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Topics - killino

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Welcoming Committee / Hey all!!
« on: December 22, 2010, 11:27:58 pm »
My name is Robert and I want to introduce myself with a little background.

This is going to sound crazy but I was drawn to this diet bc of my dog. I rescued Keiko about 6 months ago and was researching the best diet for him. I kept reading about how raw meat was the best for him. Also noticed how everyone was so shocked about why I would do that to him... lol. I feed him mainly chicken and with the adding red meat every few weeks. Everyone talks about how white his teeth are, soft his coat is and just generally how healthy he is. Granted he is only a year old but I can see a difference in him in comparison to most dogs.

Then I started thinking... if people have so much misconception about dogs, maybe they do about humans. If he looks this great... why shouldn’t this go for humans to? I was always scared of underdone meat bc of all the possible KILLER salmonella out there. So, I started asking people if they or anyone they have ever known gotten salmonella poisoning and not one person has. Once that fear was gone it started making sense why raw meat would be good for me.

After Christmas I am going to start my new diet. Its perfect bc I get to indulge in my old favorites before I go cold turkey. One last FEAST :-) if you will.

I do have one question, is there a good newbie book or guide I can get? I would rather go mostly meat with some vegetables/fruit/nuts. I want to include the last three bc I noticed even my dog likes to eat vegs and grass... I am guessing to add some roughage and since I cant eat bones I would think the nuts would act like the bones for him... which is helping keep my teeth and jaws strong. I don’t need the book to go through the history BUT I dont mind if it does. I need more of what to eat and how much, how to prepare food and what food not to eat. 

I have an active lifestyle; I play sports 2-3 times a week, currently do p90x workouts and according my dr. I have the blood pressure of a 15 year old and very low cholesterol levels.

Thank you for any help you may give,

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