK you eat a specific diet for a 3 to 5 days prior to what we used to refer to as 'the holy sh*t' which is some combination (nowadays) of castor oil and or senna and or triphala ( a three fruit dried prepared medicinal).
The preparatory diet simply slows down digestion and softens, burns out and flushes the 'stuff' attached to the GIT.

This part of the process gets rid of the GIT crap and softens and lubricates it for the next process which is cleaning the whole body.

On the day of the flush you take a very hot bath. It is so hot that you have to keep a bowl of cold water next to the tub and put a towel of the cold water on your head to keep your brain from overheating causing fainting etc. Sit in there for twenty minutes and then get out and take the laxative/purgative mixture which of course results in the aforementioned HS.

Then you don't eat or drink anything except what is prescribed by the Vaidya/technician till a specified period of time has passed.

The emptying of the colon will proceed as per your body type and you count the # of evacuations and their volume and liquidity.

Based on what results you get, the next steps will be indicated in the instructions.

Eating prior to the end of the period specified will result in some serious discomfort.

It is very wise to slather on some Vaseline around you anal orifice to protect the delicate surface from being scored by the purgation process. Ie. you will have a very sore/raw asshole if you don't.

Next process is to go through the various processes to clean out your body via a number of traditional methods which are of course indicated by your body type. Use of herbs, massage, rest, quiet atmosphere, steam, enemas, etc all done in a systematic way that is done in groups of two days, ie 1, 3, 5 7, 9 etc days, basically as many as you want to have (pay for) which might be a function of your state of health or state of your pocketbook.

You come out the other end squeaky clean and very rested.

Doing a cleanse that is not apropos for your body type is a very bad idea. You can do minor to major damage, depending on what you do. Some of the colon cleanse clinics I read about make me cringe, even the ones run by Allopathic Doctors because they don't understand that different body types need different treatment.

However having said all of this, I agree with Eve and Van's assessment that the right approach is diet. Prevent the tiger before it shows up at your door.
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: moringa82 on June 23, 2014, 01:20:06 am
In WWTL, AV says that dark circles under the eyes is an indication of vitamin deficiencies. His recommended remedy is to eat unripe fruits, vegetable juices, nut formula, etc. He does use the word gradually when describing the vitamin-replenishing process.

Sinus congestion might also be a cause of dark circles under the eyes.

One of the beauties of eating RPD is that most effects of SAD are gradually repaired. After some time, nourishing, cleansing, and toxin reduction can correct much that is wrong. At that point, if there are still symptoms, they can be addressed.

P.S. I come from the colon-cleansing generation. We thrilled ourselves with photos of ropy poop and wiggling worms. We dosed ourselves with juices, insoluble fiber, and enzymes. In retrospect, the bulk of the ropy poop was the fiber. One can cleanse without all the bulk, in which case, one will not see a great volume of detritus (with or without worms).


Did AV have any recipe for sinus congestion?

Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: eveheart on June 23, 2014, 01:31:02 am
Did AV have any recipe for sinus congestion?

In WWTL, a search for "sinus" yields fourteen results, with various suggestions such as avoiding caffeine and chlorine, using steam baths, and fresh juices.

I don't have AV's recipe book, only WWTL. I bought the ebook version of WWTL. It was a reasonable price and searchable. If you like his suggestions, they are easy to reference in the ebook.
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: goodsamaritan on June 23, 2014, 01:40:45 am
For sinus congestion:

Cayenne tincture will get it out.
Quantumin Minerals Plus will get it out.
Netipot should do it too.
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: Joy2012 on July 12, 2014, 12:42:33 am
In WWTL, AV says that dark circles under the eyes is an indication of vitamin deficiencies. His recommended remedy is to eat unripe fruits, vegetable juices, nut formula, etc. He does use the word gradually when describing the vitamin-replenishing process.

Why unripe fruits? I thought ripe fruits have more vitamins? Did AV give any explanation? Thanks.
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: primalgirl on July 12, 2014, 04:42:44 am
When I got onto raw paleo ala Aajonus I cut out salt completely and voila the dark circles under my eyes vanished Yipee! no more concealer. Now, when I eat out and have salt added food my ankles swell and the dark under my eyes comes back although not as bad.
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: raw-al on July 12, 2014, 04:46:09 am
Now, when I eat out and have salt added food my ankles swell and the dark under my eyes comes back although not as bad.
That's why I dislike eating out intensely. You generally get a load of sugar/salt/garlic/onions and somebodys idea of a 'fun' food.
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: Joy2012 on July 12, 2014, 11:48:37 pm
Primalgirl, thanks for sharing. How long did it take for your dark circles to vanish after you cut out salt?  Did you cut out dairy too?

Raw-al,  I think garlics/onions are very healthful. (
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: raw-al on July 12, 2014, 11:58:41 pm
Garlic and onions are good for some people. For me they make me very ill. If I eat enough garlic I feel like millions of ants are crawling around under my skin.

Ayurveda says they are good for the body but bad for the mind, because they have a heating effect which can cause problems such as anger etc.
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: primalgirl on July 13, 2014, 01:33:59 am
Don't remember how long it took, months I think—2 or three maybe to get rid of the dark circles but that was when I was totally 100% raw paleo, now I'm more 80-90% so slight dark circles are back but nothing like before no salt, and raw paleo. Before raw and salt I had puffiness too.

As for dairy...I don't do well on dairy but Aajounus pushed it so much and told me it might take months to get used to it, but he was wrong and I could hear that phlegmy sound in the back of his throat from the dairy he used.

My symptoms from dairy ranged from; getting a lot of phlegm to, when drinking milk, after a few weeks I would fall asleep in the middle of the day or want to. So I've gone off and on for these 4 years. In the last year I got into (off and on) making yogurt, curds and whey, and cheese and thought that was OK but no...I would start to feel not that great and it would put me off meat. This last time I got the best freshest raw milk from the farmers market and it gave me the worst case of Lactose intolerance. I never had it before and when I researched it I found out that you can develop it. So now I have, in the refrigerator jars of whey, curds and whey/yogurt and cheese that I can't touch and nobody wants it!! LOL it's tempting but not really when I think of spending a day in bed with the worst case of so painful bloating, cramps and diarrhea. 

The day after I was back to wanting meat and that's so great and I feel so much better and I hope I learned my lesson.
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: Joy2012 on July 13, 2014, 01:45:28 am
Primalgirl, thanks. I need to come back to 100% raw paleo too. So dairy did not cause your dark circles/puffiness (around eyes?) to come back even though it caused other problems?

Al, I guess garlic/onion is good for me then. For I am cool as a cucumber and don't have an anger problem. ;)
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: primalgirl on July 13, 2014, 02:09:43 am
If only the whole world were raw paleo!!! for the first 6 months or so I was so totally there even if I went out we had to have raw something and guys would arrange to have kobi beef steak tartare (well, that happened one time!) specially prepared for me. One time at a Mexican place they had a prawn dish and I asked to have the prawns raw and they did it! The Crow's Nest at the Santa Cruz yacht harbor has seared Ahi that's pretty much raw so that's a go to place. At the beginning that was it for me for going out to dinner but seems like lately there's pot lucks a lot and I guess I could take my own food....and I used to take all the food for the day with me when I went out.

I guess there's the path and I get off it and then get back on. Good luck to both of us.
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: Joy2012 on July 13, 2014, 03:39:29 pm

This last time I got the best freshest raw milk from the farmers market and it gave me the worst case of Lactose intolerance. I never had it before and when I researched it I found out that you can develop it. So now I have, in the refrigerator jars of whey, curds and whey/yogurt and cheese that I can't touch and nobody wants it!! LOL it's tempting but not really when I think of spending a day in bed with the worst case of so painful bloating, cramps and diarrhea. 
I wish I were your neighbor. I would gladly receive your un-used dairy. Aged cheese has no lactose. Have you tried just eating aged grass-fed raw cheese? My husband cannot drink raw milk at all but he has no problem with aged grass-fed raw cheese from local small farms. He also does well with the commercial brand President Comte cheese, which is supposedly made from raw milk and has AOC status. I love raw cheese but I am not sure if cheese is injurious, as some people claim with confidence, or healthful, as some others claim with confidence. I am quite healthy and I really cannot tell the effect cheese has on me.
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: raw-al on July 14, 2014, 03:00:17 am
I love raw cheese but I am not sure if cheese is injurious, as some people claim with confidence, or healthful, as some others claim with confidence. I am quite healthy and I really cannot tell the effect cheese has on me.
It just depends on the person. Regular cheese gives me grief but we can eat raw cheese till the cows come home. Problem is we do not have a source for it anymore here on the Island.

AV is like most PPL who have great ideas, in that you have to sift through the ideas to get to the facts. He is wrong about everyone doing well on dairy. He said that cheese does not provide nutrition, but just helps to detox the body. Ayurveda also says that cheese does not provide nutrition as it is indigestible, unless maybe you are Italian and have adapted.
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: primalgirl on July 14, 2014, 06:29:17 am
I wish I were your neighbor. I would gladly receive your un-used dairy. Aged cheese has no lactose. Have you tried just eating aged grass-fed raw cheese? My husband cannot drink raw milk at all but he has no problem with aged grass-fed raw cheese from local small farms. He also does well with the commercial brand President Comte cheese, which is supposedly made from raw milk and has AOC status. I love raw cheese but I am not sure if cheese is injurious, as some people claim with confidence, or healthful, as some others claim with confidence. I am quite healthy and I really cannot tell the effect cheese has on me.

Wish you were my neighbor too, I would gladly give it to you!

So that's why I can eat aged cheese, thanks for the info. Now to make my cheese aged LOL

I used to get aged raw cheese from Organic Pastures, they had it without salt but stopped offering it, probably cause nobody liked it...sort of tasteless. But now that I'm used to no salt I would probably like it.
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: van on July 14, 2014, 06:46:51 am
My daughter wouldn't eat it either,  plus they grain their cattle.  Not really a fan of their processes. 
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: primalgirl on July 14, 2014, 06:49:45 am
My daughter wouldn't eat it either,  plus they grain their cattle.  Not really a fan of their processes.

Do you mean Organic Pastures?
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: van on July 14, 2014, 07:44:42 am
Yes, them.   I also don't believe they sell full fat milk, when they say it's whole,, that they may skim part of it off to sell as cream at a big profit.  But that's just my doubt.
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: Joy2012 on July 15, 2014, 12:56:08 am
It just depends on the person. Regular cheese gives me grief but we can eat raw cheese till the cows come home. Problem is we do not have a source for it anymore here on the Island.

AV is like most PPL who have great ideas, in that you have to sift through the ideas to get to the facts. He is wrong about everyone doing well on dairy. He said that cheese does not provide nutrition, but just helps to detox the body. Ayurveda also says that cheese does not provide nutrition as it is indigestible, unless maybe you are Italian and have adapted.

I read somewhere that raw cheese is very rich in probiotics.
Here is a website promoting grass-fed cheese. (

I get my raw grass-fed full-fat cheese from a local Texas farm (see the following website). They give me wholesale price and ship the cheese to me when I buy a whole wheel of cheese (about 15 pounds), which is cheaper than what I would spend if I buy their cheese at local retail stores. I am very satisfied with their cheese except that I have to soak the cheese in water for hours to get rid the salt. But all processed food (and all raw cheese) in American supermarkets is too salty for me.

If you are interested, give them a call.  They are friendly Christian people. (

Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: political atheist on July 15, 2014, 01:27:09 am
When I got onto raw paleo ala Aajonus I cut out salt completely and voila the dark circles under my eyes vanished Yipee! no more concealer. Now, when I eat out and have salt added food my ankles swell and the dark under my eyes comes back although not as bad.

I cut salt out months ago, my sunken dark(black/blue/purple) circles are same/worse.
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: Joy2012 on July 15, 2014, 08:44:39 am
I cut salt out months ago, my sunken dark(black/blue/purple) circles are same/worse.
Have you been 100% raw? Are you VLC?
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: political atheist on December 26, 2014, 04:36:48 am
what about sunken eyes and blue/purple under the eyes?
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: Robinlove on June 13, 2017, 01:49:44 pm
If only the whole world were raw paleo!!! for the first 6 months or so I was so totally there even if I went out we had to have raw something and guys would arrange to have kobi beef steak tartare (well, that happened one time!) specially prepared for me. One time at a Mexican place they had a prawn dish and I asked to have the prawns raw and they did it! The Crow's Nest at the Santa Cruz yacht harbor has seared Ahi that's pretty much raw so that's a go to place. At the beginning that was it for me for going out to dinner but seems like lately there's pot lucks a lot and I guess I could take my own food....and I used to take all the food for the day with me when I went out.

I guess there's the path and I get off it and then get back on. Good luck to both of us.
Are you still in the schedule area?! I' San Jose!!!!
Title: Re: colon cleans/ dark circles
Post by: surfsteve on June 14, 2017, 12:05:09 am
Interesting thread. My whole family has had dark circles under their eyes and up till about 10 or 15 years ago so did I. I'm not really sure what I did to get rid of them. It was long before I started eating raw food. Maybe it is somewhat hereditary but becomes worse with bad diet.